Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 522 New Year’s Plan

Chapter 522

Sun phase sword, moon phase sword...

The nine sword intentions of the Wuji Celestial Sword are integrated into one. The sun sets, the moon rises, the wind moves and the clouds rise. The essence of all the celestial phenomena is the movement of heaven and earth. The sun, moon, stars, wind, clouds, rain, snow, thunder and lightning are all manifestations of the laws of heaven and earth.

After several years of polishing his swordsmanship, Gao Xian took advantage of the opportunity of the sun and the moon to break through the bottleneck of swordsmanship and comprehend the true meaning of Wuji.

Wuji, formless, infinite, encompassing everything, is the ultimate of Tao.

All things, heaven and earth, and all living beings, are all within Wuji.

For Gao Xian, who has broken through the bottleneck of swordsmanship, Wuji is no longer an empty philosophical concept, but a real state. The soul, sword intention, and sword weapon are in a state of exquisite resonance.

Through this state, the nine sword intentions of Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique naturally merge and merge into one, forming the highest level of Wuji Sword Will...

This world is about practical cultivation, and all enlightenments and insights must eventually be realized.

Just like painting, you have the inspiration to paint, but it is useless to just have the inspiration. You have to put it on the pen and paper to completely depict the painting.

Gao Xian understood the meaning of Wuji Sword, and since then broke through the bottleneck of Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique, and entered a higher realm in swordsmanship.

Opening the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Art on it has become the "Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra".

The Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra: The Wuji outline, the Celestial Sword is the sword, and the sword is used to cut through obstacles and prove the Tao. (185510/1000000 entry)

Because you can add points to the secret method on the back of Fengyue Baojian, the experience points required for upgrading are exaggerated. There is no way to add points to the secret techniques on the front, they all require a little hard practice by Gao Xian, and the experience points required for upgrading are not that much.

Sword Art is upgraded to Sword Art, and the proficiency required to upgrade the sword technique is also greatly increased. This means that the difficulty of practicing the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra has increased significantly.

On the other hand, it also proves that this sword scripture is extraordinary.

The breakthrough in the realm of swordsmanship allowed Gao Xian to further deepen his connection with his natal sword, the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword. His first-grade sword elixir cultivation also reached the sixth level of the golden elixir.

For more than thirty years in the Changsheng Sword Cave, although Gao Xian was not very diligent in his cultivation, he could not withstand the strong Qi of the hardware here. Breathing out the energy of the five metals every day, as long as he practices as usual every day, he can upgrade the first-grade sword elixir to the fifth level of the golden elixir.

At this point, Gao Xian is only one step away from reaching the late stage of First Grade Sword Pill.

He estimated that it would not take him a hundred years to reach the tenth level of the golden elixir. If you want to turn the elixir into a baby, you must not only refine it into a Yin Shen, but also achieve the unity of body and sword. This is actually much more difficult than ordinary Nascent Soul.

Gao Xian was also a little confused now. He didn't know where to go next.

There are several paths before him. One is to concentrate on practicing the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra. Once the sword intention is extremely powerful, he can break the elixir and transform into a Yin Shen, and then further control the body and mind and merge the sword into one.

This is the most standard route for ordinary sword cultivators to advance to Sword Master.

However, he had the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword in his hand, and he also held four divine swords including the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword. According to Teacher Xuanhua, the five divine swords can be fused into one.

If the five divine swords can really be fused, the power of the swords will inevitably increase greatly. The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is the natal sword of Taiyuan Shenxiang. Upgrading the level of the sword can also improve the cultivation level of Taiyuan Shenxiang.

Furthermore, if the five divine swords can really be fused, he should be able to comprehend the divine light of the five elements!

The latter path is undoubtedly more complicated and difficult, but it has a higher upper limit and can fully unleash the power of the Five Divine Swords.

For decades, Gao Xian has been thinking about the fusion of the five swords, but he still has no clue. He was also a little helpless about this.

After weighing the pros and cons, Gao Xian decided to concentrate on practicing the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra first. Compared with the latter path, this path was more practical and easier to follow.

There are really too many unpredictable things about fusing the Divine Sword.

The Immortal Sword Cave is suitable for sword cultivation. Its metal energy is pure and as powerful as the sea. The efficiency of practicing swords here is ten times that of outside.

There are pros and cons.

