Chapter 292 Resonance

Gao Xian let out a long breath, Fan Ling really didn't lie to him, the white lotus blossom is indeed a very powerful secret technique of double cultivation, it can really send people into fairyland.

If it were another person, he would probably be lost in a fairyland and unable to extricate himself.

He is different, he has Sister Lan and a giant vajra.He enjoys the fairyland to the fullest without getting lost. Instead, he can take Brahma Lingzhen with him to ascend to immortality.

Fan Lingzhen had probably never encountered such a situation before. His body would soften into a puddle, with a thin layer of sweat on his snow-white delicate body, and his whole body looked more moist and delicious.

Her bright green eyes were still vacant, as if her soul hadn't returned yet.

This is also normal, after all, they are going to the fairyland together, the wonderful taste of being immortal is enough to make the soul intoxicated.

After a while, Fan Lingzhen's eyes narrowed, and his whole body became tense.

Gao Xian comforted him softly: "Relax, it's okay."

Fan Ling really wanted to find something to cover up, but she immediately relaxed.

Having reached this point, any more secretiveness will only seem artificial.

She adjusted her body posture and crossed her legs. This posture made her more relaxed and showed the beauty of her body.

Seeing that the other party was so relaxed, Gao Xian couldn't help but ask the question that all men like to ask: "Are you feeling good?"

Fan Ling really thought about it seriously and said, "It's very cool."

"Haha...that's good, I feel good too."

Gao Xian is very happy. It is of course the most important thing to experience this kind of thing yourself, but the experience of your companions is also very important.

Positive feedback will make the two parties have a deeper fit.

He commented: "The blooming of the white lotus is really wonderful, but this method is profound, I think there are still many obstacles, and I want to ask my fellow Taoists for advice."

Fan Lingzhen chuckled lightly, his bright eyes full of blazing charm: "Come..."

After finishing the matter, Gao Xian gently rubbed Brahma Lingzhen's bald head. The feeling was slightly sticky, but quite comfortable.

Fan Lingzhen leaned on Gao Xian's shoulder, Mingli's face was full of satisfied joy.

Dual cultivation is not simply about lust, it involves the cultivation, secrets, spiritual consciousness, etc. of both parties.

It is not that easy to achieve the harmony of yin and yang in this process.

Fan Lingzhen was very satisfied with Gao Xian and even liked him a little.But she immediately suppressed this thought.

Gao Xian is not something she can control, and she doesn't want to be controlled by Gao Xian.

Meeting by chance and discussing the truth in bed is enough.

Gao Xian also has a good impression of Fan Lingzhen. She is bright and charming, and her bald head is very interesting.The key is that the secret method of the White Lotus Sect is powerful.

Don't look at the fact that Fan Ling's true cultivation is far behind Shui Yuying, but in terms of dual cultivation secret arts, it is far above Shui Yuying.

The yin and yang of the two sides circulated in harmony, and tempered their own mana through a harmonious and mysterious way.

Dual cultivation is a step-by-step process that requires tacit cooperation between both parties to achieve a mysterious state.

All rough and unilateral looting cannot be called dual cultivation.

Gao Xian's cultivation is pure, and through dual cultivation with the Brahma Spirit, he can detect the subtle sluggishness in the operation of magic power.

In the subtle yin and yang cycle, these subtle stagnations will be continuously polished and purified.

A few times of dual cultivation is not enough to make a qualitative change. If you persist for ten or a hundred years and the mana and spiritual consciousness are constantly purified and refined, the practitioner will have a great qualitative change.

The Five Elements Heqi Method is also a secret technique created based on this principle.It is used to make up for the roughness of the Five Elements Skills.

The dual cultivation of Gao Xian and Sister Lan is incomparable, so that the Five Elements Heqi method can be brought into full play, and the Great Five Elements Gong can be promoted to the extreme.

Double cultivation with Brahma Lingzhen or Li Feihuang will allow him to be exposed to more types of secret techniques, see more scenery, and hone himself in more ways.

