Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 317 Tianfeng 8-tone

Chapter 317 Tianfeng Bayin
The distance between the two people fighting in the center of the hall is getting closer and closer. Originally, they were urging the sword light to fight from a distance, maintaining a good distance and sense of proportion.

At this moment, Yue Qingwei took the initiative to move forward with her sword, and Yun Qiushui did not give way.

The two swords converged and struck, making a continuous clanging sound.

Everyone watching the battle became more and more serious, especially those in the Yuelun Sect, with many people showing nervous expressions on their faces.

Even those who are not good at swordsmanship can see that Yue Qingwei has been suppressed by Yun Qiushui.

Therefore, Yue Qingwei took the risk to fight in close quarters, trying to subdue Yun Qiushui with a fierce and tough offensive.

Yunqiu Shui refused to retreat, and the two sides fought hand-to-hand. Any oversight or mistake could lead to death on the spot.

Sword cultivators take this extreme approach, and can easily kill monks of the same level with one sword in hand.However, the sword cultivator itself does not have high protection, and it is difficult to resist the slashing attacks of the sword cultivator of the same level.

The continuous sword sounds gradually became intense and high-pitched, and the exchange of sword lights also became extremely powerful.

Most of the people watching the battle had serious expressions on their faces, and the superb swordsmanship displayed by both warring parties made them all feel tremendous pressure.

If they were on top, they wouldn't even be able to catch a single sword!
Suddenly the sword light dissipated, the high-pitched sword sound stopped abruptly, and Yun Qiushui and Yue Qingwei also separated on both sides.

Yun Qiushui's mood was relaxed, but Yue Qingwei's beautiful face was covered with frost.

"Accept." Yun Qiu Shui handed over his hand.

Yue Qingwei hesitated and returned the gift, then sheathed her sword and turned to leave.

Yun Qiushui gestured to the people around him again, and his cool and calm posture left a deep impression on everyone watching.

It can be seen that Yun Qiushui's victory was not too difficult.As a new Jindan, he could easily defeat Yue Qingwei, which shows Yun Qiushui's peerless talent.

Crescent Sword Bai Zizhen said to Yue Qingwei: "I'm too impatient. How can I win if my heart is confused?"

Yue Qingwei bowed her head deeply and was taught, without saying a word.

Bai Zizhen glanced at Yun Qiushui, who was still gesturing from all directions in the center of the hall, "This man is really talented in swordsmanship, and he has a chance to reach the state of integrating body and sword. You don't have to be discouraged.

"Having such a powerful sword cultivator at the same level is a good thing for your practice. Sword cultivators must constantly hone themselves in battle..."

On the sidelines, Hengyang was eager to try, and he said: "Uncle, shall I try?"

"Forget it, after losing one game, it will be too ugly to lose again."

Bai Zizhen shook his head. Bai Hengyang didn't have much advantage against Yun Qiushui. It would be too ugly if he lost again.

Bai Hengyang wanted to speak, but he saw a charming beauty standing up from the Wanling Sect opposite.

She said softly: "I have heard for a long time in the sect that Qingyun Sect has a peerless talent with both position and sword skills. This little girl is not talented. I would like to ask my Taoist friend to give me some advice..."

It was Yan Feiyin who spoke. She looked at Gao Xian tenderly with her blue eyes, like a young girl looking at the man she likes, with affection and joy.

Yun Changfeng frowned slightly. It was reasonable for people from the two sects to challenge Yun Qiushui, but it was a bit weird to challenge Gao Xian.

He had heard of Yan Feiyin, a rising star of the Wanling Sect and the true successor of the Wanling Palace. It was said that he had great hope of condensing a third-grade golden elixir.

Yun Changfeng turned to look at Gao Xian. It was usually difficult to refuse under such circumstances.

After all, they are the masters, and to be a master, you must have the bearing of a master.Of course, this also depends on Gao Xian's situation.

If Gao Xian doesn't want to take action, he can always find a reason.

Gao Xian stood up and nodded to Yun Changfeng: "Uncle Master, everyone else has named you, so we can't lose the prestige of our sect. Just let me try."

Yun Changfeng was very pleased that Gao Xian could stand up at the critical moment, and his courage was very commendable.

It's one thing to kill someone secretly, but it's another thing to fight against a powerful enemy in front of experts from all sides.

