The Nine Cities of Xuanming refers to the nine major cities controlled by the Xuanming Sect. These nine large cities are the centers of Xuanming Sect and even more so Mingzhou.

Tianhong City is managed by Lord Zhenhongdao. It is said that this Taoist Lord of Divine Transformation is seven or eight thousand years old and is a powerful person in the late stage of Divine Transformation.

Gao Xian initially suspected that there was something fishy about the auction. He wanted to buy Jade God Ointment and Earthly Spirit Liquid, but it was a coincidence that the auction came up.

Yue Shenxiu knew a little about Tianhong City and helped him explain the situation in Tianhong City.

Xuanming Nine Cities holds grand auctions every year on the third day of March, the sixth day of June, the ninth day of September, and the twelfth day of December.

Important and special spiritual objects such as Jade God Ointment and Earth Elemental Spiritual Liquid often appear at auctions.

Large sects like Wanfeng County are wary of Nascent Soul that they cannot control. At the level of the Xuanming Sect, one more Yuanying and one less Yuanying have no impact on them.

In order to improve the specifications and grades of the auction, the auction will always auction various special spiritual objects, and sometimes even secret techniques and artifacts, in order to attract high-rollers from all directions.

In an auction of this level, it would be difficult for the sect leader Yue Wanfeng to exert influence, let alone the Nascent Soul Lord of the Wanfeng Sect.

Simply put, it is unlikely that the auction will be a trap designed specifically for Gao Xian. Of course, this is not absolutely impossible. The Taoist Hua Shen Dao Lord will not meddle in these nosy matters, but his Nascent Soul Lord may be bribed.

There is another problem. Others knew that Gao Xian wanted to buy Jade God Ointment and Diyuan Spiritual Liquid, and guessed that he was going to Tianhong City. It is very likely that an ambush will be set up in Tianhong City. This is something we must guard against.

Yue Shenxiu said: "Tianhong City is very large, and the mixture of dragons and snakes inside is complicated. Spiritual objects such as Jade God Ointment and Earth Origin Spiritual Liquid are very expensive, especially at auctions, where they can often fetch sky-high prices.

"The Eternal Life Sword Cave is not suitable for transforming into an infant. I will wait until you come out of the Eternal Life Sword Cave. I can get these two spiritual objects from the sect, so there is no need to take risks..."

Yue Shenxiu felt that Gao Xian was a little too anxious. Although these two spiritual objects were precious, they could be obtained from the sect. For this purpose, traveling to Tianhong City, thousands of miles away, is both unsafe and expensive.

No matter what aspect you consider, it's not worth it.

Gao Xian shook his head slowly. It was not convenient for him to talk to Yue Shenxiu about Taiyuan Shenxiu. Without these two spiritual objects, it would be difficult for him to advance to Nascent Soul. Moreover, he pursues a top-grade Yin God. These external objects must be prepared.

He thought for a moment and said: "I'll go take a look first. Tianhong City has such a great reputation, even if you don't buy anything, it's still good to broaden your horizons.

Yue Shenxiu saw that Gao Xian was so determined, so she couldn't stop him anymore.

She said: "I'll go with you, and I'll have someone to take care of you. I haven't been to Tianhong City either..."

"No need. I can still run away when things happen to me."

Gao Xian immediately refused. Yue Shenxiu was very strong, but he was a little weak in the face of True Lord Nascent Soul. If he really encounters a danger that he can't solve, it will be even more dangerous with Yue Shenxiu.

If it didn't work out, he would use his clone's positioning to escape instantly. Even if the Taoist Transformation Lord takes action, he can escape with his life.

Yue Shenxiu didn't insist either. Gao Xian could kill True Monarch Nascent Soul alone, and his cultivation level was far above hers. She really couldn't help much by following Gao Xian.

The two lived together for a few days, and Gao Xian rushed to Tianhong City in a spaceship.

There is still half of the Immortality Sect between Wanfeng Sect and Tianhong City, so the airship has to transit twice in the Immortality Sect's territory. In order to avoid trouble, Gao Xian also disguised himself as a middle-aged monk and acted cautiously and low-key.

