Chapter 215 Broad
Ice and Fire Nine Heavens is originally a flirting spell. After a breakthrough, it was upgraded to the second level. Gao Xian added points to the master's perfect state, so that Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, Ice Archery, and Flame Bombs are closely combined into a whole.

The crystal nucleus contributed by the four-armed monster monkey has extremely strong ice and fire power and is skillfully fused together.

Gao Xian was deeply impressed by the change of the monster monkey's interlaced ice and fire, and he felt that the monster monkey's crystal core was suitable for him and suitable for the ice and fire nine heavens.

At this moment, he collided with the black and red crystal nucleus with his consciousness, which naturally aroused the pure ice and fire power in the crystal nucleus.

The remaining soul of the four-armed demon monkey contained in the crystal nucleus also erupted with the power of pure ice and fire.

The spirit of the four-armed monster monkey intertwined under the black and red mana into a giant ape figure, waving its four arms and roaring at Gao Xian at the level of spiritual consciousness.

Suddenly, the remnant spirit of the four-armed monster monkey appeared, with a natural rebelliousness and ferocity, directly charged into the sea of ​​knowledge of Gao Xian through the connection of spiritual consciousness.

For other foundation builders, the power of spiritual consciousness is far less than that of the four-armed monster monkey. This time, it is very likely that the remaining spirit of the four-armed monster monkey will be seriously injured, and may even die because of the shattering of the spirit and soul.

But Gao Xian didn't care, he was not afraid of the other party alive, the remaining ray of remnant soul used the power of the crystal nucleus to show its power, so there was no threat to him.

Gao Xian condensed a Zhengyang Spear, and stabbed at the roaring monster monkey.

The Zhengyang Spear wrapped in crimson aura pierced through the remnant soul of the four-armed monster monkey with one blow, leaving a large transparent hole in its chest, and there were little red flames burning around the wound.

The pierced four-armed monster monkey was like a burning paper painting, burning, rolling, and turning to ashes in the crimson flames.

When the remnant soul of the four-armed demon monkey dissipated, a trail of pure consciousness was left behind.

Gao Xian accepted this divine sense, and in a trance, Gao Xian seemed to have turned into a young monkey, swaying freely among the trees.

I don't know how long it took, the power inherited in the blood of this monkey naturally awakened, and since then it has possessed two opposite powerful magic powers to control ice and fire.

Monkeys grow stronger with age.Until, until it encountered a disgusting human race!

Gao Xian saw himself in the memory of the four-armed monster monkey. The eyes of the four-armed monster monkey seemed to be different from those of humans, and his image looked quite ferocious.

For the first time, Gao Xian saw himself from the perspective of another life. He saw himself driving the wheel of heaven and earth, coming and going like lightning.

Then, the monkey's memory came to an abrupt end with a faint sword light.

Gao Xian found it very interesting to see himself from the monkey's memory.Of course, what is more important is the memory of monkeys controlling power.

The monkey's ice-type magic power is deep and cold, almost invisible and colorless, or presents a dark black color. Its ice-type magic power is called Xuanbinggang Qi.

The fire-type mana it controls is as blazing as the sun, and it is called Lieyang Gangqi.

The Gang Qi blended with ice and fire is called Hanyang Gang Qi.

After understanding the fundamentals of the ice and fire two systems of mana mastered by the monkey, Gao Xian easily resonated with the black and red crystal nucleus in his hand.

The black and red crystal nucleus turned into two groups of flames of different colors and slowly merged into Gao Xian's hands, and the Ice and Fire Nine Heavenly Layer Secret Art spontaneously operated, guiding the two groups of different lights to merge into...

When Gao Xian opened his eyes again, the crystal nucleus in his hand had completely disappeared.His thoughts turned, and a cold light swam like a fish between his fingers.

On the other hand, a ball of positive red flame rapidly expanded ten times and a hundred times like a balloon, and then shrank into a small fiery red bullet in an instant.

