Chapter 233 Fishing
A medium-sized Aoki airship pierced through the heavy clouds and continued to land downwards.

Standing on the deck and looking down, Gao Xian saw that the mountains were twisted in spirals, and there were ring-shaped upward lines on the surface of the mountains, in the shape of a shell.

Well, it kind of looks like ice cream.

Thousands of mountain peaks are shaped like this, like thousands of huge green snail shells.Seen from the air, it is a spectacle.

Yun Qiushui, who was dressed like a cloud in white, said from the side: "Brother Gao, the peaks here are shaped like this because the underground yin wind rushes upwards, collides with yang qi and turns into an invisible whirlwind, so the mountains are distorted by the yin-yang qi wind. Into a shell shape.

"The plants and trees in the Biluo Mountains are full of yin energy, which is highly poisonous to ordinary life. Therefore, the place is full of miasma and poisonous insects. There are no human beings for hundreds of thousands of miles..."

Gao Xian nodded and said, "The vastness of the heaven and the earth, and the wonder of good fortune, are astonishing."

Yun Qiushui smiled and said: "The surface is fine, the wind and the yang energy are intertwined, although the breath changes violently, we monks should be careful. The underground is pierced by the invisible wind, which will strongly interfere with the consciousness.

"Even if you are a Jindan real person, your spiritual consciousness will be limited to two hundred steps. All kinds of magic tools and magic symbols will be greatly restricted. If you are stuck inside, you can't escape even if you want to, and it is even more difficult to send messages to the outside, but Great place to kill..."

He looked at Gao Xian: "Brother Gao, be more careful!"

Gao Xian smiled: "I stole a pill when I was young, and my master whipped me ten times, and I peed my pants.

"Since then, I have understood a truth, no matter what you want, you have to pay the price. So, before I reach out, I always think about whether I can afford the price."

"Haha, with Brother Gao's enlightenment, the great way can be achieved." Yun Qiushui laughed and praised.

The Aoki airship entered the sky above Biluo Mountain, and the chaotic airflow with mixed wind and yang energy brought the Aoki airship to shake continuously.

Many qi practitioners on the deck couldn't help shaking with the ship, and they all had ugly faces.

The rickety green wood airship seemed to crash at any moment, and finally landed on a flat ground on the top of the mountain.

The gigantic hull smashed into an unknown amount of gravel, sending up dust and sand all over the sky.

Many qi practitioners breathed a sigh of relief seeing the smooth landing.

This time Yin Lihua also came out, Yun Qiushui said to Yin Lihua: "Fellow Daoist and brother Gao will go together. The two will each share [-]% of the income, and the remaining [-]% will be handed over to the sect."

Biluo Mountain is only a few thousand miles away from Qingyun City, and every plant and tree here belongs to Qingyun Sect.

Not to mention precious spiritual objects such as Yinma Ginseng, outsiders are not qualified to touch them.

Yun Qiushui gave Yin Lihua and Gao Xian [-]% each, which was already his maximum authority.

After all, it belongs to the sect, so even though he has a high status, he can't give it away randomly.

Yin Lihua nodded slightly, expressing that she had no objection.

Gao Xian knew that it was Yun Qiushui who took care of them, he cupped his hands, "Thank you brother Yun for taking care of them."

If you want to catch yin horse ginseng, you need a special spirit bag.The cultivators present each had one, and Gao Xian and Yin Lihua also took one.

When they were ready, Gao Xian and Yin Lihua set off first to enter the underground cave.

This place is quite similar to Lianyun Zong Fenghuo Cave, they are all connected vertically and horizontally, but they don't have the scorching fire atmosphere of Fenghuo Cave.

The wind in the Yinfeng Cave is cold, and occasionally there will be a low whistling like a ghost crying from the tiny cracks in the rock wall.

Gao Xian urged a golden light talisman, and a layer of golden light enveloped the whole body, blocking out all the cold wind and cold air.

The magic robe on him can easily resist the evil wind, but the activation of the magic robe will eventually consume his own mana.

According to the plan, they will stay in the windy environment for 20 days.Such a long time, of course, to minimize consumption.

There are no downsides to using Talismans other than being a bit expensive.

Yin Lihua didn't use the magic talisman, and there was a layer of gloomy light flowing on her black robe, actually breathing in the aura of the dark wind here.

Gao Xian was a little envious, Yin Lihua was born with a ghostly spirit body, and she was like a duck to water in the windy environment.

For her, the cold aura in the cloudy wind should be very suitable for cultivation.However, it is not a good thing to absorb too much of this cold aura.

Otherwise, wouldn't Yin Lihua's cultivation have skyrocketed if she stayed in this environment all year round.

Yin Lihua didn't look at Gao Xian either, she led the way and went down without hesitation.

After walking like this for more than half an hour, the two encountered a black snake about ten feet long.

The black snake was lurking in the darkness and was about to sneak attack, when Yin Lihua flicked casually, a beam of light like a sword easily cut off the black snake's head.

"Xuan Ming refers to the sword." Gao Xian knew this spell, a low-level second-rank spell, and Yin Lihua seemed to be able to cast it with ease, and its power was also very astonishing.

It can be seen that Yin Lihua has extremely high attainments in this art.

After walking like this for a long time, Yin Lihua killed many low-level monsters, and Gao Xian followed behind without even a chance to do it.

"just in front!"

Yin Lihua said suddenly: "You guard this side, I'll catch it."

Gao Xian adjusted the flower-appreciating mirror, and saw the pony-shaped thing about a foot tall through several layers of rock walls.