The territory of the Immortality Sect is most prone to problems. Once someone discovers their true identity, they will be in big trouble.

Fortunately, the journey went smoothly. After more than three months of long journey, Gao Xian finally arrived at Tianhong City.

Tianhong City is located in the center of a huge plain. It's early January and the snow on the plain has melted away. Thousands of people are plowing the ground to sow seeds, making it a busy scene.

Looking from the sky, there are thousands of small villages surrounding the huge Tianhong City. These villages were built into small fortresses and looked very strong.

These small fortresses are like thousands of guards, guarding Tianhong City in the center.

What attracted Gao Xian the most was a mountain peak floating above Tianhong City. It was more than a thousand feet high, floating quietly between the clouds and the sky. On the mountain peak were green pines and cypresses, surrounded by swallows and cranes. There were gorgeous palaces among the exotic flowers and plants. Occasionally, There are escape lights going up and down, giving a fairylike atmosphere.

"Tianhong Peak can fly in the sky like flying geese. This mountain is also the origin of the name of Tianhong City."

Gao Xian had read many relevant records before coming to Tianhong City. He was still shocked to see this mountain suspended thousands of feet in the sky with his own eyes.

Looking at Tianhong Peak with a flower appreciating mirror, even Gao Xian felt it was dazzling. The entire mountain peak gathers endless spiritual energy, and the intense divine light is stronger than the sun in the sky.

With such a scene, it is worthy of being one of the Nine Cities of Xuanming. Anyone who sees the suspended mountain peaks in the sky for the first time will inevitably be intimidated by its aura, and will also feel a bit of awe towards Tianhong City.

Gao Xian was not in awe, but he was also shocked. As a cultivator who had killed True Lord Yuanying, he knew where the lower limit of True Lord Yuanying's power was, and he could also roughly guess the upper limit of True Lord Yuanying's power.

With the power of the Nascent Soul True Monarch, it would not be too difficult to break a mountain. It is absolutely impossible to fly while holding a mountain. I'm afraid that the Taoist Hua Shen Dao Lord can't do this either.

Tianhong Peak can fly because the mountain itself is very special and can be regarded as a super huge magic weapon. This makes sense.

Just making a mountain into a magic weapon, the method and courage are enough to shock people.

As for Tianhong City, there is nothing too special. It is just that it is very big, very crowded, and very lively.

Gao Xian visually estimated that Tianhong City covers an area of ​​dozens of miles, and there should be millions or tens of millions of cultivators here...

Countless spiritual energies from all directions have gathered in this vast plain. In particular, the spiritual energy of the earth veins is extremely strong, radiating outwards with Tianhong City as the center. The Tianhong Peak floating in the sky is not only majestic, but also can guide the spiritual energy of the nine heavens to connect with Tianhong City, allowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to converge.

Gao Xian didn't have much research on the magic circle, but he could also see that the magic circle in Tianhong City was full of atmosphere and had the potential to surround the heaven and the earth.

In comparison, Wanfeng Twenty-eight Cities seemed unremarkable.

Gao Xian also found the feeling of country people coming to the city, and everything he saw was new. He paid one hundred spiritual stones and received a temporary status bronze medal.

The price is not expensive, but it is not cheap either. For low-level casual cultivators, it would take ten or twenty years to save one hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

However, there is no need for such casual cultivators to enter Tianhong City. There is no place for them in such a prosperous city.

The streets of Tianhongcheng are wide and flat. The most important thing is that there are two wooden car tracks in the center of the street, which can allow long cars to pass quickly.

The carriage can carry both people and cargo, and the speed is very fast.

Gao Xian felt that it was a bit like the subway in the previous life, but it was placed on the ground. The carriage is powered by spirit stones and drives extremely fast. Someone on the track could easily be killed.

Maybe because many people have died, the cultivators are wise enough to avoid the two tracks above ground.