The powerful Qi of the metal will also corrode the body and soul, causing irreversible damage to the cultivator.

Gao Xian has a master-level Dragon Elephant King Vajra, but even after staying here for more than thirty years, it was inevitably corroded by the energy of the metal.

This is because he has to take the initiative to breathe out the Qi of the Hardware every moment to practice. If the Qi of the Hardware accumulates too much, it will naturally cause harm to the body and mind.

Only if he completely closes himself off from breathing in the metal energy can he avoid harm.

Fortunately, before he came in, he had prepared the elixir for refining the energy of the hardware, as well as the Five Elements Returning Pearl given by Yue Wanfeng.

This bead is very useful. It can refine the soul and turn the metal energy into pure vitality. In addition, the Hunyuan Yiqi Pearl can refine the body, allowing him to completely avoid the harm of the metal energy.

The same is true for Qingqing. With two orbs to help her refine her body, mind, and soul, she can practice with peace of mind.

After accidentally obtaining the Jiuzhou Order, Gao Xian had actually found a use for it. But he controlled the urge to open the fulcrum leading to other magic circles.

He was in the ascending stage of his cultivation, so there was no need to distract himself from curiosity. Moreover, it is difficult to say what you will encounter when entering other magic circle fulcrums.

At this time, he is still a little more honest. When he is promoted to Sword Master and reaches the state of body and sword integration, then it will be no problem to go wherever he wants.

Gao Xian's body is cultivating peacefully in the Changsheng Sword Cave, while Taixuan Shenxiang is lurking peacefully in Prajna City. Well, the word "lurking" is more appropriate.

After all, the foundation of Taixuan's divine appearance is the blood nerve, and he is an authentic cultivator of the demonic path. Although Longxiang Palace is very tolerant and allows cultivators from all walks of life to enter Haizhou, it is very strict with demon cultivators and monsters.

Forget about other places, Prajna City is one of the central cities in Haizhou. If the identity of the demon cultivator is exposed in this place, it will immediately attract a large number of Dragon Elephant Palace masters.

Fortunately, the Taixuan Shenxiang was condensed into a first-grade Blood God relic, because the demon was attracted when forming the elixir, which allowed the Blood God's relics to naturally condense the Bleeding God's Wuxiang supernatural power.

The Blood God has no form and can simulate various techniques and images at will. He has extremely profound attainments in the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and there is no flaw in his disguise as an ordinary foundation-building monk practicing the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

After more than thirty years of lurking, Taixuan Shenxiang has become acquainted with his neighbors, and has some understanding of Prajna Temple. There is an Arhat sitting in the Prajna Temple. According to the practitioners, he is the Lord of the Way of Transformation. This great arhat does not show his face all year round, and usually only his disciples come forward to take charge of affairs.

During the Chinese New Year, Prajna Temple will hold a grand celebration to worship the Dragon Elephant Bodhisattva. Nearly a million believers kneel together in the square outside the gate, and they can also line up to enter the main hall to burn incense.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, the whole month of January is filled with incense and lights day and night, making it very lively.

Gao Xian took the opportunity to go in twice but found nothing. The interior of Prajna Temple is heavily guarded, and several Nascent Soul masters are stationed there.

It was not difficult to hide it from several Nascent Souls, but he was afraid of the god-transforming Arhat inside.

Gao Xian also thought about how he could disguise himself and go to the Prajna Temple. As long as he could become the true disciple, he would be able to get the Dragon Elephant Pill. After careful consideration, he did not dare to take the risk.

Don’t treat Dragon Elephant Palace as a fool. This is a super large sect with Chunyang Dao Zun sitting in charge. Forget about ordinary disciples. If you want to become the true successor of the sect, you have to go through many tests. Although the Blood God Wuxiang is powerful, it is difficult to hide the various magical powers of Buddhism.

Gao Xian has been wandering around Prajna Temple for decades, but has not found any opportunities. But he finally thought of a way to enter the core center of Prajna Temple, and that was to train a disciple.

For this reason, he used the Taixuan Divine Aspect to wander around Prajna City for more than ten years. In the past few days, he finally found a suitable and good candidate.

In the deep night, Taixuan Divine Appearance came to a corner in Nancheng District. It was already early autumn, and the night wind carried a heavy chill.

This large area of ​​low earthen houses houses cultivators at the lowest level of the city. The ground is full of garbage and various debris, and there are drunken cultivators huddled in the corner with their bodies covered in vomit...