The wind in the Yinfeng Tunnel is very strong, and it also greatly interferes with the Spiritual Mirror of Appreciating Flowers.

In Candlelight mode, Gao Xian can see through the dark wind, which gives him a great advantage.

After all, the spiritual consciousness here will be strongly disturbed by the wind, so he can observe the environment more intuitively and keenly through the mirror of appreciating flowers.

Yin Lihua was able to detect the Yin horse ginseng, apparently not by her eyes, but by her ghost body's keen sense of Yin energy.

Gao Xian followed behind without haste, and when he turned the corner, he saw Yin Lihua pushing out a large black silk net to face Yin Mashen.

The foot-long pony reacted very quickly. After sensing the danger, it did not hesitate to probe down, wanting to escape directly into the ground.

Yin Lihua stretched out her hand and pointed, and a faint light flashed across the ground in a radius of several feet.

The pony bumped its head against Youguang, and immediately hit the horse and turned its hooves limp.Without waiting for Xiao Ma to toss again, the big net has already covered Xiao Ma.

Yin Lihua took out the special black spirit bag and put Yinma ginseng into it.

With the abilities of a foundation-building monk, as long as he can find Yinmashen, there is almost no possibility of missing it.

A large number of qi practitioners from the Qingyun Sect came over, mainly because Yinma Ginseng was too difficult to find.The Yin wind here has a strong interference with the spiritual consciousness, and it can only be found by a large number of people.

Yin Lihua, who was born with a ghost body, does have a huge advantage in this regard.

Yin Lihua put away the Yin horse ginseng, she didn't even look at Gao Xian and walked forward.

Gao Xian didn't care, this woman was very beautiful, but she was extremely cold and boring.Compared with Yin Lihua, Qiniang is a social expert.

He doesn't expect women to talk to him either, it's good for everyone to do things quietly like this.

His only worry now is that the wind here is too strong, and he doesn't know whether the plan can be implemented smoothly.

In fact, he doesn't like fishing, and fishing with a straight hook is a bit too much.However, if the other party still bites the hook in this situation, either he has intellectual problems, or he thinks too highly of himself and doesn't take him seriously.

No matter which one it is, the other party asked for it, but he can't be blamed.

Yin Lihua continued to work without saying a word, and as she went deeper into the ground, the wind became more and more intense.

The golden light talisman that could last for two or three hours was consumed in less than half an hour.

A second-tier low-grade golden light talisman costs one hundred spirit stones.

Although Gao Xian is rich and powerful, this meeting is a little bit unbearable.He had to switch to Shadowless Vestments.

Grandmaster Perfect's shadowless robe has very strong protection in all aspects.In this environment, it is enough to block the wind for an hour.

With his magic power, he can easily urge it non-stop at twelve hours a day.

Yin Lihua noticed Gao Xian's shadowless robe, she couldn't recognize what kind of spell it was, and she was quite curious about this watery coat.

What surprised her even more was that this spell had super protective power, and it could last an hour in the dark wind without collapsing.

The qi practitioners of the Qingyun Sect have cloaks specially designed to protect against the wind, but it is impossible to penetrate to this depth.

She was able to hold on because her spirit body was compatible, and she could easily absorb the spiritual energy in the dark wind through practicing the magic formula and wearing a magic robe.

Gao Xian was able to handle tasks with ease, which shows how profound this man's spells are!
In the Yinfeng Tunnel environment, she might not be Gao Xian's opponent.She also became more wary of Gao Xian.

As it goes deeper underground, there are more and more Yin horse ginseng.However, these deep yin horse ginseng are very sensitive, and it is difficult for Yin Lihua to catch it three or five times.

Gao Xian couldn't see it, he cooperated with him, and through the mirror of appreciating flowers, he could always predict the escape direction of Yin Mashen in advance.

He cooperates with Yin Lihua and can always catch Yin Mashen.

The two cooperated twice, and they gradually developed a tacit understanding.Yin Lihua's opinion of Gao Xian has also changed. This man never took the initiative to fight, nor deliberately showed off his cultivation. He is calm and gentle, and he is very comfortable to get along with.

It's just that at this point, she can't regret it.

In the darkness, a cloud of cyan aura flashed, illuminating the huge crypt.

This is a closed crypt, but it is extremely open, tens of feet high, and more than a hundred feet in length and width.

The cyan aura covered the huge crypt with a layer of cyan.

Gao Xian noticed that the center of the aura was a precious orb, which was obviously inlaid above the cave by someone.

Gao Xian looked at Yin Lihua, "Fellow Daoist, what does this mean?"

Yin Lihua didn't speak, she turned into a phantom and quickly retreated, and she retreated to the entrance of the crypt passage in an instant.

Behind Yin Lihua came a sweet smile, "Gao Xian, we meet again!"

Before the words finished, Shui Yuying in a black robe appeared beside Yin Lihua.

Her height was originally quite different from Yin Lihua's, but now she is half a foot taller than Yin Lihua.

Gao Xian asked calmly: "Shui Zhenren, our previous affairs have been written off, what do you mean?"

Shui Yuying smiled triumphantly and said: "The previous things have been written off. I didn't come to you to settle accounts, I came to you to play."

She said with a charming face: "Little boy, don't be afraid, my sister will treat you well..."

Gao Xian cupped his hands: "I'm pure and pure, and I'm dedicated to Taoism. How can I indulge in lust and lust, real people, please respect yourself."

Shui Yuying laughed arrogantly: "I just like your upright and unruly look. If you don't resist, then this game will be too boring!"

(Stable double update ask for a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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