Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 382 Bombardment Level 4

Chapter 382 Killing the fourth level
The four-winged flying snake has lived for thousands of years and has never suffered such a big loss. It hates Gao Xian deeply.

Through the vertical pupils between the brows, it can clearly see the changes in the opponent's sword moves.Just in order to completely solve the other party, it has been patiently enduring.

Finally, I seized the opportunity and used Yin Shen to stop the opponent in one fell swoop!
The giant mouth of the four-winged flying snake has rows of sharp teeth. When the big mouth is closed, it will naturally form a space that isolates the inside and outside.

No matter what is swallowed in its mouth, there is no room for struggle, let alone the thought of jumping from the mouth into its stomach.

The four-winged flying snake closed its giant mouth, and with a few rows of sharp teeth, it crushed the small piece of meat to pieces.

Feeling the hot blood from the bits of minced meat on the tip of the tongue, the four-winged flying snake was extremely happy. This little jumping thing was finally dead!

The four-winged flying snake suddenly felt something was wrong when it was rejoicing. The vertical pupils between its brows reflected a tiny cyan figure, which was the guy it bit into pieces.

The most terrifying thing was that this figure appeared in its head. The four-winged flying snake couldn't help but feel a little confused after discovering this. It didn't understand how the other party could come to its head.

But it reacted immediately and hurriedly summoned the Yin Shen to cover the opponent.

The huge black spirit turned around and had already entangled Gao Xian.But in his own mind, Yin Shen didn't dare to activate his magic power.

Gao Xian, however, had no scruples. He penetrated the opponent's body tissue through the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, rushed directly into the opponent's head, and had already calculated the next step.

Abandoning the Tai Chi clone and feeding it to the giant snake, this is what he was waiting for.

Taking advantage of the Yin God's arrival, Gao Xian urged the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip. The four-foot golden whip suddenly struck forward, and purple-gold thunder exploded.

The fourth-level Yin God is also afraid of thunder, and the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip is a fourth-level mid-level spiritual weapon, which can cause the thunder to be so fierce and violent.

If protected by the body, the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip would not be able to cause much harm to the giant snake.

The demon-subduing golden whip was activated in the giant snake's head. The giant snake Yin Shen was first torn apart by the purple sky thunder, and then the raging thunder suddenly spread, submerging all kinds of brain tissue in the thunder.

Lei method is also divided into three, six or nine levels.Zixiao Thunder is undoubtedly the first-class thunder method in the world, and it can activate the pure Yang of thunder.

The three green eyes of the giant snake shined with purple-gold light at the same time.Two of the eyes were immediately shattered by the lightning. Only the vertical pupils between the brows were so magical that they actually withstood the lightning strike.

The giant snake's brain tissue was carbonized into ash in the lightning, and a large transparent hole exploded above its head.

Its shattered black spirit was not completely destroyed. The black energy circulated and re-condensed into shape in the lightning.

The next moment, the black Yin God suddenly converged inward, and the endless magic gathered and shrank.

Gao Xian realized that something was wrong, and without hesitation activated the Daluo God Transformation Technique to teleport out. When leaving, he stretched out his hand to take away the giant snake's vertical pupils.

The moment Gao Xian's figure disappeared, the contracted black Yin Shen exploded with a bang. Terrifying mana struck from all directions, and the burst of ice energy expanded to a hundred miles away before gradually weakening.

Gao Xian, who was tens of thousands of miles away, was looking curiously at the green vertical eyeball in his hand. The eyeball was about a foot long and as hard as jade. It looked quite beautiful, but also had an indescribable weirdness about it.

The four-winged giant snake's vertical pupils are very powerful and can see through the changes in his sword moves.It's a pity that the giant snake is a monster after all and has a bad mind.

Ninety-nine percent of the terrifying mana was wasted.

This battle also allowed Gao Xian to experience the power of the fourth level. Whether it was mana or spiritual consciousness, nothing could compare to him.

