Chapter 331
After more than two years of cultivation and taking a Nine-turn Ding Yuan Pill every ten days, Gao Xian was able to regulate his whole body's magic power perfectly and freely.

He went to Lianyuncheng and saw that Qiniang was fine, and the only worry in his heart was relieved.

After returning, my whole person became more relaxed, empty, empty and spiritual.

Apart from routine homework, Gao Xian will not deliberately use his magic power to practice.

The powerful secret techniques of the Great Vajra, Tai Zhen Puppet God, Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and Da Luo Transformation God Clone Technique have all reached the limit of foundation building.

As he continued to relax and let go, the originally tense body of the soul relaxed, giving these powerful magic powers room to operate naturally.
With the adjustment of the nine-turn elixir, the mana around him has been accumulated to a level that is about to overflow.

Gao Xian casually recited poems to show off, triggering that little bit of inspiration, and immediately triggered three natal auras that were ready to go.

It is too unsafe to form pills outside, even on Xuandu Peak, it is easy to be disturbed.

Gao Xian walked back home slowly, asking Daniel to leave first to avoid any accidents affecting him.

He sent a message to Yun Qiu Shui, saying that he should always find a master protector when forming elixirs.

Be careful with the boat that lasts thousands of years.

The condensed golden elixir will cause strange phenomena in the world. Don't try to hide it from others in the sect.

Asking Yun Qiushui to protect the Dharma can save you a lot of trouble.As for giving a little favor, it is nothing compared to the great road.

Gao Xian activated the magic circle in the room and was not in a hurry to form the elixir.

It would take at least a few days to return to the ninth stage of Dan Dan. At this time, he had grasped the opportunity of heaven and earth and had entered the Dan Dan state. As long as he did not stop, it would not be interrupted.

During this period of practice, Gao Xian had a profound understanding that you should not use force to form the elixir.

The sect is full of spiritual energy, and he has also prepared the corresponding spiritual elixirs for forming elixirs, so there is no need to worry at all.

As long as he takes every step step by step, there is no reason for failure due to his strong cultivation.

According to records, the success rate of pill formation is actually very low, it can be said that it is one in a thousand.

However, this kind of rough statistics is inherently inaccurate and will include a large number of casual cultivators and small sect cultivators.

As far as the Qingyun Sect is concerned, in recent years Yun Qiushui has formed an elixir alone, and the success rate of elixir formation is [-]%.

At this moment, with the inspiration in his hand, Gao Xian could clearly sense the five elements of aura between heaven and earth, which were constantly gathering towards him under the attraction of his natal aura.

He used to breathe out the spiritual energy of the five elements, but he knew it was happening but didn't know why.

Through the wonderful spiritual resonance between heaven and earth, Gao Xian was able to sense various changes in the spiritual energy of the five elements.

In his eyes, the aura of the five elements is the aura of ten colors. The positive and negative five elements cycle, nurturing and carrying all living beings.

Only with the flow of the five elements can the four seasons change, rain, snow, wind and frost.

Gao Xian knows that this understanding is actually very rough and superficial. For practitioners, it has transcended the limitations of individual life and has a new understanding of heaven, earth, all things, and all living beings.

Sister Lan, who lived in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, emerged. She used the Five Elements Heqi Technique to integrate with his Five Elements Kung Fu.

The power of the positive and negative five elements gathered in his body and began to operate in an orderly manner.

At this time, a white shadow fell from the sky, it was Yun Qiushui who came from the sword.

Gao Xian smiled at Yun Qiushui through the window. This friend came so quickly!True friend!
Yun Qiushui nodded, indicating that everything would be left to him.

Both of them are good friends, so at this critical moment, there is no need to say anything.

Gao Xian then entered the underground quiet room and activated the quiet room protection circle.

With the two-layer magic circle plus Yun Qiushui, even if a few golden elixirs come to cause trouble, he won't be afraid.

This is the Qingyun Sect. The Shui family can see him forming pills, but can the Yun family see it?
Even Patriarch Yun Zaitian couldn't tolerate taking action at this time.

Gao Xian made these arrangements just as a precaution.

In the quiet room, smoke curls up from an ancient five-legged incense burner, exuding a long fragrance that makes people feel peaceful.

