Chapter 342 Beheading
The White Lotus Golden God Flag soared into the sky with such vigor that even the two golden elixirs could not stop it.

Naturally, Six-Armed Iron Ape and White Elephant Master couldn't let Fan Qingxia escape, so they chased her one after another.

The White Elephant Master was a little slow to activate the earth-yellow escaping light, but the Six-armed Iron Ape traveled tens of miles in one leap, and his speed was extremely fast.

The valley was in a mess. The disciples of the White Lotus Sect were all running away, and no one dared to catch up and help.

There are also many outside cultivators who actually take the opportunity to kill and loot, and are extremely cruel.

At this time, there was chaos, and no one paid attention to these robbing cultivators.It also makes the White Lotus Valley increasingly chaotic and dangerous.

Gao Xian ignored these people. He used Tai Chi Xuanguang's invisible heavenly clothes to chase after Fan Qingxia's breath.

After a night of joy, Fan Qingxia planted white lotus seeds in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness. Gao Xian relied on his subtle sense of breath to accurately locate Fan Qingxia's position.

By the time Gao Xian arrived following his breath, Fan Qingxia was already in danger.

The six-armed iron ape leaps as fast as lightning, and his six arms are extremely powerful. His body is extremely strong, and he is not afraid of magic weapons.

He was just afraid of the White Lotus Golden God Flag and didn't dare to charge too hard.Otherwise, Fan Qingxia might have been hammered to death long ago.

The earth spells activated by Master Bai Xiang are thick and powerful, especially restraining the sharpness of the White Lotus Golden God Flag.

At this moment, White Elephant Master summoned a huge white elephant monster. This monster floated on the clouds in the sky and did not directly participate in the battle.

The monster white elephant only provides powerful earth magic power to suppress Fan Qingxia from all aspects.

Fan Qingxia is only in the middle stage of Jindan. She can't beat the real Bai Xiang, and is even worse than the six-armed iron ape.

The reason why I can still manage to hold on is because of the unparalleled sharpness of the White Lotus Golden God Flag.

Gao Xian secretly lamented that it was a pity that Fan Qingxia was a top master in dual cultivation of secret arts, but he was not very good at controlling gold spells.

If she was proficient in swordsmanship, she would be able to use the White Lotus Golden God Flag as a sword weapon to have special power.But her swordsmanship is even more mediocre.

Fan Qingxia faintly sensed a hint of the white lotus seed breath, and she was ecstatic. No matter who came, as long as she blocked one person for her, she could activate the white lotus golden divine flag and escape.

At the critical moment, Fan Qingxia didn't care to identify who was coming, so she activated the secret technique of white lotus to forcefully activate the white lotus love flower seed.

If the opponent is stimulated by the white lotus seed, he will definitely rush over with all his strength.

To Fan Qingxia's surprise, the aura in the white lotus bloomed and then dissipated instantly.

At the same time, the White Elephant Master and the Six-Armed Iron Ape also noticed someone coming.

Both of them did not hesitate to attack with all their strength. No matter who came, they would kill Fan Qingxia first.

The tall white elephant under the real white elephant suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar exploded in the sky like thunderbolts.

Fan Qingxia, who was protected by layers of white lotus aura, was shaken by the roar, and the flow of magic power was stagnated in an instant.

The huge white elephant's trunk was thrown out, like a long white rope dozens of feet long, surrounding Fan Qingxia in a circle.

The strength of the white elephant's trunk was extremely powerful, and when it was gathered and exerted force, it shattered the layers of Fan Qingxia's protective aura.

Fan Qingxia was horrified, and she hurriedly activated the White Lotus Golden God Flag to slash fiercely.The white divine light like a horse condensed with sharp golden magic power, and under the urging of Fan Qingxia, it cut off all the thick and long white elephant trunks.

The monster white elephant received this heavy blow, screamed in pain and staggered back.

Master Bai Xiang was not affected. The Nine Peaks Sealing Heaven Lock he had prepared long ago had already been activated.

The earth-yellow spiritual light scattered everywhere in the sky condensed into the shadow of nine mountain peaks, completely surrounding Fan Qingxia in the middle.

The Jiufeng Sealing Sky Lock borrowed the power of the Central Wuxu Ruler to force it out.

Fan Qingxia, who continuously activated the White Lotus Golden God Flag, consumed most of her mana and was suppressed by the power of nine illusory mountain peaks. Her entire body was suppressed.

Even the magic power couldn't operate. The golden elixir between her eyebrows kept shining, but it was still difficult to break free from the magic power suppression of the central Wuxu Ruler.

This spiritual weapon that harnesses earth magic power is very capable of restraining the White Lotus Golden God Banner in some respects.

