Chapter 329 Ambush
In the underground quiet room, four wise men stood in a circle.

In the middle, Gao Xian is dressed in blue and wearing a sword, which is Gao Xian's true form.The three high sages around him are the three divine avatars of Taiyuan, Taiji, and Taixuan.

Taiyuan's divine form has golden eyes and gold clothes, Taiji's divine form has purple eyes and purple clothes, and Taixuan's divine form has black clothes and black eyes.

Taiyuan Shenxiang is majestic and dignified, with a sense of self-respect and arrogance.

The spirit of Tai Chi is pure and sublime, like the immortal Daluo Golden Immortal who will never be destroyed.

Tai Xuan Shen's aura is deep and mysterious, with a profound and all-devouring vastness.

The avatars of the three gods showed completely different demeanor and spirituality, and were no different from real people in all aspects.

The only problem is that they have no wisdom and are completely controlled by the sage consciousness.

The three clones are like Gao Xian's three extra arms. Without conscious control, the arms will not move at all.

Gao Xian was very experienced in controlling clones, and he didn't feel uncomfortable controlling three clones at the same time. Instead, it felt natural and smooth as it should be.

Daluo's spirit-transforming clone method has reached master perfection, which allows him to have an extremely close connection with the clone, and he can naturally control the clone as he wishes.It was as if he was born with three clones.

Only at this point did Gao Xian truly understand the essence of Da Luo's spirit-transformation method.

The foundation of Da Luo's spirit clone method is Da Luo Brahma Qi. Only through Da Luo Brahma Qi can the clone be condensed and transformed into mana with various conflicting properties without restriction.

The most exquisite thing about Da Luo Brahma Qi is that it is not restricted by the attributes of spiritual energy and can absorb all spiritual energy at will. The five elements, yin and yang, including all kinds of dirty spiritual energy that demon cultivators like, can be absorbed without hindrance.

Moreover, Da Luo Brahma Qi can be transformed into various kinds of mana at will.

Each of the three gods has magical powers, and their essences are transformed through the Brahma Qi of Da Luo.

From this level, the three gods are actually one body, and they share the Da Luo Brahma Qi.

However, the situation has changed now.

The master's perfect state differentiates into three divine forms, all of which can condense the real flesh and blood body.

Within the sensing range of his spiritual consciousness, the three gods can breathe out the Daluo Brahma Qi on their own.

Leaving the scope of his spiritual consciousness, the three divine clones will naturally dissipate.

To put it simply, the three divine clones within the scope of his consciousness are the same as real people, and they can even breathe and practice.

Just like the blood nerves cultivated by the clone of Taixuan God, they are actually converted into blood nerves using Daluo Brahma Qi. They are no different from the original blood nerves, and are even more advanced in level.

At this level, through the entrustment of special spiritual objects, the clone can permanently reside in the world and is not limited by the range of divine consciousness.

Even though he was thousands of miles away, Gao Xian could still control his clone through his consciousness.

Gao Xian can also instantly recover his clone that is thousands of miles away.However, after the clone is recovered, it cannot be projected to a distant place because it is far beyond the range of divine consciousness.

The clone is equivalent to a mobile teleportation circle that can teleport his body.

The real clone, which is not limited by the range of divine sense induction, is extremely magical.It also gave Gao Xian many means of emergency escape.

However, there is a problem with the permanent clones condensed in this way, that is, they will be separated from other clones and cannot continue to share the Da Luo Brahma Qi.

In other words, after being condensed into a permanent clone, they are no longer three in one.

Gao Xian thought about it and felt that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Any other cultivator would never have the energy to control the three divine clones to practice one by one.

He is different, he just needs to add some points if he has the Feng Yue Treasure Book.

The independent god-like clone will help him practice different spells at the same time, and he can even use one clone specifically to practice swordsmanship.

Gao Xian already had an idea in his mind. The Taiyuan and Taiji divine phases dissipated, leaving behind the Taixuan divine phase clone.

Gao Xian urged the blood demon relics to merge into the black-clothed and black-eyed clone. This Taixuan god-like clone transformed the Da Luo Brahma Qi, and the blood demon relics turned into a large area of ​​red blood...

