Chapter 279

Yu Jian slashed sharply, pointing at the point of the sword, Feng Scattered Clouds opened the demonic energy, Gao Xian went all out at this moment, and finally felt the power of the upgraded Qinglian Sword.

The sea-like Taiyin demonic energy that the Jindan Demon Cultivator summoned was like a thin piece of paper under Qinglian's sword.

Gao Xian held the Qinglian sword in his hand, and felt that there was nothing he couldn't cut through.

Even the Taiyin Demon Banner in Yin Baishi's hand was extremely fragile under Qinglian's sword.

Including Yin Baishi, Gao Xian felt that his cultivation base was a bit weak.

He is very sure that this is not Yin Baishi's trick to lure the enemy, but Yin Baishi's level.

The magic weapon of the Demon Sect is easy to refine, but after all, it is still one level behind.It is easy to practice the method of the magic door, and the achievement is much lower than that of the same level.

The last time Yin Jiushi was able to severely injure Lu Jingxu was because of the invisible celestial demon triggered by the celestial demon bead.

Take away the strange treasure of Tianmozhu, and the Yin Jiushi is just mediocre.Against Lu Jingxu, she will definitely not take advantage of it.

The same is true for Yin Baishi. This Jindan spiritual consciousness is powerful and powerful, and it can stimulate the evil spirit of the lunar yin, which is very vicious and filthy.

If he hadn't cultivated the Great Vajra, he would have to do his best to resist the pollution from the demonic energy of the Taiyin.If Yin Baishi contributes one part of his strength, he will have to exert three parts of his strength to counter it.

With the Vajra, the most terrifying evil and filthiness of the Taiyin demonic energy is useless.Coupled with the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel and the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, it is enough to easily resist the opponent's demonic energy.

This time, the difference is too big.

Coupled with the newly upgraded Qinglian Sword, the sword energy is unparalleled.Inspired by divine consciousness, the sword qi points to all kinds of methods to eliminate changes.

Gao Xian used the wind and lightning to break through the heavy devil energy in an instant and cut through the Taiyin demon soul, until he was in front of Yin Baishi.

Not only Yin Baishi was shocked, Gao Xian was also a little surprised.But he immediately realized that it was not that Yin Baishi was too weak, but that his strength had reached the level of the golden elixir.

The upgrade of the Qinglian Sword also allowed him to easily suppress Yin Baishi.

After all, Yin Baishi is Jindan Daoist, seeing Gao Xian approaching, he let out a stern whistle, and the Taiyin demonic energy turned into a five-tone sword and slashed straight at Gao Xian.

The Taiyin Five-tone Sword has quality and intangibility, and Yin Baishi's power is extremely powerful when it is fully urged.

Before the Taiyin Five-tone Sword fell, Gao Xian shook the Qinglian Sword in his hand, and the sword sounded like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

This style of wind and thunder agitated, with the wind and thunder sword intent turned into an earth-shattering tremor, the detonated thunderbolt-like sword intent stirred in all directions, and the Taiyin Five-tone Sword was shattered and disintegrated by the thunderbolt sword intent before it approached.

Yin Baishi's secret technique was broken one after another, and the Yin Demon Eye with dozens of pupils in his eyes suddenly released dozens of strange lights, and the colorful and strange lights converged into light blades and pierced Gao Xian.

The Qinglian Sword in Gao Xian's hand shook again, and the light blade transformed by the Yin Demon Eye shattered with a thunderclap.

Shocked by the domineering sword intent, Yin Baishi's 24 Yin Demon Eyes shattered at the same time, and his right eye exploded into a ball of blood.

Gao Xian, who had broken several spells in a row, stabbed Yin Baishi with his sword. Since the opponent was so weak, there was no need to waste time.

Before the cyan blade arrived, the sharp and unparalleled sword intent pierced into Yin Baishi's soul first.

Yin Baishi felt the terrifying sword intent, but he calmed down. The opponent's cultivation was not inferior to him, and even stronger than him.

At this moment, he has no time to think about other things, he must fight with all his strength to have a chance of survival.

The divine light of the golden elixir flourished deep in the center of Yin Baishi's eyebrows, and hundreds of years of cultivation were released without reservation at this moment.

The pure and powerful lunar devil energy enveloped tens of feet in an instant with the power to destroy everything.

Gao Xian, who was so close, turned invisible before the demonic energy of Taiyin broke out.

With the ingenuity of his sword intent, he was able to understand the changes of Yinbaishi first.