In a dilapidated earthen house that was about to collapse, a young man named Tie Yuan was lying on the ground playing with the stove. The stove was filled with dry weeds and some sparse branches and sticks, but the grass was still a little damp. When ignited, there was only smoke but no fire. .

Tieyuan's eyes were so swollen that he could hardly see, and he couldn't help crying and coughing due to the smoke. The girl Tieying beside him said worriedly: "Brother, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, Xiaoying, you'll be fine soon..."

Tie Yuan squinted his eyes and blew hard. He was already feeling angry, and his breath was still very full. The fire quickly started.

Tie Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to put the small earthen pot on, he heard someone knocking on the door. His expression suddenly changed. Could it be that those boys still wanted to come to the door?

Even a thin door couldn't stop him, so he pinched his throat and asked, "Who is it?"

"This is the Tie family, right? I'm Tie Zhongyue's friend..."

Taixuan Shen reported the name of Tieyuan's father. After all, he had been here for decades. It was still easy to investigate the child's life experience.

This kind of kid is very wary, so you have to have a reasonable reason to find him.

When Tie Yuan heard that he was his father's friend, he felt a little strange, but he still opened the door. He saw that the other person was a man in black. He looked to be in his early thirties and had an ordinary appearance, except for a pair of bright and deep eyes.

"You are Cheolwon?"

Gao Xian said: "Your father and I are friends. My name is Gao Taixuan. He helped me in the early years. I recently heard that something happened to your father, so I came over to take a look."

He glanced at the room. There were only wooden beds, wooden tables, some simple and worn-out rice and water tanks, etc. These things were piled together in a mess, and they looked like they were in tatters.

Tie Yuan was only eleven or twelve years old, and his sister was seven or eight years old. The two children stared at him with big black eyes, curious and somewhat expectant. Their lives are so miserable, and they desperately hope for change. Even if the other party just gives them a little food, that's a great thing.

Gao Xian said: "Life is a bit difficult for you brothers and sisters. Let's do this. You two will follow me for the time being. Are you willing?"

Tie Yuan was a little hesitant. He really couldn't trust this man who didn't know good or bad and wanted to lead them away.

Gao Xian didn't force himself. Without Cheolwon, he could still find someone else. In the huge Prajna City, there were so many children with qualifications but no chance.

He said: "If you don't want to, I'll give you a hundred spiritual stones. How about that?"

Tie Yuan's eyes lit up. Not to mention a hundred spiritual stones, even one spiritual stone was enough for their brother and sister for two months. However, holding so many spiritual stones is a problem.

He decided to take a chance. If the other party was really a bad guy, he could just catch them. There is no need to discuss it with them.

"Uncle Gao, we are willing to follow you..."

"it is good."

Gao Xian immediately took the Cheolwon brothers and sisters back to his home. He is a Foundation Establishment monk to the outside world, and there are two old ladies at home who cook and clean the house. The yard is big enough for two children.

Cheolwon was thoughtful and had been cautious while living with Gao Xian for more than half a year. Until he discovered that Gao Xian didn't care about their siblings and often left early and came back late, making things seem very busy.

Then he gradually let down his guard and gradually gained more trust in this uncle Gao.

Gao Xian would occasionally give advice on Tieyuan and Tieying's practice, but would not say much. This world pays attention to inheritance, and he won't say much if the other party doesn't become a disciple.

Tie Yuan also discovered this. At the end of the year, he finally couldn't help but offered to become a disciple, and Gao Xian took advantage of the situation and accepted this disciple.

Cheorwon's natural dragon tendons and elephant bones are particularly suitable for the dragon-elephant King Vajra. It's just that others don't have this vision and can't see that he has extraordinary talent.

Gao Xian taught Cheolwon how to practice the ordinary golden body and laid the foundation for him. When Cheolwon was seventeen years old, the Prajna Temple recruited disciples. Cheolwon successfully entered the Prajna Temple with his super talent...

Gao Xian was very pleased with this, and this move finally went smoothly. He is not in a hurry about this, he just waits for Tieyuan to achieve the golden elixir before talking about it later.

There is no better plan for a year than a valley of trees. A ten-year plan is better than trees. A lifelong plan is to cultivate people. This is a truth that ordinary ancients know.

He has a long life, so what if he waits for decades or hundreds of years...

(End of this chapter)

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