Fiery red bullets emerged one after another, and finally 36 fiery red bullets piled up to form a tower.

The fiery red bullets merged one by one, and finally turned into an extremely red bullet.

Gao Xian's left hand wandered one by one, and finally 36 cold lights were put together to form a three-foot-long ice spear.

Under the control of his divine sense, the fused flame bombs and ice arrows became invisible.

The process is smooth and natural, just like everything should be.

Gao Xian knew that it was because he fused the crystal core of the four-armed monster monkey and pushed the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens to a higher level, and everything became different.

He opened the Fengyue Baojian, and the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire had become the Thirty-six Heavens of Ice and Fire.

So if it can be upgraded, it will become Ice and Fire 72 Heavens, [-] Heavens?
Binghuo 36 Chongtian, the name is very earthy, but it is a true portrayal of the changes of this spell.

In the original Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, Gao Xian could only activate the nine spells of the two systems of ice and fire, or one of the eighteen spells alone.

Upgraded to Binghuo 36 Chongtian, he can urge 36 spells in each of the two systems of ice and fire, or 72 spells alone.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change!

Adding one or two more spells will not substantially increase the power of the spell.

Nine spells were quadrupled into 36 spells, which fundamentally changed the spell hierarchy.

What's more, ice archery and flame bombs have also been upgraded with the blessing of crystal nuclei.

Ice Archery is upgraded to Black Frost Arrow, and Flame Bomb is upgraded to Lieyang Bullet.

The difference of one word allows the two low-level spells to break through their own limits and reach a higher level.

Ice and fire 36 heavy days: ice and fire have the same source, yin and yang are reversed, and the changes are endless. (18888/80000 skilled)

Fierce Yang Bullet: The fire is like the sun, melting gold and burning mountains. (999/10000 entry)

Xuanbingjian: Mysterious as night, as cold as ice. (999/10000 entry)

Gao Xian read the detailed data and was very grateful for the four-armed monster monkey.This monkey brother showed loyalty and helped him cross the bottleneck of the three spells in one fell swoop.

Among them, Binghuo 36 Chongtian has crossed the entry level and directly reached the proficiency level.

Judging from the human aura required for the upgrade of Ice Fire 36, it is at the same level as the thunder lightning method.

However, the Thunder Lightning Technique is a secret technique that comes with him, and the required human aura is at least halved.

Measured by this, the Lightning Lightning Method is one level higher than the Binghuo 36 Chongtian.

That's it, the Ice and Fire 36th Layer is as high as the sky, and it also greatly surpasses other secret arts of the sect.

Compared with the fierce and unparalleled Vajra Pestle, it is much worse.

Gao Xian Ice Fire 36 Zhongtian was very satisfied with this powerful spell.

The upgrade of Frost Archery to Mysterious Ice Arrow, and the upgrade of Flame Bomb to Lieyang Bullet, completely transformed the two low-level spells, and posed a huge threat to second-level practitioners.

When encountering Wang Chuan, Wang Yuanfeng and the like in the later stage of foundation establishment, Gao Xian estimated that it only takes two rounds of Lieyang bullets to throw them over, and they should be able to blast the opponent to death.

However, with his current mana, he can also fire the Ice Fire 36 Chongtian twice in a row.

Binghuo 36 is very exquisite, but the mana consumption of Lieyang Bullet and Xuanbingjian has doubled after upgrading.

As the power of spells increases, the consumption of mana will naturally increase. This is also the most basic rule of spells.

Gao Xian entered the Temple of Mind and did a test. Now he can fuse the power of 36 rounds of blazing sun bullets, or fuse 36 rounds of black ice arrows into a black ice gun. The power is very terrifying.

According to his estimation, there is a great threat to the third-order Jindan Daoist.

It's just that it's very, very difficult for such a spell to hit Jindan Daoist.Even monsters like the four-armed monster monkey can detect the abnormality of the spell in advance, so as to avoid it.

