Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 337: First visit to the Eastern Wasteland

Chapter 337: First visit to the Eastern Wasteland
The wolf-headed monster is nearly two feet tall, with muscles all over his body and black hair standing straight up like steel needles.

After the transformation, the mana of the wolf-headed demon tribe was twice as strong, the energy and blood in the body boiled, and the whole body was faintly burning with a layer of flame.

After this monster clan transformed, it became so powerful that it reached the late stage of foundation building.Its strength of strong muscles and bones is far superior to ordinary foundation building.

Huge spell runes rose up in the dilapidated courtyard, covering Gao Xian like a huge light net.

The powerful binding produced by the magic circle not only bound Gao Xian's body, but also bound the surrounding spiritual energy, suppressing the changes in mana.

This second-level magic circle is not very sophisticated, but it is very practical.

The magic circle plus a brutal and violent wolf-headed demon clan is enough to deal with a late-stage foundation-building monk.Not to mention that there was a foundation-building monk in the dilapidated house next to him who secretly activated the magic circle.

Before Gao Xian came, he never expected that there were two foundation-building monks in the ruined courtyard. One of them was a foundation-building demon clan and was protected by a magic circle.

Even a foundation-building monk like Brahma Lingzhen would suffer a big loss when encountering such an ambush.

Unfortunately, this group of people found the wrong target.

Gao Xian originally thought that the other party was a bit too rough and direct, so he just pulled someone over and started to attack without caring about anything.

Then I thought about it, this group of people were very experienced and had killed countless people, so how could they think so much.

To be a robber requires foresight and planning, so why should he be a robber?
Most people are actually pushed forward by life, and few people can make long-term plans.

Those who can make plans, but few can insist on executing them.

This is true of mortals, and so is monks.

Gao Xian's clone of the Taixuan god, because it is a permanent clone, is now completely separated from the other two gods, and cannot even share the power of the original body.

Gao Xian's consciousness felt particularly suppressed in this body, but it did not hinder his consciousness from operating the first-grade golden elixir.

But this point is already better than all the foundations in the world, and better than ninety-nine percent of the golden elixirs in the world.

Not to mention that this clone possesses [-]% of the power of his late-stage foundation building, half of his spiritual sense can reach [-] steps, and has [-]% of the tyrannical body of a giant vajra.There are also bonuses from various secret techniques such as thunder and lightning.

The range of spiritual awareness of ordinary foundation-building monks is a hundred steps, and in the later stages of foundation-building, it is [-] steps.There is a difference of more than ten times the distance from [-] steps.

Within the range of the avatar's spiritual sense, there are no secrets in the small courtyard.

The body of a [-]% Vajra is far better than this wolf-headed demon clan with its teeth and claws.

Facing the wolf-headed demon clan coming towards him, Gao Xian had thousands of thoughts in his mind. He had even thought about how to deal with the wild game that came to his door automatically!

Facing the roaring and charging wolf-headed monster, Gao Xian penetrated the opponent's body with a palm and pressed it with burning energy on the wolf's head.

The powerful power of the giant vajra exploded, and the nearly two-foot-tall wolf-headed monster felt as if there was an extra mountain on his head. His knees were bent and he knelt down under the pressure of the unparalleled force.

The stone slabs paved in the courtyard suddenly shattered, and the wolf-headed monster clan's knees were deeply embedded in the ground.

The wolf-headed demon clan was so frightened and furious that he instinctively roared to activate his energy and blood. The bulging muscles all over his body suddenly burst apart, and the blood surged outward like mist, but he still could not resist the terrifying force pressing down on his head. .

As the palms of his hands continued to press down, the body of the wolf-headed demon clan continued to curl up and sink. Even so, it was unable to release the power it was bearing.

Gao Xian tried the wolf-headed demon clan's physical strength, but he was not interested anymore. The strength in his hands suddenly exploded.

The protective energy of the wolf-headed monster clan immediately broke, and his spine was broken inch by inch. The fierce and unparalleled power was continuously transmitted, shattering all the bones in his body.Including the internal organs, they were all shaken to pieces.

In the blink of an eye, the body of this arrogant and ferocious wolf-headed monster turned into a ball of meat, with only his fur remaining intact.

The wolf-headed monster collapsed on the ground in a strange folding manner, and dirty blood continued to seep out from his seven orifices.

The eyes of a group of cultivators who were hiding in the room watching the excitement were about to explode.

They all couldn't believe that the powerful Foundation-Building Demon Clan was just slapped to death.

All along, as long as they attract people, the demon clan can tear them to pieces.

The demons eat meat and drink blood, so they share the spiritual stone artifacts left by the monks.Don't live your life too comfortably.

