Chapter 288
The ghost-faced crab's body is as big as a human head, its six legs are more than three feet long, and its front claws are thick and sharp, like two pairs of scissors made of black steel.

The most special thing is the grimace on the front of the crab shell. It has real human facial features and red eyes. It looks very scary.

A maid used scissors to open the crab shell, took out the golden cream inside in a white jade bowl, and set it out for the guests one by one.

Gao Xian is not very particular about food, as long as it tastes good.

The paste contained in the jade bowl is as yellow as melted gold, showing fine golden particles and fresh juice. The golden color is very beautiful and pure.

It looks good just looking at it, and it exudes a rich and delicious smell, which makes people's fingers lick.

Gao Xian took a sip with an exquisitely shaped spoon, the mouth was soft and sandy, and the umami taste exploded like a flame bomb. The key point was that the umami taste was rich and mellow.

In terms of taste, the ghost-faced crab is indeed extremely delicious.

The ointment also contains strong spiritual energy, which is comparable to the second-level top elixir.

After Gao Xian refined the Vajra, his form and spirit were perfect, and he could immediately detect any problems with the food he ate.

He also has a clone that can deflect damage, so you don't have to be too careful about what you eat or drink.

After trying the ghost-faced crab, Gao Xian admitted that it was indeed delicious. He praised: "It is really delicious."

Lu Shidao said with some pride: "Ghost-faced crabs are very difficult to catch. These ghost-faced crabs don't look big, but they are second-level. They can't be caught by any fishing nets. Fishermen who go into the water are often killed by ghost-faced crabs.

"This thing will die in a day if it leaves the lake water, and its body will rot in a short period of time. It is difficult to preserve it even in a storage bag.

"Only in Liuhe City during this season can you taste such delicious food."

Lu Shidao raised his wine glass and said to Gao Xian: "Brother Gao, Brother Ye, and Taoist fellow Lingzhen are here today, so this grand event is possible. It is an honor for them to be able to taste the ghost-faced crab."

"Fellow Daoists, please."

Gao Xian raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. The wine was slightly spicy and slightly bitter, but it neutralized the creamy yellow flavor and created a special taste.

This wine is obviously made specifically to go with ghost-faced crab.

Fan Lingzhen on the side drank a glass, then poured the wine on his own, and drank several glasses in a row.

She acted as if there was no one around, as if she was the only one at the wine table, revealing a natural and frank look.

This kind of free and easy, but has a unique charm.Make this woman more attractive.

Lu Shidao was afraid of embarrassing the situation, so he said with a smile: "This wine is brewed with Nine-tailed Snake Grass. It has a long staying power. It is a perfect match with the ghost-faced crab..."

The combination of ghost-faced crab and nine-tailed snake grass wine will fuse with the aura of the cultivator, and will have an extremely subtle effect on mana and consciousness in a short period of time.

This kind of influence is quite beneficial to the cultivator, but in a short period of time, it will make the cultivator's mana flow a little sluggish, and the spiritual consciousness will also have some influence.

Just like a drunk person, he is conscious and moves freely.However, from the conscious point of view, the body's reactions in all aspects will actually be slower, but I cannot notice it.

Lu Shidao arranged this dinner just to use ghost-faced crabs and nine-tailed snake grass wine to stumbling on Gao Xian.

Ye Qixiu had taken the elixir in advance, so naturally it would not be affected.

As one goes and the other goes up, Ye Qixiu has a huge advantage.

Lu Shidao didn't want to kill Gao Xian, he couldn't bear the consequences.But he couldn't stand Gao Xian, the leader of the Qingyun Dharma Assembly, and the true successor of Shenxiao. Whenever he talked about these, he became Gao Xian's foil.

This feeling is very disgusting.

Since Gao Xian is shining brightly, let him taste the taste of failure.Even if Gao Xian holds a grudge, he can only go to Ye Qixiu.

