Chapter 223

"Fellow Daoist Gao, it's all my fault. Give me a chance to make up for my mistakes."

Zhang Dongling bowed his hands with a sincere expression on his face.

Zhang Dongling knew that Steward Li could not be the master, and the key to this matter was Gao Xian.

As long as Gao Xian doesn't pursue it, Master Yun Qingxuan would not care about these little people at all.

Gao Xian looked down on Zhang Dongling very much, his character was despicable, and if he couldn't play it, he would turn his face and engage in conspiracy and tricks.

Don't look at Zhang Dongling's sincere repentance, this person really hates him in his heart.

He looked down on Zhang Dongling, but wanted to give Yun Qingxuan face.The other party came forward to help him solve the trouble, and he could no longer cause trouble for the other party.

Gao Xian knew that if he reported Yun Qiushui's name earlier, this trouble might be solved.But he didn't want to owe this favor.

This is a trivial matter, but Zhang Dongling and the others are getting bigger and bigger.

Gao Xian didn't want to have anything to do with Zhang Dongling, and he didn't want to take advantage of him, he waved his hand and said, "Master Qingxuan has come forward, this matter is over. You guys go."

Zhang Dongling could hear Gao Xian's impatience, he bowed his hands in silent salute, and led Zheng Ting and others to leave the Sword Discourse Arena quickly.

A group of Foundation Establishment cultivators walked very fast, a little panicked...

Gao Xian cupped his hands to thank Steward Li: "Thank you, Steward Li, if it weren't for your help, things would still be a little troublesome today."

"Mr. Gao is a great talent, but Zhang Dongling is not worth mentioning for his meagerness."

Li Ming is very good at talking, he doesn't take credit, let alone brag about his master, instead he keeps flattering Gao Xian.

Gao Xian knew that the other party was being polite, and he was very useful.

After some politeness, Li Ming bid farewell and left.

When Li Ming walked away, Zhou Ye said excitedly: "Realist Yun Qingxuan is the leader of Zebu, and he can be ranked in the top ten in the sect ranking. It is said that this real person will become Yuanying Zhenjun in the future, and has a bright future. ..."

Zhou Ye stayed in Qingyun City for three years and heard rumors of many great figures in the sect.

Among the golden elixirs of Qing Yunzong, the most famous one must be Yun Qingxuan who formed alchemy in his twenties.

Known as a peerless genius born once every 3000 years, the seed of the Nascent Soul, the hope of the sect for the next millennium.

Zhou Ye had heard many rumors about this real Yun Qingxuan.He naturally knows how important this person is.

Gao Xian didn't know much about Qing Yunzong's situation, so he asked casually: "What is the position of Chief Zebu?"

"In the Qingyun Sect, there are eight divisions that hold great power, namely Qiankun Zehuo and Fenglei Shuishan. Among the eight divisions, Zebu ranks third. As the leader of Zebu, Master Yun Qingxuan, it can be seen that his status is high and powerful... ..."

Zhou Ye said enviously: "It is said that Master Yun Qingxuan is cold and arrogant, and never makes friends with others. You are really lucky to be friends with Master Yun."

The old man really couldn't figure out what kind of charm Gao Xian had to be friends with Yun Qingxuan!

Master Xuanyue accepted Yuling as his apprentice, which made him very proud.I often go out and brag with people, and others are extremely envious when they hear it.

However, Master Xuanyue can't compare with Yun Qingxuan, the gap is very big.

When the old man looked at Gao Xian's handsome face and his tall and unrestrained figure, he inevitably had some other guesses.

This kid is destined for women!

The old man was in a bit of a complicated mood at this meeting, Gao Xian should have become his son-in-law without the real Xuanyue appearing.

As a result, Yuling and Gao Xian are now unlikely.But seeing Gao Xian hooking up with other women in a blink of an eye, he is still a Jindan real person!Where does this make sense...

Zhou Ye couldn't help but sighed, "With Daoist Yun taking care of you, you won't have any trouble in Qing Yunzong."

Gao Xian smiled and said nothing, but this can't be taken seriously.

No matter how powerful Yun Qingxuan is, he is not the master of Qingyun Sect after all.At her age, she can be in the position, so many people are jealous and hate her.

Overtly and secretly, I don't know how many people are counting on Yun Qingxuan. When I boarded Yun Qingxuan's boat, looking at the prestige, I don't know how many people have become enemies.

This group of people may not be able to do anything to Yun Qingxuan, but it won't take too much effort to deal with him!

Choosing a faction within a sect has always had advantages and disadvantages.Zhou Ye is not young, but he has no knowledge. He can only see the advantages but not the disadvantages.

Even if it is the suzerain of the Qingyun sect, if it is unable to adjust the interests of the faction, huge conflicts will inevitably arise.These contradictions may not be directly directed at Qing Yunzong's suzerain, but they will be reflected back to him in various ways.

However, these are still a little far away from him for the time being.There is no need to think too much.

Gao Xian took Wan Yingying and others back to the Chang'an Inn, and Wan Yingying chattered excitedly along the way.

