Chapter 348
The main hall is wide enough to easily accommodate the battle between two golden elixirs.

Many cultivators naturally spread out, leaving room for the two golden elixirs to take action.

Although Yun Changfeng didn't like Yun Qiushui fighting swords with others, he couldn't stop him at this meeting. He could only urge the tokens to operate the magic circle.

Huge aura runes appeared on the floor, forming a huge semi-enclosed magic circle, surrounding Yun Qiushui and Han Chengzhen.It also separates the two from other cultivators.

The magic circle can not only protect the spectators, but also the Jinxiao Palace and Yun Qiushui who takes action.

The war is dangerous.

If a sword cultivator at the Golden Core level takes action, casualties may occur if one mistake is made.

Although there are many golden elixirs around, no one dares to say that they can separate the two parties in the electric light and flint.

Only Nascent Soul True Monarch can control the battle between two golden elixirs with his powerful spiritual consciousness by virtue of the difference in realm.

If the clouds are not in the sky, the battle is in danger of getting out of control.

Gao Xian naturally stood beside Yun Qingxuan. Yun Qingxuan looked indifferent and seemed not to care about his younger brother's victory or defeat.

Her cold eyes were a little vacant, as if she was thinking about something and didn't look at Yun Qiushui or Han Chengzhen.

"Senior brother?" Gao Xian asked via voice transmission with his spiritual consciousness.

Yun Qingxuan's eyes narrowed, and she said to Gao Xian: "Gui Wuqi is very powerful. How sure are you?"

This topic jumped a bit. Gao Xian thought for a moment and said, "I'm [-] to [-] percent sure."

Gao Xian is not arrogant, he is a first-grade golden elixir, and he is blessed with various magical powers and secret techniques. If he can't win even Gui Mujie, it would be a failure.

Of course, Gui Wuqi is still very strong.Gao Xian felt that this person was probably a second-grade golden elixir.In front of Yun Qingxuan, he didn't finish his words.

Yun Qingxuan was silent for a moment and said: "Gui Wuqi should be a second-grade sword elixir. In Wanfeng County, it is very powerful."

Gao Xian nodded, and Yun Qingxuan's judgment was the same as his.This senior brother's vision is indeed brilliant.

He asked casually: "Senior brother, do you want to make peace with Gui Wuji?"

Yun Qingxuan shook his head: "I have a hunch that Gui Wuji will be detrimental to me. Since junior brother is [-]% to [-]% sure of winning, how about taking action for me later?"

"Senior brother's business is my business. It is my responsibility." Gao Xian said very loyally.

Not to mention that Yun Qingxuan helped him several times before, but because of his friendship with Yun Qingxuan, he wanted to help Yun Qingxuan!
What he values ​​as a man is loyalty first!
The corners of Yun Qingxuan's mouth turned up slightly, and there was a hint of joy in his crystal-clear eyes.She was not afraid that she would never return, but she was happy that Gao Xian agreed happily.

She said softly: "Thank you, junior brother."

While the two were talking, Yun Qiushui and Han Chengzhen had already taken action.

Han Chengzhen's sword was as crystal clear as ice, and when he drew the sword, it was filled with endless cold air. His sword moves were as fast and changeable as the wind.

Yun Qiushui responded with the Zixiao Yun Light Sword. The light of his sword was as dense as a cloud and contained the power of thunder and lightning, making it very powerful.

However, when he draws his sword, he has an aloof and ethereal air, just like a fairy wielding a sword, the changes coming and going are ethereal and ethereal.

Han Chengzhen's Snow Wind Sword is more pure, but Yun Qiushui's Taiwei Feixian Sword is more clever.

The two of them had similar cultivation levels and similar sword levels. When they were fighting together, it was hard to tell the winner.

Gui Wuqi, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said: "This man has good swordsmanship."

Zhong Ziqi next to him smiled, "If you can tell me it's not bad, then it's really good."

Zhong Ziqi is four hundred years older than Gui Wuqi. He has fair hair and a childish face, and looks like an old man.

In terms of age, he has not actually entered the aging period.It's just something that went wrong in his swordsmanship practice that made him look like this.