If Gao Xian can still win in this situation, it can only be said that Ye Qixiu is too incompetent.

Lu Shidao persuaded him to drink wine diligently. After finishing a small bowl of cream, several people had already drank several cups in a row.

Ye Qixiu, who was a little drunk, stood up suddenly and said loudly: "I have eaten crabs and drank wine. Fellow Taoist Gao, come on."

Gao Xian smiled: "Everyone is in a state of drunkenness. Isn't it a bit inappropriate to do something now?"

"My generation of cultivators don't pay so much attention."

Ye Qixiu pointed to the shimmering heart lake in front of him, "The heart lake is vast enough for you and me to display it, fellow daoists please."

Gao Xian was not allowed to say anything. The pale golden giant spirit energy on Ye Qixiu's body flashed, and his energy flew from the window onto the lake.

Ye Qixiu raised his voice and said: "Today, I, Ye Qixiu, will compete with fellow Taoist Taoist Taoist Master Shenxiao of the Qingyun Sect. Please bear witness."

His voice was powerful and powerful, spreading in all directions along the lake, and almost half of the people in Liuhe City could hear his words.

Gao Xian also admired Ye Qixiu's loud voice. This was either a special spell or a powerful physical voice.

These words naturally attracted a lot of attention.Needless to say, the people by the lake were all wide-eyed.

There are also some cultivators who use mapping spells such as water mirrors to observe Ye Qixiu.

Ye Qixiu has been in and out of Liuhe City all year round. He has a tough temper and often fights with others.

Many people know this young foundation-building monk with powerful magic.

All the demons and monsters hiding in Nancheng were shocked by this voice.

The foundation-building monks could all sense the powerful magic power in this sentence, which also aroused their curiosity.

Even Shuiyuying who was hiding in Nancheng was awakened.

She didn't care about a little Foundation Establishment cultivator, what made her care was that the other party mentioned Gao Xian's name.

"Someone wants to fight Gao Xian?"

Shui Yuying became interested, she locked the source of the sound, stretched out her hand and a water mirror appeared out of thin air.

The water mirror technique she used was secretly taught by Qingyun, and could reflect the situation within a radius of more than ten miles.

This kind of reflection is not observation with spiritual consciousness, but a mysterious mapping of the surroundings through magic.

In Liuhe City, Shuiyuying will inevitably be suppressed by the protective formation.

Even so, it is not difficult to use the water mirror technique to reflect the inner lake miles away.

Shuiyuying slightly adjusted the water mirror and quickly locked onto Ye Qixiu, who was showing off his power on the lake.

"This strong and burly figure, with powerful magic power, his surname is Ye, is he a disciple of Ye Huanyuan?"

Shuiyuying is more interested. If this kid is killed by Gao Xian, Ye Huanyuan should be more active!
On Zichou Peak east of Liuhe City, Lu Bingyang, the leader of Liuhe Sect, was talking to Ye Huanyuan.

The pavilion where the two are located has a wide view, and they can overlook the entire Liuhe City and Xinhu Lake.

This place was dozens of miles away from the Heart Lake. The two of them couldn't hear Ye Qixiu's words, and they couldn't see anyone clearly under normal circumstances.

Ye Qixiu on the lake was just a pinpoint black dot in their eyes.

Ye Huanyuan was so familiar with his apprentice that even though it was just a pinpoint black spot, he recognized it as Ye Qixiu.

Ye Huanyuan urged the secret technique, and the golden light flashed in his eyes. He could clearly see the figure of the disciple dozens of miles away, and the unruly and arrogant expression on his face.

"Fighting with someone again?"

He smiled at Lu Bingyang beside him and said: "My disciple is very aggressive. It is precisely because of his strong desire to win that he can advance rapidly. However, with such a temper, he can easily suffer losses.

"It's hard to say between gains and losses."

Lu Bingyang's long white eyebrows moved slightly, and a strange light flashed in his red eyes. He didn't pay attention to it at first, but now he wanted to take a look.

