Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 531 The sword turns into a bright moon and illuminates the mountains and rivers

Scarlet Blood City, South District.

Several magicians were drinking in the yard. The low-quality wine exuded a pungent odor, mixed with the aroma of food, sweat and other odors, forming a complex and multi-layered smell.

Sitting in the room, Gao Xian had to adjust his sense of smell to adapt to the dirty environment.

The Southern District is not actually a slum area, but the management of Scarlet Blood City is quite chaotic. Most of the demon cultivators do things without any rules. With millions of demon cultivators gathered together, you can imagine how chaotic Scarlet Blood City is.

Gao Xian actually admired the cultivators of the Blood God Sect for being able to keep such a chaotic Scarlet Blood City running.

The real core area of ​​the entire Scarlet Blood City is the inner city of the North City, which is full of formal cultivators of the Blood God Sect and is heavily guarded. Ordinary cultivators will be killed immediately if they approach without reason.

If Yan Ming comes to Scarlet Blood City, he will definitely stay in the inner city. However, Yan Ming's whereabouts are kept secret. The Blood God Sect now manages hundreds of millions of demon cultivators and demon clans, and occupies a large area of ​​Wanfeng County.

Yan Ming's whereabouts are elusive, and even among the top brass of the Blood God Sect, few people know where Yan Ming is. Normally, Yan Ming would return to the Blood God Sect in winter.

After all, this person is the leader of the Blood God Sect and a late-stage Nascent Soul. Although Gao Xian was confident when he went to another sect to kill Yan Ming, he was unwilling to take risks.

Yue Wanfeng was willing to reward him because Yan Ming was very interested and important. If this person dies, the demonic cultivators who invaded Wanfeng County will lose their commander, causing huge chaos.

There is no doubt that Yan Ming is much more powerful than Han Yue Zhenjun. That's why Han Yue took refuge in Yan Ming. Wu Pokong was brave and reckless, and was lured out of the magic circle and killed by him.

A deep and sinister old guy like Yan Ming would not be that stupid. The Blood God Sect's secret method is particularly good at escaping in disguise, so they must choose a suitable place to ambush Yan Ming.

As long as Yan Ming comes back from outside, he will definitely stay in Scarlet Blood City for a while. After all, the main city of the Blood God Sect here is very important to the Blood God Sect.

After confirming this, Gao Xian decided to guard Yan Ming in Scarlet Blood City.

It is not difficult to pretend to be someone and sneak into the inner city with the ability of Etaixuan Shenxiang. It just doesn't make much sense.

Pretending to be alone means doing all kinds of things, and the internal fighting within the demon sect is fierce. I don’t know how many things have to be done just for the sake of identity.

After several years of investigation by Taixuan Shenxiang, Gao Xian knew that Yan Shitong, the lord of Scarlet Blood City, was Yan Ming's confidant and would often travel with Yan Ming. Yan Ming would stay at Yan Shitong's house every time he came to Scarlet Blood City.

Gao Xian chose to live in this courtyard because there was Lao Lu, a man who delivered food to Yan Shitong's family. He was strong but had a naughty temperament.

Lao Lu is actually not very old, only in his early forties. He is at the eighth level of Qi training, which means his cultivation level is not low. But he has given up the idea of ​​building a foundation and concentrates on making some money with his relatives in the Yan family.

Lao Lu also likes to fly under the banner of the Yan family when he is away from home. Even if others know that he is a food delivery person, they would not dare to offend him.

Lao Lu likes to brag and often talks about things about the Yan family as capital. Gao Xian discovered Lao Lu's problem and decided to follow this guy.

Over the past few years, I have gained some understanding of the Yan family through Lao Lu's words. Gao Xian often sneaked into the Yan family and compared the inside and outside, so he naturally knew which of what Lao Lu said was true and which was just a bunch of bragging.

Gao Xian has been here for more than a month, and the weather in October is already a bit cold. Lao Lu and other demon cultivators were sitting in the yard eating and drinking, but all of them were blushing.