Zhong Ziqi is the person in charge of this trip of the Tongtian Sword Sect. Although Gui Wuqi has a great reputation, he must be under his control.

Zhong Ziqi was very protective of this genius and managed the relationship very well.

Gui Wuqi looked at Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan opposite the magic circle.This pair of men and women are both extraordinary. The man is extremely handsome, and the woman is beautiful and elegant. They look very harmonious when standing together.

He commented: "These two are stronger."

"Is Gao Xian stronger than Yun Qiushui?"

Zhong Ziqi didn't doubt Gui Wuqi's judgment, he was just a little surprised by it.

After all, Gao Xiancai formed the golden elixir two years later than Yun Qiushui.Furthermore, Yun Qiushui is a third-grade sword elixir.It is a bit unreasonable that Gao Xian can be stronger than Yun Qiushui.

Gao Xian noticed the gazes of Gui Wuqi and Zhong Ziqi, and he smiled politely and sincerely at them.

Gui Wuqi nodded slightly, saying that he had a good impression of Gao Xian.

Yun Qingxuan is cold and proud, while Yun Qiushui is uninhibited. Both siblings are very powerful cultivators, but neither of them know how to behave.

Gao Xian, who came from a lower class background, was polite and considerate in his work, and was generous and funny in dealing with people, leaving Gui Wuji with a good impression.

Gui Wuqi said: "Gao Xian is a good person."

Zhong Ziqi was a little stunned. He didn't expect Gui Wuqi to think so of Gao Xian's character.

He pondered for a moment and said: "I heard that Gao Xian is not a good person, and he is very clever in doing things."

"He is so considerate in his work, and so humble and gentle in his conduct. This person has been polished off by the world. Even if he has some calculations, there is no harm."

Gui Wuqi had a good impression of Gao Xian, but he felt that Gao Xian's personality was the same as that of Yun Changfeng, who was too worldly.

Ordinary people achieve things because of others, so they must be good at behaving.There is nothing wrong with that.

The practitioner's power belongs to himself.Being good at being a good person actually means polishing off your own edges and corners to adapt to others.

For practitioners who work hard, this will cause them to lose their true nature, which is a big taboo.

A worldly practitioner is equivalent to ruining the path of spiritual practice.Golden elixir is Gao Xian's limit.

For Gui Wuqi, people who do no harm are naturally good people.

Only then did Zhong Ziqi understand what Gui Wuqi said. He was silent for a while and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What Gui Wuqi said makes sense, but it sounds harsh because he is also a sophisticated person!
Zhong Ziqi thought for a moment and said, "Yun Qingxuan seems to be very talented. He should have great achievements in the future."

"Well, Yun Qingxuan's upper limit is much higher than Yun Qiushui's."

Gui Wuqi said calmly: "Yun Qiushui is too frivolous. Although his heart is not ignorant, he has no wisdom and cannot become a climate."

Zhong Ziqi suddenly said: "How about I help you propose marriage to Yun Qingxuan?"

He was afraid that Gui Wuji would object, so he hurriedly explained: "I think Yun Qingxuan has a beautiful appearance and a cold temperament, which is quite compatible with you. With the relationship between our two sects, Yun Zaitian cannot refuse.

"Bringing Yun Qingxuan over will not only strengthen the sect's strength, but also..."

Zhong Ziqi didn't finish his words, but his meaning was very clear.If Qingyun Sect loses Yun Qingxuan, it also loses a Nascent Soul seed.This impact is very large.

Gui Wuqi thought seriously for a while and then said: "This is a good idea, but Yun Zaitian is not stupid and will never use Nascent Soul seeds to please us.

"How about this? I will bet my engagement later and challenge this woman. I won't give her any chance to dodge." Zhong Ziqi was startled and Gui Wuqi struck out with a ruthless sword. This was not just talk.If he wants to take action, he won't show mercy. If he really wants to kill Yun Qingxuan, that would be bad!

He advised: "No time, getting married is a good thing. If you hurt Yun Qingxuan, it will not be beautiful."

"It doesn't matter, I have some feelings for this woman. Killing her will also slay the inner demon with a sword, which will be of great benefit to practice."