The five-legged incense burner is a four-dimensional five-element burner lent to him by the ancestor Yun Zaitian. It is a fourth-level medium-grade spiritual weapon.

The burning incense is a cloud dragon incense that is said to be ground from dragon horns. The aroma is like a dragon flying in the air. It is also a fourth-level spiritual object.

Yunlong incense can calm the soul, subdue inner demons, destroy evil spirits, and activate qi and blood.

There are also several spiritual weapons such as the Heavenly King's Demon-Suppressing Sword and the Five Elements Returning Spirit Pearl, all of which were lent to him by the sect.

These spiritual weapons and spiritual objects each have their own wonderful uses, and can help cultivators form elixirs to the greatest extent and eliminate all kinds of interference.

The biggest trouble when forming elixirs is inner demons, followed by evil spirits and Qi machines coming to intrude, and thirdly external enemies.

The large sect has rich experience in forming pills and has a complete set of response plans.This also greatly increases the chance of the cultivator forming an elixir.

To take a step back, even if the elixir formation fails, there will not be too serious consequences.

If he didn't join the Qingyun Sect, Gao Xian wouldn't be able to get any of these things.

Including the nine-grade five-color lotus, they all borrowed the power of the sect.

Gao Xian was very grateful for this.Of course, these are all converted into good deeds, and he will pay them back slowly in the future.

This is normal, Yun Qiushui's elixir formation also owes a lot of good deeds.

Gao Xian could still think about these chores at the beginning. As the Five Elements Gong continued to operate, the one after another distracting thoughts gradually disappeared.

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, he and Sister Lan were inseparable from each other.

After a few days like this, the three connecting natal auras were continuously purified and purified, and finally merged into a ball of pure aura.

The body and consciousness seemed to disappear at this moment, and everything was condensed in this aura.

Perfect as a pill, as strong as gold.

This is what the cultivators call the golden elixir, which is easily condensed at this moment.

Gao Xian can sense that the golden elixir has a mysterious resonance with the five elements of heaven and earth, and a slight rotation can trigger the resonance of the positive and negative five elements.

Such a powerful feeling made Gao Xian even indulge in it.

He spent a lot of willpower to push the golden elixir to reverse, allowing the spiritual light condensed into pills to disintegrate and dissipate little by little, and return to the body again.

At this time, Gao Xian also found the feeling of alchemy.

Indeed, the practice of returning alchemy and refining alchemy are too similar.

It's just that one uses the alchemy cauldron to make pills, and the other uses his body to make pills.

It is said that the body is the furnace, Qi is the medicine, the heart is the fire, the kidneys are the water, the liver is the wood, the spleen is the earth, and the lungs are the metal.

Run the Five Elements Alchemy Pill, and your soul will turn into an immortal after nine turns.This sentence is also the secret key to the elixir formation of the Five Elements Gong.

Gao Xian now has an idea and uses his magic power to purify his consciousness according to the key.

The five-color lotus floating in front of him turned silently, and transformed into the purest five-element aura as thick as mist, covering Gao Xian heavily.

With the support of the five-color lotus aura, Gao Xian quickly condensed into a ball of pure five-color aura again.

This time, the spiritual light condensed like a pill, and the ten colors of spiritual light fit together in an orderly manner, forming a positive and negative five-element structure.

From the golden elixir level, it is far better than the first elixir formation.

Gao Xian uses the golden elixir to sense the orderly changes in the positive and negative five elements.After a while, I used my spiritual consciousness to break down the golden elixir and practice it again.

The third time the elixir is re-formed faster, the elixir is formed more stably.

When the elixir was formed again, Gao Xian saw the five internal organs vibrating and black smoke rising from them.

The twisted black smoke resembles a ghost or a demon, flowing straight into the sea of ​​consciousness as the magic power circulates.

The pure and bright natal spiritual light was suddenly polluted by the smoke, and the sea of ​​consciousness became dark.

Gao Xian knew that this was the accumulation of foul energy in the five internal organs, which evolved into shape under the stimulation of powerful spiritual energy, like a demon.

If the golden elixir goes from the lower third grade to the middle third grade, there will be disaster.

It's just that individuals have different secret cultivation methods, different talents, different encounters, and different wisdom and abilities, so the disasters they encounter are different.