After all, it is a grand occasion for three sects to gather together. The three major sects govern [-] small sects and manage tens of millions of cultivators.

Those who can sit here are all geniuses among geniuses, the best among the best.Either one is great.

Fighting in front of these powerful cultivators, the pressure you bear is not ordinary.

"This person suddenly challenges you. He may have an agenda. It's better to be careful." Yun Changfeng explained.

This battle is different from the Qingyun Dharma Assembly. The people in that assembly are of equal strength. After many rounds of battles, they already know each other quite well.

This Yan Feiyin suddenly appeared, but no one knew what she was good at or how advanced she was.

If the opponent dares to take the initiative to challenge, he must have someone to rely on.The enemy is in darkness and we are in the open, which is very detrimental to Gao Xian.

Gao Xian nodded, indicating that he knew how powerful it was.Following the activation of the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel, he quietly came to the center of the hall and came to Yun Qiushui's side.

"This woman really likes you, be careful not to be seduced by her..."

Yun Qiushui also reminded Gao Xian before returning to his seat.

Gao Xian cupped his hands in front of Yan Feiyin and said, "I am not very talented and knowledgeable, so I ask Fellow Taoist Yan to be merciful."

Naturally, no one would take such humble polite words seriously, let alone think that Gao Xian was really afraid.

Yan Feiyin fluttered and landed opposite Gao Xian. She said softly: "The little girl has heard of Taoist friend for a long time and admires her heart. This is why I dare to challenge you. Please don't take offense to Taoist friend."

She paused for a moment and then whispered: "Let's call it a day, don't hurt the harmony, okay?"

This woman's beautiful blue eyes were full of pleading, and she begged softly, making it difficult to refuse.

"Okay, just follow what the Taoist said."

After Gao Xian said this, he became more vigilant in his heart. This woman had too many tricks.

How can it be so troublesome to compare skills?

It would be too brainless to trust someone based on just a few words. If someone kills someone, you can only blame yourself for being stupid.Of course Gao Xian was fully confident. Regardless of how strong his swordsmanship was, the Da Luo God Transformation Clone Technique that had just reached the master level could make this enchanting little girl ascend to heaven in an instant.

Da Luo's God-Transforming Clone Method: Breathe Da Luo's Brahma Qi to condense the soul, and the three gods Taixuan, Taiyuan, and Taiji will transform into clones, with endless magical powers. (10001/19200000 Grandmaster) (natal magical power)
When he reaches this state, all three gods in his sea of ​​consciousness can be transformed into real clones.

In other words, if he is willing, he can transform into three clones, each of which is the manifestation of the Great Luo God, and also has [-]% of the power of his original body.

This embodied double is no different from the real body.However, true cultivation requires spiritual objects as the core of sustenance, so that it can last forever and be the same as the real body.

After raising Daluo's spirit clone method to the master level, Gao Xian naturally understood these mysteries.

However, Daluo's spirit clone method must be raised to the state of master perfection before spiritual objects can be used to refine the real clone.

Upgrading is not too difficult, but finding the right spiritual object is very difficult.

The most important thing for Gao Xian right now is to form the elixir of his body. It will not be too late to consider these things after the elixir is formed.

As Daluo's deity transformation method was upgraded, the secret magical powers mastered by the three gods also increased.

Even the independent Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes have gained a lot of proficiency and are not far away from the master level.

On the other hand, the three clones can bear three fatal injuries for him.

In his state, there is no need to deliberately activate the three clones.Once the main body cannot bear the damage, it will naturally divide into clones to bear the damage.

Based on this alone, he is invincible.

Although Gao Xian was sure of victory, out of habit he activated the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes first.

The gorgeous black and white robes that appeared out of thin air also made many people in Wanling Sect and Yuelun Sect look shocked.

This robe has a strong texture, is so gorgeous, and exudes mysterious magic power.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this was a magical robe transformed into a protective robe.

Even Bai Zizhen's eyes were a little more serious. Even though he was a master of magic, he could also cast spells instantly, and his aura was deep and perfect. She couldn't see through the changes in his opponent's power.

This foundation-building monk really has some skills!It must not be underestimated.

Everyone in Wanling Sect was even more nervous.

Although Wan Changan had a calm expression on his face, he was also surprised in his heart. Gao Xian was much more powerful than he expected...

