Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 536 Everyone is happy

Tongtian Palace, Tianxiang Palace.

Chen Peng, the sect leader Fenglei Sword Lord, lives in Tianxiang Palace all year round. The huge and gorgeous palace was built for nearly a thousand years before it was completed, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres.

The most important Fenglei Hall is buried with a copper pillar thousands of feet long, which runs through the entire Tongtian Peak and is connected to the spiritual energy of the earth veins. It is connected to the wind and thunder Gangqi above the nine heavens, and controls the spiritual energy of a million miles in radius.

A golden throne was cast on this copper pillar. Lord Fenglingjian always likes to sit on it, to feel the wind and thunder in the sky, and to feel the turbid and endless thick earth spiritual veins underground...

He has lived for 2,400 years, has survived the third wind tribulation, and has reached the late Nascent Soul stage in terms of cultivation. But he has never been able to reach the threshold of becoming a god.

Over the past hundreds of years, Jian Qi has become more and more refined, but its level has not improved at all.

Fenglei Sword Lord had an intuition that he would never be able to advance to become a god in this life. Regardless of whether this intuition was correct or not, he knew that his spirit was gone.

Normal cultivators can practice with a calm mind, but if sword cultivators are not good at sword cultivating and lose their fighting spirit and courageous determination to move forward, it will be impossible to move forward.

Realizing this, Fenglei Sword Lord also gave up his pursuit of cultivation and instead devoted all his energy to the sect.

If it cannot continue on its own, it needs the sect to continue the inheritance.

Just like if a person lives a free and happy life, he naturally does not need to consider future generations. When this person is about to die, he can't help but want a descendant to continue his bloodline.

This is the instinct of life.

Fenglei Sword Lord has checked the sect's disciples several times, and the only three who are really talented are Xiao Hongye, Chen Baishi, and Zhong Yujing.

Among them, Zhong Yujing has the highest talent. Chen Baishi is a bit less talented in comparison, but he is better because of his perseverance and deep temperament, and he is able to do things.

Xiao Hongye is somewhere between the two, somewhat mediocre. It's just that she is the oldest, but she is the most promising to advance to Sword Master first.

Lord Fenglei Sword knows Xiao Hongye better. This true successor looks bright and charming, but he is very small-minded. She wants to become the Sword Master first, but the situation of Zhong Yujing and Chen Baishi is not good.

Xiao Hongye didn't say anything about killing them. Suppression was definitely inevitable.

Practitioners are actually very fragile. If they encounter some interference and obstacles during the critical stage of transforming into an infant, they may never have the chance to transform into an infant again in their lifetime.

However, it was not easy for him to suppress Xiao Hongye. After all, he was also a direct descendant of the sect, and he had watched him grow up. Xiao Hongye also respected him very much and had great affection for the sect.

Lord Fenglei Sword actually has an exotic Langya Jade Crystal in his hand. This is a god-level spiritual object that is most suitable for upgrading swords, especially Xiao Hongye's Red Leaf Sword.

Sword cultivator and sword weapon are integrated. Upgrading the third-level Hongye Sword to the fourth level can basically push Xiao Hongye to the realm of sword master.

Fenglei Sword Lord was hesitant to give it. Judging from the situation of the sect, having one more Sword Lord would be a great help.

But news came from Wanbao Tower that Gao Xian had killed Yan Ming!

He was actually very skeptical about the news, but it was impossible for an organization as big as Wanbao Tower to talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

Without Yan Ming, Donghuang's pressing situation will definitely be alleviated. This also gave him an extra few decades.

Fenglingjianjun thought of this and didn't want to give the Langya Jade Crystal to Xiao Hongye. Wait for Zhong Yujing and Chen Baishi first, maybe they will have a chance to catch up from behind.

Lord Fenglei Sword was in the room thinking about the future of the sect, when Han Chengzhen knocked on the door and came in.

"Sect Master, Gao Xian is here. He and Senior Sister Xiao went to Qingye Sword Palace..." Han Chengzhen bowed to report.