The Taiji Xuanguang invisible heavenly garment is far superior to the shadowless robe.

The demon energy of the lunar eclipse erupted by the Jindan magic cultivator had no effect on the invisible Gao Xian.

In less than a breath, Gao Xian's figure reappeared again, and the four-foot blue sword blade lightly and nimbly swiped, straight for Yin Baishi's neck.

The wind blows the clouds, Gao Xian uses the most sword moves.

When used at this moment, there is a kind of ingenuity that penetrates through the gap without trace.

Yin Baishi's lunar demonic energy erupted again, and the cold solar demonic energy completely froze the surrounding space.

The agile and mysterious Qinglian Sword was also inevitably affected by the demonic Qi of the Taiyin, and the flowing blade became sluggish and slow, and it was no longer as agile as before.

Yin Baishi took the opportunity to urge Yin Mo to slap Gao Xian with his palm. He doesn't like to fight in close quarters, but it's not that he doesn't know how to fight in close quarters.

The name of the Yin Mo Hand sounds very rustic, but it is actually the authentic secret of the Yin Mo Sect.

Each cultivator cultivates different Yin Demons, and the Yin Demon Hands they use change differently.

The Qinglian Sword in Gao Xian's hand vibrated slightly, and the blade was pulled out from the Yin Demon Qi like a spirit snake, and the next moment, the sword blade was already in the hands of the Yin Demon

The gray-white Yin Demon's hand was cut off by the blade, and the huge and exquisite magic power of the Yin Demon's hand was also cut off by this sword.

Before Yin Baishi could retreat, the Qinglian Sword swiped again, and the blade swept across Yin Baishi's chest, cutting him obliquely in half from bottom to top.

After Gao Xian succeeded with his sword, he triggered the Yin-Yang Heaven Wheel instead, and he had drifted away in an instant.

Yinbaishi suddenly turned into a ball of gray-white flames, turning hundreds of meters around into a sea of ​​flames.

Taiyin Burning God Transformation is the most powerful and terrifying secret technique in the Taiyin Demon Sutra.

With the power of Yin Baishi, you have to burn your own soul and golden core, so that you can perform this method.

What made him uncomfortable was that Gao Xian seemed to know all his thoughts, and he flew away in an instant.

Gao Xian's flight speed was even faster than his magic, and the Taiyin Burning God Transformation didn't even touch Gao Xian's side.

Gao Xian, a thousand steps away, looked at Yin Baishi quietly with the Green Lotus Sword in his hand.

After all, he is also a golden core, so he must have the means to fight for his life.If it is impossible, it is also very dangerous to self-explode the golden core.

Although Gao Xian had the confidence to win, he had been carefully observing the changes in Yin Baishi's consciousness.

If you find something wrong, draw your sword back immediately, no matter how powerful the opponent is, it is useless if you can't touch him.

This kind of terrifying spell definitely requires a limit explosion.Yin Baishi couldn't hold on for a while.

At the same time, on the Jinxia Mountain hundreds of miles away, Yun Taihao, the real person of Jindan, finally noticed something was wrong.

Just now he faintly sensed abnormal mana disturbance in the air, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

This strong fluctuation of mana, filthy, sinister, cold and fiery, is exactly the aura of the magic elixir cultivator.

Yun Taihao could only vaguely sense that the other party was to the east, and there was still a long way to Jinxia Mountain.

He flew into the sky and looked from a distance, and he could see a gray flame burning in the sky.This flame is not bright, but it reflects the sky and the earth, covering the scorching sun in the sky.

Such a strong mana, but unfortunately, the distance is too far!

Yun Taihao judged that the other party was at least three hundred miles away from him.He weighed whether he would take any risks. No matter what the other party's situation was, he would be protected by a magic circle while staying in Jinxia Mountain, and even three or four golden elixirs would be enough to protect himself.

It's hard to say if you leave the magic circle.

He guessed that there should be two golden cores fighting, but he didn't know which two?

If the Jindan masters of the other three sects were real, they would definitely send out warning signals.Since there is no signal, it is not one of our own.

Yun Taihao has lived for more than 400 years, and he has been able to control his curiosity very well.

It doesn't matter what happens to him, as long as it doesn't affect him.

Yun Taihao didn't dare to be careless, if the other party ran over, he still had to be prepared.

The gray-white flame that seemed to burn through the sky was extinguished in an instant.Yun Taihao sighed inwardly, as expected, the secret technique erupted, he felt that the situation of this Golden Core Demon Cultivator was very bad.