Gao Xian closed his green vertical pupils. This spiritual object is very valuable, but he doesn't know its specific use. He will study it slowly when he has time.

He drove the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel and quickly rushed to the battlefield. The giant snake Yin God exploded and he was certain to die.But its body is very valuable.

When Gao Xian returned to the battlefield, it was already two hours later, but the burst of ice energy had not dissipated yet.

Gao Xian unfolded all his spiritual consciousness, turned around twice within a radius of hundreds of miles, and found two pieces of the giant snake's body.

After falling from an altitude of several thousand feet, this person's flesh and blood actually maintained a good firmness, which shows how powerful this fourth-level monster's body is.

The flesh and blood of the fourth-level monster was a great supplement to Gao Xian.Scale skin can also be used to make magic weapons, protective gear, etc.

Gao Xian didn't plan to sell it. The scale skin could be made by Huo Lingyun to make a few sets of inner armor, boots and so on.

Even though Huo Lingyun is a master of weapon refining, he has never seen much of the materials for fourth-level monsters.

The biggest gain from this battle is actually experiencing the fourth level power and experiencing the fourth level Yinshen.

The second thing is the green eye. He has an intuition that this thing is useful to him.

I just want to wait until I have time to study it slowly, but I am not in a hurry.

Bai Zizhen was plotting against him behind his back with that witch, and this account must be settled clearly.

Gao Xian is actually quite stingy and cares about those who harm him.

The relationship between Qingyun Sect and Yuelun Sect is very bad. When he went to Yuelun City that time, he was almost blocked by Yue Qingwei and the others.

That was when he took the initiative to run to Yuelun City. Although he was a little unhappy, he tolerated the situation.

Bai Zizhen harmed him this time, but there was no reason.This made Gao Xian really angry.

He didn't care what calculations this woman had, she deserved to die.And that woman in blue doesn't look like she's serious and deserves to die.

Gao Xian relied on the Shenxiao Order and the subtle induction of the magic array on the Aoki Airship to reunite with the Aoki Airship a few hours later.

Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun were overjoyed to see Gao Xian come back.

"It's good that junior brother is fine."

Lu Jingxu asked casually: "Where did you lead that monster to?"

"Killed by me." Gao Xian smiled slightly and answered calmly.

He made so much flesh and blood that he couldn't eat it himself, so he had to sell it to others.You can't hide something.Instead of doing this, it is better to admit it openly and directly.

Anyway, he is a master of swordsmanship and the best golden elixir master in Qingyun. Killing a fourth-level monster is not an exaggeration.

"Huh?" Lu Jingxu was shocked. He looked at Gao Xian in disbelief, "Kill?"

"The fourth level is the fourth level, but it is a monster after all and has no brains."

Naturally, Gao Xian would not explain the battle process in detail. He said in an understated tone: "I used a little trick to kill this monster."

Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun were both speechless, and it was difficult for them to accept it, but they would not show it out of Jin Dan's reserve.

The surrounding group of foundation-building monks were all filled with shock and admiration.

A fourth-level monster must condense the Yuanying Yin God. Even if it lacks wisdom, the power of the Yuanying Yin God is not fake.

Moreover, the mana of fourth-level monsters is often stronger than the mana of Nascent Soul Lord.

Everyone has seen the four-winged flying snake. Its huge body is dozens of feet long, but its body gives people an unusually huge sense of oppression.

Everyone could not imagine how Gao Xian killed such a powerful fourth-level monster!

Of course, no one would doubt Gao Xian.As a master of swordsmanship, there is no need to brag about this kind of thing.

After being shocked, Lu Jingxu sighed repeatedly: "Junior brother has immeasurable magical powers, I admire him."

"Hey, it's a fluke."

Gao Xian said politely, waved his hand and said: "Today I will invite you all to eat meat, so that you can all taste the taste of the fourth-level monster..."