Ye Qixiu's reputation in Liuhe City is extremely high, and he is even more famous than Lu Shidao.Of course, Ye Qixiu has a bad reputation.

Lu Bingyang had never seen this junior before, so of course he would have to see Ye Qixiu's ability if he had the chance.

From his point of view, Ye Qi practiced the Giant Spirit Sutra quite well, with strong muscles and strong magical power.

Especially the unruly and arrogant look between his eyebrows and eyes, which is very imposing.

Given time, there is a good chance that he will surpass Ye Huanyuan.I really didn't realize that this guy Ye Huanyuan is quite good at teaching his disciples.

Just as Lu Bingyang was sighing, he saw a man in Tsing Yi opposite Ye Qixiu.

This man is extremely handsome. Standing with his sword in the wind, he naturally has an elegant and free temperament.

"Gao Xian!"

Lu Bingyang had never met Gao Xian, but he recognized him at a glance.

After all, foundation-building monks with this kind of temperament are really rare.Especially those pair of eyes, as bright as stars and as deep and deep as ever, making people unforgettable.

"The leader of the Qingyun Dharma Assembly is indeed extraordinary."

Lu Bingyang couldn't help but nod. Although the two sides hadn't started yet, Gao Xian's demeanor was already far superior to that of Ye Qixiu.

Looking at the secretive and deep flow of magic power around Gao Xian's body, and his vaguely perfect form and spirit, he could not tell the depth of Gao Xian's cultivation.

Ye Huanyuan also saw something was wrong. He hesitated and asked, "Is that person the true successor of Qingyun Sect?" "It must be Gao Xian."

Lu Bingyang was very sure, "He came to borrow the Five Elements Cave to practice."

"It's really him."

Ye Huanyuan's mood was a little complicated. Shui Yuying only told him about Gao Xian yesterday, and today the apprentice started fighting with Gao Xian.

This is quite a coincidence.

For Shui Yuying to be so scrupulous, his stupid apprentice would never be able to defeat Gao Xian.

Ye Huanyuan felt a little uneasy, he was just such a promising disciple, don't let Gao Xian beat him to death.

He said: "I've heard for a long time that this guy is awesome. Don't let anything happen. I'll go over and have a look."

"Hey, Gao Xian is the true successor of Shenxiao. In public, even if he wins, he will not kill him."

Lu Bingyang stretched out his hand to stop Ye Huanyuan. He was not partial to Gao Xian, but he just didn't want Gao Xian to die in Liuhe City.

Ye Huanyuan is both good and evil, but he is obviously closer to the Yin Mo Sect.He would not be polite to Gao Xian.

Lu Bingyang smiled and said: "Juniors start to spar, we can just watch from the side."

Ye Huanyuan was a little unhappy, but it was hard to fall out with Lu Bingyang.This old man has lived for more than 700 years and is already in the late stage of Jindan. He is steadily suppressing him in terms of cultivation.

Not to mention that this is the territory of Liuhe Sect and is protected by layers of magical formations.If he really wanted to do it, he would definitely die.

He could only laugh dryly, "It's just such a disciple, it's inevitable that he will be spoiled. It made Sect Master Lu laugh."

Lu Bingyang smiled and said, "I can understand the eagerness of my beloved disciple. Fellow Daoist Ye, don't be nervous, they are all within the magic circle. If there is any accident, I can also stop it..."

Ye Huanyuan was noncommittal. It was not that easy to control the magic circle to control the foundation-building monks from such a distance.

But Lu Bingyang had already said so, and he couldn't say anything more.

While the two were talking, Gao Xian and Ye Qixiu on the lake had already taken action.

It was Ye Qixiu who took action first. He shouted loudly, and the earth-shattering sound caused the surrounding lake to suddenly explode into white waves.

Opposite Gao Xian could see invisible sound waves converging into a huge long cone, piercing directly in front of him.

