Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 533 The sword drinks red blood and becomes a royal song

Chapter 533 The sword drinks red blood and becomes a royal song

Although the secret techniques of Blood God Palace are powerful, the root lies in the caster.

Gao Xian relied on Sister Lan to block the Eight Evil Death Curse, and used his body and sword to break through the many restrictions and kill Yan Ming with one sword.

The reason why the Sword Lord is so powerful is that he has the magical power of combining body and sword. People and swords merge into a sword light, which is unpredictable and can defeat all kinds of magic.

Although the leader of the Blood God Sect is a true king in the late Nascent Soul stage, he cannot withstand the White Emperor's Qiankun Transformation Sword, nor can he withstand the peerless power unleashed by the combination of his body and sword.

The Blood God Palace and Yan Ming were shattered together with the deep sword marks left by the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

Everything in front of Gao Xian's eyes turned into thousands of crystal fragments, like hundreds of huge glass mirrors shattered. In the blink of an eye, Gao Xian had returned to the open room.

It's just that this hall has been blasted to pieces by heavy magic. Even the ground has broken into countless cracks and turned up layers of sand and gravel. It can no longer see its original appearance.

All the houses and trees within a radius of several thousand feet were destroyed and turned into debris and dust flying in the air.

Liu Xiangyun was the only one in this area. This beautiful woman looked at Gao Xian blankly, with a look of horror on her face.

Gao Xian held a four-foot cold blade and pointed it at Liu Xiangyun coldly. There was something wrong with this woman!

He had just killed Yan Ming in the Blood God Palace, but he always felt that he was missing a level. Moreover, Yan Ming's Yin Shen did not appear. The Blood God Sect is already good at all kinds of weird spells, and at Yan Ming's level, he must have his life-saving magical powers.

Although he is proficient in the "Blood Nerve", he does not understand other secrets of the Blood God Sect. I couldn't figure out the strict method for a while.

Don't think too much about it now. No matter whether this woman has any problems or not, kill her first.

In the final analysis, the Qingyun Sect was destroyed by the Blood God Sect. To Gao Xian, all the cultivators of the Blood God Sect deserved death. Not to mention that the Blood God Sect led the demon cultivators and monsters to invade Mingzhou and was the public enemy of the human race.

Everyone can find these demons and kill them.

Just as Gao Xian was about to kill Liu Xiangyun with his sword, the eyes of this stunningly beautiful woman suddenly showed a look of horror, and a look of death appeared on her face.

Liu Xiangyun struggled to say something, but his whole body silently exploded into a ball of blood mist.

The gushing blood mist quickly converged inward, and in the blink of an eye it condensed into a human form, which was exactly what Yan Ming looked like. It's just that his whole body was red, and his whole body looked a bit unreal.

Gao Xian immediately understood that Yan Ming had made Liu Xiangyun his substitute, so he took Liu Xiangyun with him wherever he went.

Being killed by his sword, Yan Ming lost his body, but Yin Shen used Liu Xiangyun's essence and blood to reconstruct his body. This kind of secret method is really weird and unpredictable.

Gao Xian did not hesitate to use his sword to slash across, with thunder and lightning, which was the most powerful and swiftest sword move in the Lei Xiang Sword.

The wood-type Qinghua divine light has some bonuses to thunder techniques. The most important thing is that the Thunder and Lightning Sutra has reached the master level. Gao Xian's use of this Thunder and Lightning Technique multiplies its power.

Mingyao's sword flashed into thunder and struck down with a crash. Opposite him, Yan Ming, who was like a bloody phantom, stretched out his finger, and a blood god flag stood in front of him.

The Blood God Flag swelled in the wind and instantly became like a huge blood-colored curtain, completely blocking Yan Ming.

The thunderous sword light struck the bloody curtain, creating deep cracks, but it was unable to destroy the bloody curtain. Instead, it inspired the Son of Blood God hidden in the bloody curtain.

The body of the Blood God Son seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, his face was blurred but he vaguely showed a human shape. Facing the sword light, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed all the Thunder Sword Qi.

Rays of lightning shone in the Blood God Son's body, causing its body to continuously deform, but it was still unable to truly destroy its body.

Gao Xian also has the Blood God Banner and the Blood God Son, but they are far inferior to the Blood God Son that Yan Ming has been cultivating for two thousand years.

The characteristic of the Blood God Son is that it can transform between reality and reality at will. It is extremely resistant to various spells and is difficult to be completely eliminated.

Especially restrain sword cultivators, because the sword can defeat the enemy with its sharpness, but the Blood God Son has no vital points and is like a shadow. No matter how you kill it, you can't really kill the Blood God Son.

Only by slaying the Blood God Banner and breaking the Blood God Son's foundation can we have a chance to annihilate the Blood God Son.