Gui Wuqi said calmly: "If she can survive defeat, she is qualified to be my woman."

"If you are really tempted, it will be very detrimental to the sword." Zhong Ziqi hesitated now.

The Tongtian Sword Sect practices swordsmanship in a dignified and righteous way, and does not forbid emotions and desires.

It's just that Gui Wuqi is different. He practices the Thunder Sword Technique. This sword technique uses thunder as the sword and is extremely powerful.

Precisely because the sword technique was so powerful, Gui Wuqi practiced an auxiliary secret technique, the Love-Severing Sword, to cut off the seven emotions and six desires into a powerful sword intention.

The most taboo thing about this love-cutting sword is being emotional.If Gui Wuqi is emotional, his cultivation may be greatly affected.

Gui Wuqi said without emotion: "It doesn't matter, the deeper I use my love, the stronger the inner demon will be. When I reach the late stage of Jindan, I can kill love and prove the Tao, and enter the realm of body and sword in one fell swoop..."

Zhong Ziqi was secretly shocked when he heard that Gui Wuqi was truly a peerless genius in the sect. He was so persevering and determined, and so desperate for the sword. There were only a few cultivators in the world who could compare with him...

Gao Xian, who was opposite the magic circle, could not hear the spiritual communication between Zhong Ziqi and Gui Wuqi, but could faintly feel that the other party was talking about him and Yun Qingxuan.

He could see the condescending attitude of the two in their discussion, which made him somewhat unhappy.

Just as Gao Xian was thinking about it, he sensed malice emanating from Gui Wuqi.

At this time, the battle between Yun Qiushui and Han Chengzhen in the magic circle became more and more intense. The cold air transformed by Han Chengzhen's frost sword was spread everywhere, and the white cold air became like substance.

Yun Qiushui's sword-wielding figure, as elegant as an immortal's, obviously became stagnant in the white cold air.

On the contrary, the sword in Han Chengzhen's hand was as crystal clear as ice, and it became faster and faster.

Suddenly two figures came together, and the silver-white sword light and the white ice-like sword light collided, completely engulfing the two figures.

The intense and dazzling sword light also caused most cultivators in the hall to close their eyes.

Even the consciousness they controlled was torn to pieces by the interlaced sword light.

Many people looked horrified, the power of Jindan Sword Cultivator was so great!
Yun Changfeng saw something was wrong. Even if Yun Qiushui could win, it would be a miserable victory!
He activated the magic circle, and golden lights rose like walls, separating the two fighting men.

Although Han Chengzhen and Yun Qiushui were strong, they could not compete with the magic array in the hall.Although the two of them were unwilling to do so, they could only take advantage of the situation and retreat with their swords.

When the aura of the magic circle slowly dissipated, Han Chengzhen coldly handed over his hand and said, "I understand."

Yun Qiushui returned the favor: "Tongtian Sword Sect is really powerful, I admire you."

Yun Qiushui was a little more passive in this battle, but he couldn't say he lost.Han Cheng was really arrogant and felt that he had not truly defeated Yun Qiushui, so he was too embarrassed to say anything more.

Yun Changfeng laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Han has superb swordsmanship, which is obvious to all. We can see the secrets of Tongtian Sword Sect, and we have learned a lot..."

Yun Changfeng said a few polite words and was about to take the opportunity to end the celebration to avoid further trouble.

Gui Wuqi suddenly raised his voice and said: "I admire Taoist friend Qingxuan's charm very much, and I want to marry you as a Taoist companion. I don't know what your intention is?"

Yun Qingxuan didn't say anything, he just looked at Gui Wuqi quietly, his crystal-clear eyes showed no fear or anger, and were pure and clear.

Everyone around was in an uproar. Although the cultivator was different from ordinary people, he didn't propose marriage right away!
Such rashness is extremely disrespectful and disrespectful.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Yun Qingxuan, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Yun Qiushui's face was full of anger, but he couldn't even suppress Han Chengzhen, so naturally he didn't have the confidence to scold him without any hope.

"No." Yun Qingxuan's voice was very soft, but extremely firm and direct.