After all, this incident happened because of her, and she was very afraid that it would implicate Gao Xian.Of course she was very happy to be able to solve it so smoothly.

Daniel is also very happy, but he is clumsy with words and cannot express his happiness in words.He will accompany Hanhan with a smirk.

The most calm was the little black cat, who fell asleep in Wan Yingying's arms halfway.

Back at Chang'an Inn, Gao Xian ordered a table of food and wine in the box of the inn, and treated Zhou Ye, Daniel, and Yingying to a big meal.

The wine is aged for a hundred years, and the dishes are made of all kinds of spirits and monsters. A table of wine and dishes costs 30 yuan of spirit stones.

According to the staff, this can only be regarded as a mid-range banquet in Qingyun City.

Wan Yingying and Daniu followed Gao Xian to eat good food, although they were fresh, they didn't care too much.

After Zhou Ye drank a few glasses of wine, his old face was flushed, his eyes were shining, and he seemed very excited.

"If it wasn't for your treat, I would never be able to afford such extravagant food and drink..."

Zhou Ye, who was a little drunk, held Gao Xian's hand as he spoke, and said with some guilt: "We dare not disobey Master Xuanyue's orders regarding Yuling, Gao Xian, don't blame us..."

The old man was a little emotional, and he was about to cry.

Gao Xian said a few words of comfort, telling the old man not to worry about it.He was indeed a little unhappy about this matter, but it wasn't because of Yuling's apprenticeship, but because of the old man's secretive behavior.

The old man drank a little too much and talked in a rambling manner. He hadn't finished his meal for more than an hour.

Gao Xian has an unusual relationship with the old man, so he can only listen to the old man's nagging patiently.

Suddenly there was a knock on the outer door, and the old man looked at Gao Xian nervously.

Gao Xian smiled: "It's okay." He gave Daniel a wink and signaled Daniel to open the door.

Daniel went to open the door, but found Zhang Dongling standing outside, his expression couldn't help but change.

Zhang Dongling nodded to Daniel and stepped into the room. He bowed deeply to Gao Xian and said, "Fellow Daoist Gao has a lot of people who don't care about me, but I have to be sensible."

As he said, he offered a stack of leather contracts with both hands, but Gao Xian didn't pick it up. He was a little puzzled and asked, "What do you mean, fellow Taoist?"

"The title deed of my house, and the household registrations of several principal households."

Seeing that Gao Xian did not intend to accept it, Zhang Dongling put the contracts on the table, took another two steps back and bowed deeply again.

"This is my wish, fellow daoist please accept it."

Zhou Ye's old eyes widened at the side. Zhang Dongling, a majestic foundation-builder monk, was so humble that he was greatly shocked.

He also had a more intuitive understanding of Yun Qingxuan's power.For Gao Xian who can hug Yun Qingxuan's thigh, it is inevitable that he is envious and jealous.

Gao Xian didn't pay much attention to these contracts.

There are 300 million cultivators in Qingyun City, and the sum of all foundation cultivators inside and outside the sect should be less than 1000.

No matter how you calculate it, the foundation-building monks are masters, and the main household registration is nothing to the foundation-building monks.

Of course, Zhang Dongling was able to solve the household registration problem of several people in such a short period of time, and it could be seen that he did have connections in Qing Yunzong.

He said calmly: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhang, I keep my word, and this matter is over."

Zhang Dongling clasped his fists and cupped his hands, "Fellow Daoist is magnanimous, Zhang is ashamed. If Zhang is useful in the future, fellow Daoist just speak..."

After saying a few beautiful words, Zhang Dongling left the box.

Zhou Ye was very happy, "With your talent, you will definitely be able to win the Qingyun Fa Conference..."

When the old man was happy, he drank a few more glasses, and finally was taken back to his room by Daniel to rest, but Wan Yingying went to Gao Xian's room. She said that she was a little afraid of bad guys, and followed Gao Xian for safety.

Gao Xian didn't care about her, the situation is really complicated now, it's better for Yingying to follow him.

He checked the deed. His name was written on the deed, as well as the transfer documents, etc., and he was required to sign it.

Daniu, Zhou Ye, and Yingying have all completed their main household registrations, and have officially become residents of Qingyun City since then.

Zhou Ye was so happy when he saw his main household registration.To the old man, this thing was of great value.

The transfer document stated that the price of the house was one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones.This price is really not an exaggeration.

After all, it is Qingyun City, the center of 36 sects.The Zhang family is located in Anshanfang, which is considered a very good location.Ninety percent of the price of one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones is at this position.

Gao Xian took out a storage bag, which was left by Shui Yurong.She was torn apart, but the storage bag on her body was kept intact, which is considered very lucky.

Shifang's storage bag contains more than 1 spirit stones, as well as some magic tools, magic symbols, and pills.

Adding the Cold Water Sword, these add up to be worth [-] spirit stones.

Within a few days of arriving in Qingyun City, his net worth doubled. Speaking of which, he must also thank Shui Yurong and Zhang Dongling for their hospitality.

