Chapter 282 Invitation
The Great Five Elements Sword Gang: The Five Elements Ganggang condenses into a sword, which is strong and sharp, yet as soft as water. (1200/20000 Grandmaster) (natal magical power)
Gao Xian couldn't help smiling when he looked at the commentary on the Great Five Elements and Sword Gang on the Fengyue Baojian.

The five elements sent by Yun Taihao are very powerful. After refining all of them, he can upgrade his Great Five Elements Sword Gang to the level of a master.

At this point, the Great Five Elements Sword Gang is already a combination of rigidity and softness, changing at will.

Gao Xian has already sensed the changes of anti-five elements, but unfortunately, he has not been able to truly understand it.

The Great Five Elements Kungfu and the Five Elements Heqi method actually constitute a positive and negative cycle of the Five Elements.

His cultivation base is still too shallow, and now he still knows what it is, but he still doesn't know why, and he still uses the same method to operate the secret method.

After all, it is a fundamental secret method. Although it can be added through the Taizhen God, it is not so easy to understand the essence of it.

Fortunately, the Great Five Elements Sword Gang is relatively simple, and it is a magical power naturally derived from the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

Gao Xian tried the Great Five Elements Sword Gang, and its power was at least [-]% higher than before.

The key is that it can be activated instantly, and it is quite easy to perform.

Compared with other secret arts, the Great Five Elements Sword Gang is relatively balanced, so there is nothing outstanding.

It's not as wonderful as Da Luo's Transformation God Avatar, it's not as powerful as the Great Vajra Pestle, it's not as convenient and quick as Lieyang Bullet and Xuanbing Arrow.

Fengyun Jianjing Yujian is another way, and it is difficult to be compatible with the Great Five Elements Sword Gang.

Gao Xian rarely used the Great Five Elements Sword in the past, but this time the Great Five Elements Sword has been promoted to the master level, and it is usually enough to deal with the enemy.

Coming out of the underground secret room, Gao Xian saw that the peach blossoms all over the mountain had withered, and he couldn't even see a single petal.

The heterogeneous peach blossoms in Xuandu Peak are very strange, the flowers wither in spring and wither in summer.It blooms in autumn and winter.

It was already mid-April, and peach blossoms were in full bloom elsewhere, but here at Xuandu Peak all the peach blossoms were in bloom.

Gao Xian looked at the out-of-season scenery of Xuandu Peak with his hands behind his back, and felt that it had a special charm.

The main reason is that his cultivation base has improved, he is in a good mood, and everything he sees is beautiful.

When the alchemist in the alchemy room saw Gao Xian, he yelled through the window: "Brother, you're out."

Without waiting for Gao Xian to speak, Daniu hurried out from the alchemy room, wiping his hands on the front of his shirt.

He concocted alchemy and fiddled with various medicinal herbs, his hands were not very clean.

After wiping his hands a few times, Daniel took out an invitation card from the storage bag and handed it to Gao Xian.

"Brother, someone came to send invitations a while ago. He claimed to be from the Shui family."

Daniel seldom goes out for alchemy in the yard, but he also knows that the Shui family of Qingyunzong is a very powerful family.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and when he saw Gao Xian leaving the customs, he hurriedly sent over the invitation.

After Gao Xian accepted the invitation, he realized that the thing was made of gold, but it had been processed in some way, and it showed a paper texture with blue moiré.

Opening the invitation card, the content written on it was very simple, which was to invite him to a banquet in Changle Building.

After looking at the date, it was agreed to be May [-]th, which was still some time away.

The signature is Shui Yuying, and a very complicated coat of arms is drawn on the back. If you look closely, dozens of cloud patterns form a talisman.

Gao Xian has read "The Secret Explanation of Cloud Patterns" in its entirety, and with his photographic memory, he also has a general understanding of cloud patterns.