Yan Feiyin, who faced Gao Xian directly, had a smile on her face. She took out a warm jade flute about a foot long from her sleeve, "This thing is called the eight-tone flute. I don't know how to play a tune for my fellow Taoist." how?"

As Yan Feiyin spoke, he flicked the jade flute gently, and the magic power flowed out of the jade flute, making a light flute sound.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves, causing a black and white rotating Tai Chi pattern to appear.

The invisible sword energy transformed by the sound of the flute fell, leaving eight deep cracks on the rotating black and white Tai Chi diagram.

The rotating spiritual light like black and white Pisces also stagnated.

Yan Feiyin chuckled sweetly, and the jade flute in her hand sounded again. The sound of the flute was rich and clear, and it had an uplifting and high-pitched sound, like a phoenix singing in the sky.

The real name of this jade flute is Tianfeng Eight-tone Flute. It is said that it was carved from jade crystal condensed from the blood of a Tianfeng.

Of course, this is just a legend.When this flute is played, it can indeed emit a clear and spiritual sound like the cry of a phoenix, which has the power to shock the soul.

Yan Feiyin is also communicating with the three-tailed sky fox, the natal spiritual beast in the sea of ​​consciousness. She is a foundation-building monk, but the three-tailed sky fox has already formed a golden elixir.

Through the secret method of Wanling Sect, she can easily borrow the power of the three-tailed sky fox golden elixir.

Use the power of the golden elixir to activate the eight-note flute of Tianfeng. If the eight notes are emitted in unison, it will sound like a phoenix roaring in the sky. Even the golden elixir can kill it with one strike.

Yan Feiyin did not dare to kill Gao Xian, nor did he really want to kill Gao Xian.She was a little reluctant to part with such a handsome, charming man.

However, if the other party wants to compete with her for the five-color lotus flower, that's not possible.

To form an elixir, she needs to use five-color lotus flowers to refine an elixir. The better the quality of the five-color lotus flowers, the more helpful it will be to her.

Gao Xian was seriously injured and the opponent had no time to take care of himself, so he had no intention of grabbing the five-color lotus.

No one in the Qingyun Sect could have imagined that she would seriously injure Gao Xian because of Five Colored Lotus.Naturally, they won’t fight desperately.

Besides, many people in Qingyun Sect have opinions against Gao Xian.Gao Xian's serious injury gave them an excuse to shirk responsibility.

These calculations may not be successful, but how will you know if you don’t try?
Yan Feiyin, who was smiling sweetly, suddenly had three long white tails appear behind her, and her magic power suddenly increased to the golden elixir level.

The swaying long white tail gave Yan Feiyin an irresistible and powerful charm, and Gao Xian couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart when he saw it.

Yun Changfeng and others all noticed something was wrong, but they were all affected by the charm of Tianhu to some extent.

When Yun Changfeng came back to his senses and activated the magic circle, he tried to activate it again, but it was a step too late.

Yan Feiyin urged the eight notes of the jade flute to emit sharp phoenix sounds, and the sound wave tool turned into a colorful flying phoenix. Its wings stretched out and completely covered Gao Xian.

The sound waves transformed by the colorful flying phoenix were so fierce that everything within the sound wave range shattered. Even the magic circle protecting the main hall buzzed and vibrated. Many magic barriers could not withstand the impact and collapsed.

Gao Xian was inside, and the protective black and white Tai Chi figure was broken first.Only then did he draw his sword out of its sheath, and it turned into a piercing blue light that shone brightly under the influence of the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel.

Yan Feiyin's blue eyes showed surprise, what kind of escape technique is this, what kind of sword technique is this?
Before she could think about it, the sharp green light sliced ​​open the colorful flying phoenix and stabbed it directly in front of her eyes.

Yan Feiyin hurriedly activated the jade flute, and the eight notes sounded in unison again, turning into a golden eight-note shield to protect her.

With a quick stab of azure light, the eight layers of the eight-tone shield broke simultaneously, and the unison of the eight-tone sound stopped abruptly.

A look of horror appeared on Yan Feiyin's exquisite jade face. She slowly reached out and touched her neck, where a red line as thin as hair was spreading...

Many of the Jindan Masters who were watching the battle stood up in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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