He became even more curious, and he didn't know who was fighting with Jindan Moxiu to force him into this embarrassing situation!
Yun Taihao couldn't see Gao Xian, but Gao Xian could sense Yun Taihao, and the other party's breath was too obvious with the help of Jinxia Mountain magic circle.

The distance is so far that it is far beyond the range of divine consciousness.However, Gao Xian was able to grasp the situation hundreds of miles away with the help of his flower appreciating mirror and giant vajra pestle.

Gao Xian was a little regretful, but it was a pity that Yun Taihao was too timid, otherwise the other party would be able to see the majesty of his sword-cutting golden elixir.

On the other hand, it's nice that no one sees it, and at least it's a bit low-key.Everyone knows that he is powerful, so how can he be so mean!

Now that he has full control over the initiative of the battle, he has the leisure to think about it.

Yin Baishi didn't have Gao Xian's leisurely mind, Taiyin Burning God Transformation failed to hurt Gao Xian, he knew that if he continued to beat him, he would undoubtedly die.

Before the gray and white flames dissipated completely, Yin Baishi steered the Taiyin Demon Banner to turn into a gray ray of light and shoot eastward.

Yin Baishi knew that Gao Xian's flying escape method was powerful, and this would also be the incarnation of the invisible Taiyin demon by burning the Taiyin demon banner, and his escape speed was extremely fast.

Gao Xian urged Yin Yang Tianlun to fly with Yin Baishi for a while, seeing that the other party had no tricks, he didn't wait any longer.

"Didn't Fellow Daoist say he wanted to kill me, and left before it was over?"

Gao Xian teased casually, but Yin Baishi didn't respond.Before, he said that he wanted to kill Gao Xian, but he fled in embarrassment after being killed by Gao Xian.

The pain in Yin Baishi's heart is hard to express in words.He just wants to stay away from Gao Xian now.

Gao Xian who didn't get a response drew his sword and slashed again. The cyan sword light cut into the billowing gray smoke like a rainbow, leaving deep sword marks in the smoke, but failed to stop the gray smoke from flying forward.

Facing the invisible Taiyin Demon, although the Qinglian Sword is unparalleled in sharpness, it is difficult to kill the opponent immediately.

Gao Xian knew that Yin Baishi would show his real body sooner or later.

The other party has no tricks, so there is no need to wait any longer.

Gao Xian urged the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel to accelerate suddenly, and the next moment he rushed directly into the billowing gray smoke, swinging the Tianshu Thunder Demon-Conquering Golden Whip in his hand across the sky.

The blue and white thunder light suddenly erupted along with the golden whip, and thousands of thunder lights shone and bombarded, turning into the invisible Taiyin Demon Yin White Stone, which screamed and revealed its true body.

The Taiyin Demon can resist the Green Lotus Sword, but it is most afraid of thunder.The Tianshu Thunderbolt of the Demon-Subduing Golden Whip is a top-grade thunder method that has special power against evil spirits.

Yin Baishi didn't expect Gao Xian to have the Golden Whip for Subduing Demons, and most of his body would be carbonized and blackened.If he was in his original state, he would never have been injured so badly.

Suffering from this severe injury, Yin Baishi, who had lived for hundreds of years, also panicked. He shook the Taiyin Demon Banner desperately to expel the demon energy.

A cyan sword light had already broken through the heavy demonic energy and came to him. When Yin Baishi was about to turn into a Taiyin demon again, he saw a flash of lightning in Gao Xian's eyes opposite him, and an electric halo appeared on his body.

When Yin Baishi's whole body was slightly numb, the blue sword blade had already pierced his eyebrows, and the sword blade also sliced ​​Jin Dan and his soul at the same time.

Gao Xian looked at Yin Yin Baishi. The one remaining eye of this golden elixir demon cultivator was full of fear and death, and there was no longer any life.

Gao Xian put the sword back into its sheath gracefully, and smiled at Yin Baishi: "The beautiful young man with the golden whip rides the wind to ascend to the blue sky. Flicking his fingers to sweep away the Yin demons, it's a pity that no one saw him! Just say whether you want to bet or not?"

Yin Baishi didn't speak, his lifeless body swayed and he fell to the ground...

Yun Taihao, who was hundreds of miles away, showed a look of surprise on his face, "The golden core demon is dead?!"

(Hematemesis and double update, ask for a monthly ticket ~ ask for support~)

(End of this chapter)

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