Just listen to Lao Lu yelling with his tongue hanging out: "I won't drink anymore, I have to do things tomorrow. If you delay, you will lose your head!"

A magic cultivator said casually: "What big thing can you do?"

"You know shit."

Lao Lu likes to brag, but he doesn't dare to talk nonsense about some things. He staggered back to his room, and soon he heard thunderous snoring.

Several demon cultivators didn't care about him. Lao Lu had some connections in the courtyard, and they could all beg him. Even if Lao Lu was unprepared, they wouldn't make a move. Besides, no one in Lao Lu’s house knew what kind of magic tools were used, and no one wanted to flirt with this coquettish guy.

Gao Xian quietly left the courtyard and went straight to the inner city. The expert-level Tai Chi Mysterious Light Formless Heavenly Clothes could even avoid the divine sense induction of True Monarch Nascent Soul. Gao Xian just entered the city lord's palace in the center of the inner city.

Taixuan Shenxiang has been here many times, so Gao Xian is naturally familiar with the place. He walked through the halls and rooms directly to an independent courtyard at the back.

The courtyard is exquisitely decorated and luxurious, but no one lives in it. On weekdays, some young and beautiful maids clean the place once a day, making it very clean and tidy.

Gao Xian met Yan Shitong once. This man liked beauty, food, and excitement. He doesn't live here. It was obvious that the courtyard was prepared for Yan Ming, who had a higher status.

This time he went straight to the courtyard. From a distance, he saw a layer of vague and insignificant spiritual light covering the courtyard, like a veil covering the courtyard, making everything in the courtyard look a bit blurry. Unclear.

The magic circle looks inconspicuous, but it has four levels, and there are double magic circles inside, which fit and nest with each other to form a very complex magic circle.

All means of snooping, such as gaze and spiritual consciousness, will be blocked by the double magic circle.

Gao Xian was overjoyed. The tight security meant that there was something wrong inside. He activated the Flower Appreciating Mirror. The Master's Perfect Flower Appreciating Mirror allowed his eyes to penetrate the protection of the magic circle and see the two cultivators inside.

The leading man is handsome, with a mustache, a silver hair crown, and a red robe. He was sitting upright with a pair of red eyes shining brightly, and his whole body was filled with a powerful and evil charm.

The woman next to her was wearing a five-color gauze dress with beautiful features. Her face was full of joy and spring, and she was toasting the man diligently.

The woman looks frivolous and dissolute in her behavior, but she has a golden elixir cultivation level. It should be Liu Xiangyun, the strict concubine.

It is said that this girl was born with a strange fragrance and was proficient in the art of charm. Her gentleness and charm won Yan Ming's favor. Gao Xian's eyes lingered on Liu Xiangyun's face for a moment. She was indeed very beautiful, and the charm between her eyebrows and eyes was indeed attractive.

Yan Ming's taste is not very high, but it is very real.

Yan Ming, who was drinking, focused his eyes. He just had a vague feeling that someone was spying on him. It was just that the feeling passed away in a flash, and he couldn't even pinpoint where it came from.

He activated his Yuanling Dharma Eyes to look around, but found nothing unusual. This made him even more confused.

Liu Xiangyun noticed something strange about Yan Ming. She quickly put down her wine glass and asked, "Grandmaster, what's wrong?"

Yan Ming was about to speak but something happened. He looked up and saw the spiritual light of the magic circle outside the door rippling slightly, and a figure had penetrated the magic circle.

The two level four magic circles failed to stop the opponent, and even the magic circle's restriction was not triggered by external forces. I don’t know what secret method the person opposite used, it was so mysterious and unpredictable.

In the blink of an eye, the man had already opened the door and walked into the open hall. The man was extremely handsome, with a slender figure, and was dressed in white. Wherever he went, the room became a little brighter.

Yan Ming's eyes matched the man's star-like eyes, and his heart couldn't help but tighten. The clear and sharp divine light in the other party's eyes really pierced his soul like a divine sword, making him feel very bad.