Everyone was overjoyed. They couldn't afford the third-level monsters, and they couldn't even think about the meat of the fourth-level monsters.

I didn't expect that following Gao Xian this time would lead to such good things.Not to mention how precious the meat of the fourth-level monster beast is, but this experience is enough for them to brag about for half their lives.

Gao Xian cut up two hundred kilograms of snake meat and handed it over to a specialized cook.

Processing monster meat is a skill, including how to distinguish whether it is poisonous or not, how to handle it to maximize the spiritual power of the monster meat, and how to cook it with medicines. There is a lot of knowledge in this.

There are more than 400 people in the Aoki Airship, most of whom are Qi training disciples, following their master to see the world.

Regardless of the more than 200 kilograms of snake meat, the spiritual power is too strong for Qi practitioners, so they just taste it and drink some soup.

If you really had to take a big mouthful of snake meat, you would be bursting with spiritual energy.

Foundation-building monks would never dare to eat too much.

Even Tong Xiujun and Lu Jingxu didn't dare to eat more.Such a great tonic must be taken in moderation.If overdosed, it becomes highly toxic.

Two hundred kilograms of snake meat is more than enough to feed the entire ship for ten days and a half.

Gao Xian also admired the chef's skills. If he were to cook it himself, he would definitely not be able to make it taste like this, and it would also be a waste of the strong spiritual power in the snake meat.

He thought that he should recruit two cultivators specializing in cooking in the sect and find a few waiters.

With such a large amount of snake meat, someone must handle it specially.Such a large Xuanduyuan also needs people to take care of it.

Gao Xian had dinner with Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun. The fourth-level snake meat made the two Jindan's faces rosy. Tong Xiujun was gentle and graceful, and his eyes were as soft as spring water.

Gao Xian glanced at Tong Xiujun and suddenly felt that age was not a big obstacle.

Although this person is three hundred years old, according to Jin Dan's age, it is a good time for a MILF to be half old.

He had just eaten snake meat, and his qi and blood were extremely strong, so he would naturally have some thoughts.

But he just thought about it, could he really have sex with Tong Xiujun?
As a woman, Tong Xiujun is actually very sensitive to men's gaze.She noticed the way Gao Xian looked at her.

She has always been very wary of this No. [-] golden elixir.

But this time it was different. The snake meat was so nourishing, and her mood changed subtly when the blood was stirred up.

The most important thing is that Gao Xian has the courage to take responsibility and can stand up when encountering a fourth-level monster.

If Gao Xian hadn't taken action, things would have been much worse for them.What's even more amazing is that Gao Xian also killed a fourth-level monster!
Gao Xian was not only extremely handsome, but also extremely intelligent and courageous, which made her heart flutter...

No matter how highly cultivated Gao Xian is, he cannot guess what a woman is thinking.

He always felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, so he got down to business: "This monster was brought by Bai Zizhen. This woman is so malicious to us. I don't know what's wrong with her?"

"The Moon Lun Sect colludes with the Blood God Sect. When the Eastern Wasteland demon cultivators invade in large numbers, the Moon Lun Sect will be the first to surrender to the demon sect. Taoist Lord Wanfeng should destroy the Moon Lun Sect..."

Although Lu Jingxu has a good temper, he hates the Yuelun Sect extremely. When he talks about this sect, he wishes he could eradicate it immediately.

Tong Xiujun said softly: "Bai Zi is so vicious, we must be more cautious during this trip..."

Tong Xiujun was thoughtful and made some suggestions to better restrain his disciples and avoid trouble.

Lu Jingxu thought it made sense, and the two discussed it seriously.

Gao Xian felt bored and immediately made an excuse to leave first.

He originally wanted to go back to his room, but his body refused to obey and came to Li Feihuang's door...

(Double update on time, please vote for the monthly ticket ~ the ranking has dropped a lot ~ please support)
(End of this chapter)

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