Fenglei Sword Lord was a little surprised. He knew that Gao Xian and Xiao Hongye had a good relationship. It's just that they were still young at that time, and some feelings between men and women were normal.

After two hundred years, the friendship between the two parties should have been broken long ago. After Gao Xian killed Yan Ming, he was the first to come looking for Xiao Hongye! This relationship is unusual.

It was okay for Xiao Hongye and Gao Xian to mix together. The two of them have their own sects, and Xiao Hongye will not abandon the sect for Gao Xian.

Things are very different now.

Gao Xian, alone with his sword, killed Yan Ming, the leader of the Blood God Sect. What a bravery and power!

Lord Fenglei Sword is not afraid of Yan Ming, but if he wants to kill Yan Ming alone, he would not dare to say such a thing. He even lacked the courage to go deep into the Eastern Wasteland to kill Yan Ming.

For this alone, he is inferior to Gao Xian. What's even more frightening is that Gao Xian is just a golden elixir!

When Gao Xian reaches the level of Nascent Soul, how powerful he will be. At that time, who among the Yuanying True Lords in Wanfeng County would dare to go against Gao Xian?

You must know that Gao Xian has a vicious reputation, and everyone knows it. In order to vent his anger, he killed the sect's True Lord Nascent Soul in front of Lord Huashen Dao! He went to the Qingyun Sect to kill Han Yue, and then went to the Hunyuan Sect to kill Wu Pokong.

The good Hunyuan Sect fell apart and its inheritance was cut off. With Gao Xian backing him up, who dares to stop Xiao Hongye from ascending to the throne?

Even he wouldn't dare to do this, let alone do it.

Fenglei Sword Lord suddenly thought of Gui Wuqi, who died unexpectedly, and was killed inexplicably right next to the Tianhe Peak River. More than two hundred years have passed since this incident, but he has never been able to forget it.

It's not that Gui Wuqi is so important, it's that the murderer was too rampant and went to the sect's territory to kill Gui Wuqi. But he, the Nascent Soul Sword Lord, couldn't even catch the opponent's shadow.

He searched openly and secretly for a long time, but still couldn't find any clues.

Today I suddenly remembered that Gui Wuqi's real enemies were Gao Xian and Xiao Hongye. Although Gao Xian was thousands of miles away at that time, he was probably the one who did this. Lord Fenglei Sword suddenly figured out that the man who had a grudge against Gao Xian died suddenly and violently, and it must have been this kid who killed him. No one else but him could be so ruthless.

If he had figured this out earlier, he would definitely kill this guy with one sword. But now he can't. If he dares to draw his sword, who will die might be dead!

Even if it was for the sake of the sect, he couldn't fight against this. He can't afford to fight!

Lord Fenglei Sword couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this. He looked down on himself a little.

Han Chengzhen lowered his eyes and did not dare to look at Lord Fenglei Sword, but he faintly heard the sect leader sighing softly, full of sadness and sadness.

She didn't know what happened to the sect leader, so she immediately lowered her head, not even daring to breathe.

Fenglei Sword Lord has lived for more than two thousand years and quickly adjusted his mood. He said to Han Chengzhen: "You go to Qingye Sword Palace to invite Master Gao, and I will host a banquet for Master Gao in Fenglei Palace."

Han Chengzhen was a little surprised. Fenglei Jianjun showed his emotions just now and was obviously very dissatisfied with Gao Xian. He actually wanted to entertain Gao Xian in person.

She didn't dare to ask any more questions and nodded hurriedly in agreement.

"and many more."

Han Chengzhen was stopped by Lord Fenglei Sword before she could go out. She thought the sect leader had changed his mind and hurriedly turned around to wait for the sect leader's order.

Lord Fenglei Sword was silent for a moment and said: "Forget it, it would be more sincere if I go and invite him in person."