This answer surprised everyone present.Gui Wuqi proposed marriage rashly, which was certainly rude, but Yun Qingxuan's direct refusal was too straightforward.

Normally, it would be enough to find an excuse and say a few words.Yun Qingxuan's move will inevitably offend the Tongtian Sword Sect.

Yun Changfeng was about to smooth things over when Gui Wuqi added: "For cultivators like us, principles and rules come second. The key is to see who has a higher level of cultivation.

"How about this, let's fight with the promise of marriage. If I win, you can come with me."

Everyone in the Qingyun Sect looked ugly, and it was too arrogant for Gui Wuqi to say such things in Jinxiao Palace.

Gao Xian had a calm expression on his face, but he was very surprised in his heart. Was this what Yun Qingxuan was referring to when he said that Gui Wuji was going to attack her?
The question is, is Yun Qingxuan a prophet?Or have they made an appointment?
It was obviously impossible for Yun Qingxuan to contact Gui Wuqi privately, and there was no reason to cooperate with Gui Wuqi in such a thing.

Therefore, this is Yun Qingxuan’s premonition!

Thinking of this, Gao Xian felt a bit of admiration for Yun Qingxuan.Don't look at Wenqing, this woman is really capable!
Yun Qingxuan didn't see the admiration in Gao Xian's eyes. She looked at Gui Wuqi and asked calmly: "What if you lose?"

Gui Wuqi thought about it seriously and said, "If I lose, I will allow the Qingyun Sect to participate in the Tianxiang Sword Palace trial next year."

"Okay." Yun Qingxuan nodded slightly.

Yun Changfeng couldn't help but frown, how could he agree to such a thing so easily!
But Gao Xian knew it was time for him to take the stage. He took a step forward and said loudly: "This returned fellow Taoist is really rude and rude. Junior brother is not talented, so I am willing to take action on behalf of senior brother."

Everyone around was shocked again. Gao Xian, a new Jindan, dared to join in the fun? !

Some people also think that Gao Xian is greedy for Yun Qingxuan's beauty, and at this time they can't help but want a hero to save the beauty.

That's what Li Feihuang thought. She gritted her teeth anxiously and secretly cursed Gao Xian in her heart for the sake of beauty.

She then thought that it might be Yun Qingxuan who forced Gao Xian, and she felt sorry for Gao Xian again.It's just a situation like this. No matter how anxious her little little foundation is, she can't do anything.

Yan Feiyin was a little anxious. Gui Wuqi's sword was so deadly that it would be too dangerous to fight him.

Wan Changan and Ma Tengyun of Wanling Sect were both excited. Today's celebration is really lively!

I don't know if it was Gui Wuqi who had a sudden idea, or the Tongtian Sword Sect wanted to teach the Qingyun Sect a lesson.

The water here is very deep!

What surprised everyone even more was that Yun Qingxuan actually agreed: "Please help me, junior brother, to teach this person a lesson."

Gui Wuqi asked seriously: "Fellow Daoist Qingxuan, Gao Xian can take action on your behalf, but what if he loses?"

Yun Qingxuan nodded calmly: "Everyone here has testified, and my junior brother has full authority to represent me. No matter whether I win or lose, I will never regret it."

"it is good."

Gui Wuqi asked Yun Qingxuan what he wanted to say. He held the hilt of the Xiandu sword and looked directly at Gao Xian: "Please."

Gao Xian took off his purple ceremonial robe, put on the Green Lotus Sword, and walked to the opposite side of Gui Wuqi, "Please."

The people who were close to Gao Xian all looked worried. The sword of the Immortal Sword was fatal. If Gao Xian lost, he would probably die on the spot!
Yun Changfeng still wanted to stop him, but the voice of the founder Yun Zaitian came to his ears, "Don't worry about it, let Gao Xian teach Tongtian Sword Sect a lesson..."

"Ah?!" Yun Changfeng was stunned. He almost thought someone was pretending to be the founder. Gao Xian was giving Tongtian Sword Sect a lesson?Is he okay...?

(Double monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Check out the third update today~)

(End of this chapter)

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