Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 272 Great Vajra Pestle

Chapter 272 Great Vajra Pestle
Li Feihuang lived here for seven days, and every time when Shuangxiu taught sword intent, Gao Xian would guide a part of Li Feihuang's natural fire.

At the time of double cultivation, Gao Xian completely took the initiative, Li Feihuang was either obsessed with sword intent, or lost his mind and didn't know where he was, and had no time to pay attention to other changes.

After seven days, Gao Xian had almost refined the vajra relic, and could faintly sense a pure and tyrannical consciousness in it.

Gao Xian didn't use Li Feihuang in vain, he imparted the coefficient of Qingfeng Sword Intent, including his own body, to Li Feihuang without reservation.

When Li Feihuang left, his legs were still a little soft, but his bright face was flushed and refreshed, as if he had taken a great tonic.

She is very satisfied with her practice in the past few days.Seeing Gao Xian's haggard face, she felt guilty and distressed.

This man really worked hard for her and gave everything.She secretly made up her mind to find some elixir for Gao Xian when she went back.

Gao Xian didn't understand the look in Li Feihuang's eyes when he left. This woman's thoughts were weird, and he didn't bother to think about it.

After resting for a few days, he decided to open a furnace to make alchemy, but was stopped by Daniel.

Daniu glanced at Gao Xian's haggard face, and said in a low voice: "Brother, why don't you rest for a few more days. Your body is still important."

Gao Xian glared at Daniu, this kid has learned badly, and he used words to yin and yang him.

Shuangxiu is actually nothing, and it is not too tiring to impart sword intent, the main reason is that it is very troublesome to guide the real fire from Li Feihuang.

To control the heat, and not let Li Feihuang find out, Gao Xian has really consumed a lot of energy and consciousness these few days.

He thought it was nothing at first, but Da Niu persuaded him to take a rest, so he should rest for two days to adjust.

Anyway, the job of refining alchemy is endless, and he has long been tired of refining the same low-level elixir every day.

Now he doesn't care much about the spiritual stones that are earned from alchemy.Alchemy is mainly for the aura of humanity.

In fact, he has not been very interested in alchemy. He has read through a book of "Longevity Alchemy" early on, and his level of alchemy is stuck at the bottleneck and it is difficult to break through.

If you want to go further in the way of alchemy, you need to continue to learn the pharmacology of alchemy, and you need to practice alchemy to hone your skills.

In short, alchemy not only requires a lot of resources, but also a lot of energy.

Gao Xian is not interested in doing this, he is not short of money, at least it is enough for now, and secondly, he has no time and no extra energy.

Great Five Elements Kung Fu, Five Elements Heqi Method, Da Luo Hua Nerve, Feng Yun Jian Jing, these important secret methods are practiced day by day.Needless to say, other spells must be practiced at least several times a day.

The so-called fist never leaves the hand and tune never leaves the mouth.

Not to mention something as subtle and complicated as magic, if you don't practice it for a day, you will become unfamiliar.

It will take at least two hours to finish all the homework.In addition to normal rest, there is also daily alchemy, classes, and dual cultivation, so there is no time left at all.

Gao Xian's plan is to form a first-grade golden elixir first, and then consider other things after the elixir is formed.

Daniel let him rest, and he happened to concentrate on studying the Vajra relic.

After several days of refining with real fire, the vajra relic turned from golden to translucent.

There is a little golden aura in the center of the vajra relic, which is the divine consciousness sealed in it.

Gao Xian is not in a hurry, he is not in a hurry anyway, just use the vajra pestle to polish it every day, and he can always get through the relics to obtain the inheritance of spiritual consciousness.

After three days like this, one night when Gao Xian was about to take a rest, suddenly the vajra relic in his hand was shining brightly, and his Sea of ​​Consciousness Vajra Pestle also radiated divine light.

The two resonated together, and the vajra relic turned into golden light, pouring into the sea of ​​knowledge of Gao Xian like a raging tide.