Han Chengzhen had no expression on his face, but his heart was in turmoil: "Has Gao Xian's status already been so high? Even the sect master had to go and invite him in person to avoid being rude. If she had known this, she should have hooked up with Gao Xian in the first place, it would have been so high He's young and easy to get started with... It's a pity..."

She knew very well that today's Gao Xian was not someone who could be hugged if he wanted to.

In Qingye Sword Palace, Gao Xian was chatting with Xiao Hongye.

With Chen Yuying, his apprentice, beside him, Xiao Hongye would not be too affectionate with Gao Xian. Besides, after not seeing each other for two hundred years, no matter how close we are in our hearts, there will still be some unfamiliarity.

Gao Xian didn't feel unfamiliar at all. Xiao Hongye had become more charming after not seeing him for two hundred years. She ate the Pure Yang Jade Flower and her lifespan was at least a thousand years.

She is over two hundred years old, which is equivalent to a twenty-year-old woman at normal age, which is the most golden age in life.

Xiao Hongye is just like this, her whole body exudes strong charm and full of vitality. It can be said that she has the agility and vitality of a girl and the beauty, softness and gentleness of a young woman.

This is also the unique charm that practitioners can possess.

Xiao Hongye noticed Gao Xian's burning eyes, which reminded her of the past tenderness between the two of them, and her bright eyes also filled with spring water.

Although Chen Yuying is young, she also understands some things about love between men and women. Seeing Master and Gao Zhen squinting at each other, her little face couldn't help but turn red.

She muttered in her heart: "I'm still here, why is Master like this... so unreserved..."

Chen Yuying was just thinking about finding an excuse to leave when she heard the voice of her ancestor Fenglei Jianjun coming from outside. "Fellow Taoist Gao is here..."

Xiao Hongye stood up in surprise: "The Patriarch is here, I'll go and greet him."

Gao Xian has nothing to do with Fenglei Sword Lord, but he has a deep relationship with Xiao Hongye, and he must give Xiao Hongye face no matter what. He accompanied Xiao Hongye to welcome him out.

Fenglei Sword Lord has blue hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a dark blue sword robe and has a four-foot Juntian Sword on his waist. He looks dignified and heroic, but he is too old. He can still maintain the appearance of a middle-aged man, but he cannot hide the age in his eyes.

Gao Xian was polite and polite, and Lord Fenglei Sword was also very polite and even enthusiastic.

After a polite exchange between the two parties, Lord Fenglei Sword took Gao Xian, Xiao Hongye, and Chen Yuying back to Fenglei Palace and entertained Gao Xian with a warm banquet.

Lord Fenglei Sword showed great respect to Gao Xian and regarded him as a fellow cultivator. Although this sword master doesn't like to socialize very much, he is not incapable of socializing.

Gao Xian is also good at chatting. The two parties chatted and laughed, and the atmosphere of the banquet was very lively and harmonious.

Xiao Hongye received a lot of praise from Lord Fenglei Sword through Gao Xian's light, which made her smile and become even more beautiful.

Han Chengzhen accompanied the last person, but did not dare to interrupt. He was only responsible for pouring wine and serving dishes. It would be better for Chen Yuying to stand aside, keep chiming in and joking, very relaxed.

After three drinks, Fenglei Sword Lord took out the Langya Jade Crystal and gave it to Xiao Hongye in public, which made Xiao Hongye extremely excited and happy.

Afterwards, Lord Fenglei Sword gave another great gift to the wise man.

"Here is a piece of Earth Spirit Spiritual Liquid and Jade God Ointment. Fellow Taoist has not yet transformed into an infant, so these two little things can also be of some help to fellow Taoist..."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. This Nascent Soul Sword Master was so generous and a good person. He took the initiative to give him a heavy gift without even waiting for him to say anything. He even gave him the exact spiritual object he needed.

"Thank you, Zhenjun. These two spiritual objects are exactly what I need urgently, so I accepted them shamelessly..."

He raised his glass and said proudly: "From now on, if the True Lord needs help, just ask him. Although I am not talented, I can still do my best..." (End of Chapter)

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