The six-armed iron ape that had been waiting for an opportunity leapt forward, and all six arms were blasted down together. Fan Qingxia's protective spiritual light suddenly collapsed, and the White Lotus Golden God Flag was blasted away to reveal its original shape, turning into a several-foot-long banner. White cloth.

Fan Qingxia's face was full of weakness, which made people feel pity for her.The six-armed iron ape doesn't care about this, a hairless female monkey, small and ugly!

The six-armed iron ape's fist crashed down, and Fan Qingxia was immediately smashed into a puddle of rotten flesh.

He casually pulled off the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag and wrapped it around his neck casually.

Master Bai Xiang hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed all the magic weapons in Fan Qingxia's storage bag.

Gao Xian was still thousands of feet away at this time, and even if he wanted to help, it was too late.

Seeing Fan Qingxia being killed, Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh slightly, cultivators are so fragile.The same is true for Jin Dan Zhenren.

Fan Qingxia, who was as beautiful as a flower last night, was beaten to pieces today.This huge contrast made Gao Xian, who had seen a lot of death, feel a little emotional.

The six-armed iron ape and the white elephant master looked at Gao Xian together. The distance of thousands of feet was just at the limit of the power of their spells.

However, it is not difficult to see Gao Xian clearly with their golden elixir cultivation.This distance is not much different from face to face.

Gao Xian was wearing the black and white Tai Chi Xuan Guang invisible heavenly clothes, and the Green Lotus Sword was inserted diagonally at his waist, but his appearance still maintained the Tai Xuan divine appearance.Long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, with a cold expression.

Master Bai Xiang frowned. The black and white robe on the other party was very gorgeous, and it also had a mysterious and unpredictable meaning, which was very eye-catching.

He was quite familiar with this area, but he had never heard of such a golden elixir.

The six-armed iron ape looked sideways at Gao Xian, and said sharply to Master Bai Xiang: "Let's kill him together!"

He couldn't see through the depth of Gao Xian's cultivation, but he didn't think much about it.The other party is coming over, obviously with malicious intentions, so just take action.

Master Bai Xiang was a little hesitant. He already had the White Lotus Golden God Flag, so there was no need to create extra complications.

"Wait, let me ask clearly."

Master Baixiang stopped the eager six-armed iron ape. He was actually a little disgusted by the monkey demon's brutality.

He raised his voice to Gao Xian: "Fellow Taoist, this is a personal grudge between us."

Master Bai Xiang understands very clearly that this matter has nothing to do with Gao Xian. Get away as far away as possible and don't come to join in the fun.

Gao Xian was not in a good mood, so he didn't joke, "Those who kill will always be killed. You two, I'm going to take action."

"court death."

The six-armed iron ape was a little impatient, so he immediately jumped towards Gao Xian.The magical leap technique derived from blood is much faster than the ordinary golden elixir escape technique.It's like teleporting between leaps.And it's so varied and wonderful.

The six-armed iron ape jumped on Gao Xian's head, and the six iron arms fell down like a whirlwind.

The golden elixir deep in Gao Xian's brow is like a mirror, reflecting all the changes of the six-armed iron ape.

The six-armed iron ape leaps along the route, mana is running on his body, the speed and angle of the six-armed arm bombardment, including the golden crystal core between his eyebrows, are all clearly displayed.

This is the pure and flawless magical power of a first-grade golden elixir, and it is only because Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is too strong that he can fully exert his pure and flawless magical power.

If Gao Xian wanted to, he could quantify all of this, but there was no need.

The six-armed iron ape demon has strong magic power, which is an advantage, but it is far worse in other aspects.

Even in terms of mana, this monkey demon couldn't really beat him.

The quality of mana gathered by the first-grade golden elixir is extremely high, and its operation efficiency is more than ten times better than that of the monkey demon.

Even if the opponent is slightly superior in terms of brute force, there is no chance of him facing a first-grade golden elixir.

Gao Xian turned his mind and stretched out his hand to press it, and the Great Five Elements Heavenly Gang turned into silver-white Gangqi and burst into flames.

After becoming a first-grade golden elixir, he has never touched a golden elixir.Since this monkey demon has strong magic power, let's try it with him.

The Great Five Elements Tiangang is the transformation of the Five Elements' mana into Gangqi. Tiangang represents the domineering and vastness of Gangqi.

Under the control of Gao Xian, the Great Five Elements Tiangang can be transformed into a single series of mana among the five elements, or the five elements can be gathered and fused.

Each variation can be tailored to different situations.It can also be attached to Five Elements spells to increase spell power.

The six-armed iron ape's body is as hard as steel and its strength is brutal and ferocious.Gao Xian used [-]% of the five elements' magic power to form Gang Qi.

Simply speaking, Gao Xian is not as powerful as the Six-Armed Iron Ape, but the level difference between the two sides is too great.

It's like one side uses iron guns and sledgehammers, and the other side uses artillery.Gao Xian's understatement was so much better than the opponent's.

