Chapter 243
Lu Shidao was seriously injured, he was in embarrassment and pain, he could not care about his demeanor at this time, he hurriedly took a Heavenly King Eight Treasure Pill and swallowed it.

A second-order top-level wound healing pill with a thousand spirit stones, after swallowing, it immediately turns into pure spiritual energy to nourish the internal organs, limbs and bones.

Lu Shidao felt a burst of coolness, as if all the raging fire poison in his body had been pulled out.

He also breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood stabilized.He secretly rejoiced that Gao Xian did not continue to attack, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to leave the Sword Discourse Arena alive.

In front of Sifang Yingjie, he was almost burned to death with a flame bomb, and the loss was really ugly.

Lu Shidao was in a very complicated mood, but he still made a gesture to return the salute to Gao Xian.

At this time, he heard someone from the audience say: "Look at that guy, he's about to be roasted into a jerk, and he pretends to pay back, how ridiculous!"

"That's it, what kind of Xuanyang spirit body is blowing, and I don't have much ability, even flame bombs can't stop it!"

"The monks of this session of the Dharma Association are not good, even the flame bombs can't stop..."

After being shocked by the group of Qi practitioners, they couldn't help ridiculing all kinds of things.

Lu Shidao had keen eyes and ears, and he could hear the ridicule of this group of people clearly.He couldn't help but have a strong killing intent in his heart.

How many foundation-building monks can stop the flame bombs roaring like a storm? !

A group of ignorant little cultivators, it's fine if they don't understand, and their mouths are cheap.

Lu Shidao glanced over the loudest scolders, silently remembering their appearance.

After the Fa Conference is over, let a few guys know how powerful he is.

Lu Shidao forced himself back to his seat, although the Heavenly King Eight Treasure Pill was good, it was impossible to heal him immediately.But he didn't want to leave, at least not now, as if he couldn't afford to lose.

In front of many Jindan real people of Qing Yunzong, he should try his best to show his talent and demeanor.

Since he was unable to win the championship at the Qingyun Fahui, he could only hope that he would be favored by the Jindan Daoist of the Qingyun Sect and make an exception to be accepted as a disciple.

Several Jindan real people didn't pay attention to Lu Shidao, they were all looking at Gao Xian.

A flame bomb can only be said to be a top-level second-level spell, which poses no threat to them.

Dozens of flame bombs fired in a row, this kind of power is very terrifying.There are some threats to Daoist Jindan.

Although Lu Jingxu admires Gao Xian quite a lot, she appreciates his knowledge and talent.I didn't expect Gao Xian's spells to be so subtle, so subtle that it was already a bit beyond the outline.

Of course, he was more than happy about it.

This year's Qingyun Dharma Conference gathered geniuses, and Gao Xian stood out with his strong strength, which is a great thing for the sect.

Li Ye, the head of the Academy of Swords, looks down on Gao Xian because of those novels, and thinks Gao Xian is an opportunistic and shameless person.

Seeing Gao Xian's flame bombs like a storm, Li Ye had to admit that Gao Xian was capable no matter how much he thought about Gao Xian.

As for Shui Yuying, this will be very calm on the contrary, because she has already expected this.It's just that she was more afraid of Gao Xian in her heart.

Such a Gao Xian, she has to be more careful!
Zhang Zhengxin, who was sitting upright in the stands, tried to calm down to meet Lu Shidao. He asked with concern, "Brother Lu, how are you hurt?"

Lu Shidao found this caring words very harsh, and he even felt that Zhang Zhengxin did it on purpose.

"Damn it, I've been burned to black charcoal, what else can I do!"

Lu Shidao cursed in his heart, but on the surface he insisted that nothing happened, "It's all skin trauma, it's okay."

"Brother Lu,"

Yun Qiushui also came over, and he handed Lu Shidao a small and exquisite jade bottle, "Tianyi Dan, which is designed to suppress fire and poison, and nourish the body and spirit."

Lu Shidao was a little moved. Tianyi Pill is a water-type panacea refined from Tianyi True Water combined with various spiritual objects. The normal price is as high as [-] spirit stones.

He was too embarrassed to accept such a valuable elixir.

"I'm not seriously injured, there's no need to use Tianyi Pill."

"Hey, we're good friends, why bother to be polite." Yun Qiushui handed the Tianyi Pill to Lu Shidao, and he said, "It's inevitable that you will miss out in the competition. Fortunately, Brother Lu's injuries are not serious. We are all good friends, so don't let this happen." It hurts the peace."

After hearing these words, Lu Shidao felt very uncomfortable. Since they are good friends, why Yun Qiushui speaks for Gao Xian!

