Chapter 388 Don't Talk Nonsense
"Looking for masters with swords..."

Gao Xian immediately understood that Wanfeng Sect was looking for him!

Last year, he went to Wanfeng City to refine the Qianyuan Transformation Pill, where he killed Xiang Zhengye, a member of the Wanfeng Sect's Golden Pill.

Then, he used the clone as a location to instantly return to Qingyun Sect.

In order to prevent traces from being leaked, except for the fourth-order Yuanyang Spiritual Crystal and the three Qianyuan Transformation Divine Refining Pills and Spiritual Stones, Xiang Zhengye's other items were handed over to the Taixuan Divine Phase clone in Donghuang.

Lord Huashen Dao is not a god either.

Gao Xian felt that he had not revealed any traces, and Wanfeng County could not find him no matter how hard it traced.

Now it seems that he underestimates Wanfeng Sect.

Before Xiang Zhengye died, he met several people and they must have told him that his swordsmanship was very good.

Therefore, it is easy for the other party to judge that Sha Xiang Zhengye is a golden elixir who is good at swordsmanship.

Although Wanfeng County is large, there are not many golden elixirs who are truly good at swordsmanship.At least there aren't many people who can instantly kill them, so the screening range is much smaller.

Even so, Wanfeng Sect will also visit every sect and visit the masters of swordsmanship.It's never easy.

Besides, if the murderer is a master from outside Wanfeng County, this is a wasted effort.

Wanfeng Sect still did this, which shows that they take this matter very seriously.To this end, we should not hesitate to expend energy and resources, even if it is in vain, we must try.

He should have killed their golden elixir in Wanfeng City, which offended the strong men of Wanfeng Sect.

Gao Xian had already guessed the cause of the incident in his mind, but he didn't care much.

Even if you find him and ask him, he just denies it.

During that time, his traces were very easy to trace.With Sister Lan here, even if he lies, the other party won't be able to tell!

Lie detectors in this world have various limitations.It is absolutely impossible to look deep into people's minds and see what they are thinking.

Gao Xian trusted Yan Feiyin very much, but he would not tell Yan Feiyin such things.

Letting Yan Feiyin know the truth will not do her any good, but may implicate her.

Gao Xian said casually: "I didn't do anything bad, so what do I have to fear from them?"

Yan Feiyin shook his head slightly: "The main reason is that the people of Wanfeng Sect are extremely arrogant and arrogant, and they act like they are superior to other major sects, which is very annoying. I am afraid that you will conflict with them..."

The day before yesterday, she went to meet several people from the Wanfeng Sect, especially Jin Dan named Yue Huafeng. He was quite handsome, but extremely arrogant.

He interrogated several sect sword masters, just like interrogating prisoners, with a very bad attitude.

Many golden elixirs in the sect are extremely disgusted with this person, but they dare not speak out in anger.

Taojun Yue Wanfeng believed in ruling by doing nothing and did not have much restraint on the 36 major sects under his jurisdiction.

However, no one in the 36 major sects dared to disobey Yue Wanfeng's wishes.No matter whether this Taoist ruler is in charge or not, no one can stand it if he really takes charge of it.

No matter how annoying Yuehua Peak is, it still represents the Wanfeng Sect.Even True Lord Tiehe would not do anything to Yuehua Peak.

Yan Feiyin was quite resentful about this matter, and both Gao Xian and Yan couldn't help complaining.

Gao Xian was not interested in Yue Hua Peak, so he asked casually: "How about Fairy Lingfu Yueshenxiu?"

He had stayed in Wanfeng City for a few days and had actually heard of this person's name.

The Spirit Talisman Fairy was said to have formed a third-grade golden elixir in her early twenties. Her talisman skills were so superb that she was named the Spirit Talisman Fairy.

Honorific titles like gods and immortals are rarely given to cultivators.

Just like the Wuqi Divine Sword Gui Wuqi, it is actually the name that people in Tongtian Sword Sect brag about.

For example, if it were placed in Ten Thousand Peaks City, no one would recognize the Infinite Sword.

However, being able to become a Talisman Fairy in Wanfeng Sect is an extraordinary status.

At least in Wanfeng County, this person is a real fairy.It is definitely not on the same level as the Infinite Divine Sword.

Yan Feiyin looked at Gao Xian with a faint smile: "Master, are you interested in fairies?"

"I'm just asking, you will always be my favorite."

Gao Xian can answer this question, although the answer is a bit greasy.

Yan Feiyin's smile was as bright as a flower, and her bright eyes were full of spring joy. She obviously liked Gao Xian's answer.

She was counterattacked by Tianhu's magical power and will always be loyal to Gao Xian.But she has not lost her mind and has her own joys and sorrows.

She also knew that Gao Xian couldn't believe everything he said, but the fact that Gao Xian said this proved that he valued and loved her enough, and that was enough.

"Yue Shenxiu is a relatively special cultivator. He looks like a 17-year-old girl."

Yan Feiyin didn't know how to describe Yue Shenxiu, she explained: "This is different from Yun Qingxuan. Yun Qingxuan is cold and indifferent, but she is actually extremely smart, so she focuses on cultivation and ignores worldly affairs.

"Yue Shenxiu is really ignorant of worldly affairs, with an innocent temper and a pure heart."

Gao Xian was a little curious: "So he is a stupid boy?"

Yan Feiyin shook his head: "That's not the case. She has a pure heart, so her way of looking at the world is simple and direct. Very powerful!"

Gao Xian thought for a moment and asked: "So, they use Yueshenxiu to judge the truth and falsehood?"

"It seems to be so."