Gao Xian had Sister Lan as the host, and his own spiritual consciousness was strong enough to remain unmoved in the face of an explosion of spiritual consciousness.

The torrential golden light is actually all kinds of mysterious and profound secret magic powers.

"Great Mercy Knife", "36 Hands of Conquering Demons", "Fudo Ming King Seal", "Vajra Pestle"...the sympathetic spirit and consciousness, all kinds of mysterious magic powers dazzled Gao Xian.

Gao Xian has a kind of understanding that the remaining spiritual power can only pass on one secret method.

Although all kinds of mystical powers are good, only "Vajra" is suitable for him.With a move of his consciousness, he locked the secret method of the Vajra Pestle.

This secret method shines and the golden light falls on the vajra image, and the other mysterious methods and supernatural powers dissipate instantly.

The golden light of the words and images carrying the mysterious secret method continuously infiltrated and merged with the vajra method, and when the two were completely fused, the vajra method oscillated and expanded.

The vajra method is like a golden pagoda reaching the sky, piercing through the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally pounding on the soul of Gao Xian.

This kind of great change at the level of spirit and soul caused Gao Xian's consciousness to shake suddenly, and instantly felt that the world was turned upside down, and everything was shattered...

The last time Gao Xian practiced the vajra, Gao Xian felt this shock at the soul level.

Now that his spiritual consciousness is strong, it stabilized almost instantly, and the vajra appearance also returned to its original state, but it became more condensed and solid, with an indestructible and powerful strength that can destroy everything.

When Gao Xian regained consciousness from the mysterious realm, he took out the Fengyue Baojian, and the vajra on it became a big vajra.

Great Vajra: With true nature, acquired wisdom, and strength, it is condensed into the invincible power of Vajra, eliminating all demons inside and destroying all appearances outside, with immeasurable supernatural powers. (66545/1000000 entry)

It was within Gao Xian's expectation that the vajra became a large vajra, but it was beyond his expectation that so much human aura was needed to upgrade.

The secret method that can only be upgraded for 100 million is at the same level as the Yin-Yang Tianlun.

The Da Luo Transformation God clone method only needs 80 Dao auras at the entry level.

However, Gao Xian felt that this was the blessing of natal supernatural powers, which greatly reduced the need to upgrade the aura of humanity for Da Luo's transformation of the gods.

This is true for Taizhen Idol and Thunder Lightning, these two secret arts are the strongest in supernatural powers, far superior to other methods.The human aura needed to upgrade is not much.

On the other hand, both the Great Vajra and the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel clearly correspond to the third-order power.

After being promoted to the Great Vajra, Gao Xian felt that his physical strength had increased significantly. The most direct effect was that he was extremely energetic, as if he had taken some great tonic elixir.

Gao Xian was very happy. The great vajra tempered the inside and outside, making the body and spirit firm as one, which was very useful to him.

Especially the body-refining effect, which can continuously strengthen his body, allow him to carry stronger magic power, and also greatly improve his fault tolerance rate.

In the lifespan column on the front of Fengyue Baojian, his lifespan has not decreased.Obviously this breakthrough all depends on the power of the Vajra relic, and it didn't consume his own lifespan.

The original vajra relic has disappeared without a trace.This thing is the condensation of spiritual consciousness and mana, not real substance, so it will not leave any traces.

With a thought in Gao Xian's mind, the golden light in his hand condensed into a five-foot-long vajra, which was no different from the original vajra, except that it looked stronger and more weighty.

After all, the Great Vajra is not a natal supernatural power. Although Gao Xian has strong spiritual consciousness, it took three breaths of time to activate the Great Vajra, that is, six seconds.

For a powerful spell, this time is actually not long.For Gao Xian, the time was too long.

His fighting style is high mobility, high speed and precise output, with the most emphasis on speed.Concentrating spells so slowly to hit people, well, it doesn't match his fighting style.

