Chapter 211 Fighting
The confrontation of the two opposing mana powers of ice and fire triggered a violent mana explosion. Thousands of flames of various colors burst out from between the two closed giant palms, and the resulting mana impact covered a radius of hundreds of feet.

The crimson evil spirit pervading everywhere was swept away by the mana impact, but the green tree not far away remained motionless, as if the mana impact had no effect on it.

After the flames from the impact of mana dissipated, the two giant palms slowly separated, revealing a puddle of squashed flesh and blood inside.

The two opposite magic powers of ice and fire made the flesh and blood rot like mud, and showed two characteristics of carbonization and ice crystallization.

The four-armed monster monkey looked at the pool of flesh and blood, with doubts in its black and red eyes.

It's not surprising to kill this little thing, but the strange thing is that this puddle of flesh and blood looks strange!
Just as the four-armed monster monkey was thinking about it, it sensed a faint aura of mana flickering in the distance, and then disappeared.

It was hesitating whether to go up and take a look, but found that the flesh and blood in its hand had turned into specks of light and completely dissipated.

The four-armed demon monkey stared at the boss with its two small eyes, it has never encountered such a situation...

Gao Xian, who was a thousand steps away, had already steered the wheel of heaven and earth to go away quickly.

Just now he left a clone a thousand steps away, covered with the shadowless vestment, and he attracted the four-armed monster's consciousness, easily concealing the opponent's consciousness.

When Gao Xian found out that the situation was not good, he replaced with the clone, and let the clone block the fatal blow for him.

Gao Xian still has a clone, but he doesn't want to fight anymore.

The power of the four-armed monster monkey is far beyond his estimation, so don't take any risks.After all, it was a Tier [-] monster, so as long as his real body was touched by the opponent's giant palm of ice and fire, he would die.

There are two avatars that can be waved, and there is only one avatar left to estimate the risk.Who knows how capable the four-armed demon monkey is!

When Gao Xian came out from Zhakong Mountain, Yun Feiying was already waiting anxiously.

She couldn't see the situation in the depths of the Sunken Mountain, but she could sense the powerful mana fluctuations erupting from it.She was very afraid of something unexpected happening to Gao Xian!
Seeing Gao Xianfei coming out, Yun Feiying also heaved a sigh of relief, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, there is a tricky monster inside."

Gao Xian said: "This monster is very dangerous, and it must be disposed of for the sake of Nanluofang."

He said to Yun Feiying: "There is too much evil spirit down there, fellow Taoists can't help you. You go back to Nanluofang and wait for me. I estimate it will take two to thirty days before I can go back."

Yun Feiying hesitated to speak, she hesitated for a while but still did not persuade her, "Then you should be careful. I will wait for you in Nanluofang."

"I send you."

Gao Xian felt that it was better to send Yun Feiying back to Nanluofang, firstly to ensure the safety of the other party, and secondly to kill some monsters by the way.

Now that you're here, you have to do things neatly, the key is that it doesn't take much effort.

Gao Xian and Yun Feiying returned along the original path of Earth Sha Qi, and sure enough, they encountered several second-tier monsters along the way.

This time Gao Xian gave Yun Feiying a chance, after all, the second-order monsters are quite valuable, and he can't take them all by himself.

Under his care, Yun Feiying took a few Tier [-] Monster Beast crystal cores, and harvested some Monster Beast meat and skins, which was quite a harvest.

Yun Feiying naturally knew that Gao Xian was looking after him specially, so she naturally became a little more harmonious and close to Gao Xian.

Of course, Gao Xian also noticed this subtle change in the relationship, and this was exactly his purpose.

Gao Xian took care of Yun Feiying, not to pick on her, but to tell her not to talk nonsense.At least don't tell the truth.

Originally, he just had to complete the task, and he wasn't afraid of Yun Feiying making a small report.Now that there is the matter of the four-armed monster monkey, he hopes that Yun Feiying can help him keep it a secret, at least not to talk nonsense.

The thoughts in this are quite realistic, and Gao Xian also knows that he is an ordinary person, and he only thought of using others to get close...

After sending Yun Feiying to Nanluofang, Gao Xian returned to Zikong Mountain overnight.

It took more than a day to come and go, and the second clone re-condensed.

Gao Xian has two avatars to guarantee the bottom line, and he is also confident to find another fight with the four-armed monkey.

