Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 276 Divine Light Like a Sword

Chapter 276 Divine Light Like a Sword
"It's been more than a month and there's still no progress."

Bai Ning's beautiful face showed a bit of impatience, but her eyes were charming, and this impatient expression also had a seductive meaning.

She complained: "When is this a head... Let's forget it!"

Guan Changling on the opposite side pretended to be inadvertent and glanced at Bai Ning's undulating and graceful figure. This woman has a slender waist and big breasts, and her skin is fair and tender.

Guan Changling just thought about it, Bai Ning embraced Jindan real person Yin Baishi's thigh, he has become an old devil's restraint, it's dangerous to look at it too much.

"That can't be done. This is what the master told me. We must find a way to open the cave."

Yin Shuangye said unceremoniously: "If you don't want to stay here, just leave quickly and don't get in the way."

Although Bai Ning was her master's woman, she didn't care.If the master has too many women, after playing for three or two years, his master will drain his essence and blood, and he will either become a mummy or a ray of evil spirit on the Taiyin flag.

"I don't want to stay here, it's the ancestor who asked me to stay here and stare at you."

Bai Ning turned the Qinglian Sword Token in his hand, and said with a smile: "I can't live up to the trust of my ancestors either."

Yin Shuangye kept silent with a cold face, she didn't like bickering with people.Let Bai Ning be proud for a few days first, and wait for the ancestor to get tired of playing, and then see how she ends up!
"I don't know where the ancestor went?"

Guan Changling didn't dare to get involved in the fight between the two women, so he turned the topic to Jindan Patriarch Yin Baishi.

In fact, he was in awe of this golden core demon cultivator, but also disgusted.

Yin Baishi is as handsome as a woman, but his attack is extremely vicious, but his temperament is weird, and he kills people while talking and laughing.

When staying around Yin Baishi, everyone was on tenterhooks, fearing that if they said the wrong thing, their lives would be lost.

Guan Changling wished that Yin Baishi would not be there, but since the Jindan Demon Cultivator wasn't here, they didn't have any clue about opening this cave.

In fact, even if Yin Baishi is here, there is nothing he can do.We can only surround this place first to prevent others from breaking in.

On the other hand, people were sent to search for the Qinglian Sword Order.For more than a year, no second Qinglian Sword Token was found.

Because of this, Guan Changling and Bai Ning had no interest in this job, but with Yin Shuangye watching, they couldn't do nothing.

Three foundation-building monks and twelve Qi practitioners were working hard against this stone wall every day without making any progress. This was very frustrating.

A group of people are actually very boring, and they don't even know what they are doing here.

Guan Changling suggested: "Let's talk about it before the ancestor comes back."

He turned around and explained: "We carved the magic circle on the stone wall, for fear that it would be self-defeating and destroy the portal of the cave."

Because there was no progress, Yin Shuangye had a whim to carve a magic circle on the stone wall.

It is said that it is the secret magic circle of the Yin Mozong, which can break all kinds of magic barriers.

I spent more than a month working on this magic circle, and finally managed to carve the runes on the stone wall, but I couldn't activate the magic circle.

Both Guan Changling and Bai Ning felt that this method was nonsense, and it would be good to stay with this kind of time, so why bother.

Even if it's a toss, at least Yin Baishi will come back and talk about it.

If Yin Shuangye doesn't do it, the two sides will inevitably quarrel.

Bai Ning actually didn't want to convince Yin Shuangye, but he couldn't let this woman manipulate him and always expressed his own attitude.

It was deep winter, and there was nothing happening in the underground ruins, and bickering could be regarded as entertainment.

Yin Shuangye naturally didn't want to lose her dominance. When she was about to express her attitude forcefully, she suddenly had a feeling in her heart. She turned her head and saw a blue figure standing not far away.

This man was extremely handsome, dressed in green and with a sword, standing there elegantly, like a heavenly being.

With such an outstanding cultivator, Yin Shuangye is sure that the other party is not a member of the Seven Demon Sect, let alone a cultivator of the Yin Demon Sect.

Yin Shuangye felt intense uneasiness in her heart.

In order to protect this place, a protective formation is arranged at the entrance of the passage. Outsiders must break through the formation before entering. How did this person get in?
Yin Shuangye realized that something was wrong, she was about to warn Bai Ning and Guan Changling when she saw the handsome man in Tsing Yi smiled at her.

The other party's star-like eyes suddenly flashed with lightning, followed by strings of snake-like lightning flashing out of thin air, entangled a group of people heavily.

Although Yin Shuangye is only in her 40s, she has a very strong cultivation base of the Taiyin Demon Sutra, and the Taiyin Demon Banner in her hand is even more tyrannical.

The reason why she is so strong is that she is confident enough to suppress Guan Changling and Bai Ning.

The sudden flash of lightning was like a rope like a ring, and Yin Shuangye's whole body went numb when she was locked by the lightning. The mana and consciousness in her body poured out along with the surge of lightning, completely out of her control.

Yin Shuangye was shocked, what kind of mysterious spell is this?Can't resist with her strength?

Before Yin Shuangye could figure it out, she saw a rain of cold light coming towards her.

She tried her best to resist, but she couldn't use any magic power, and she couldn't control her body.

After a slight hesitation, a cold light penetrated between her eyebrows.

Yin Shuangye only felt a sharp and sharp chill penetrating the sea of ​​consciousness, penetrating the soul.

"It's over..."

Yin Shuangye immediately realized that she was doomed. When she fell down, she saw a white spot on the opposite side of Guan Changling's eyebrows. His eyes were completely shattered, and his face was covered with blood. He was already dead and could not die anymore. .

Only Bai Ning, who was wearing a lake-green robe, was limp on the ground, his face full of panic and horror, but there were no injuries.

