Chapter 369
"More than 300 pieces of high-grade spiritual stones, and hundreds of scattered middle-grade spiritual stones. A third-order high-grade spiritual weapon, a calming mirror, a third-order top-grade fire robe, a third-order high-grade star-shattering hammer, and a fourth-order Yuan Yang spirit. crystal……"

Gao Xian counted the harvest in his secret room and found that Xiang Zhengye actually had more than 1 high-grade spiritual stones, which was beyond his expectation.

Looking at the place where Zhengye was hanging out, he was actually quite down and out.Even if you rely on deception and robbery, you shouldn't have such a huge sum of money.

What's more, Xiang Zhengye should be a gambler.How can such a person be rich?

Gao Xian thought this guy must have borrowed the money from somewhere in order to make a big profit by betting on him.

Fighting at this level is indeed not difficult for him, but it would be too stupid to fight for Zhengye.

Even if he made the decision himself, he wouldn't be able to go to the Ten Thousand Tribulations Platform to fight.

According to the size of Wanfeng City, there are at least [-] to [-] spectators.When he wins two games, he will even attract the attention of Nascent Soul Lord.

Despite his superb swordsmanship, he has a clear inheritance line.From Qingfeng Sword Technique to Qingyun Sword Technique, to Fengyun Sword Technique, to Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique.

There are countless experts gathered in the 36 sect centers in Wanfeng County.The inheritance of his swordsmanship is so clear that others can see the clues just by watching two games.

With the Taiyuan Shen phase clone, others cannot find his true body.However, this sword technique is too easy to identify.In the future, he will be easily recognized by others if he uses sword skills again.

The clone is used to do bad things and must not have any connection with the main body.

Gao Xian didn't kill Xiang Zhengye at that time, he just wanted to get the Nine-turn Qianyuan Transformation Refining Pill from this guy.

Facts have proved that this risk is worth it.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's clone is just a foundation. It's not impossible to kill Zhengye, but it will definitely require a lot of struggle.

Gao Xian didn't want to offend the strong men of Wanfeng Sect, so he replaced his body with Taiyuan Shen and killed Xiang Zhengye with one sword.

As for the golden book contract signed by the two, it was just a private contract between the two.

Whether the contract can be enforced actually depends on the strength of both parties.If the contract falls into the hands of Wanfeng County, it will be a little troublesome.

Among the gifts to Zhengye, Gao Xian found the golden book deed.This is also very reasonable. How can the deed be given to others for safekeeping?

In addition to the contract, the Star-Shattering Hammer, robes, and calming mirror can easily reveal his identity.

These magical weapons are likely to have the unique marks of the Wanfeng Sect, or the unique restrictions of the Wanfeng Sect.

The last time he brought the Tianshu Thunder Demon-Conquering Golden Whip, Zhang Changzhen discovered his traces.

Therefore, these things must be handled properly.I'll send it to the Donghuang Taixuan Divine Phase Clone later and see how I can find a way to take action.

After all, they are all third-level magic weapons, even demon cultivators will buy them.Moreover, there are also various reselling merchants in Donghuang.

Even if the things flow back to Wanfeng County, they are not afraid. Even if they are traced to the end, they can only find the Donghuang Demon Sect.On the contrary, it is more confusing.

Such transmission back and forth can only be done once a day under normal circumstances.

Gao Xian didn't want to leave the things with him. If the other party really had some divination or other skills, it would be miserable to find the Qingyun Sect directly.

As long as these things are not present, it cannot be counted on him.Because he has Sister Lan, half of his destiny lies in the sky.

No matter how powerful the people in this world are, they still cannot be counted as Sister Lan.

Gao Xian took the potentially problematic magical weapon and moved directly to the Taixuan divine phase clone.

The clone of Taixuan God has been in the Eastern Wasteland for several years and has arrived in the territory of Blood God Sect. He is currently staying in Huotang Valley.

There is a hot spring in the center of Huotang Valley, which keeps boiling water all year round. It contains fire and water auras that are so strong that even rough-skinned monsters would not dare to soak in it for a long time.

The geothermal heat keeps Huotang Valley hot and humid all year round. Even in the severe cold winter, the valley is as warm as spring.For this reason, many demon cultivators and monsters like to stay here.of
Over time, Huotang Valley gathered a large number of demon cultivators and became the largest trading market within hundreds of thousands of miles.

Huotang Valley is next to the Five Elements Sect, and Taixuan Shenxiang's clone is also looking for opportunities to sneak into the Five Elements Sect and get the secret method of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

It's just that this matter can't be rushed, and you can't rush in and grab it forcefully.This is not Gao Xian's style.

Besides, the secret method is the foundation of the sect’s inheritance.The Five Elements Sect has been rooted in the Eastern Wasteland for thousands of years. Even if the sect is uprooted, it may not be possible to find the secret method of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

Gao Xian teleported to the side of Tai Xuan's divine phase clone. All his magic power was exhausted and his head was about to explode.

If it weren't for Sister Lan's help in sorting out his spiritual consciousness and suppressing his energy and blood, he might have fainted right now.

The continuous transmission put him under tremendous pressure.

Gao Xian hid in the cave for two days and handed over all the magical artifacts to the Taixuan divine clone.After regaining his energy, he returned to Qingyun Sect again.

After all the troubles were taken care of, Gao Xian felt relaxed all over. Looking at the pile of high-grade spiritual stones, he felt even more comfortable.

He couldn't hold back and counted the red spiritual stones again.

In addition to the dozens of high-grade spiritual stones contributed to Shouyi and Tian Yunong, plus his own 300 yuan of high-grade spiritual stones, he now has 1 yuan of high-grade spiritual stones.