After a long time like this, the blood around Taixuan's divine phase clone dissipated, and the clone with black clothes and black eyes stood in the same place, with a deep and cold breath.

"It's done!"

Gao Xian was overjoyed. When he got the blood demon relic, he had an intuition that this object could become the spiritual object of Taixuan God's clone.

When Daluo's divine clone method reaches the master level, and then uses the Taixuan divine clone to fuse the blood demon relics, it will be a natural and natural fusion of the real clone, which can last forever in the world.

Of course, the more real the clone, the more vulnerable it is to harm.If it suffers irreversible fatal damage, the eternal clone of Taixuan Shenxiang will dissipate.

Gao Xian tried to control the clone of Taixuan God, which was no different from his own body.

The blood nerves transformed by Da Luo Brahma Qi can operate freely.Including all kinds of spells he knows, he can also cast them.

However, it has to be transformed by Da Luo Brahma Qi, so its power is one level lower.Fortunately, this clone possesses [-]% of the power of the original body, and its magic power is now comparable to that of the ninth level of foundation building. It also possesses [-]% of the tyrannical power of the physical body blessed by the Vajra.

In turn, there is no limit. Gao Xian takes back the Taixuan Divine Phase clone, and by controlling the Taixuan Divine Phase in the sea of ​​consciousness, he can possess all the power and magical powers of the Taixuan Divine Phase.

To put it simply, the real clone cannot share the power of the main body. As long as the main body takes back the divine form, it can share all the power of the divine form.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with this. It was normal for the avatar to be weaker. In the future, the avatar could cultivate on its own and in turn bless the original body.

Opening the Fengyue Treasure Book, Gao Xian saw that the life span had increased to 80 years, reaching 660 years.

It was not until the Grand Master reached the state of perfection that Da Luo transformed into a clone of the gods, which enhanced the origin of his life.

Gao Xian is quite satisfied with the 80-year life expectancy increase at one time.

Including mana and other aspects, there has actually been great progress.

It's just that now that his cultivation has reached the peak of foundation building, these improvements are not obvious.The most obvious improvement is the spiritual consciousness. Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness sensing radius has now been increased to [-] steps.

After all, it is the differentiation of three gods, and their essence is the manifestation of divine consciousness.

Ascending to the state of master perfection, the powerful spiritual consciousness of the three gods can finally be fed back to the main body.

At this point, Gao Xian felt that his spiritual consciousness level should be comparable to that of the third-grade golden elixir.

Well, it's still a lot worse than Yun Qingxuan...

Turning around the Feng Yue Bao Jian, you can see on the back that the annotations on the Da Luo Transformation God Clone Technique have changed.

Daluo Transformation God Clone Technique: Breathe Daluo Brahma Qi, condense the three divine phases of Taixuan, Taiyuan, and Taiji into avatars, and gain immeasurable magical power. (19200000/19200000 Grandmaster is perfect) (natal magical power)
Taixuan divine phase clone (real): Daluo Brahma Qi (3333th level of foundation building 5000000/555).Taixuan Jiuyin Slaughter God Hand (400000/[-] proficient), "Blood Nerve" (proficient)

Taiyuan Divine Avatar: Daluo Brahma Qi (ninth level of foundation building), Taiyuan Light Sword. (supernatural power)
Tai Chi Divine Appearance Clone: ​​Daluo Brahma Qi (ninth level of foundation building), Tai Chi Tiangang, Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes (2333333/3200000 Grandmaster) (supernatural power).

Feng Yue Baojian gave a detailed explanation of Daluo's method of transforming into a clone this time, including annotations for each of the clones. It seems to be clear at a glance and very clear.

Gao Xian looked at the notes on Fengyue Baojian and felt a little satisfied. These magical powers and spells were quite powerful at the golden elixir level.

You can directly add points to magical powers with numerical values ​​marked on them.Unfortunately, it is obviously impossible to add points to the blood nerves, and is simply marked with a level.

As for the two clones of Tai Chi and Tai Yuan, it is obviously because they have not condensed the real clones and cannot add points.

Only Tai Chi Xuan Guang Intangible Heavenly Clothes is independent and can be added.Because of this, all three divine clones can use the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes.