This type of sound attack spell is simple and crude, but extremely fierce.

If it were an ordinary foundation-building monk, this voice could kill half his life.

Gao Xian can completely avoid it. What he dislikes most is fighting head-on with the enemy. It has no technical content and is extremely dangerous.

This battle is different. There are countless cultivators around Xinhu watching the battle.

It would be easy for him to retreat, but it would cause the lower-level cultivators to misunderstand him, thinking that he could not defeat Ye Qixiu, or that he was at a disadvantage.

Gao Xian thought for a while and felt that there was no need to be too smart at this time.

Just use your strength to crush the opponent and let everyone know how powerful he is and how powerful the Qingyun Sect is.

The simpler and cruder it is, the more people watching will like it.It’s also more helpful in making a name for yourself.

Facing the invisible sound wavelength cone, Gao Xian activated the five-element sword gang, and the sharp platinum aura condensed into gang qi and exploded, smashing the sound wavelength cone into pieces.

The fierce magic power confronted him, triggering white waves more than ten feet high.

Many cultivators watching the battle on the shore saw this, and many of them exclaimed loudly.They had never seen such a powerful confrontation of mana, and they were all shocked by its terrifying power.

Hiding behind a big tree, Shuiyuying sneered disdainfully. Gao Xian was really good at acting, and he even played in a flashy way with a kid!

The more she thought about it, the more she hated her. If Gao Xian hadn't been so good at pretending to be stupid, she wouldn't have been so miserable!

Lu Shidao, who was watching the battle in Shuiyun Tower, was confused. Gao Xian was good at spells and swordsmanship. How could he fight Ye Qixiu with a hard blow? Isn't this a short attack for a long time?

What surprised Lu Shidao was that the sharp Five Elements Sword Gang actually broke through Ye Qixiu's Giant Spirit Breaking Hammer.

Ye Qixiu can be said to be invincible with this sound attacking spell, and he has almost never met an opponent in Liuhe City.

Fan Ling's bright green eyes flashed, and she said with a half-smile, "Ye Qixiu lost."

Lu Shidao glanced at Fan Lingzhen. The battle had just begun. It was too early to say the outcome now.

He said: "Brother Ye also has the appearance of a giant spirit, which is as powerful as any other."

Before Lu Shidao finished speaking, he saw that Ye Qixiu had already summoned the giant spirit spell.

The Dharma Appearance of the Giant Spirit is actually a huge Dharma Appearance formed by the condensed energy of the giant spirit, and it is closely integrated with Ye Qixiu's physical body.

A giant spirit several feet tall stood majestically behind Ye Qixiu, its intense golden light as thick and strong as gold and iron.

The golden giant spirit's Dharma is as powerful as a divine general in the sky.Ye Qixiu was even more able to breathe out and circulate spiritual energy with the help of the Dharma Appearance, and his mana suddenly increased several times.

Ye Qixiu just stood still, with the might of the giant spirit's appearance, which had already shocked many cultivators watching the battle.

Lu Bingyang, who was watching the battle on Zichou Peak, all showed admiration, "Using the tyrannical body as the foundation to condense the Dharma, the power is doubled, and the endless spiritual energy can be controlled. Brother Ye's secret method is superb, I admire it..."

Lu Bingyang stopped Ye Huanyuan, of course he had to say something nice.On the other hand, Ye Qixiu's use of the Giant Spirit Aspect was indeed good.

Ye Huanyuan shook his head solemnly, "Although the power of the giant spirit method is strong, it is difficult to fight for a long time. I think Gao Xian's body and soul are perfect, and his escape method is extremely mysterious. After a little delay, he can easily deal with this idiot like me." apprentice……"

Ye Huanyuan was very experienced. When he saw his disciple eagerly using the giant spirit method, he knew that there was no chance in this battle.

Just as he was sighing, he saw Ye Qixiu step forward and take out his palm, followed by the Dharma Minister who was several feet tall behind him.