The other scattered mid-grade and low-grade spiritual stones can add up to ten high-grade spiritual stones.

1 yuan of high-grade spiritual stones. If you want, you can really put a layer on the bed.

If replaced by low-grade spiritual stones, it would be 2000 million yuan.That adds up to enough to easily fill this room.

Gao Xian would naturally not be so bored as to exchange low-grade spiritual stones. Just thinking about it made him feel very satisfied.

In fact, the most important harvest this time was the fourth-order Yuanyang Spirit Crystal.With this thing, there is no need to buy the Sun Phase Spirit Crystal.The quality of the fourth level was actually far beyond his needs.

Higher grade spiritual objects are of course more beneficial to forming pills.

The second is the Nine Transformation Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill.Three nine-turn elixirs were enough to meet his need for elixir formation.As for the remaining spiritual crystals, as long as he has money, he can always buy them.Just need to conceal your identity.

Now there is only one last problem left, where should he form the elixir.

Forming a third-grade golden elixir, the wind is surging, the roar of dragons and tigers can be seen within a hundred miles.

If the elixir reaches the second level, it will cause thunderous, cloudy and rainy phenomena, which can be seen from thousands of miles away.

If the elixir reaches the first level, it will produce divine light that penetrates the world and can be seen thousands of miles away.

The last time he achieved a first-level elixir, it was because of the clouds in the sky that helped him cover it up.This time, it was obvious that Yun Zaitian could not be asked to help him form the elixir again.

Any place with abundant spiritual energy must have people, or monsters, or monsters.

It is too difficult to find a spiritual place with no one within hundreds of thousands of miles.

And when he was forming the elixir, he had no time to be distracted.We must find a safe and secure place.

Even if there is a clone, he is the one controlling it.He devoted himself to forming elixirs, but how could he have the energy to control the clone.

Gao Xian felt a little headache thinking about this. Without a sect, forming pills would be really troublesome.

Fortunately, there is still time, so there is no need to be too anxious.

He just caused big trouble in Wanfeng City, so he should calm down for a while.

Gao Xian began to enter a normal state. He was either having banquets or playing games every day, and his life was very relaxed.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's clone practiced swordsmanship in the secret room every day. With the foundation of Grandmaster Perfect Wind and Cloud Sword Art, Wuji Tianxiang Sword Art made rapid progress.

After waiting for a while, I didn't hear any news from Wanfeng Sect.

Obviously, Wanfeng Sect did not search for the murderer with great fanfare, nor did it seek help from other sects of Qingyun Sect.

Gao Xian really relaxed. One day in October, he found a nice and crisp autumn day and went straight to Lianyuncheng.

With his cultivation reaching his level, and the fact that the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel has reached the master level, he can fly to Lianyun City in one breath.

The whole process still took six hours, during which I used the Aoki Rejuvenation Technique several times to restore mana, and took several mana-restoring elixirs.

When we arrived at Lianyuncheng, it was already late at night.

Gao Xian urged him to activate the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes and walked straight through the city protective formation to Zhu's house.

With the first-grade golden elixir spiritual sense, it was natural to lock Qiniang's position.

Qiniang did not sleep, but sat quietly in the secret room to purify her magic power.She practices the Hunyuan Golden Body Art, which focuses on body refinement.

After taking several third-level green gold fruits, her cultivation improved rapidly.In less than 30 years, it has already reached the tenth floor of the foundation.

Precisely because she made such rapid progress, Qiniang spent most of her energy on polishing her own magic power.

This is a delicate job, and it requires water grinding to polish and purify it bit by bit.

In recent years, Qiniang has put down the business of Changshengtang.

Participating in Gao Xian's Golden elixir celebration opened her eyes to the glory of the Golden elixir.

The key is that she is too familiar with Gao Xian.If it were anyone else, she would only be envious and jealous.

Gao Xian's success inspired her fighting spirit.Following Gao Xian all the way, there was no reason why Ah Xian couldn't do it.

It was out of this thought that Qiniang rejected Gao Xian's invitation.

Qiniang was really afraid of being with Gao Xian, and she no longer had the fighting spirit.

A happy and peaceful life is really intoxicating.

Facts have proved that she was right not to go to Qingyun Sect.Staying in a small place like Lianyuncheng reminded her every moment that she had to work harder to escape from this small place and be qualified to be with Gao Xian.

With the first-grade golden elixir, Gao Xian could easily see Qiniang's progress.

The Hunyuan Golden Body Magic Power has been polished to a very pure level.If this continues, there is really a [-]-[-] chance of forming an elixir.

Standing at the door of the secret room, Gao Xian was silent for a while before gently knocking on the door, "Qiniang, it's me."

Qiniang inside was startled and then happy again.She hurriedly opened the magic circle, opened the door and welcomed Gao Xian in.

After four years of not seeing each other, Gao Xian has not changed at all. He even has a youthful air about him.It's not that it's childish, but it's the kind of vitality that comes from the bones.

Qiniang couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of herself. She was five years older than Gao Xian.Based on the lifespan of a Foundation Establishment monk, she is actually at the peak of her life.

But compared to Gao Xian, she seems too mature.

Gao Xian knew that Qiniang's personality was too reserved and deep, and the efficiency of verbal communication with Qiniang was very low.

He went over and hugged Qiniang. He didn't allow Qiniang to say anything and started to slap him...

After several storms, Gao Xian and Qiniang felt at ease, and all the estrangements disappeared.

Qiniang snuggled into Gao Xian's arms and whispered: "Baihefang has been occupied by the Qisha Sect. They will be able to reach Lianyung City in 20 years at most..."

(Please give me a monthly ticket~ It’s the last two days of double the number, go ahead, brothers~)

(End of this chapter)

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