Although he had resentment in his heart, he didn't dare to offend Yun Qiushui.At the moment, I can only follow the other party's words: "Fellow Daoist Gao's spells are wonderful, and I'm convinced. When the Dharma conference is over, I still need to ask Fellow Daoist Gao for advice..."

Yun Qiushui was quite satisfied with this. Although Lu Shidao was a bit reluctant, he finally didn't lose his face because of it.

He felt that Lu Shidao was alright, although he was a little contrived, but who could have no flaws, and to make friends one had to look good.

Yun Qiushui told Lu Shidao to take good care of his injuries, and greeted Zhang Zhengxin before leaving.

Zhang Zhengxin waited for Yun Qiushui to return to his seat, then he was puzzled and asked Master Lu through voice transmission with his spiritual sense, "What is the relationship between Yun Qiushui and Gao Xian, and why are they so close?"

"do not know."

Lu Shidao thought about it for a while and said, "Maybe Yun Qiushui took a fancy to Gao Xian's aptitude and made arrangements in advance to be drawn into the Yun family."

The aristocratic family in the sect is very powerful, but the aristocratic family also needs fresh blood.Especially for a genius like Gao Xian, he should be very hopeful to form alchemy.

Make a good investment in advance and put the label of Yunjia on Gao Xian.When Gao Xian becomes Jindan Daoist, he will have no other choice, he must join the Yun Family.

Even if Gao Xian doesn't become a golden elixir in the future, to the Yun family, it's just a contribution of part of the resources, which is nothing.

Lu Shidao came from a family and was quite familiar with this set of operations.He felt that Yun Qiushui's superficial indulgence was indulgent, but in reality he was deeply scheming, and there must be his schemes here.

Zhang Zhengxin nodded. Although he is a Taoist priest, his family's ancestors have been Taoist priests for generations, and he is very familiar with this.

He asked again: "What method do you have to deal with Gao Xian?"

Lu Shidao glanced at Zhang Zhengxin. In fact, he had a normal relationship with this person. In a place like Qingyun City, the two of them could only hug each other to keep warm, so they entered and exited together, which seemed relatively close.

In private, the two are always fighting openly and secretly, and neither of them is convinced by the other.

However, Lu Shidao already had a bit of resentment towards Gao Xian, and now he would rather Zhang Zhengxin win.

He thought for a while and said: "His flame bomb is too powerful, it is already a second-level top-level spell. But he can trigger it in a row in an instant, and once he does it, he will not give people a chance to breathe.

"If you want to win against Gao Xian, you have to make the first move."

Zhang Zhengxin nodded solemnly. He originally planned to use the protective magic weapon to block Gao Xian's flame bomb first, consume the mana of the opponent, and then find a chance to fight back.

Lu Shidao's Liuhe mirror is also a very strong magic weapon for protection, but it still couldn't hold it.This cruel reality also made him change his mind.

But he still wanted to discuss it with Lu Shidao. After all, he couldn't see many details through the protective circle.

In the sixth round, Zhang Zhengxin did not meet Gao Xian.He wins easily.

However, Li Feihuang and Li Qingfeng met together, and both of them had been prepared for this.

The two were a family thousands of years ago, and both belonged to the blood lineage of Yuanying Zhenjun Li Qingfeng.

It's just that thousands of years have passed, and there has never been any contact with each other. The two Li families are strangers.

Li Qingfeng was lonely and arrogant, Li Feihuang was arrogant and arrogant, neither of them looked down on the other.

With a simple and polite sentence, they started at the same time.

Li Qingfeng's flying feather sword is like a goose feather, and under his urging, the flying feather sword is also extremely nimble and ethereal, making it hard to fathom.

After watching several rounds of Li Feihuang's fight, Li Qingfeng knew that this woman was powerful.

As soon as he came up, he urged nine flying feather swords, and nine white sword lights drew ethereal arcs to cut towards Li Feihuang from different directions.

Being able to control nine flying feather swords at the same time is because the flying feather swords have a subtle resonance with each other, and there is a master sword.

As long as you control this main sword, you can urge other Feiyu swords to make some changes.Of course, this kind of change is actually very sluggish.

Li Qingfeng also knew these weaknesses, so he used all his strength to defeat Li Feihuang by surprise.

If it were Li Feihuang a year ago, he might really suffer.But she was stabbed on the neck by Gao Xian, the injury was not serious, but left a deep sword mark in her heart.

Having learned this lesson, Li Feihuang never dared to be negligent in the battle.

Facing the nine incoming white sword lights, Li Feihuang pulled out the Scarlet Phoenix Sky Wing Sword with one finger. The red sword light stretched out like a pair of huge flame wings, and the vibration of the wings completely covered the Sword Discourse Arena.

The wings transformed by the flames emitted a terrifying high-temperature impact, and the nine flying feather swords were swept away together.