The Great Vajra is only useful in some special cases.For example, dealing with fixed objects, or slow-moving and defending powerful life forms.

Of course, the most important thing about the Great Vajra is to strengthen the body and strengthen the mind.

Gao Xian hadn't encountered Xie Chong for a long time, and he guessed that the Vajra Pestle was responsible for it.

After all, to break the demonic barriers outside is to break these evil spirits and filth.Including the Golden Core Demon Cultivator, all kinds of sorcery can't help him, and the Vajra Pestle is also part of the credit for this.

Upgraded to a great vajra, breaking the barriers outside the magic barrier has also become breaking the appearances outside.

Zhuxiang is a word that Buddhism likes to use, and it generally refers to all kinds of external things.

The meaning of this sentence.In fact, it means that the great vajra can't be broken except for the Fa-rectification and the truth, and everything else can be smashed.Not to mention any evil spirits.

Of course, this is just a description of Fengyue Baojian.

Gao Xian found out that Fengyue Baojian actually likes to brag, and he often brags about his supernatural powers with some low-level spells!
Just look at it, understand the meaning, don't take it too seriously.

The last time points were added was in March of this year. After half a year of accumulation, the number of human auras reached 300 million.

Especially in the past two months, the aura of humanity has increased rapidly.

Gao Xian guessed that it was Jin Dabao who opened up channels, and his novels were finally sold outside Qingyun Dao, and more and more auras came back to humanity.

In fact, more than half of the information closure in the cultivator's world is deliberately set up by humans.

Just like the entire set of secret techniques, it will be the foundation of the sect's inheritance, and it is absolutely not allowed to spread outside.

The Zongmen's ruling area will also be isolated from other Zongmen as much as possible.

The sects do not communicate with each other, and the traffic is cut off, which is more conducive to the safety of the sect and more conducive to the rule of the sect.

Only an organization as large as Wanbaolou has the ability to span all major sects.

With such a huge organization in Wanbao Building, it must be inefficient.

Jin Dabao was able to finish the book matter within half a year, Gao Xian was actually very pleasantly surprised.

With 300 million spiritual lights, Gao Xian was originally reserved for Taizhen Idol, and he was going to be promoted to the realm of master consummation in one fell swoop.

Taizhen Idol enhances Sister Lan's power, can enhance her spiritual consciousness, can increase the five-element aura, and can enhance the five-element skill.

Gao Xian has always listed Taizhen Idol as the most important secret method, and it has the first weight in the upgrade list.

Now, Gao Xian changed his mind, he decided to upgrade the Great Vajra first.

The main reason is that his spiritual consciousness is already strong enough to surpass a golden core like Shui Yuying, and there is no need to strengthen his spiritual consciousness for the time being.

The master of the vajra pestle reached perfection, allowing him to reach the peak in the late stage of body training.He was promoted to the Great Vajra, which strengthened his body a bit.

Gao Xian felt that if he went up two more levels, maybe his physical body could reach the Golden Core realm.

Body refiners claim to be the strongest at the same level because of the huge advantage of physical strength.Of course, this should be limited to Jindan.

At the Golden Core level, the cultivator's mana is powerful and spiritual, and all kinds of magical powers can be triggered at will, and the control of magic weapons and swords is also very powerful.

At this time, most of the advantages of body training are offset.Few people will choose the way of body training after forming a golden core.

There are dozens of golden elixirs in Qingyun sect, and there are a few who specialize in swordsmanship, but none of them take the road of body training.

There are 36 sects under the Qingyun sect, and there is no body refining elixir.

Gao Xian also specifically checked the information on this aspect. The Dragon Elephant Palace that dominates Haizhou has a branch that specializes in body training. This branch has even produced Arhat-level powerhouses, that is, body-training Taoist monarchs at the level of Huashen.