"Qingyun Sect Gao Xian pays homage to Sect Leader Yan." Gao Xian gracefully bowed his hands in greeting.

"Gao Xian!" Liu Xiangyun's bright eyes clearly showed surprise. She had naturally heard of Gao Xian's name.

Gao Xian killed True Lord Han Yue in the Qingyun Sect, and then killed Wu Pokong, causing a sensation in the entire Wanfeng County. Even the Blood God Sect was talking about Gao Xian.

After all, using the golden elixir cultivation to reversely kill the Nascent Soul is really amazing!

But after that, Gao Xian never appeared again. It is said that he practiced in seclusion in Wanfeng Sect. As time passed, everyone gradually forgot about this peerless genius.

Only the novels written by Gao Xian are still being circulated everywhere.

After two hundred years, Gao Xian, the legendary genius, actually broke into Scarlet Blood City and stood in front of her and the Patriarch, which really shocked her.

Yan Ming's face was calm. He knew Gao Xian's identity the first time he saw him. Go Hyun is really easy to identify.

He simultaneously launched a spiritual search in all directions, but did not find the aura of other Nascent Soul Lords. The Yuanling Dharma Eye didn't find anything unusual either.

Of course, if Yue Wanfeng was hiding aside, he would definitely not be able to find it. However, if the Taoist Transformation Master wants to kill someone, there is no need to hide it. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for the Taoist Transformation Lord to kill him personally.

Yue Wanfeng can act recklessly, and so can Yuan Wanfeng. No one can afford the consequences of indiscriminate killings by Huashen Daojun. Unless it is absolutely necessary, Lord Huashen Dao will not take action personally.

Yan Ming was a little surprised. Did Gao Xian really come alone? ! This guy is too arrogant! Do you really think of him as Han Yue and Wu Pokong? !

He frowned and said to Gao Xian: "Junior, it's rude for you to come to the door so presumptuously."

Gao Xian smiled: "I'm here to take revenge, so there's no need to be too particular."

Yan Ming sat still. He just waved his hand and asked Liu Xiangyun to step aside. He said calmly: "The golden elixir reverses the Nascent Soul, and you are indeed a peerless genius. It's only been two hundred years, and you are still a golden elixir. The quality of the genius is not enough. …

"Another person comes to me, too arrogant and arrogant."

Yan Ming shook his head with disdain: "Whether you are stupid or confident, today is the day you die."

He said this, but he had already secretly activated the magic circle and pulled out the Blood River Sword. Only then did this Blood God Sect's sect-suppressing artifact activate, and the overflowing blood spread in all directions like a torrential river.

What was very strange was that Gao Xian, who was standing opposite, was dressed in white clothes, but there was no trace of blood on his body.

"Sect Leader Yan, I will use this sword to take your head today."

As Gao Xian spoke, he flicked his long sleeves and a Hanguangjing four-foot long sword appeared in his hand. He flicked the sword with his fingers and made a clear sword sound.

The torrent of blood flowing around immediately set off thousands of waves, and the surrounding objects, furnishings, walls, roofs, etc., collapsed under the agitation of the two swords.

The magic circle protecting the courtyard was also stimulated by the sword energy, and the stable magic circle's aura began to vibrate violently.

Yan Ming's red eyes shone with divine light, and he was very surprised by Gao Xian's pure and sharp sword. Could it be that the other party has already advanced to Nascent Soul?

For a moment, Yan Ming couldn't see through Gao Xian's reality. He was a little more cautious and unwilling to take the initiative.

He sneered deliberately: "I have a good head here, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Gao Xian didn't say anything. He turned the four-foot long sword in his hand, and the clear cold light turned into a full moon and emerged. The clear and sharp sword light swept in all directions, destroying all the blood and sword energy around him.

In an instant, a bright moon emerged out of thin air, driving away darkness and illuminating the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers... (End of this chapter)

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