The only troublesome [-] Black Tortoise Shield, I'm afraid the original owner won't let it go.

Fortunately, with Yun Qingxuan's thigh, even Jindan Daoist would never dare to mess around.

Yun Qingxuan is a nice person, but his temperament is too cold, and it is a bit troublesome to speak.When something like this happened, it was supposed to pay a visit to Yun Qingxuan and express my thanks in person.

Perhaps these are not worth mentioning to Yun Qingxuan, but to him they are not trivial matters.It is basic courtesy to thank you in person.

With Steward Li's carefulness, he will definitely come back and explain things clearly.It won't be too late to say goodbye to Yun Qingxuan at that time.

Gao Xian glanced at Wan Yingying who was sitting quietly and studying at the side. Wan Yingying had special aptitude and attracted others to covet her, so she should ask Yun Qingxuan to have a look.

The next morning, Steward Li really came.

Steward Li is still as humble as before, and hasn't changed in any way because he helped out yesterday.

After saluting respectfully, he said, "Mr. Gao, I wonder if you are free today. My master invites you to come and visit us..."

Gao Xian smiled: "I just want to see Master Yun. If Daoist is free, that would be great."

He said again: "I want to bring my sister to meet the real person. I don't know if it's convenient or not?"

Butler Li hesitated for a while and said, "The real person didn't say anything about it. But given the importance that the real person attaches to Mr. Gao, it should be fine."

To be honest, Butler Li was not sure about this.

Yun Qingxuan's temperament is notoriously cold, and he keeps a certain distance from everyone.Even if Yun Qiushui wanted to see her, he had to make an appointment in advance, and he might not be able to see her.

Steward Li has followed Yun Qingxuan for more than ten years, and this is the first time he has seen her be so enthusiastic about others.

Well, with Yun Qingxuan's personality, it's extremely rare to be able to use a famous assassin to help others get ahead.It is the first time to take the initiative to meet outsiders.

It can be seen how special Yun Qingxuan is to Gao Xian. Gao Xian brought his younger sister to visit together, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?
Butler Li made up his mind to take the people there first.Wait for him to ask for instructions, and wait for Wan Yingying to go in after getting permission.

The car has already been ready, the four horses light the car, and the canopy is like a cloud.

The interior of this carriage is blessed with space magic, and the interior of the carriage is as wide as a living room, with long couches, tables, chairs, incense burners and other furnishings, all of which are exquisite and elegant.

If Qiniang's Qing Luoyu is a luxury car, then Yun Qingxuan's car is a luxury private jet.

When the car is moving on the road, other vehicles and pedestrians will automatically avoid it far away.As long as you are not blind, you will know that this car is extraordinary, who dares to block the way.

After leaving Qingyun City, the speed of the car increased significantly.Four divine horses and white horses pulled the light cart up to Yujing Peak of Qingyun Mountain.

"The top of Yujing Peak is made of jade, with a transparent luster. It is as bright as a mirror under the sun, so it is named Yujing Peak. This peak is also the place where my master retreats. No one else is allowed to enter..."

Butler Li explained the origin of Yujing Peak to Gao Xian, as well as some taboos, and also vaguely reminded Gao Xian what he should pay attention to when he saw a real person.

Gao Xian naturally understood what the old housekeeper meant. He felt that Yun Qingxuan was probably a Virgo, and he pursued perfection in details.

Yun Qingxuan was very concerned about these seemingly trivial matters.

Entering the area of ​​Yujing Peak, Gao Xian obviously felt that the concentration of spiritual energy had increased by a level.

After entering the Jade Mirror Palace, the aura was already dense like mist, floating around gently.

The building of Yujing Palace is mainly made of wood and stone, with a simple and elegant style, and the blue jade stones laid on the ground are spotless.The mist everywhere makes it seem like a fairyland.

Gao Xian felt like he had placed dry ice all over the place, which had a very good stage effect...

The two followed Steward Li through the hall and hall, and came to a pavilion behind.

In front of the pavilion is a lake, the water is clear and clear, and the calm lake is like a huge mirror.

Yun Qingxuan was dressed in Tsing Yi, and she sat quietly in the pavilion, her brows and eyes were crystal clear and cold, and she naturally had a sense of transcendence.

Gao Xian clasped his fists and saluted: "Renren Yun, we meet again. It's always been nice."

Yun Qingxuan stood up and cupped his fists in return: "I have something to do in the past few days, so don't blame me for not being able to visit my fellow Taoist."

As she spoke, she glanced at Wan Yingying aside. Although Wan Yingying was very courageous, she unconsciously became nervous when facing Yun Qingxuan.

Wan Yingying imitated Gao Xian's appearance and saluted with fists: "Little girl pays homage to the real man."

Yun Qingxuan didn't speak, she saw a strange light shining in Wan Yingying's bright eyes, and her bright and cold jade face gradually became dignified...

Gao Xian couldn't help frowning, seeing Yun Qingxuan's expression, something seemed wrong!

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(End of this chapter)

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