He obtained this vajra relic, which contained more than ten kinds of mysterious powers. Gao Xian chose the Great Vajra Pestle among them, and the other mysterious powers would naturally dissipate.

However, Gao Xian has also probably seen these mysterious magical powers, mainly fighting methods such as boxing and palm techniques.

Through these secret methods, it can be seen that the master of the Vajra Relic took the path of close combat during his lifetime.It can be seen from this that this person must be the body refining golden elixir.

Body training has various disadvantages, but it must have its strengths if it can be passed down as a school of cultivation.

Gao Xian doesn't expect to have the power of Jindan level, as long as he strengthens his body, he can improve his survivability and have a higher fault tolerance rate.

With a strong physical body, he can go to Qinghua Xiaodongtian again, and maybe he can get a powerful sword inside.

With his current swordsmanship, coupled with a hand-to-hand sword, he has a chance to kill a golden core like Shui Yuying.

Wanbaolou has third-tier swords and spirit swords, but the higher the level of the sword, the more difficult it is to control.

Even if he bought it in his hand, it would be difficult for him to truly master the sword weapon without ten or twenty years of cultivating the sword intent.

The sword weapon hidden in Qinghua Xiaodongtian should fit the Qinglian sword in his hand.If that was the case, it would save him countless hours.

Gao Xian didn't dare take risks with the Qinglian Sword, he would be killed if he entered with his avatar. It was easy to enter with the Qinglian Sword, but it was easy to drop the Qinglian Sword inside.

After upgrading the Great Vajra, as long as the avatar can last for a breath or two, he can let the avatar enter with the Qinglian Sword.

If it really doesn't work, he can use the secret technique in a short time, and he can bring out the Qinglian sword through the replacement of his body.

Gao Xian didn't hesitate when he thought of this, and cast all the spiritual light of 300 million people on the big vajra.

The Vajra Pestle, who was just getting started, suddenly jumped to the proficient level.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the Dharma image of the Vajra Pestle emerged, and the great Vajra Pestle, which was like a golden pagoda reaching the sky, shone with divine light, bathing his whole body inside and out in the divine light.

With Gao Xian's powerful spiritual sense, coupled with Sister Lan's protection, he was a little buoyant in the golden light, feeling endless vitality gushing out from his body, and he was completing a transformation from the inside out...

This process lasted for a full twelve hours, and only a little bit of golden light flickered in Gao Xian's body before it was absorbed into his body.

Gao Xian opened his eyes, and he can see everything clearly in the dark without using his spiritual sense or the flower-appreciating mirror.

The quiet, soft and clear darkness presents a unique aesthetic feeling.

Through his body, he can sense the night wind blowing quietly outside, the grass blades dancing in the night wind, the slightly moist water vapor on the grass blades, the billions of floating dust, and the invisible Aura.

With his six senses, he can even sense that the aura is an extremely fine particle, and he can sense that the aura particles are divided into tens of millions.

Originally, he needed to absorb the aura through the two natal auras in his body, and run the aura.

This time, he only needs to breathe out the spiritual energy particles through his body, and his bones, muscles and blood have all become the spiritual energy carrier.

Every subtle movement of his is running aura.All these foundations are governed by the Vajra Dharma.

At this moment, the vajra image has condensed into a round golden light, and there are three vajras hidden in the golden light.

The vajra in this state is condensed like a bead, complete inside and outside, revealing an indestructible firmness and stability.

This round golden light is like the third natal aura condensed by Gao Xian, but it operates independently, which is incompatible with the two natal auras.

The mana system based on the Great Five Elements is his foundation, and the Great Vajra Pestle breathes out mana based on the body and becomes an independent mana system.

However, he has only one body, and the two systems have too many interactions, but they do not interfere with each other.

Gao Xian felt very awkward now, the great vajra was too powerful, and it had already overwhelmed the other.

He also understood the foundation of the operation of the Great Vajra, which is actually the transformation of mana by exhaling spiritual energy from the body.