The Blood God Banner in Yan Ming's hand looked like it was at the level of a divine weapon, and should have been passed down from the Blood God Sect's ancestors. This Nascent Soul Lord actually has two artifacts in his hands, which is really extraordinary.

Gao Xian still has several spiritual weapons in his hand, which can actually be used to deal with the Blood God Son. For example, the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip and the Haotian Fierce Yang Pearl can control thunder and gather the power of Haotian Zhiyang. They can be said to be specially designed to restrain filthy and demonic beings such as the Blood God Son.

Just by activating these two spiritual weapons, it would be difficult to quickly defeat the Blood God Banner.

Yan Mingcai was seriously injured and his body was gone. He was about to seize the opportunity to destroy the opponent in one fell swoop. If the stalemate continues, it will give Yan Ming a chance to recover his mana.

Gao Xian immediately united his body and sword and turned into a sharp sword light that penetrated directly into the bloody curtain. The Blood God Son who was dissolving the Thunder Sword Qi was swept by the sharp sword light and immediately shattered into two pieces. The Thunder Sword Qi also exploded and burned the blood. The Son of God was torn into a thousand pieces.

Yan Ming, who was driving the Blood God Banner, focused his eyes. He knew that the situation was not good. If Gao Xian penetrated the Blood God Banner, he could be killed with one sword.

Yan Ming sighed helplessly, but now he had no choice. He could only activate the blood-burning secret technique to burn the Yin Shen and this temporary incarnation together.

Two thousand years of strong mana and consciousness burned together, allowing him to explode with 120% of his power.

The fourth-level artifact, the Blood God Banner, suddenly expanded under the push of his tyrannical power, and the original bloody curtain was like a mountain torrent rushing in all directions.

There is a piece of blood wrapped in a ball of light in the center of the Blood God Banner, and within the blood light there are sharp sword lights shining vertically and horizontally. That was Gao Xian who was trapped by the Blood God Banner.

However, Yan Ming couldn't be happy. It was because he burned his own soul and blood to barely trap Gao Xian, and he couldn't be trapped for long.

Sword masters who combine body and sword are really troublesome, because their body and sword can be transformed into sword light, which can pass through the sun and the moon without a shadow, and can pass through gold and stone without any hindrance. It is difficult for magic arrays and magic weapons to trap the sword light.

He suffered a big loss just now and was almost killed by Gao Xian with a sword.

If the fight continues, Gao Xian will really kill him with his sword. Only by collecting blood essence and converting it into mana as soon as possible can it be possible to kill Gao Xian. The Blood God Banner exploded under his urging, completely covering the city lord's palace in the blink of an eye. Wherever the blood light passes, any creature with blood, whether human or animal, will be melted by the blood light.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of people in the City Lord's Mansion died violent deaths, and their blood essences and souls were integrated into the Blood God Banner.

City Lord Yan Shitong flew into the sky. He looked at Yan Ming from a distance, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

The aftermath of the war broke out just now and destroyed most of the city lord's palace. Before Yan Shitong could figure out what was going on, he saw a bloody wave erupting, killing all his men and concubines.

Yan Shitong could only barely protect himself with the Blood God Banner, and was completely unable to save others. He really didn't understand what the founder Yan Ming did.

Yan Ming had no intention of explaining anything to Yan Shitong at this moment. There were nearly a million demon cultivators in Scarlet Blood City. He only needed to kill 30,000 to 50,000 to extract enough blood essence.

Even if Gao Xian cannot be killed, it should be no problem to use the Burning Blood Escape Technique to escape!

Killing so many cultivators will accumulate a lot of evil energy, which is likely to attract evil spirits or demonic calamities. It's just that the situation is critical now, so there is no time to think about it so much.

The bloody light swept from north to south. As long as the cultivator was contaminated by the blood light, it would melt quickly like a snowman falling into boiling water, leaving clothes and shoes on the ground.

Within a dozen breaths, more than ten thousand cultivators were killed by the blood light, and the Blood God Banner also gathered a huge amount of blood essence.

The area where Beicheng is located is full of elite sects. Several golden elixir demon cultivators sensed that something was wrong, so they all used magic weapons to rise into the sky to avoid disaster.

Yan Ming noticed these golden elixirs. They were all elites of the Blood God Sect. They had high attainments in the blood and nerves, and all of them had rich essence and blood.

He thought about it and let a few of his men go. After all, Jin Dan was the backbone of the sect and could not be destroyed so easily. Besides, just a few golden elixirs are of little use.

Several golden elixirs were swept by Yan Ming's consciousness, and their expressions changed drastically. Nascent Soul Lord's powerful spiritual consciousness completely suppressed their spiritual consciousness and magic power. It can be said that life and death are determined by Yan Ming's thoughts.

