Chapter 386
From the moment Gao Xian unsheathed his sword, he never wanted to let the other party leave alive.

Just kill the fake Yue Qingwei.Even if the Yuelun Sect wants to cause trouble, they can't find an excuse.

If this woman is seductive when she comes up, he will have to think about it, maybe he can find another way to ward off demons and protect her.

Sword fighting, then there is nothing to say.

After squeezing out all the opponent's sword skills, Gao Xian had no interest in delaying it any longer.

Directly triggering the thunder and lightning switch, the sword struck like thunder and thunder, easily breaking the opponent's sword skills and killing the opponent on the spot.

Gao Xian also knew that the opponent was a demon cultivator from the Blood God Sect. This sword might not be able to kill the opponent. After chopping the opponent's body into pieces, he became more vigilant.

Of course, he didn't forget to put away the Ming Yue Qing lightsaber.

Sure enough, Yue Qingwei's shattered body instantly shattered into dots of blood, quickly reuniting into a human form in the air.

The other party also revealed her true face, but her body and skin were all red. Although her facial features were beautiful, she looked very strange and scary.

In this state, the woman was covered in strong yet filthy blood, dyeing the surrounding area blood red.

Gao Xian frowned slightly. The other party's weird look was a bit scary. The key was that he didn't know what kind of magic it was.

You must know that he has blood nerves in his hands, and Taixuan Shen's clone is quite accomplished in blood nerves.

The filthy blood on the woman's body obviously comes from the blood nerves, but it turns into this ghostly appearance. It looks a bit like the Son of Blood God on the Blood God Banner, but it is actually very different.

Even after being slashed by his sword, he could still return to his human form. It seemed that the damage he suffered was not great. This kind of secret technique was indeed magical.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to take action. He locked the opponent with his sword and was not afraid of her running away.

He asked politely: "Why is fellow Taoist blushing?"

Naturally, Hua Feidi didn't understand this joke, and couldn't match Gao Xian's words of "refreshing".

But she could hear the irony in it.

Hua Feidi was puzzled whether Gao Xian was so ruthless and ruthless, because he was mad, or because he had seen through that she was the fake Yue Qingwei.

Fortunately, the blood shadow transformation method can temporarily turn into a blood shadow, so he can avoid the fatal sword.He was not killed by Gao Xian on the spot.

In this situation, she had no confidence that she could escape from Gao Xian.

Hua Feidie had seen Gao Xian's escape technique, and it was incredibly fast.

She couldn't run away, couldn't be beaten, and her identity as a demon cultivator was exposed. She was now in a very embarrassing and dangerous situation.

Gao Xian asked out of curiosity: "Fellow Taoist, has the skin on your body been peeled off? It's so red and it looks so scary!"

Hua Feidi knew that the other party was teasing her, but she was angry but could only endure it.

She said: "Fellow Taoist, I have no ill intentions towards you. It's just that I've heard about the reputation of Dual Magic and Sword for a long time, so I took the liberty to come and ask for advice."

"Ha ha……"

Gao Xian smiled with some contempt and disdain, "You witch, you still want to lie to me! Today I will subjugate the demons and defend the law, except you, the monster!"

Just as Hua Feidi was about to explain, a sharp azure light struck her head.

Hua Feidie was horrified, and she hurriedly turned into blood shadows and scattered in all directions.

Blood Shadow Transformation allows her to temporarily transform into a blood shadow, without being restricted by her physical body, and her transformation is extremely mysterious.

Although the Green Lotus Sword was sharp, it failed to hurt the blood shadow.

Dragging several scattered bloody shadows, they fled in different directions.

Gao Xian used a first-grade golden elixir to illuminate it, but he couldn't tell which of the four blood shadows was the real body.

He summoned the flower appreciating mirror again, but still could not tell the truth and priority.

Gao Xian understood instantly that the four blood shadows were both real and fake.

As long as a shadow of blood escapes, this woman can survive.It just means losing part of your strength and cultivation.

Or, this woman can retrieve the scattered blood shadows from a long distance.

The best way to deal with such weird and evil methods is to use the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip.

No matter what kind of evil method it is, it will be over once the thunder method hits it.If one shot of lightning is not enough, use another shot.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and still didn't use the Demon-Subduing Golden Whip. He had a fourth-level spiritual weapon, the White Lotus Golden Flag, in his hand, but he had never really used it.

The last time he killed the fourth-level monster, Gao Xian did not dare to use the White Lotus Golden God Flag because he was not sure how powerful this spiritual weapon was.

He only had one chance to kill the fourth-level monster, so of course he had to be careful.

This witch had strange transformations and her cultivation was very strong, but she was far inferior to him.

Not to mention anything else, the sensing radius of his spiritual consciousness is fifteen thousand steps, which is at least three times that of this woman. He is far better than this woman in other swordsmanship and secret skills.

Only their magic power is the closest between them, and this woman's magic power is slightly stronger than his.

It's just that in such a high-level battle, strong mana is useless. The key is how to operate mana efficiently and precisely, and how to effectively output mana.

Just like if a person simply practices strength, he will be very good at fighting.However, when faced with fighting masters of the same weight, pure strength advantage cannot win the victory.

Gao Xian killed the fourth-level monster, and he no longer looked down upon these golden elixirs.This is also true, this woman just can't fight him.

Gao Xian's mind turned and summoned the White Lotus Golden God Flag, and the sharp white light condensed into a four-foot snow-colored sword in his hand.

The long sword formed a perfect circle in the air, and the snow-colored sword light condensed into a flawless moon, illuminating the sky.

Even the blazing sun hanging high in the sky is shrouded in the bright and clear sword light like the moon.

In an instant, the bright moon covered all directions and illuminated the heaven and earth.