The six-armed iron ape also sensed something was wrong, and the gushing silver-white energy made him feel danger.

He retracted his six arms and staggered them to protect his whole body. The magic power around his body was transformed into Gangqi and exploded without reservation.

The two strands of Gangqi faced each other head-on, but the fierce and unyielding Great Five Elements Heaven turned from hard to soft, and the mana that was as vigorous as a spear turned into as fine as a needle.

Such complex and exquisite changes are much better than the six-armed iron ape in terms of levels.

The six-armed iron ape found something wrong but could not keep up with the opponent's changes at all. Although his force was strong, it seemed to have countless loopholes.

The Great Five Elements Gangqi penetrated through the loophole, instantly disintegrating the Six-armed Iron Ape Gangqi, and then struck the Six-armed Iron Ape again.

The six protective arms of the iron ape were twisted and broken under the Great Five Elements Tiangang. The Great Five Elements Tiangang drove straight into the six-armed iron ape's limbs and bones, blasting every inch of his flesh and blood to pieces, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

The thick and messy black hair on this tall demon monkey's body all collapsed into ashes under the Great Five Elements Tiangang.

Although the six-armed iron ape was seriously injured, he was able to divert [-]% of the power of the Great Five Elements Tiangang.

With the help of the last ten percent of the power of the Great Five Elements Tiangang, the six-armed iron ape somersaulted backwards and jumped two thousand feet away in an instant.

However, the White Lotus Golden God Flag wrapped around the six-armed iron ape was also blown away by the invisible energy, and the long white flag just fluttered and danced in the air.

Bai Xiang was so horrified when he saw this scene that he could hardly believe his eyes.

The six-armed iron ape relies on steel and iron bones, and even magic weapons are made of hard steel.The opponent just activated the Gangqi, and severely injured the six-armed iron ape with one blow!
Such power far exceeded Master Bai Xiang's understanding of the power of the golden elixir.The discarded White Lotus Golden God Flag made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Is it a first-grade golden elixir?"

Master Bai Xiang couldn't help but come up with this guess. He had seen a third-grade golden elixir powerhouse once, and he seemed to be far behind compared to the one in front of him.

Master Bai Xiang screamed in his heart that something was wrong, but the opponent was so powerful that even if he wanted to run away, he would not be able to escape.

Looking at the six-armed iron ape again, this guy staggered a bit in the dark sky, but still managed to stand firm.His eyes glowed red, his twisted and broken arms, and the thousands of open wounds on his body healed quickly.

This is also the magical power inherited from the Iron Monkey bloodline, which can quickly restore the body to its original state by burning blood essence.

Master Bai Xiang was overjoyed. The six-armed iron ape was fine. Together, they could at least resist.As for the White Lotus Golden God Flag, he didn't care about it at the moment.

The six-armed iron ape, who had recovered as before, turned around and jumped away. The black shadow was several miles away in a flash.

Master Bai Xiang was shocked, this monkey demon ran so fast!

He possesses earth magic power and has strong magic power when fighting, but he is not good at escape techniques.

He would definitely not be able to outrun that golden elixir powerhouse even if he ran.

Master Bai Xiang hesitated for a moment and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Master, spare my life!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a green shadow shining with a long white gold stream.

Master Baixiang knew that it was useless to beg for mercy, so he hurriedly activated the thick earth and Qi, and then used a secret method to activate the demonic beast Baixiang.The monster beast's already huge body expanded rapidly.

The shining green shadow suddenly disappeared, and the consciousness that Master Bai Xiang had originally locked on the other party also fell into space.

Such mysterious changes made Master Bai Xiang a little overwhelmed.

Gao Xian quietly emerged from behind the white elephant, flicking the green lotus sword lightly in his hand.

The four-foot green blade penetrated the body of the White Elephant with a gentle roar, and the opponent's head flew up as the sword blade circulated.

Master Bai Xiang has good cultivation, but when fighting, he controls monsters, and most of his mana is wasted.This kind of emergency response is really poor.

On the other hand, this style of Yun Tie Feng Gui is too mysterious and unpredictable, and the third-level top-grade Qinglian Sword is too sharp.

If the opponent misses a move, he will have no chance again.

This is also Gao Xian's favorite fighting style, which is fast, changeable, and fierce. He uses the most efficient output possible to complete the battle in the shortest time.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and put the body of Bai Xiang into the storage talisman.Magical instruments such as storage items are stored and stored separately.

After doing this, Gao Xiancai drove the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel and chased the six-armed iron ape.

When Gao Xian's figure disappeared, a deep blood mark appeared on the swollen white elephant. After a pause, the monster white elephant suddenly split into two pieces along this blood mark, and its flesh and blood flew away in the strong wind. fall……

(End of this chapter)

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