Although several golden elixir demon cultivators noticed that the situation was not good, they did not dare to move at this moment. Just watching the blood spread like a tide, it soon swept through the small half of the city in the north.

I don't know how many cultivators were swept away by the blood light. Some of them were powerful foundation-building cultivators who could still struggle in the blood light, but they could not break free from the sticky blood light.

In just a few breaths, these struggling foundation-building monks lost consciousness, stopped struggling, and then quickly melted in the blood...

Yan Ming sensed the huge amount of blood essence gathered, and he felt happy in his heart. With so much essence and blood support, he can at least fight Gao Xian.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the sharp sword light wrapped in heavy blood suddenly converged and disappeared.

Yan Ming can completely control Gao Xian's movements through the Blood God Banner, and even sense the changes in Gao Xian's sword energy. Gao Xian suddenly disappeared, completely disappearing from the Blood God Banner. He didn't even know where Gao Xian had gone.

From existence to nothing, this mysterious change made Yan Ming feel very bad. He could only activate the Blood God Banner with all his strength, and the blood light that surged outwards suddenly reversed and condensed towards the center.

Yan Ming was certain that Gao Xian was still inside the Blood God Banner, but he didn't know what secret method was used to hide his figure. As long as the Blood God Banner is activated, Gao Xian will definitely be found.

The blood light in the center of the Blood God Banner burned like a flame, transforming into the most violent bursts of mana. Just as Yan Ming expected, the disappeared Gao Xian reappeared in the bloody flames.

Across the heavy blood light, Gao Xian took a deep look at Yan Ming. He raised the four-foot snow blade in his hand. The white gold sword light was as blazing as the sun rising into the sky. The surrounding blood light melted into wisps of black smoke in the white gold divine light.

When the sword light, as blazing as the sun, slashed down, it turned into a waning moon like a hook, and the bloody light in front split a long crack under the waning moon.

The waning moon turned into a ray of eight-pointed starlight, just like a shooting star passing through the sky.

Yan Ming was shocked to realize that something was wrong. He condensed a blood-forming sword in his hand and slashed towards the starlight. The lasing starlight split into thousands of starlights, just like a shower of stars dancing in the sky.

Yan Ming couldn't tell the difference between reality and reality, so he could only wildly activate the blood Yang Qi, and a heavy blood-colored halo enveloped him.

The thousands of differentiated starlights converged into one starlight again, which silently penetrated the layers of halos, Yan Ming's red body, and his powerful Yin Shen.

The astrological sword Qi turned into azure wisps of azure starlight and dispersed, Yan Ming's body and Yin Shen also disintegrated and dispersed with the azure starlight...

This leader of the Blood God Sect, a strong man in the late Nascent Soul stage, could not withstand Gao Xian's urging of Beidou Siming, and was completely killed by Gao Xian's sword combined with the starlight.

When Yan Ming died, the Blood River Sword and Blood God Flag controlled by his Yin Shen also showed their original shapes and floated in the air.

Gao Xian flicked his sleeves and collected the two artifacts. This Yan Ming was very powerful. He used the Wuji Sword Intent that was transformed into the three celestial swords of the sun, moon and star, and then he cut through the Blood God Banner and killed Yan Ming in one fell swoop.

This was already his strongest killing method. If he still couldn't kill Yan Ming, the result would be hard to say.

Gao Xian glanced at several golden elixir demon cultivators floating in the air. He was not interested in paying attention to these people.

The several golden elixir demon cultivators all had pale faces. Even if they had never met Gao Xian, they had heard of Gao Xian, who was famous for his extraordinary swordsmanship in white clothes and snow.

Seeing Gao Xian kill Yan Ming with his peerless swordsmanship, several golden elixir demon cultivators were scared to death. But none of them dared to act rashly.

Gao Xian raised his head and glanced at the night sky. It was October, the air was crisp, and the stars in the sky were extremely bright. A waning moon hung sideways, and the moonlight under the stars was cold, lonely, and indifferent.

Gao Xian couldn't help but think of Yun Qiushui. He took out the eight-treasure gourd and took a sip of the peach blossom wine. The wine was so mellow and sweet that it tasted less potent and painful, but more lingering and long-lasting.

He poured some wine into the air, "Qiu Shui, I toast you with this glass!"

The bright red peach blossom wine falls like rain, and the aroma of the wine overflows.

Gao Xian sighed and recited in a low voice: "The breeze makes Ma Yun ride in the car, and the white clothes are not stained by the haze. A pot of peach blossoms drunken the feather guest, the sword drinks the red blood and becomes the king's song..."

The four-foot cold blade made a long and clear cry in response to Gao Xian's voice. As the sword roared, the invisible sword energy swept across the four directions. Several golden elixir demon cultivators floating in the air had no time to react, and they simultaneously exploded into a ball of blood mist under the sword energy. …

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(End of this chapter)

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