The blood-colored shadows that fled in all directions were shrouded in the sword light like a bright moon, and the blood shadows suddenly condensed.Hua Feidi couldn't help but be horrified. She fled in all directions, only to be frightened and locked by Gao Xian's sword intent.

The illusory blood shadow is almost nothingness and can hardly be touched by ordinary spells and magic weapons.

It was only Gao Xian's sword intent that was so exquisite that it had faintly penetrated the boundary between virtual and real yin and yang, deciphering the changes in her blood shadow, and was able to immobilize her.

What's even more terrifying is that the sword intention of the Mingyue used by Gao Xian is exactly the sword intention of the Jiutian Mingyue she just used, but Gao Xian's sword intention is more advanced and pure.

Its sword is as perfect as the moon, covering all directions, yet it is far above the nine heavens, elusive and unfathomable.

Hua Feidi didn't quite understand. Gao Xian could learn her sword intention by just reading it. How could he be better than her? !
how can that be!

Hua Feidi didn't have time to think about this problem. She had to regroup as soon as possible to be able to fight Gao Xian.

In the differentiated state, the power is completely dispersed and unable to escape, so it can only be slaughtered by Gao Xian.

Four bloody shadows twisted and struggled, like smoke and mist, uncertain and unpredictable, trying to escape from the sword light that illuminated the nine heavens.

At this time, the snow-colored sword in Gao Xian's hand suddenly retracted, and the bright sword light that spread throughout the nine heavens converged.

The four blood shadows covered by the sword light involuntarily condensed and shrank into a ball as the sword light converged.

The illusive Hua Feidie is constantly compressed and compressed by the converging sword intent.

She was extremely horrified. This Huiyue Zangkong sword move was originally an invisible sword move, but when Gao Xian performed it, the sword intent continued to shrink and compress.

She was in it, even if she transformed into a blood shadow, she couldn't withstand the crushing power of the unparalleled sword.

Hua Feidi still wanted to struggle and fight to the death, but she also concentrated her sword intent to the extreme.

The White Lotus Golden Divine Flag has absorbed countless Gengjin Divine Lights, and its sword intent is extremely sharp and indestructible.

Billions of sword lights shrink into a single point, enough to destroy everything tangible and intangible contained in the sword light.

Although the blood shadow transformed by Hua Feidi is mysterious, it must be controlled with the soul and consciousness.

The White Lotus Golden God Flag condensed into an extremely subtle sword intention, which penetrated Hua Feidi's soul and completely destroyed her body and spirit.

At this moment, Gao Xian, with the sword in his hand and Hua Feidie, completely disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Xian's figure reappeared. The four-foot snow-colored sword in his hand was bright and sharp, but a little blood on the blade spread with the atomization of the strong wind...

Gao Xian knew that it was Hua Feidi's blood. Although this woman could turn into a blood shadow, she had a real body.

The blood shadow magical power was broken, and the opponent's physical body turned into a pool of dirty blood under the sharp sword intent.

The opponent's soul is destroyed and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Out of caution, Gao Xian still stretched out his finger to activate the purple sky thunder.

Purple-gold thunder suddenly fell, turning the heavy blood mist floating in the sky into wisps of blue smoke.

Gao Xian checked it with the Flower Appraisal Mirror to confirm that there were no omissions, and then took the White Lotus Golden God Flag and returned to Wanling Peak.

This battle was fruitful. He got the Mingyue Qingguang Sword. The most important thing was that he learned the Mingyue Sword Intent, which allowed him to suddenly master the Moon Phase Sword.

It's a pity that this woman didn't leave anything behind.All the blood and essence was wasted.

Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun were both waiting for Gao Xian. When they saw Gao Xian coming back alone, the two Jindans looked a little strange.

Lu Jingxu had a close relationship with Gao Xian, so he asked directly: "Where is Junior Brother, Yue Qingwei?"

"I'll kill him," Gao Xian said casually.



Tong Xiujun and Lu Jingxu were stunned. They were both shocked and uneasy. Things were getting serious!
The relationship between Yuelun Sect and Qingyun Sect is not good, but they have not directly turned against each other yet.This time it gave the Yuelun Sect a reason, which would definitely trigger a war between the two sects.

"Junior brother, you, ugh..."

Lu Jingxu hesitated to speak, but could not really teach Gao Xian a lesson, so she could only sigh repeatedly.

Gao Xian saw that Lu Jingxu was really anxious, so he comforted him: "Senior brother, don't worry, I killed Yue Qingwei, the demon cultivator pretended to be her."


Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun were stunned again.

It wasn't that they were making a fuss, it was just that the news was too shocking.

Lu Jingxu let out a long breath and smiled bitterly: "Junior brother, stop joking now, you will scare the courage out of me."

"Senior brother, don't worry, I won't mess around." Gao Xian said with a smile.

Lu Jingxu finally let go of her worries, "It would be better if it wasn't Yue Qingwei. Although the relationship between our two sects is bad, we still generally maintain restraint. If the two sects really fight, I don't know how many people will die..."

Tong Xiujun asked with concern: "Is Zhenren okay?"

Gao Xian shook his head slightly: "I'm fine, but we can't let this matter go.

"Bai Zizhen sent a demon cultivator to kill me, and he must give me an explanation!"

Lu Jingxu was hesitant. He was mainly afraid that Gao Xian would make the matter bigger and it would not end well.

He thought for a moment and persuaded him: "Junior brother, it's okay to go and ask questions, but don't kill anyone..."

Gao Xian laughed: "Brother, why are you always afraid of me killing people? Am I that bad!"

Lu Jingxu didn't smile. He looked at Gao Xian seriously and thought to himself that this junior brother really didn't have any self-consciousness. He didn't know who he was. !

(End of this chapter)

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