With the Feng Yue Baojian in hand and Sister Lan as the host, Gao Xian is confident that he can be regarded as a master in this regard.

Judging from actual combat, the talented Li Feihuang, the profound Shuiyuying, and the exquisite Brahma Lingzhen were all subdued by him.

Gao Xian felt a little regretful, why he hadn't discovered this good thing that could both enjoy and cultivate.

If I had worked hard earlier, maybe this would have become a golden elixir...

Brahma Spirit really knows the taste of the marrow, so he took Gao Xian to practice cultivation for seven days, until his body couldn't hold it any longer, and then he and Gao Xian entered Dagu Mountain together.

"The magic weapon in my hand is called the White Lotus Falling God Bell. It and the White Lotus Heart Lock Ring are a set of magic weapons, and they are connected with each other."

Fan Lingzhen raised his wrist and gave Gao Xian a look at the white bell tied to his wrist.

She said: "My uncle turned into an evil spirit. He could control the White Lotus Heart Locking Ring only by staying and participating in spirituality during his lifetime. Her natural wisdom was swallowed up by the evil nature, and she was not very wise. She would never have thought that we could follow this path. Find her with the breath of the magic weapon..."

Fan Lingzhen took Gao Xian around the Dagu Mountains for a while, and quickly locked in a location.

After flying for hundreds of miles, Brahma Lingzhen stopped on top of a round mountain peak. The bell on her wrist kept jingling, and the sound was quite urgent.

"That's it."

Fan Lingzhen looked at the mountain wall covered with withered yellow vines. Through the secret method, she could see that there was a natural rock crevice behind the vines, which was filled with evil spirits.

There is no doubt that Bai Jie's evil spirit is here.

Brahma Lingzhen said to Gao Xian through divine consciousness: "I will lure it out and act according to the plan."

The two of them not only cultivated together in the inn, but also made a detailed plan in order to eliminate the evil spirits in one fell swoop.

Gao Xian also became serious, Bailian Luoshenling can lock the evil spirit, but it may escape from the wood, once it escapes, it is not easy to catch it.Fortunately, Fan Ling really made a lot of preparations, including a Five Elements Locking Talisman.

This third-order talisman can temporarily lock an area with the power of the five elements.

In this area, the Five Elements Mana can function normally, but the Five Elements Escape Technique cannot be used.

Two escape methods, such as Earth Escape and Wood Escape, will be interfered by the Five Elements Locking Talisman and will be difficult to use.

The advantage of the cultivator lies in this, there are various secret methods, various magic tools, magic symbols, including various magic circles and so on.

In prepared battles, cultivators can combine spells, magic weapons, and magic talismans according to different situations to target the enemy to the maximum extent.

When cultivators fight monsters or other low-intelligence life forms, this advantage will be magnified to the extreme.

Possessing wisdom and a complete inheritance are the greatest advantages of a cultivator.

Just like this evil spirit, Tianshu's thunderbolt and demon-conquering golden whip cannot be easily killed, and Gao Xian's various magical powers and secret techniques cannot keep the opponent away.

After preparing the Five Elements Locking Talisman, it will not be difficult to deal with evil spirits.At least for Gao Xian.

Xie Sui just had no brains. He was attracted by the aura of essence and blood released by Brahma Spirit, so he ran out without any scruples.

The Brahma Spirit really led the evil spirit to an open area. Under the light of the new moon in the sky, the first-born evil spirit with two horns also revealed his true face.

Xie Sui has a tall and sturdy body as black as carbon, with red eyes, a pair of black horns on his head, and a silver ring around his neck.

Just looking at Xie Sui's appearance, one would never have guessed that she was a beauty during her lifetime.

The Brahma Spirit activated the spell, and a white light suddenly erupted with the evil spirit as the center.

The white light unfolds piece by piece like a white lotus, and there is a faint sacred and solemn atmosphere in the rippling clear light.