In this process, the body and spirit are continuously strengthened and tended to perfection.

This is also the true subtlety of the Great Vajra.

Gao Xian also understood the truth that the power of the body trainer is the body, but the source of their power is also the spiritual energy, but the way of controlling the spiritual energy is different from that of ordinary practitioners.

With this upgrade, his body has completed a transformation and evolution.

Compared with before, perception, strength, speed, reaction, and physique have all made great progress, and it can even be said to be a qualitative improvement.

It's just how much it has improved, and whether it can be compared with Jindan, it still needs time to test.

In Fengyue Baojian's positive lifespan column, his lifespan has become 470 years old, which is a shocking reduction of 60 years.

He has risen to two realms, obviously consuming the source of life to transform and strengthen his body.As a body training method, the Great Vajra has a particularly high demand for external objects.

The aura of humanity can help him upgrade the great vajra technique, but it can't transform the physical body out of thin air. At least such a huge transformation needs to consume the source of life to do it.

He had anticipated this a long time ago, and it was very cost-effective to spend 60 years of his life to strengthen his body to this level.

It's just that according to this ratio, the next upgrade will consume 80 years of life, which is a bit unsustainable, and will affect his foundation.

"We still need to get some Dragon Elephant Palace Body Refining Elixirs..." Gao Xian felt that it shouldn't be too difficult, the secret method will not be passed on to the outside world, and there is no scruples about refining the pills and selling them for money.

Of course, this is all for the future.The most important thing right now is to master the Great Vajra and integrate the two mana systems.

Gao Xian retreated for a month before he truly mastered the Great Vajra, allowing it to form a whole with the Great Five Elements Gong, which are not in conflict with each other, and can complement each other when needed.

To be able to do this, the first is due to Fengyue Baojian, and the second is due to Gao Xian's powerful spiritual sense.

After completing the integration of power, Gao Xianxiu took a substantial step forward.

Gao Xian has never seen a real Jindan body training person, and it is difficult for him to accurately describe his current physical strength level.

After passing the test of the Temple of Mind, Gao Xian can use his fist to hard-catch the Lingxi sword to slash with all his strength, and he will be injured, but it is only a flesh injury.

From this, it can be seen how tyrannical his physical strength is now.One punch should be able to blow up Shui Yuying, right?

Gao Xian is not sure about this, he can be sure that within seven steps, Shui Yuying is definitely not his opponent.

When Daniel saw Gao Xian leaving the customs, he grinned in excitement, but he soon realized that something was wrong with Gao Xian.

He is with Gao Xian every day, and he is very familiar with Gao Xian.Even if Gao Xian loses a hair, he can feel it.

But for some reason, Gao Xian, who had just left the customs, made him feel a little strange. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Gao Xian smiled at Daniel: "Why are you in a daze?"

Daniel hesitated for a while and whispered, "Brother, you seem to have changed."

"Where did it change?" Gao Xian was also a little curious, can Daniel also see his changes?
"Become more beautiful..." Daniu held back for a long time and finally came up with a sentence, Gao Xian laughed, "If you make progress, you will flatter, hahaha..."

Da Niu Fangzheng blushed, he really didn't mean to flatter, and he didn't know how to explain it.

Gao Xian didn't make things difficult for Daniel, he said: "You stay at home, I'll go back to Lianyun City."

After Gao Xian and Daniu briefly explained a few words, they controlled the yin and yang and heavenly wheels and came out of the Qingyun sect.

Shui Yujun, who controls the Mirror of Heaven, immediately sensed Gao Xian's movements.The main reason is that Gao Xian has the Divine Order on his body, which is very easy to identify.

Looking at the platinum streamer shining away on the sky mirror, Shui Yujun's eyes flickered thoughtfully.

(Brothers and sisters are mighty, beyond the old to open up wasteland~haha, I bow to you~)

(End of this chapter)

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