Gao Xian thought it was quite interesting, so he watched it for a while, then ran to a small teahouse nearby to drink a pot of tea. He took this opportunity to ask the clerk about the situation in the carriage.

These carriages, called underground trains, are found all over the city and are very convenient.

After Gao Xian asked clearly, he got in the car and experienced it. It is indeed similar to the subway, except that the carriage is smaller, but very smooth. The toll is calculated according to the distance, and the minimum is a spiritual stone.

Tianhongcheng also used the Xuanming Talisman Money unified by the Xuanming Sect, and Gao Xian exchanged hundreds of Talisman Money for convenience. I just didn’t expect that taking a car would be so expensive.

Obviously, the high price of local buses also means that there are not so many people on them, and almost everyone has a seat.

Of course, the underground trains also have fixed lines running back and forth. The Wanbao Building Gao Xian wanted to go to was in the West District. He changed on the underground trains several times before arriving at Wanbao Building.

Gao Xian stayed in a restaurant next to Wanbao Building, and from then on he walked around Tianhong City every day.

Tianhong City's bustling and lively atmosphere, strong commercial atmosphere, orderly order, and open and somewhat bohemian atmosphere gave him a sense of modern city.

Xuanmingjiao is a Taoist sect and believes in Taoist gods. Gao Xian always felt that Xuanming Sect was very closed, but he didn't expect Tianhong City to be so open.

Wanfeng City is also very prosperous, but there are obvious levels of hierarchy. There is a huge gap between high-level monks and low-level monks. They live in the same big city, but they never have the chance to cross paths in their lives.

The worst thing is that low-level monks live in the heart of the mountain and may never even see what the sky looks like from birth to death.

Tianhong City is obviously much freer. On the streets, monks from all walks of life such as Golden Elixir, Foundation Establishment, and Qi Practitioner can coexist peacefully. Although there will be hierarchical distinctions, they will not be exaggerated.

Gao Xian kind of likes this Tianhong City. At least everyone can share the sunshine and sky, but this is very humane.

The business here is developed, and there are all kinds of food and entertainment everywhere. It is much more fun than Wanfeng City.

If given a choice, Gao Xian would rather enjoy life in such a big city.

Wu Pokong was very loyal and left him [-] top-quality spiritual stones. Including the top-grade spiritual stones he had saved, he now has a total of [-] top-grade spiritual stones.

This is a lot of wealth. Even the Taoist Transformation Lord may not have so many spiritual stones on his body! At least at the Nascent Soul level, he is definitely extremely wealthy.

This is also the reason why he dares to participate in the auction!

More than [-] top-quality spiritual stones were used to enjoy life. Even in a big city like Tianhong City, it was enough for him to live happily for thousands of years.

It's a pity that Donghuang's invasion is even stronger than that of the Xuanming Sect, so they can't survive alone. Furthermore, only the strong are qualified to enjoy life in this world.

He also thought about immortality and success on the road. If he lay flat, he would only be trampled to death by others, and there was no other possibility.

Gao Xian spent more than a month wandering around Tianhong City and had some basic understanding of the place. He also started his own marketing business.

In his previous life, the sales method he hated most was sales pitching. It has no technical content and just shoves you in the face, which is really embarrassing and annoying.

However, the simple and crude method of ground pushing works well.

Through Jin Dabao and Tianbao Tower, he sold books throughout Wanfeng County. But that's all.

Tianbao Tower is spread all over Mingzhou, but guys like Jin Dabao and Jin Dayuan have no courage to promote it to a higher level. Selling books makes money, but not much. Relying on Tianbaolou transportation channels, they can earn some pocket money.

If the higher-ups knew about it, they might not be able to make this little money.

Gao Xian has been around Tianhong City for more than a month and has figured out the general situation. This time he happened to come over, so naturally he wanted to promote his novel.

On a bright morning, Gao Xian, who transformed into Jin Dabao, stepped into Jin Yutang...

(Sorry, I'm not in the status~The update may be late tomorrow~) (End of this chapter)

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