The protective spells on Li Qingfeng's body also quickly collapsed, and the blazing sword intent of the Chifeng Tianyi Sword was deeply imprinted on his sea of ​​consciousness, making him feel like falling into a sea of ​​flames, and his soul seemed to be melted by the blazing sword light.

Li Qingfeng has always relied on the sharpness and agility of the flying feather sword, and he can always defeat the opponent first.His own defense is not very strong.

Encountering the third-order spiritual weapon, the Chifeng Tianyi Sword, he couldn't hold it any longer and left the Sword Discourse Arena with the light of the sword in panic.

The sound of the jade chime also rang, and Lu Jingxu announced: "Li Feihuang wins."

Li Qingfeng who flew outside the Sword Discourse Arena looked unwilling, but he was helpless.

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators were also shocked. The Chifeng Tianyi Sword is so powerful and fits well with Li Feihuang, who can resist it?

Both Zhang Zhengxin and Luo Xiujun had ugly faces, and Gao Xian won consecutive victories with his tyrannical spells, which was due to his advanced cultivation.Li Feihuang won with the power of the sword, which made people very uncomfortable!

But they can't do anything about it. The Qingyun Fahui does not restrict the magic tools and talismans.

Many qi practitioners who watched the battle became excited, and many of them screamed indiscriminately.

The Chifeng Tianyi Sword is much more majestic than the flame bomb, and the huge flame wings are very gorgeous and very ornamental.

Li Feihuang is also a beautiful woman, how can a man not be excited when he sees a beautiful woman.

Wei Shuangshuang in the east stand couldn't help curling her lips. She didn't like Li Feihuang's arrogant attitude, and she didn't like her winning with the power of a sword.

"What's the air, it's not borrowing something from outside!"

Wei Shuangshuang asked Wei Cheng, "Is that a third-tier sword?"

Wei Cheng hesitated and said, "It should be a third-order spirit sword."

Only magic weapon-level swords can be called precious swords, and spiritual-level swords can be called spirit swords.

Wei Shuangshuang was shocked when she heard it: "It's broken, she is a third-level fire-type spirit sword and a fire-phoenix spirit body, restraining our neighbor's flame bomb!"

Wei Cheng nodded, while Yuan Lin shook his head, "It is indeed easy to be restrained by relying on flame bombs alone..."

He has no friendship with Gao Xian, seeing Gao Xian trying to win the championship with a single-handed flame bomb, he is more jealous.Gao Xian was only happy when he lost.

Of course, he wouldn't say that on the surface.

Most of the other Foundation Establishment cultivators held the same opinion, thinking that Li Feihuang was restraining Gao Xian.They were all a little excited about it.

If Gao Xian won the championship with a flame bomb, it would be too ugly to say it, as if they were so incompetent!
Gao Xian's opponent in the sixth round is also a master who is good at flying swords.He didn't say a word when he came up, and directly urged Qingbi Feijian to slash Gao Xian.

Judging from past experience, as long as Gao Xian is allowed to take the lead, there will be no chance.With the speed of the flying sword, there may still be a chance.

A bit of red light shone on the blue sword light, and the flying sword was spun backwards by the flames, and it didn't stop until it touched the protective magic circle.

Before the cultivator had any other reaction, three red lights had already hit him, forcing the cultivator out of the Sword Discourse Arena.

The sound of the jade chime sounded almost at the same time.

Lu Jingxu, who presided over the ceremony, sighed in her heart. Fortunately, Gao Xian didn't like killing people, otherwise none of these opponents would survive...

There are fewer and fewer people, and the battles are getting faster and faster.

In the seventh round, Gao Xian finally met Zhang Zhengxin.

Many spectators stared wide-eyed. They were still full of expectations for this foundation-building cultivator who specialized in Leifa with the Eight Wind Spirit Physique, and hoped that he could teach Gao Xian a lesson.

Zhang Zhengxin was still very calm on the surface, he greeted Gao Xian calmly.



Zhang Zhengxin had already taken out a three-foot-long golden whip while he was speaking. This Tianshu Thunderbolt Golden Whip is a third-level magic weapon for controlling thunder, and it is extremely fierce. It is also the most important treasure of their sect.

Zhang Zhengxin waved lightly with his hand, and the golden whip stirred up its thunder and thunder resounded in all directions.

Across the protective circle, the ears of many spectators were roaring, and their souls seemed to be blown away by the thunder in an instant.

Such a majestic power made Lu Jingxu who presided over the ceremony couldn't help nodding, Xuanzhenzong is really extraordinary!
Li Feihuang, Yin Lihua, and Luo Xiujun were also excited. Seeing Zhang Zhengxin like this, maybe they can beat Gao Xian...

([-] words update ask for a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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