He could barely recognize that this talisman meant water, it was probably the unique coat of arms of the Shui family, and there was also the unique aura of golden elixir unique to Shui Yuying on the coat of arms.

It is probably equivalent to the anti-counterfeiting mark, but the quality is higher.

It is in such details that the aristocratic family truly reveals its heritage, which is incomparable to ordinary cultivators.

Gao Xian is much worse in this regard, he only has one big brother and a follower, his little brother.

There is nothing to be particular about basic necessities of life.It is already very good if the pills can meet the needs on weekdays.

Gao Xian flicked the invitation card lightly, he quite liked this kind of pretense of wealth and status, and was even a little envious.

He is not very repulsive to the aristocratic family, in fact he is very open-minded in this regard.

Sects, sects, aristocratic families, and gangs are all organizational structures in the final analysis, but the ties to maintain the organizational structures are different.

Sects rely on faith, sects rely on the inheritance of secret laws, and aristocratic families rely on blood. Gangs are more complicated, and generally can only be linked by interests.

Speaking more broadly, the human race and the demon race are actually different organizations, only using racial blood as a link.

In the world of cultivators, it is particularly important to distinguish between the human race and the monster race.The non-coexistence of humans and demons is also a basic understanding of all cultivators.

Although Gao Xian is a time traveler, as a human race, his ass is on the human race's side first of all, and he doesn't think about the harmonious coexistence of humans and monsters.

The same is true for joining the Qingyun Sect. His butt is with the Yun family, and he will support the Yun family.Even if he doesn't have any blood relationship with the Yun family.

For other families, or other forces, Gao Xian must keep a certain distance.

He became friends with Lu Jingxu because Lu Jingxu was close to the Yun family, so he didn't have any worries about it.

Gao Xian knew very well that in an organization full of factions, what everyone hates the most is the scumbag, and the most unacceptable thing is the traitor.

Of course the Shui family understood this truth, so Shui Yuying treated him as the Yun family from the very beginning.

Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui could no longer suppress him. Seeing that his momentum was getting stronger and stronger, the Shui family would definitely want to suppress him to death.

This is not only the conflict between him and Shui Yuying, but more importantly, the power struggle between Yun and Shui.

If he achieves Jindan, he will definitely enter the Qingyun sect's top ranks.

There are only a few positions, the Yun family occupies one more, and the Shui family occupies one less.

As one ebbs and another grows, the gap is huge.The Shui family would rather have this position in someone else's hands than give it to the Yun family.

Gao Xian understood that the contradictions were irreconcilable, so he suspected that the Shui family had tipped off the Yin Demon Sect, thus attracting Yin Baishi.

It's just that he is very high-profile in Lianyun City, and everyone in the city knows that he is coming.

In this case, it would be a bit reluctant to say that it was the Shui family who tipped off the news.It is even more impossible to find any strong evidence.

Gao Xian just kept a note for the Shui family in his heart, and he didn't intend to investigate the matter, let alone trouble the Shui family because of it.

In the end, Shui Yuying took the initiative to come to the door. Could it be that she couldn't wait to turn her face around?
Gao Xian thought it was impossible again, Shui Yuying looked stern, she didn't have the guts to kill Shen Xiao's true biography.

At least, she didn't have the guts to do it herself, let alone him in Qingyun City.

What does this invitation mean?Want to sleep with him?
Gao Xian felt that Shui Yuying only had this ability, and wanted to play some tricks with women.

If so, he would like to thank Shui Yuying.

Of course, he can't be careless even if he has the Great Vajra.

There are all kinds of mysterious spells, magic tools, and spiritual objects in the world of cultivators, and the methods are ever-changing, so you must guard against them.

It's only April now, and by May, Human Dao Lingguang can save more than 100 million, which is enough to upgrade the Thunder Lightning Method.

At that time, no matter whether Shui Yuying wanted to seduce her or play tricks, he could accompany her to the end.

Gao Xian accepted the invitation, and the next step was alchemy and class.