The filthy energy of the five internal organs is stimulated, which is a disaster. After refining, the body can be pure and pollution-free, and the cultivation level can be improved to a higher level.

Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that it cannot be shaken by mere filthy energy.The origin of his life was extremely strong, and he used the origin as fire to quickly refine the filth and entered the realm of the fourth-turn golden elixir.

The fifth and sixth revolutions are all made in one breath.

Until the seventh turn into elixir, bursts of music came from Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, and a group of graceful and graceful women in colorful clothes emerged. They walked and danced, with soft and light postures.Faintly, the faces of these women are all familiar, and they seem to be old friends of Changle House...

When Gao Xian thought of this, he found that his friends were already sitting around him, including Yun Qiushui, Lu Jingxu, and Li Baoding.

There were sumptuous wines and dishes on the table in front of them. The strong aroma of wine, food and the aroma of various cosmetics from my daughter's house were mixed together, creating the unique and debauched atmosphere of the wine shop.

Born and transformed by thoughts, manifested as real!
Gao Xian knew that he had aroused the seven emotions and six desires, and connected with the spiritual connection between heaven and earth, so it turned into this illusion.

Illusions arose in his consciousness, changing specifically for his soul.

The fragrance of Yunlong flows slowly, and these illusions in the dragon smoke are gently rippling like water waves.

The jade chime hanging above his head also made a clear sound, pouring on Gao Xian's soul like cold water, making him wake up suddenly.

Gao Xian felt awe-struck in his heart. This illusion was so powerful. He knew it was fake but somehow fell into it.

Not to mention addicted, but it also has a sense of being difficult to distinguish between true and false.

At this point, the more powerful the consciousness is, the more powerful the illusion becomes.

As for the unity of form and spirit of the Vajra, it is difficult to play its role at this time.

The main thing is that everything comes from the heart, and he is not the kind of practitioner who practices hard without distracting thoughts.

"Demons and ghosts want to disrupt my right path!"

Gao Xian shouted low, and the singing and dancing in front of him suddenly shattered into pieces. Yun Qiushui and Lu Jingxu disintegrated and drifted away with a look of astonishment on their faces.

In an instant, the sea of ​​consciousness was clear, and only the aura of life flashed.

The five elements of spiritual energy emitted by the five-color lotus gather together, and the elixir is formed again under the concentration of the natal spiritual light.

At this point, the third grade golden elixir is formed.

Gao Xian felt that about [-]% of his original energy had been consumed, which made him full of confidence.

With his foundation, it is not an exaggeration to be able to form a first-grade pill!
After Gao Xian experienced the changes of the third-grade golden elixir for a while, he did not hesitate to decompose the golden elixir into shape and practice it again.

However, the second-grade golden elixir could not be condensed and formed, and every time it was almost perfect, it collapsed silently.

After trying this several times, although Gao Xian still had some energy left, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

No matter how strong his life source is, he can't sustain it if he continues to consume it like this.

External objects like five-color lotuses only play a supporting role.It cannot be relied upon.

Gao Xian's heart suddenly moved when he thought of this. The power of the five elements of the nine-grade five-color lotus is layered in an orderly manner and has an exquisite structure.

This is how he should condense the golden elixir. It should be layered and combined in an orderly manner to form a three-dimensional and complete structure.

Under the control of Gao Xian's mind, the natal aura twists and turns to form nine groups of auras, layered one after another from small to large. The positive and negative five elements fit with each other, and finally condense into a group of clear, clear and five-color auras.

The golden elixir had just taken shape, and a picture suddenly flashed in Gao Xian's mind. Qiniang, wearing a Yuanyang flying fish crown, asked him for help with a frightened face: "Axian, help me..."

"Heart Demon!"

Gao Xian was unmoved. Not to mention that he was forming pills at the moment. Even if he was not forming pills, Lianyun City was a hundred thousand miles away. If there were any changes, he would be beyond his reach.

He went to see Qiniang before forming the elixir to avoid this situation.

Sometimes you know there is a problem, but as long as you care about it, your inner demons will breed endless changes.

At this point, all the spiritual weapons and objects are useless.He can only rely on himself to survive the golden elixir disaster.

Yun Qingxuan said that it is extremely difficult to reach the third-grade golden elixir. Every step forward, the difficulty will increase more than ten times.

