Chapter 344
Most people in the Yin Demon Sect like to refine the Yin Demon Flag, which is easier to control, easy to use, and easy to refine.

There are very few people who actually use swords, and Yin Hong is one of the few masters who practices swords.

The Five-Son Demonic Sword condenses the five thoughts of greed, anger, anger, desire, and evil into demons, and then smelts the Five-Son Demon into the sword, and merges the five demonic thoughts into a sharp sword spirit.

These techniques are also the most advanced Five Sons Demonic Sword Technique in the Yin Demon Sect.

You must know that the Five-Son Demon is a member of the Yin Demon, and its nature is unpredictable and unpredictable.

The way of swordsmanship must be precise and unique, which is completely opposite to the changes in the Five Son Demon's nature.

Yin Hong also spent countless efforts to turn the five demonic thoughts into sword energy.

This move made the Five Son Demon lose a lot of changes, but it became extremely fierce and fierce, and better at attacking.

Yin Hong has been practicing swordsmanship for 500 years and is quite accomplished in the art of swordsmanship.He has always been proud of this.

However, he did not develop a good temper.

The techniques of the Yin Demon Sect determine that there will be no normal people among the practitioners of this sect.The more profound one's cultivation is, the greater the influence of the exercises on people.

In such a huge Yin Demon Sect, there are certainly some powerful people with extraordinary intelligence and deep scheming, but they are only a very small number.

The vast majority of demon cultivators indulge their nature and like to do whatever they want.

Yin Hong condensed his sword energy with the five demons, and became increasingly arrogant and arrogant.He suffered a lot from the Six-Armed Iron Ape, but he could still endure it for important matters.

Gao Xian's disdain and contempt suddenly made him unable to bear it any longer.

As soon as Yin Hong pulled out the black Five-Son Demonic Sword, the strong Five-Son Demonic Sword Gang turned into gusts of dark wind and continued to disperse in all directions.

This cave is where the iron apes live. After years of continuous hollowing out, the space inside the cave is thousands of feet wide and very open.

The strong sword-gang yin wind blew up sand, stone, smoke and dust all over the ground.The dark wind passed through the holes and cracks in the mountain wall, and made a ghostly howl.

The six-armed iron ape was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the envoy of the Yin Demon Sect was very powerful. The dark sword made him instinctively fearful.

The old monkey was a little surprised again. The more powerful the two guys were, the better. It was best to kill the kid.

Although the two envoys of the Yin Mo Sect disgusted him, after all, they wanted something from him and they could discuss everything.

The guy who was chasing him wanted to kill him.The difference between the two is huge.

What surprised the six-armed iron ape was that the hairless female monkey actually took action at the same time.

Zuo Feiyao is a third-grade golden elixir. Although she is only over 100 years old, she is more powerful than Yin Hong.

She felt something was wrong as soon as Gao Xian came in, mainly because she couldn't see through his cultivation level.She instinctively felt that the other party was in danger.

For a threatening enemy, there is no need to talk about any rules.The Yin Mo Sect is a demon sect, and all the cultivators in the sect are naturally demon cultivators, and they have no habit of following rules when dealing with enemies.

When Yin Hong urged the Five Demonic Swords, Zuo Feiyao took out two Taiyin Piercer Needle Swords from his sleeves.

Both needle swords are made of 36 silver needles. When gathered together, they look like flying swords. When needed, they can be divided into 72 Taiyin needles.

The lethality is greatly reduced when the flying needle is differentiated, but it can be temporarily transformed into an intangible state under the stimulation of Taiyin's demonic energy. It is especially good at breaking through various protective shields and protective energy.

When Zuo Feiyao urged it, he decomposed the needle sword into 72 lunar heart-piercing needles. When the Five Sons Demon Sword was beating the Yin Wind Sword Gang, they turned into invisible flying needles from the Yin Wind and stabbed Gao Xian directly.

Her actions are insidious and secretive, and the invisible changes of the Taiyin Heart Needle are hard to guard against.

Gao Xian's flower appreciating mirror did not see the invisible Taiyin Heart Needle, but his keen and powerful spiritual sense discovered these flying needles.

The first-grade golden elixir deep between his brows reflected the inside and outside like a bright mirror.

The Taiyin Heart-Threading Needle is extremely clear under the light of the golden elixir, including the changes in the mana in operation, and even the consciousness used by Zuo Feiyao to control the flying needle is clearly displayed.

The power of the first-grade golden elixir is clearly revealed at this moment.