After retreating for more than a month, more disciples came to class.There is also Li Feihuang.

Gao Xian's gaze swept over Li Feihuang, but he found that this girl had a haughty expression and didn't respond to his eyes.

He was amused in his heart, became a true disciple, and began to set up a proud person again.

Gao Xian didn't care too much, he and Li Feihuang really had a pure dual cultivation relationship.

It doesn't matter if it's broken like this.

Gao Xian taught normally, and his Fengyun Sword Manual was promoted to a master, allowing him to take a big step forward in the way of swordsmanship.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is now better than Yun Qiushui in terms of kendo attainments alone.

Although the Qingyun Sect is large, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in swordsmanship.

Not to mention a group of qi training and foundation building practitioners, even a group of Jindan real people sitting below, Gao Xian can also convince the other party.

Whether it is the principles of swordsmanship or the subtle changes in specific sword moves, Gao Xian can explain it in a simple and clear way.

Li Feihuang, who was listening to the class below, was also a little surprised. She had received Gao Xian's oral teaching, and even directly taught her sword intent through divine will, and she felt that she had acquired the essence of swordsmanship.

Not to mention better than Gao Xian, at least he is not inferior to Gao Xian in terms of swordsmanship.

After listening to Gao Xian's lecture, she realized that her understanding of kendo was too rough and there was a huge gap between her and Gao Xian.

Li Feihuang gritted her teeth secretly, she was so kind to this guy, yet this guy kept secrets from her!
She made up her mind to go to Gao Xian tonight.

Lu Youyou's eyebrows were beaming, her big eyes sparkling, she couldn't help but said to Li Feihuang: "Master Gao's speech is so good, one sentence is better than my three years of hard work!"

She muttered in a low voice again: "I wish I could join the high school."

Li Feihuang looked a little strange, "What do you want the apprentice to tell me?"

Lu Youyou put on a flattering face: "Sister Feihuang, you have a good relationship with Teacher Gao, please help me talk about love..."

"I have nothing to do with him."

Li Feihuang hastily denied that her relationship with Gao Xian should not be exposed, if Yun Qingxuan was angered, Gao Xian would be in trouble.

Lu Youyou couldn't help curling her lips. Everyone said that Li Feihuang had learned the essence of the Qingfeng Sword Sutra from Gao Xian, but she also said it didn't matter!

This woman, hmph, has no sense of loyalty at all!
The angry Lu Youyou hurriedly chased Gao Xian out after class, and ignored Li Feihuang.

Li Feihuang is also very helpless, the matter between her and Gao Xian is very complicated, and there is no way to explain it to Lu Youyou.

At night, Li Feihuang quietly flew up to Xuandu Peak.

Li Feihuang originally wanted to question Gao Xian why he hid his secrets, but before she could explain it, he and Gao Xian got together...

I was so fascinated that I forgot everything I said...

On Xuanxiao Peak, Shui Yuying and Shui Yujun were watching in front of the mirror.

He couldn't see what was going on in the room through the magic circle, but he could guess what Gao Xian and Li Feihuang were doing.

Shui Yuying sneered disdainfully: "Li Feihuang relies on the spirit body of the fire phoenix, and looks like a proud stranger not to enter. I didn't expect it to be a slut who took the initiative to send to the door."

Shui Yujun asked calmly: "What is Li Feihuang's personality, and what does it have to do with your affairs?"

"With Zhou Yuling and Li Feihuang's handle, Gao Xian can only obediently listen to me..." Shui Yuying said proudly.

"From my point of view, Gao Xian's city is deep and he is not the kind of person who is infatuated."

Shui Yujun frowned slightly, and he reminded: "Besides, he and Li Feihuang's dual cultivation is not against the sect's rules. If you want to use this to manipulate him, I'm afraid it won't work."

"I know what to do, you don't have to worry about it."

Shui Yuying was full of confidence, "Gao Xian can't escape from my grasp this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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