Why did this Wolf Lord die in the blink of an eye? !

A group of young Qi practitioners cannot understand this battle.Dong Qi, the foundation-building monk who presided over the magic circle, looked horrified and his liver and gallbladder were about to burst.

It was obvious that the opponent's cultivation level was far superior to that of Wolf Head, and even the six-alloy net array could not restrain the opponent.

After killing so many cultivators, they finally encountered a tough opponent this time.

Dong Qi knew that such a day would come, but he couldn't stop killing and robbing just because he was afraid of something happening!
Don’t worry so much about things that haven’t happened yet!

Besides, he was prepared.

Dong Qi realized that the situation was not good, so he immediately jumped out of the back window and took out a concealment talisman from his sleeve pocket.

This second-level high-grade magic talisman can hide the breath, block the consciousness, and even turn the body into a shadow.

The dilapidated houses here are scattered all over the place, and the environment is complicated and chaotic. Only people who live here can tell where the road is going.

To escape from this yard, you only need to find a house to hide in. Unless the other party turns over this whole area, they will never find him.

Dong Qi thought very well, but he just activated the concealment talisman, and an arc-shaped bloody light struck straight at him like a huge scimitar.

"Blood Dissolving Knife!"

Dong Qi has been living in the Eastern Wasteland all year round, so he naturally knows this vicious spell.

It's just that he has never seen such a huge blood-forming knife. The arc-shaped blood light is as bright as gold and iron, with a sharp aura that cuts through everything.

In fear, he activated his protective agang and robe shield, and the blood-colored curved scimitar fell, whistling and easily cutting through his protective agang and robe shield.

The eyes of this early-stage foundation-building monk turned red, and he instantly lost all consciousness.

When Dong Qi woke up, he found himself lying in his yard.He hurriedly used his consciousness to check himself, and found that his essence and blood were greatly depleted, and his cultivation foundation was greatly damaged.

Dong Qi felt extremely uncomfortable. He followed the wolf head here to kill people and rob, not because he wanted to earn more spiritual stones to buy some spiritual objects, and to break through to the middle stage of foundation building.

This massive loss of essence and blood directly cut off his upward path.

But he was also reasonable, at least he didn't die.But where is the powerful monk in black?

Dong Qi turned over and saw the monk in black standing behind him, thoughtfully holding a long knife left by the wolf demon in his hand.

This knife was acquired by the wolf demon by chance. It should be in the third level. It is heavy, sharp and very easy to use.

Unfortunately, the wolf demon is too arrogant and rarely uses this long knife.As a result, he was slapped to death.

Dong Qi turned his eyes and found that there were some black ashes left on the ground, and the wolf demon could no longer be seen.

Including everyone else in the yard, there was no trace.He knew in his heart that the other party was practicing blood nerves, and everyone was absorbed by the other party's magic weapon into blood essence.

As a disciple of the Yin Demon Sect, Dong Qi looked down upon the Blood Demon Sect. This group of people knew the evil methods of absorbing blood essence.

The problem is that the absorbed essence and blood will most likely be wasted.If you can't fight, you will use the Blood Transforming Knife or the Blood God Banner.

The black-clothed monk in front of him made Dong Qi realize for the first time that the Blood Demon Sect was actually very powerful.

Dong Qi is a smart man. He knows that if the other party doesn't kill him, he must be useful.

"Thank you for your mercy and sparing Dong Qi's life." Dong Qi said and bowed deeply, his head almost touching the ground.

Gao Xian's face was expressionless, but he was nodding in his heart. He saw that this guy had a cunning look on his face and he was a foundation-building monk, so he stayed alive.

To him, wolf monsters and their like are not worth caring about.He ran to Liuhe City to find someone who was familiar with the situation in Donghuang to lead the way.

The Eastern Wasteland is vast and chaotic, with humans and monsters mixed together.Having someone to guide you can save a lot of trouble.

Gao Xian said with an indifferent expression: "I have put a Blood Demon Locking Curse on you. If you are honest and obedient and do your job well, I can still let you live."

Dong Qi naturally knew how powerful the Blood Demon Locking Curse was. He reached out and touched his heart, and sure enough, there was a burning pain there.

He was proficient in magic circles and had some research on magic spells. He immediately knew that his body was locked by magic spells.

Without the opponent to help him suppress the power of the spell, his body would turn into a pool of pus and blood within seven days, showing an extremely domineering and vicious appearance.

Each person's spell will be slightly different, and even the Blood Demon Sect's Jindan Master may not be able to easily break this spell.What's more, where can he find a real Jindan for help? !

Dong Qi's thin face was pale. He bowed helplessly and saluted again: "It all depends on your orders. I will try my best."

"You are a smart person, don't do stupid things."