Xie Sui, who was trapped in the middle by the spell, paused for a moment. He soon realized that something was wrong. His eyes glowed red, and when he raised his arms, the white lotus that trapped him silently shattered.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gao Xian activated the Five Elements Locking Talisman.

This third-level magic talisman is quite cumbersome to activate.Fortunately, Gao Xian specializes in the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, so it is relatively easy to control such a talisman.

Even if it was used for the first time, the talisman was quickly activated.

The five-color aura of green, red, black, and yellow shone, turning into a huge five-color halo to envelope the evil spirits.

Xie Sui didn't pay attention to the Five Elements Lock. Its red eyes fell on Gao Xian, and its movements obviously paused, as if it recognized Gao Xian.

The next moment, Xie Sui's tall and sturdy body turned into a black shadow and pounced towards the ground.

The five-color spiritual light suspended in the air flashed, and the evil spirit turned into a black shadow and its body re-solidified. Its tall and thick body just fell on the ground, with most of its head buried several feet into the ground, and its buttocks raised high, in a very embarrassing posture.

Gao Xian seized the opportunity to activate the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip. In an instant, the golden whip flashed with lightning and made a roaring sound.

Without waiting for Xie Sui's reaction, Gao Xian struck Xie Sui's butt with a whip.

The blazing blue and white lightning suddenly erupted, and Xie Chong's legs were immediately shattered and burned under the lightning, turning into pieces of black ash.

The last time he took action, Gao Xian was a little tentative.This time he used at least seven points of force.

The Demon-Conquering Golden Whip is a magic weapon, and with the built-in Tianshu Thunder, it is so powerful.

And his master's perfect thunder and lightning technique was used to activate it. Even a golden elixir like Yin Jiushi couldn't withstand this blow.

Brahma Spirit was really frightened by the blazing thunder and had to retreat far back.

The badly injured evil spirit suddenly pulled out its head from the soil. It opened its mouth and roared wildly, and the red light in its eyes spurted out like flames.

Fan Lingzhen, who had retreated more than ten feet away, couldn't help being shocked by the roar, and the aura of the protective spell on her body went out together.

The bell on Fan Lingzhen's wrist kept ringing fiercely, but it was still not enough to neutralize the power of the roar. Her feet became weak and she staggered back two steps. It was not until the two natal auras in her body shone brightly again that she managed to stabilize.

She couldn't help but be horrified that this uncle's skills increased dramatically after he turned into an evil spirit. Fortunately, she brought Gao Xian with her.

If she faced Xie Chong alone, she might die here this time...

Fan Ling was really uneasy, and Gao Xian remained motionless in the face of the evil roar.I wonder if he was frightened by evil spirits?

She was about to use the secret technique when she saw that Gao Xian had already raised the thunderous golden whip to slay demons and whipped it hard on Xie Sui's head.

Amidst the roar of thunder and thunder, the evil spirit's head shattered in the thunder.

The remaining half of Xie Sui's body fell to the ground, and in the blink of an eye it turned into pieces of black ash and dissipated.

After Xie Sui died, he left a silver ring and a white crystal in place.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and took the silver ring and white crystal stone into his hands.

The white crystal stone is crystal clear and is an extremely high-grade evil spirit crystal core.

The silver ring is the White Lotus Heart Lock Ring of the White Lotus Sect.

Gao Xian promised Fan Lingzhen in advance and enjoyed the other person's body, so naturally he would not go back on his promise just for a magical weapon.

It’s just that you have to play with the magic weapon in your hand.

He weighed the White Lotus Heart Lock Ring to activate mana at will. The White Lotus Heart Lock Ring flashed with aura, and the Green Lotus Dharma Crown on his head also flashed slightly at the same time.


Gao Xiansheng felt something. He carefully looked at the white lotus heart lock ring in his hand and found that the lotus pattern on it looked quite familiar...

(It’s September, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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