Not to mention that there is Sister Lan presiding over the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. She is sharper, clearer, and more spiritual than a first-grade golden elixir.

With Sister Lan here, Gao Xian is actually equivalent to having two first-grade golden elixirs.It's just that the power of the golden elixir controlled by Sister Lan cannot be released outwards.

That's it, having Sister Lan take charge of everything in the sea of ​​consciousness can also save Gao Xian countless energy.

The first-grade golden elixir has insight into the changes in the enemy's reality and reality, and the law of thunder and lightning allows Gao Xian to think of countermeasures calmly.

Gao Xian didn't know the status of other first-grade golden elixirs, but he knew very well that the thunder and lightning method was very important to his blessing. Both his thoughts and physical reactions were doubled.

In terms of pure mana, he is actually similar to Zuo Feiyao, slightly higher than Yin Hong, and much lower than the Six-Armed Iron Ape.

The first-grade golden elixir combined with various secret techniques made him better than the three golden elixirs in front of him in all aspects.Their only advantage in mana became worthless.

Gao Xian didn't cast a spell, he just drew his sword three inches out of its sheath.

The sound of Qingyue's sword lingered, and the invisible sword energy surged around him.

The 72 invisible Taiyin heart-piercing needles were scattered in all directions in the surging sword energy, and the 72 silver needles flew far away as they rubbed Gao Xian.

Gao Xian didn't use much force with his sword, he just cut off Zuo Feiyao's control of the flying needle consciousness with exquisite ingenuity.

Cultivators must use their spiritual consciousness to control all changes in magical weapons and spells. In Gao Xian's view, Zuo Feiyao's spiritual consciousness in controlling flying needles is like tangible threads.

The Green Lotus Sword was three inches out of its sheath, and the sword energy it inspired accurately cut off these threads.

The actual situation is actually more complicated. The practitioner's control of the magic weapon is more like radio wave control.Gao Xian's sword energy actually destroyed the resonance of consciousness between Zuo Feiyao and Fei Zhen.

This sword also has a change, which is to break a crack in the Yinfeng Sword Qi of the Five Sons Demon Sword.

Gao Xian used only one point of force to defeat the two golden elixirs.

Zuo Feiyao and Yin Hong both saw how powerful it was, and both of them were shocked. Where could they find a swordsman with such a superb swordsmanship?

The two Jindan masters of the Demon Sect felt strong uneasiness in their hearts.

Sword cultivators are best at killing and fighting, not to mention that this person is so skilled in cultivation and his sword intention is so pure.

Zuo Feiyao took out a pair of Heavenly Demon Nine Tuning Forks, and the short forks rubbed and struck together violently, emitting an extremely harsh sound wave.Under the influence of mana, the sound wave manifested into two ferocious demons, with green and black faces and mouths full of fangs, thick bodies covered in heavy armor, and they charged at Gao Xian with long sharp knives in their hands.

Zuo Feiyao has been practicing this pair of third-level high-grade spiritual weapons for decades, and they are already able to transform using sound waves, which is extremely powerful.

The six-armed iron ape on the side was excited by the magic sound, and the black hair all over his body stood up.His ears closed on their own and locked the seven orifices at the same time. Just like that, his mind was trembling and frightened.

The six-armed iron ape was also secretly shocked. These male and female monkeys were so powerful.Especially this female monkey, who was clearly targeting the cultivator in black. He was just affected by the demonic sound, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

This pair of magic weapons is really awesome!

The old monkey felt bad and hurriedly backed away.It would be best if all three hairless monkeys died!He doesn't want to join in the fun.

Yin Hong on the other side had already activated his sword to slash at Gao Xian, also cooperating with Zuo Feiyao.

The two of them didn't have much tacit understanding when they joined forces, but they were able to cooperate with each other and bring out their respective powers.

Gao Xian also nodded. He was indeed a golden elixir from a large sect.Even if you are a demon cultivator, you have your own laws that should not be underestimated.

Gao Xian faced the direct thrust, and the Five Sons Demonic Sword made a slight move. The Five Sons Demonic Qi suddenly burst out from the Five Sons Demonic Sword, hitting Gao Xian directly from the soul level.

Sister Lan, who was deep in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, easily subdued the five evil spirits that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness by holding the seal.

The Green Lotus Sword then vibrated slightly, dissolving all the sword energy on the Five Sons Demon Sword.

This style is light and airy, and Gao Xian's hands display extreme calmness and ease, without any effort at all.

Yin Hong was also shocked. It was not surprising that the opponent could catch his sword, but he could catch it so easily and without any trace, which showed that the opponent's swordsmanship was much better than his.