"This woman is not dead!" Yin Shuangye breathed his last with some reluctance.

Bai Ning, who was paralyzed on the ground, watched everyone die, and each of them died tragically, which made her even more horrified.

At this moment, Gao Xian came in front of Bai Ning, he looked down at this charming woman from a high position, she really had a good figure, and when she was frightened and uneasy, she had a touching frailty.

He left Bai Ning alone because he saw that this woman had a weak character.

Guan Changling and Yin Shuangye are difficult to deal with at first sight, so it would be easier to kill them directly.

Three foundation builders and twelve qi practitioners are helpless under the electric halo.This is normal, even Yin Jiushi couldn't resist the electric halo back then, let alone these people.

Unable to control mana and consciousness, this group of people can only be slaughtered by him.

The Seven Evil Sect is now the vanguard of the invasion of the Lianyun Sect. The two sides have lost countless lives in the battle, and the situation is already in turmoil.

No matter what is good or evil, the two sides are mortal enemies.

Gao Xian walked all the way, his heart has been tempered like a stone, and he will not hesitate to kill the enemy with his hands.

"Don't be afraid, what's your name?" Gao Xian asked softly.

Seeing Gao Xian's gentle attitude, Bai Ning suppressed the panic in her heart and said in a low voice, "My name is Bai Ning."

"Fellow Daoist Bai, what are you doing here?"

"We, we dig holes here."

Bai Ning hesitated for a while, but still didn't dare to hide anything, and told them all about Yin Baishi asking them to dig a small cave.

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that the other party was definitely a cruel and merciless person who killed a group of people in person.

What's even more frightening is that the other party's spell is mysterious and powerful. After being hit by the electric light, her whole body was numb and weak, and she could only let herself be slaughtered.

With such power, the other party must be a Jindan real person.

At this time, Bai Ning didn't dare to be clever and told her everything she knew.

Through Bai Ning, Gao Xian knew that the golden core magic cultivator named Yin Baishi left suddenly two months ago, and Bai Ning didn't know where he went.

Two months ago, the timing was a bit delicate.Gao Xian even suspected that Yin Baishi was looking for him.

It's just that he has been staying at Zhu's house for such a long time, this Yin Baishi has no courage to do anything?

Or Yin Baishi went to another place and had nothing to do with him. The timing was just a coincidence.

Although Gao Xian really wanted to try Jindan, but it would be better if there is no Jindan in the way, Qinghua Xiaodongtian is the most important thing.

With a casual move, Bai Ning's Green Lotus Sword Token fell into his hands.

This Qinglian Sword Token is exactly the same as the one he had before.

Fortunately, the other party got a Qinglian Sword Token, and there was no way to open Qinghua Xiaodongtian.

"Since your mana has recovered, get up."

Gao Xian could see that Bai Ning had regained some strength, but he was still lying on the ground with a weak and pitiful appearance.

I have to say that women are very good at posing, attracting people who want to jump on them.It's a pity that this woman thought wrong, how could he be seduced by women when he was pure and pure.

Bai Ning got up slowly and cautiously, for fear of causing Gao Xian's misunderstanding.

Gao Xian said to Bai Ning: "Don't be afraid, I will give you a chance, if you are lucky, you will survive."

Gao Xian smiled gently at Bai Ning as he spoke, trying to calm Bai Ning's emotions and restore her strength as soon as possible.

In any case, she is also a lively female Foundation Establishment cultivator. It happened that Qinghua Xiaodongtian was in danger, so I asked this girl to help me find the way.With luck, she might survive.

Bad luck, no wonder he was there.

Gao Xian urged Qinglian Sword to transform into Qinglian Feihong Sword, which shook like a blade of rainbow light, and soon established a resonance with Qinghua Xiaodongtian.

A huge cyan lotus flower appeared on the opposite stone wall, and as the petals slowly turned, a deep passage leading to the inside was revealed.

Bai Ning was stunned watching from the side, it turned out that there really is a small hole inside.

However, due to the intuition of the foundation-building monks, her passage is not safe.

She looked at Gao Xian and was about to plead with him, but before she could speak, she heard Gao Xian say, "You'd better take out all the magic weapons, it's a little dangerous inside."

In desperation, Bai Ning had no choice but to activate the body's protective energy, and then activated the protective dharma shield of the magic robe, and finally took out a white gauze to cover his body.

This white cloud gauze is a body-protecting magic weapon that Yin Baishi gave her. It is close to a magic weapon, and its protective ability is quite sublime.

Bai Ning looked at Gao Xian resentfully, Gao Xian's expression was indifferent, his eyes as bright as stars were icy cold, Bai Ning's heart sank, he knew that it was useless to pretend to be pitiful.

There was no other way, Bai Ning could only bravely walk into the passage.To Bai Ning's surprise, Gao Xian followed her into the tunnel.

This made her feel more confident.

With Jindan Daoist by his side, even if there is real danger, there is still a chance to survive.

Bai Ning was still thinking about it, when a blue light suddenly flashed in the darkness.Before Bai Ning had time to react, the white cloud gauze and magic robe she used to protect her body, as well as the aroused Qi, were easily cut open by Qingguang.

A hair-like straight bloodstain was imprinted on Bai Ning's graceful and plump body, the aura in her eyes dissipated, leaving only the light trace left by the blue light in her empty eyes.

The green light that shone was as fast as lightning, even faster than Bai Ning's consciousness.The unparalleled sharpness not only cut apart Bai Ning's body, but also her soul and all vitality.

Bai Ning didn't even realize that he was killed, he died instantly.

This shining blue light also struck Gao Xian at the same time, leaving a straight bloodstain on the midline of his body...

(End of this chapter)

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