Just as Gao Xian was thinking about it, Yun Qingxuan appeared, and she said calmly: "Every step to the third-grade golden elixir is as difficult as climbing to the sky. If you have the heart to go against heaven, you must also have the strength to go against heaven!"

Yun Qingxuan, who was wearing flowing green clothes, still had that crystal clear and cold eyes, like a flying fairy in the sky.

"I'm forming a pill, wouldn't it be nice for my senior brother to hit me like this?"

Gao Xian stretched out his hand and pointed at Yun Qingxuan: "The demonic barrier has not yet dissipated!"

Yun Qingxuan in front did not move at all. She glanced at Gao Xian with her cold eyes, "You and I are far apart. You know this..."

Gao Xian was shocked, this was troublesome.He knew that Yun Qingxuan was an illusion of his inner demon.

However, he has always admired Yun Qingxuan in reality, his character and cultivation.

He secretly compared it many times and knew that there was still a huge gap between him and Yun Qingxuan.

On the other hand, he and Yun Qingxuan are good friends.

At this critical moment, the inner demon turned into Yun Qingxuan, and he could not easily dispel it.

After all, he was the one who believed that Yun Qingxuan was stronger, and this understanding formed a stable understanding in his heart.

The inner demons that were transformed from this were not something he could break through just thinking about it.

This is equivalent to breaking one's own understanding. The problem is that it is also denying one's own wisdom. Gao Xian cannot do this.

However, if a strong attack fails, it can still be outmaneuvered.

The inner demons cannot exceed the scope of his understanding, and the inner demons that he does not expect cannot evolve.

Gao Xian summoned Sister Lan, and the two looked at each other, naturally practicing both Qi and Qi.

Yun Qingxuan stayed aside.

Gao Xian waved, "Senior brother, why don't you come?"

Yun Qingxuan's expression changed constantly, his body shape continued to fade, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough."

Gao Xian knew this was the case, because he couldn't imagine how Yun Qingxuan would face his invitation to practice dual cultivation.

He himself didn't know that there was no way for his inner demons to change as his thoughts evolved.

In the depths of a bright sea of ​​consciousness, Gao Xian's natal spiritual light condensed into a ninth-level second-grade golden elixir that was as perfect as a pill and as strong as gold.

The second-grade golden elixir is completed.

Gao Xian was happy and hesitant at the same time. At this point, he had consumed about [-]% of his original power.

The third-grade golden elixir is enough to stand out among the heroes, laying the foundation of Nascent Soul.

Not to mention a second-grade golden elixir, there may not even be a second-grade golden elixir in such a large Wanfeng County.No, Yun Qingxuan is probably a second-grade golden elixir.

That's it, it's enough.

You must know that he holds the Fengyue Treasure Mirror in his hand. As long as he forms a third-grade golden elixir, he can develop it calmly.

Intellectually this was the best thing to do, but Gao Xian couldn't help but want to give it a try.

A first-grade golden elixir, the best in the world, is enough to lay the foundation of pure Yang.

If his goal is just Nascent Soul, then of course he doesn’t have to work hard.If you want to achieve Chunyang, only a first-grade golden elixir will have the chance!
Gao Xian is not an adventurous person, but he is not without gambling.

With his basic abilities, he still can't become a first-grade golden elixir?Then who else in the world can achieve a first-grade golden elixir?
If you feel hesitant at this time, it is already caused by inner demons.

Gao Xian immediately decomposed the second-grade golden elixir, and the natal spiritual light condensed like a pill flourished, penetrating the inside and outside like a divine light, illuminating the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sister Lan came to Gao Xian at some point. She held Gao Xian's hand and said softly: "Go home..."

Gao Xian was slightly startled, he had fallen into endless darkness.

When Gao Xian opened his eyes again, he saw a fresh little face staring at him with an unhappy look on his face.

This is, this is...

Gao Xian was suddenly shocked, this was not his first love!

He looked around again. There were bright windows, a big blackboard in front of him, tables and chairs all around, fresh young faces...

"I traveled back through time and space?"

Gao Xian felt something was wrong in a daze. What about traveling through time and space? !

He tried hard to think, but his mind went blank and he couldn't think of anything...

(End of this chapter)

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