Gao Xian concluded that the most direct gain this time was actually divine consciousness. The sensing radius increased from [-] steps to [-] steps. This increase was particularly exaggerated.

Such a powerful spiritual consciousness should have destroyed the balance of form and spirit.

However, as long as Gao Xian does not use the spiritual power of the three gods, he can maintain his physical and spiritual balance.

Gao Xian felt the powerful spiritual consciousness, and it became easier to control various magical powers.

Even the sword intent transformed by the Fengyun Sword Sutra has been significantly enhanced.

After all, sword intention is a way for spiritual consciousness to transform mana, and its essence is no different from that of magic.

In addition to spiritual consciousness, the Tai Chi Xuan Guang invisible heavenly clothing has also been greatly improved, and it is only 100 million people short of the master's spiritual light.

The range of use of this secret technique is too large, especially the change that can penetrate the magic circle, which makes up for his lack of proficiency in the magic circle.

It doesn't matter if you are not proficient, just turn into an invisible state and pass through the magic circle.

Gao Xian's magical power has greatly improved, but he still endured it and did not act recklessly.

More than two months later, with enough humanistic spiritual light, Gao Xian added the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes to the master's perfect state.

Gao Xian could no longer hold back at this moment. He did not move his body, controlled the Taixuan divine phase clone, blessed the Taijixuanguang invisible heavenly clothes and quietly left the sect.

The sect's magic circle covers tens of thousands of miles in radius. Such a huge magic circle usually operates naturally under the power of earth veins.

Although this fourth level magic circle is powerful, without a host presiding over it, it cannot stop the Grandmaster's perfect Tai Chi Mysterious Light Invisible Heavenly Clothes.

The clone of Taixuan God transformed into a young man with a cold face, wearing a black robe, and walked around Qingyun City for several times without anyone noticing anything strange about the clone.

Gao Xian, who was hundreds of miles away, could control his clone as if he were his own body, without any lag.

Even if there is a magic circle blocking it, it still cannot cut off the close connection between him and the clone.

After coming out of Qingyun City, Gao Xian and his clone were replaced.

Separated by hundreds of miles and numerous magic formations, the replacement was not hindered in any way and was completed very smoothly.

However, Gao Xian also felt tired after replacing him in this way, and it was obvious that the Taixuan divine phase clone could not be replaced again in a short time.

Gao Xian had a vague feeling that the time limit for this replacement was at least twelve hours.

But it doesn't matter, he still has two divine forms, and during this period, they can be replaced with the main body and bear fatal damage for the main body.

Gao Xian used the wind control technique to fly thousands of miles away. After making sure that even the Nascent Soul Lord of the Qingyun Sect could not sense him, he activated the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel and sped towards Lianyun City.

This trip was not only to visit Qiniang, but also to test the limits of the Taixuan Divine Avatar.

Even with Gao Xian's current powerful consciousness, he couldn't fly to Lianyun City in one go.

During this period, he rested three times. At noon on the third day, Gao Xian arrived above Lianyung City.

Looking from a distance, Lianyuncheng was peaceful.The golden light on Jinxia Peak next to it is brilliant. August is the time when the golden cotinus trees are at their most beautiful.

Gao Xian urged the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes to turn into an invisible state and entered Lianyun City silently.

Taixuan's clone, a hundred thousand miles away, was breathing in the Daluo Brahma Qi to circulate and practice.

Gao Xian multitasked, but it didn't affect him at all.Precisely because he has the Taixuan God clone, he can change and leave this place at any time, so he dares to run in so unscrupulously.

Arriving outside the Zhu family compound, Gao Xian was not in a hurry to go in. He walked around the compound in a large circle.

Through the flower appreciating mirror, he saw a real Jin Dan in a house not far from the Zhu family courtyard.

In the Zhuzhao Netherworld mode, although this Jin Dan had a magic weapon that concealed his magical power, he still saw a problem.

Gao Xian didn't dare to look any further.Judging from the aura, the other party should be a real person from the Demon Sect Jindan.

"Are you waiting for me? Or are you waiting for Yun Taihao?" Gao Xian fell into deep thought...

(End of this chapter)

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