When the proficiency of several spells is improved, it may be possible to further speed up the release of spells, making it difficult for Jindan Daoist to dodge.

No matter what, with the Binghuo 36 Chongtian, Xuanbingjian and Lieyang Bullet, you don't need to bother to deal with the second-tier enemies.

Gao Xian didn't pay much attention to second-level practitioners until Li Feihuang appeared, making him realize that there are some geniuses in the world who are naturally suitable for cultivation.

Li Feihuang is mediocre, but she really has great potential.Just couldn't dig it out.

Another example is Yun Qiushui, who is obviously a foundation builder, but Gao Xian always feels that he is deeper and more unpredictable than Yun Taihao and other golden pills.

The Qingyun Dharma Association is a public competition, and the most taboo is to let others see your way.

With Lieyang Bullet and Xuanbingjian, even if they meet a few geniuses like Li Feihuang, they are unlikely to capsize.

In addition to his swordsmanship and the wheel of heaven and earth, the Lingxi sword does not need to be revealed, and he should be able to sweep the crowd and become the champion!
Gao Xian and Qiniang shared the good news that he had advanced to the second floor of the foundation building, but he didn't say anything about absorbing the third-order crystal nucleus, let alone the Ice and Fire 36th Heaven.

It's not that he doesn't trust Qiniang, and it's not because Qiniang wants to stay in Lianyunzong that he has a suspicion.

Regarding the secret technique of Fengyue Baojian, he will not tell anyone, this is his principle.

Qiniang was very happy with his promotion, and prepared some fancy celebrations for him that night.

Gao Xian was quite moved by this, and it was a great sacrifice for the dull Qiniang to do this.

He also understood that this was Qiniang's compensation for him.

In fact, Qiniang staying in Lianyunzong is indeed the best solution for the two of them.

Where Qingyun City is, it is said that there are dozens of Jindan real people.With such a huge sect, it is conceivable that there must be many factions and various forces are intertwined.

He was very familiar with Yun Qiushui, but he wasn't familiar enough to do business selling pills under Yun Qiushui's name.

Within any sect's influence, the pill business must be firmly held by all parties.

It doesn't matter if some high-end pills flow out, but the market for low-end pills must be closed.

However, Lu Jiao San and Tian Gui Dan need to be sold in large quantities, which is a very taboo thing.

Gao Xian is confident that he can gain a foothold in Qingyunzong, but it will take time.It may be three or five years, or it may be ten or eight years.

During this period of time, Qiniang helped him sell pills in Lianyunzong, which could not only gain the aura of humanity, but also make money.

He didn't take the initiative to tell Qiniang about it, because he didn't want to be so selfish and keep Qiniang for his own affairs.

Qiniang took the initiative to stay, but instead solved the biggest problem.Of course, this is also Qiniang's own consideration.

Nothing in March, nothing in April, nothing in May, nothing in June.

During the scorching heat of July, Gao Xian took the initiative to visit the suzerain Yun Taihao and bid farewell face to face.

Yun Taihao kept his promise and readily agreed to let Gao Xian go.He also said some words of encouragement, asking Gao Xian to try his best to compete for the first place.

The suzerain's support for Gao Xian was obviously only verbal.But he introduced a friend Tang Huairen of Wanbaolou to Gao Xian, so that Gao Xian could ask this person for help if he needed anything, and gave him a token.

After leaving the hall, Gao Xian also heaved a sigh of relief.Although Yun Taihao was stingy, at least he kept his promise and didn't play tricks, that's enough.

Gao Xian raised his head and looked towards the west, the sun was in full bloom in the sky, and the brilliant gold on Jinxia Peak stretched forward along the field of vision, connecting with the distant blue sky.

The blue sky is above, the mountains are below, and the space between the sky and the earth is incomparably vast...

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(End of this chapter)

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