The huge golden palm suddenly slapped down towards Gao Xian, making a deep thunderous roar in the air.

Ye Qixiu was also afraid that Gao Xian would dodge, he shouted loudly at the same time: "Gao Xian, do you dare to take my palm!"

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile, this guy could also provoke the general.The Dharma form of the giant spirit is good, but it is too slow.

If he wanted to leave, Ye Qixiu wouldn't even be able to see his shadow.

After fighting with several Jindan masters, Gao Xian really looked down on these foundation-building monks, and they were slow to activate spells.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Ye, I'm coming, be careful."

Gao Xian spoke and activated the Fiery Sun Bullets and Black Ice Arrows.

He has reached the master level in the 36th level of Ice and Fire, and with his profound knowledge in various spells, he can already perform many tricks with the blazing sun bullets and black ice arrows.

36 rounds of blazing sun bullets formed a giant flaming palm and blasted towards the giant spirit.

36 black ice arrows formed into a giant ice palm, and were blasted from behind Ye Qixiu.

The ice and fire spells are actually connected together to form a giant palm, and the real power is still the spell itself.

Even so, the scene of the two giant palms of ice and fire attacking back and forth was also extremely cool and shocked all the cultivators watching the battle.

Ye Qixiu, who was the first to bear the brunt, was also a little confused. He had never seen this kind of magic, so he could only use all his strength to activate the giant spirit magic to change.

The two giant palms of ice and fire came together back and forth, and the two opposite and tyrannical powers of blazing flames and black ice cold air immediately smashed the giant spirit's magic form to pieces.

Although Ye Qixiu's body was strong, he could not withstand the attack of ice and fire. The front of his body was scorched black and the back was covered with frost. He immediately fainted and fell from the air into the lake.

Ye Huanyuan's face turned dark when he was watching the battle on Zichou Peak. He immediately activated his Light Escape and flew into the sky straight towards the Heart Lake.

Lu Bingyang shook his head slightly, using low-level spells so delicately was truly a masterpiece!

The mastery of magic and sword is really not just a boast, he is really capable.

Lu Bingyang has lived for 700 years and is in the late stage of the Golden Elixir. Everyone is amazed by the fancy changes of the Ice and Fire Palms, let alone ordinary cultivators.

Seeing the giant palm of ice and fire easily slapping Ye Qixiu flat, many cultivators watching the battle around him exclaimed.

This kind of magic is simply unbelievable to them.

When everyone looked at Gao Xian again, their eyes were full of awe.They all had one thought in their minds: the leader of the Qingyun Dharma Association, well-deserved reputation!
Lu Shidao in Shuiyun Tower was also stunned. He hadn't seen him for two years. Gao Xian had practiced flame bombs and ice arrows to such an extent that it would be an exaggeration to say that he was superb.

The Ice and Fire Giant Palm not only looks majestic, it is also powerful enough.Ye Qixiu couldn't even withstand a blow without looking at him.

Fan Lingzhen said slowly from the side: "If you don't fish out Ye Qixiu, he will drown..."

"Ah." Lu Shidao finally came to his senses. He hurriedly flew towards the Heart Lake with the Escape Light, only to find that Gao Xian had already brought Ye Qixiu over.

Gao Xian entered Shuiyun Tower and put Ye Qixiu on the table. He said apologetically to Lu Shidao: "I am ashamed, I am ashamed. Fellow Daoist Ye is a master of magic. I could only attack with all my strength, but I hurt Fellow Daoist Ye..."

Lu Shidao smiled bitterly. He checked Ye Qixiu and found that he was seriously injured, but fortunately he was still alive.

Fan Lingzhen said with admiration at the side: "Fellow Taoist Gao has great attainments in magic and is very powerful."

(Other monthly tickets are so fierce~ It almost scares me to tears~ Please support~ I also want to be far ahead~)

(End of this chapter)

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