Fortunately, the demon transformed by the sound wave also arrived, and he slashed Gao Xian with his sword from both sides.

This method of sound wave transformation actually contains the energy of the devil.Its power is extremely vicious, and its changes are extremely strange.

Yin Hong was secretly happy. If Gao Xian could use his strength to deal with the demon transformed by sound waves, he would have a chance.

As the two sonic demons were being chopped down, Gao Xian suddenly drew his sword and held it in a chest-to-chest posture, with a bright green light and the four-foot sword pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows, giving him the impression of holding Yuan Shouyi in his arms.

Without the Green Lotus Sword to block it, the Five Sons Demon Sword, which was constantly urged by Yin Hong, suddenly slashed forward, and the two sonic demons also slashed down from both sides with their swords.

Gao Xian, who was holding the sword, disappeared in an instant, and what remained in the distance seemed to be just a phantom, no matter how the sound wave demon slashed, and the five demon swords slashed.

Yin Hong felt very bad. No matter how sharp the Five Sons Demonic Sword was, it would be useless if it was cut in the air.

The same was true for Zuo Feiyao, who controlled the sonic demon. She hurriedly controlled the sonic demon to gather its power.

The form of two sonic demons was formed by combining [-]% of the mana of the nine tuning forks of the demon in her hand with the weapon spirit. It would be troublesome if it was empty this time.

The two Demon Sect Golden Pills completely lost track of Gao Xian and naturally withdrew their strength.

One attack and one recovery also reflects the exquisite control of mana by the two golden elixirs.

What they didn't expect was that Gao Xian, who had disappeared, reappeared. He seemed to be standing where he was, not moving at all.

The disappearance just now was just their illusion.

Yin Hong and Zuo Feiyao were even more horrified. They both understood that their consciousness and six senses were deceived by Gao Xian.

It can be seen that Gao Xian is much better than them at the level of spiritual consciousness.

Before the two of them could react, the Green Lotus Sword in Gao Xian's hand gently rested on the Five Sons Demonic Sword again. The green light on the Green Lotus Sword flowed and vibrated like water waves, completely suppressing the Five Sons Demonic Sword.

The two sonic-transformed demons turned around with the Green Lotus Sword uncontrollably and pounced on Yin Hong at the same time.

This style of turning rain and clouds is the fundamental sword intention of Fengyun Sword Sutra.

In Gao Xian's hands, he can turn his hand into clouds and turn his hand into rain. All changes come from his heart.

Therefore, it can easily confuse the consciousness of the two Jindan masters, and can easily borrow the opponent's weapon to counterattack the opponent.

Yin Hong's Five Demon Swords were completely suppressed by the Qinglian Sword, and he could not use any of his magical powers.

Seeing the two sonic demons rushing towards them, his eyes were full of despair but he was unable to respond at all.

The two sonic demons met at the same time with Yin Hong as the center, and the power of the "buzzing" vibrating sound wave suddenly exploded. Yin Hong's whole body shook violently, and blood mist was sprayed out from all [-] pores at the same time.

After a pause, Yin Hong's whole body exploded into pieces.

Zuo Feiyao, who controlled the Heavenly Demon's Nine Tuning Fork, was also horrified. She couldn't figure out how the spiritual weapon could go out of control, and how she could be manipulated like a puppet on strings whenever the opponent's sword light moved.

Zuo Feiyao didn't have time to think too much. The opponent's swordsmanship was so good that even with the six-armed iron ape, there was no chance of winning.

The only option is to escape as soon as possible!Zuo Feiyao squeezed the seal with his hand and turned it into a ball of black energy and fled towards the ground.

A sharp blue light burst through the air, splitting most of the black energy that had escaped underground.

There was also a deep sword mark on the thick rock ground.

The flowing blue light slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of Gao Xian holding the sword.

Gao Xian's eyes fell on the deep sword mark, as if he was waiting for something.

After a while, large amounts of blood began to leak out from the sword marks...

Gao Xian sneered, if this woman didn't run away, she could survive one move, but if she ran away, she would be killed easily.

Looking at the six-armed iron ape, he had already escaped underground and disappeared without a trace.

Gao Xian didn't take it seriously either. It wasn't difficult for him to kill the old monkey, but he hadn't found the other party's real lair yet, so there was no need to rush to do it.

These two Demon Sect Jindan masters are both very capable.I wonder if they have any good things in them?

The woman escaped underground, and we have to dig her out...

(End of this chapter)

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