The four-armed monster monkey squatting on the big tree saw Gao Xian standing in front of him with a look of surprise on Shimao's face, but it suddenly became dazed, pointed at Gao Xian and yelled twice.

The monster monkey's voice was sharp and unpleasant, but also full of spirit, and the voice was constantly transmitted to the distance in the huge underground space.

Gao Xian couldn't understand what the monster monkey said, judging from the other person's expression, it should be something like cursing.

He smiled slightly at the four-armed monster monkey: "Brother Monkey, I'm here again, please advise."

Flame Bomb and Ice Archery were restrained too much, so Gao Xian used Zhengyang Spear first.

With the improvement of his spiritual consciousness, the power of the Zhengyang Spear increased a lot.

Tier [-] cultivators pay great attention to protecting their souls.Gao Xian has reached the second level, it is difficult to achieve the effect of soul attack spells, but he will first reveal his attack intention because of the fluctuation of consciousness.

Gao Xian would almost never use the Zhengyang spear first when fighting a second-tier cultivator, unless the Zhengyang spear can specifically restrain the opponent, such as demon cultivators, evil spirits, etc.

Although the four-armed monster monkey is a monster, its soul is condensed and powerful, and its mana is powerful and mighty, but it is fundamentally different from the magic cultivator who practices the secret arts of the magic sect.

Gao Xian started with the Zhengyang spear, just to test the strength of the four-armed monster monkey's soul.

Sure enough, the invisible golden red spear landed on the spirit of the four-armed monster monkey, and did not cause any real damage, but only aroused the four-armed monster monkey's fierceness.

The strange light flickered in the black and red pupils of the monstrous monkey, and it howled to activate the Hanyang Gangqi, which is the fusion of Xuanbing Gangqi and Lieyang Gangqi, and it is also its strongest natal supernatural power.

The monster monkey couldn't stand the repeated provocations of a weak thing, and it didn't have to.

The Hanyang Gang Qi is white and red, much like the rising sun.

The four-armed monster monkey wrapped in white and red spiritual light leaped onto Gao Xian's head, and it urged the cold-yang qi to condense into a stick about ten feet long in its hand, and smashed it towards Gao Xian's head.

The four-armed monster monkey leaps surprisingly fast, jumping over a hundred feet of space in an instant, and the cold yang qi in its hands condenses into a big stick, which is even more overbearing. When the stick hits head-on, the void seems to be blown apart. It roared like a tremor.

"The speed is five hundred feet per hour, and the gang qi condenses into a stick, which becomes stronger and stronger, and the power of gang qi has increased by more than three times!"

The moment the monkey leaped high, Gao Xian's powerful spiritual sense had already made various assessments of the monkey, and he realized that the monkey was not as fast as his full-strength burst, which is good news.

Of course, this speed may not be the monkey's limit.

Next, let's try how strong this monkey is!
Gao Xian can urge the universe wheel and the electric halo to retreat, but there is no need for this.

It is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the monster monkey in order to find an opportunity to deal with the opponent.Only high-intensity combat can really find the problem.

The three-strand Vajra Dharma image emerged from Gao Xian's sea of ​​knowledge, and a five-foot-long three-strand Vajra was also condensed in his hand at the same time.

Under the control of the Vajra Dharma, his consciousness, mana, and body are all gathered on the five-foot Vajra.

Gao Xian has all kinds of secret techniques in his hands. If you want to say that it is unparalleled in sharpness, it is the Qinglian Feihong Sword;

His powerful spiritual consciousness comparable to Jindan, and his powerful body that surpassed the peak of body training and foundation building, were all integrated on the Vajra Pestle at this moment.

Facing the thunderous Gang-Qi stick, Gao Xian slammed the five-foot vajra in his hand.

The anger in the eyes of the four-armed monster monkey became even more intense, and the little thing dared to fight him hard, courting death!

Its four arms hold the cold-yang gang-qi condensed long stick together, adding another three points of mana.

The Gang-Qi Long Stick and the Vajra Pestle banged together, making a huge roar that shook the heavens and the earth.The Gang-Qi stick was shocked by the unparalleled force, but the Vajra pestle was smashed to pieces on the spot.

Unparalleled mana was transmitted to Gao Xian's body, and pieces of flesh and blood exploded from his body like fireworks in full bloom.