Yan Feiyin suddenly realized, "Yue Shenxiu must have the ability to see through people's minds, so they worked tirelessly to find him all the way. As long as they can find that person, they can't run away."

She glanced at Gao Xian suspiciously as she spoke. She heard that a Jin Dan in Wanfeng County was killed by a swordsman, and she always felt that this matter might be related to Gao Xian.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm a good person!"

Gao Xian pinched Yan Feiyin's body and used a little Tianshu electric light. The little fox's body felt weak, numb and itchy, and he immediately begged for mercy.After playing around for a while, Gao Xian got down to business and asked Yan Feiyin to help him get some three types of spiritual crystals: snow, rain, and moon.

"The sect should have one. I'll go take a look today. You can sneak over here at night..."

Yan Feiyin said and kissed Gao Xian coquettishly. She was particularly dependent on Gao Xian, both physically and mentally.

She was always indescribably happy when she stayed with Gao Xian.

Before dawn, Gao Xian quietly returned to Guixiang Garden.

Nothing happened that day, and Gao Xian quietly came to see Yan Feiyin in the evening.

Yan Feiyin gave him a surprise and got two Yuxue Origin Spirit Crystals, both of which were of the third-order top quality.

"It's a pity that there is no moon phase origin spiritual crystal. This thing is too rare."

Yan Feiyin thought for a moment and said: "However, the skills that Yuelun Sect is good at are all related to the moon phase, so there must be moon phase spiritual crystals. Master can always find it by secretly killing a few golden elixirs..."

"Hey, how could I do such things as murder and robbery?"

Gao Xian spoke sternly, "If you want to kill them, they are doing evil. I will uphold justice on behalf of God!"

"Yes, yes, the master is a great hero."

Yan Feiyin cast a flirtatious look at Gao Xian and said softly: "Hero, come and surrender me, a little goblin!"

"The goblin wants to break my Taoist heart, let's see how..."

Gao Xian was in a good mood and played with Yan Feiyin for another night, making the enchantress docile.

When he returned to Guixiang Garden the next day, Gao Xian was still in a good mood.

The only difference among the nine types of spiritual crystals is the moon phase spiritual crystal. Yan Feiyin is right, the Moon Wheel Sect must have this kind of crystal.

It just so happened that there was a problem this time, so it was only natural that we should take action against them.

Speaking of which, I would like to thank Bai Zizhen.

Gao Xian was in the room planning his next move when Lu Jingxu hurried in.

"A few people from the Wanfeng Sect have come and want to see you by name."

Lu Jingxu was worried. He knew that Gao Xian had always been ruthless, and he might accidentally provoke people from the Wanfeng Sect, which would be troublesome.

He asked in a low voice: "Junior brother, you have no contact with the people of Wanfeng Sect, right?"

Gao Xian smiled: "Senior brother, don't worry. The Wanfeng Sect is millions of miles away, and I can't even touch it. There won't be any contact."

"That's good."

Lu Jingxu breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained: "Wanfeng Sect is the main sect, so we should be more polite."

"This is natural, I am a polite gentleman." Gao Xian said confidently.

Lu Jingxu laughed dryly.

Arriving at the front hall, Gao Xian first saw the girl sitting in the front seat.

The girl has a clear and delicate appearance, and her bright eyes are watery without any impurities, bright and extremely pure.

Just like Yan Feiyin said, with the innocence and purity of not knowing the world.Everyone who meets this girl will definitely remember her beautiful and pure eyes.

The girl is wearing a simple and elegant moon-white robe and a jade lotus hair crown. She sits there, looking elegant and generous like a lady, but also has the unique softness and brightness of a girl.

There is no doubt that this is Lingfu Fairy Yueshenxiu.

Gao Xian felt that the name was a bit untrue. Although Yueshenxiu had a strong body and a beautiful figure, she did not have that kind of fairy spirit that was not stained by the mortal world. Instead, her temperament was more like the girl next door, innocent, pure and very friendly.

Yue Shenxiu was also looking at Gao Xian, her bright eyes filled with undisguised curiosity.

Gao Xian smiled softly at Yue Shenxiu and saluted: "Gao Xian of Qingyun Sect, I have seen fairies."

Yue Shenxiu suddenly smiled. Her smile was simple and pure, simply expressing joy.

She shook her head gently: "Fairy and other titles are just random names given by others, and I can't afford it."

Having said that, Yue Shenxiu sat there and did not get up to return the courtesy.

Gao Xian knew that this girl was actually used to being superior, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

However, Yue Shenxiu is very natural and generous, and does not deliberately put on airs, which makes people not feel bad.

On the contrary, the handsome man standing next to him had a proud look on his face, and his eyes were condescending when he looked at others, very rude and tough.

The handsome man said coldly: "Gao Xian, don't be presumptuous in front of Master Shenxiu."

Gao Xian looked confused. He said a few words of compliment and then acted arrogantly. He hadn't done anything even more arrogant yet...

Lu Jingxu hurriedly introduced: "This is the first Yuehua Peak real person from Wanfeng County Law Enforcement Court."

"More than the first one." Gao Xian cupped his hands in greeting.

Yue Huafeng snorted with his nose, not sure whether it was to express disdain or to express a response. Anyway, the gesture was unpleasant no matter how you looked at it.

"Gao Xian, we have something to ask you."

Yue Huafeng didn't like Gao Xian very much, mainly because Gao Xian was too handsome and upright, and he dared to compliment Yue Shenxiu in person, which made him feel that Gao Xian's appearance was disgusting.

He said directly: "Have you been to Wanfeng City last year?"

Gao Xian looked puzzled: "More than the first seat,"

Before Gao Xian could finish his words, Yue Huafeng said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense and answer my question directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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