Gao Xian reminded him and asked, "You should be familiar with Donghuang, right?"

Dong Qi hesitated and said, "I am from Yinling Sect, and I am only familiar with the area bordering Donghuang and Liuhe Sect."

"That's enough. Get ready, we'll set off to the Eastern Wasteland tomorrow."

Gao Xian waved his hand, signaling Dong Qi to hurry up and get ready.

Dong Qi's face turned even uglier. It was already November, and it started to snow in Liuhe City. Donghuang was a bitter cold place, much colder than Liuhe City.

Entering the Eastern Wasteland at this time, there is ice and snow everywhere, which makes it difficult even for foundation-building monks.

But he didn't dare to say anything. He could only remind Gao Xian in a low voice: "It's very cold in the East Wasteland now. The cold wind at night carries a bone-piercing yin energy, which is very overbearing. If you want to enter the East Wasteland, you must prepare cold-proof magical weapons and elixirs. To avoid getting hurt..."

"Well, you go."

Gao Xian waved his hand. He had a large vajra to protect him and could withstand the cold wind without any problem.

There is also a third-level top-grade spiritual weapon, the Blood God Banner, in his hand. This spiritual weapon has been completely refined by his clone and can be controlled as desired.

Coupled with his powerful spiritual consciousness, even if he encounters a golden elixir demon cultivator, he has a great chance of winning.Not to mention resisting the wind and cold.

Dong Qi had no choice but to buy magical weapons and elixirs to keep out the cold.Gao Xian didn't take his storage bag. He paid for everything he needed to buy with his own money.

Gao Xian is actually quite interested in Xiacheng District. This place is smoky and full of filth, but it is very energetic.

It is mainly a gathering of various gray businesses. It is actually a huge market with a large number of spiritual stones, elixirs, spiritual objects, etc.

There are inevitably some treasures and top quality items here.

If you kill demons here, you will surely make a fortune.

Gao Xian thought about it but gave up. Killing too many people would attract a lot of attention and even attract Lu Bingyang.

Although he is not afraid, there is no need to expose his identity for some money.

The most important thing right now is to go to Tieyuan Mountain, where it is best to find the treasures left by Qinghua Sect.

Taking this opportunity, you can kill more demon cultivators and monsters to continuously increase the power of the Blood God Banner.

You can add some points to the Taixuan Shenxiang's secret cultivation practice, and you will have the opportunity to form an elixir in a year or two.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can also search for some spiritual objects needed to form pills.

The next day, Gao Xian took Dong Qi on a green wooden flying boat and flew to the East Wasteland.

The two of them traveled day and night and flew for more than ten days before entering the Eastern Wasteland.

At this time, there is white snow everywhere in the Eastern Wasteland. The mountains and hills are all pure white, and no other colors can be seen.

The howling cold wind made the world look extremely desolate.

After flying like this for several days, they arrived at a city under the guidance of Dong Qi.

The crude city walls are made of huge stones, and the houses are also built of bluestone, which looks heavy and crude.

"Sir, this is Jushifang, a city established by the Yinling Sect. Most of them are filled with demon cultivators from all walks of life, as well as some demon clans."

Dong Qi said: "I don't know the location of Iron Ape Mountain, so I'd better go down and find my colleagues to find out..."

Gao Xianneng could feel that Dong Qi was a little nervous. This kid had ulterior motives.

However, he didn't care either.What kind of help can a small monk in the early stages of foundation building find?
"Okay, let's go down and have a look."

Gao Xian took Dong Qi into Dushifang. Dong Qi found an inn called Dashi and asked Gao Xian to wait here.

Dong Qi braved the cold wind and arrived in front of a large courtyard. He handed over his bronze medal and quickly entered the lobby.

The lobby is very simple, the most conspicuous thing is a fireplace against the wall, with a blazing fire inside.

A bald man was sitting next to the stove, chewing on a leg of lamb. He was shirtless, his body was covered in grease, and his behavior was rude and aggressive.

Dong Qi bowed his hands from a distance and smiled in apology: "Hello, Mr. Xiong, I would like to ask, is Master Hongshi here?"

The bald man glanced at Dong Qi and said, "If you fart, hurry up!"

Dong Qi thought for a moment and gritted his teeth and said: "Master Xiong, I met a foundation-building master from the Blood Demon Sect. This guy carries a third-level spiritual weapon, which is very powerful. If Master Hongshi is here, he can take this The spiritual weapon is in the bag..."

"Oh, tell me carefully."

The bald man said nothing, and a cold, high-pitched voice came from behind.

Dong Qi's face immediately lit up with joy when he heard this voice. He bowed deeply: "Dong Qi pays homage to the real person..."

(End of this chapter)

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