The Gang-Qi long stick that paused for a moment continued to fall suddenly, smashing Gao Xian's body to pieces.

As far as the stick could reach, layers of mud were broken, leaving a huge mud pit seven to eight feet deep.

The splashed sludge flew more than a hundred feet high, and then fell like rain.

The four-armed monster monkey looked at the deep pit under its feet with a long stick of Hanyang Gangqi, and a hint of suspicion appeared in its black and red eyes.

This stick smashed the opponent into mud, but for some reason, it always felt that the opponent was not dead!
Just as the four-armed demon monkey expected, it saw that hateful little thing again the next day!

Gao Xian was more polite this time, he saluted from a distance: "Brother Monkey, please advise."

In yesterday's battle, Gao Xian tried out the gap between him and the monkey, and the difference in real strength was a bit much.

Even if he tried his best, he would only live a few tenths of a second longer under the monkey stick.

Facts have proved that even though the monkey is a monster, its power is indeed the third level, and there is no falsehood at all.

In terms of pure mana power, the monkey should be more powerful than Yun Taihao.

This battle also made Gao Xian realize that he has no chance to fight recklessly. He is far behind Jin Dan in terms of strength.

Gao Xian also respected this monkey a little more. As a monkey brother, he has no brains, but he can cultivate to such a level, which is really amazing.

When Houzi saw Gao Xian again, he showed mixed emotions, a little puzzled, a little angry, and a little hesitant.

The strength of such a small thing is not very good, but it is a bit difficult to deal with, which inevitably makes the monkey feel a little bit in his heart.

This time Gao Xian drew out the Qinglian Sword. After several tests, he knew that the only way to kill this monkey was with the Qinglian Feihong Sword, and there was no chance for other spells and instruments.

In close combat with monsters, the risk increases tenfold.

Gao Xian also had two avatars, so he dared to play close combat with the monkey.

Seeing Gao Xian draw his sword, the monkey didn't hesitate to summon the Hanyang Yang Qi to meet him, and smashed Gao Xian with his stick.

This time Gao Xian didn't take it forcefully, he drew his sword to activate the Wheel of Heaven and Kun, and circled against the shape of the monkey.

The advantage of the high speed of the Qiankun wheel was really brought into play, the platinum light wheel turned, and Gao Xian had already avoided the cold yang and qi and circled behind the monkey.

The monkey also reacted quickly, relying on the advantage of its four arms, it did not turn around, but the stick in its hand chased Gao Xian's figure and swept across.

Gao Xian steered the Qiankun wheel to shoot forward, narrowly avoiding the sweep of the Gang-Qi stick.

Before the monkey took back the long stick, Gao Xian had already circled around and came back again.

Such a fast and flexible escape method made the four-armed monkey a little helpless. It kept hitting with its stick, but it still couldn't touch Gao Xian.

The four-armed monster monkey wrestled with Gao Xian for a while, it couldn't bear this kind of unilateral pursuit but ineffective fighting, it frantically urged the Xuanbinggang Qi.

The fierce cold air instantly spread over a radius of hundreds of feet. Although Gao Xian was fast in driving the wheel of heaven and earth, he couldn't avoid such a large area of ​​Xuanbing Gang Qi, so his speed inevitably slowed down.

The monster monkey seized the opportunity to jump on Gao Xian's head with a vertical leap, and blasted Gao Xian into a pulp with a stick.

But it found something wrong immediately, there were faint fluctuations of consciousness and mana a thousand steps away.When it frantically chased after it, the rippling mana breath had disappeared without a trace.

On the third day, Gao Xian came to find the monster monkey on time.After some fighting, Gao Xian still couldn't dodge the Xuanbing Gang Qi, and was hammered to death by the monkey.

After more than [-] days, Gao Xian came to find the four-armed monster monkey every day.

As he became more familiar with the monkey, the tricks that the monkey used to use had no effect on him.

In the beginning, Gao Xian could last more than a dozen breaths. After a few days, Gao Xian could last a cup of tea, and after a few days, he could last a stick of incense...

After nearly a month of tossing, as long as Gao Xian doesn't take any risks, the four-armed monster has almost nothing to do with him.

The main reason is that the wheel of heaven and earth is too fast, and the trick of monkey jumping into the void is also very powerful. The problem is that there is a forward swing.

When Gao Xian saw that the monkey was about to leap into the void, he immediately changed direction, not giving the monkey a chance to catch him.

The strength of the spiritual consciousness of the two sides is similar, and Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is superb, and it is far better than the monkey.As long as he doesn't want to, he will never be caught by the monkey.

In order to test whether the monkey had tried his best, Gao Xian deliberately grabbed the green peach.

Sure enough, the monkey went crazy after being strongly stimulated, the cold yang qi split into two and turned into black popsicles and fierce yang sticks, and its body suddenly exploded in length by more than ten times.

In this state, the monkey's mana has greatly increased, and its speed has also become much faster.

Gao Xian didn't even hold on to the three moves before he was smashed to pieces with a stick.

Since then, Gao Xian stimulated the monkey several times in a row, and finally confirmed that the monkey has no other supernatural powers.

Every time the monkey transforms, it will consume a lot of blood.Gets very tired after a fight.

Seeing this scene, Gao Xian changed to fight twice a day to consume both clones.

This is more dangerous, but it greatly consumes the monkey's original essence and blood.

After more than ten days of tossing, the monkey's eyes became much duller, and even the hair on his body became dry and dull.

It can be seen that it cannot sustain such a huge consumption.

This day the four-armed monkey saw Gao Xian again, its eyes were already full of exhaustion, it just squatted quietly on the tree and looked at Gao Xian, and barked twice, with a sense of weakness in its voice.

Gao Xian didn't know what the four-armed monkey said, and he didn't care what it said.

If the four-armed monster monkey is really smart, it should leave the spirit object and walk away, and he can't stop the other party.

If the monkey insists on guarding the peach, don't blame him for being cruel.

Gao Xian drew his sword and pointed at the four-armed monster monkey, and the four-armed monster monkey jumped forward with a sharp roar.

The two sides entangled for a while, the four-armed monkey suddenly turned into a vertical leap, smashed down half of Gao Xian's body with a stick.

This is after Gao Xian fought many times, he was able to barely avoid the front of the stick, so he kept the small half of his body.

This is also the key to his plan!
At the same time, Gao Xian has transformed into a clone and directly hit the four-armed monster monkey from the front with his sword.

The four-armed monster monkey gritted its teeth and swung the ice and fire double sticks to bombard again. Gao Xian exploded into a cloud of blood mist under the blow of the two sticks.

The four-armed monster monkey who continuously performed the secret transformation technique couldn't hold on any longer, and its body shrank instantly as if deflated.

Based on its experience, the battle is over!

However, Gao Xian came to the position of the first broken clone by replacing the clone. After so many battles, Gao Xian used this secret replacement technique for the first time in front of the four-armed monster monkey.

The monster monkey was unaware of this until it sensed something wrong, Gao Xian had already completed the displacement and instantly blessed the electric halo, making the speed suddenly increase to six hundred feet per breath.

That is, a high speed of 900 meters per second, which is equivalent to the speed at which an anti-material sniper rifle bullet is ejected from the chamber.

The distance between the two sides was no more than forty steps, that is, a distance of 60 meters.In less than a tenth of a second, Gao Xian had passed the monster monkey with the Qinglian Feihong Sword.

The four-armed monster monkey gave birth and hurriedly activated the body of Hanyang Gangqi, and instantly the white and red strong light swept across a radius of tens of feet.

It had calculated Gao Xian's speed, and this blow could hit Gao Xian, but it didn't expect Gao Xian to trigger the shadowless robe to disappear instantly.

The Hanyang Gangqi destroyed the invisible state of the shadowless robe, allowing Gao Xian to return to reality, but it also allowed him to avoid the most powerful edge of the Hanyang Gangqi.

Gao Xian urged the sword intent of spring wind into rain, and the blue sword light transformed into Ruoyuewu, and at the same time, the ninth-grade green lotus light shone from his body, faintly echoing Ruoyuewu's sword light.

The two sides crossed each other in an instant, the four-armed monster monkey stood still, Gao Xian flew away with his sword, and he flew a hundred feet away before turning around gracefully.

Gao Xian looked at the four-armed monster monkey hundreds of feet away, and at the pieces of shattered ninth-grade green lotus light on his body, his face was pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The four-armed monkey on the opposite side grinned as if it was going to roar, but before it could scream, the ugly monkey's head had already rolled down from its neck...

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(End of this chapter)

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