Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 539 6-tailed Sky Fox

Chapter 539 Six-tailed Sky Fox

"Xuanling Mountain Six-tailed Sky Fox..."

Gao Xian asked Yan Feiyin: "What is the approximate level of this monster?"

Lord Tiehe asked him to help him go to Xuanling Mountain to kill the six-tailed fox and seize its heavenly elixir. With this heavenly elixir, it is enough for the three-tailed sky fox to regenerate three tails.

At that time, Yan Feiyin, as the master of the three-tailed sky fox, would naturally be able to condense the Yin God and become the Nascent Soul. This move can even help Yan Feiyin lay the foundation for becoming a god, and the benefits to Yan Feiyin can be said to be extremely huge.

The six-tailed sky fox builds its nest under the Fantasy Moon Tree, and there must be a Fantasy Moon Tree Heart inside the Fantasy Moon Tree. This item can enhance the talent of spiritual beasts and has various incredible uses. It can be used by Qingqing and will be of great benefit to her.

Gao Xian was indeed a little tempted by what Lord Tiehe said. But he couldn't just listen to the old man's lies and said that he should think about it.

Of course Gao Xian, who returned to Yan Feiyin's small building, had to ask clearly.

Yan Feiyin was a little hesitant: "It's hard to say. The adult six-tailed celestial fox must be at least in the late Nascent Soul stage."

She knew that Gao Xian didn't know the situation, so she patiently explained the situation in Xuanling Mountain to Gao Xian.

"Xuanling Mountain is very special. There will always be a large number of high-level monsters running to this mountain to reproduce their offspring. By chance, the seniors of the sect entered Xuanling Mountain through the teleportation array and obtained several high-level Xuanling Eggs, thus establishing the Wanling Sect... "

After Yan Feiyin explained, Gao Xian realized that Xuanling Mountain was very far away from Wanfeng County and was equivalent to a special secret realm.

Only by holding the Ten Thousand Spirits Token can one enter Xuanling Mountain through the teleportation circle. Yan Feiyin's three-tailed sky fox was the cub she found after entering Xuanling Mountain. It gained the cub's recognition and became her parasitic spirit beast.

The three-tailed sky fox is different from ordinary pet beasts. It can parasitize in Yan Feiyin's sea of ​​consciousness in the form of a yin god. Therefore, Yan Feiyin can use several magical powers of the three-tailed sky fox.

At first she wanted to use the magical power of the three-tailed sky fox to seduce Gao Xian, but Gao Xian counterattacked, which really brought the two together.

Yan Feiyin has been to Xuanling Mountain, and the mystery and danger of this mountain left a deep mark on her heart.

When she talked about various things about Xuanling Mountain, her face looked very serious.

"It would be fine if it's the late Nascent Soul stage..."

Gao Xian was also a little hesitant. If it was only the late Nascent Soul stage, a sky fox would naturally be killed casually. The problem is that Yan Feiyin is not sure either.

If the Six-Tailed Sky Fox were at level five, it would be troublesome.

Although the fourth-level monsters have condensed Yin Shen, they still have stronger spiritual consciousness and cannot be compared with the Nascent Soul Lord. In fact, True Monarch Nascent Soul can easily kill monsters of the same level. Whether it's secret techniques, supernatural powers, or magical tools and talismans, there is a huge difference between the two.

The fifth level is different. The Yin God of the fifth level monster has survived a solstice of Yang and Fire. Its Yin God has turned into a Yuan Shen and can travel thousands of miles without fear of water, fire, wind and thunder.

The efficiency of Yuanshen in controlling mana and spiritual energy is too high, ten times better than Yuanying Yin Shen.

Gao Xian can still win with swordsmanship against True Monarch Nascent Soul, and against a powerful fifth-level god-transformer, his opponent's magic power is dozens of times stronger than his.

Even if the opponent doesn't know all kinds of secret techniques, he can defeat all his changes as long as he activates his magic power. Moreover, the soul is tangible and insubstantial, coming and going like electricity and changing endlessly.

With his current ability, he wanted to kill Huashen, but even if the opponent stood still and did not fight back, his sword Qi might not be able to cut through the opponent's protective Qi.

Yan Feiyin grabbed Gao Xian's hand and said seriously: "Xuanling Mountain is like a secret realm, this place is extremely special. Let's not take this risk."

She coveted the Six-Tailed Sky Fox Spirit Core Heavenly Pill, but she was reluctant to let Gao Xian risk it for her.

The Patriarch has a high level of cultivation and is familiar with the situation in Xuanling Mountain, so he does not dare to provoke the six-tailed sky fox. Gao Xian is powerful in battle, after all, he is only at the Golden Core level. The situation in Xuanling Mountain is complicated, and we can't just rely on brute force.

Gao Xian was still hesitant at first, but Yan Feiyin's persuasion made him make up his mind, "Xuanling Mountain is so mysterious, it would be good to go and broaden your horizons."

"That place is really dangerous. The more you go inside, the more high-level monsters there will be. Senior brother, you have to be careful..."

Yan Feiyin wasn't just pretending, she really didn't want Gao Xian to take any risks. She has a three-tailed sky fox as a spiritual beast, so it will not be too difficult to prove the Nascent Soul.

As for the six-tailed celestial fox, it’s not too late to wait until she transforms into a baby.

"I'll go take a look. If it doesn't work, I'll come back."

Gao Xian is not arrogant. He has three clones. Even if the six-tailed sky fox is really a god, there is no problem in escaping. The unity of his body and sword is not fake.

The recently refined Five Elements Lotus Crown can greatly enhance the power of his Five Elements spells. The most important thing is that it can transform the five elements golden lotus light, which can protect the soul very well.

Even facing a fifth-level soul, he can survive a few moves with the five-element golden lotus light. This gap is enough for him to escape.

Seeing that Gao Xian had made up his mind, Yan Feiyin couldn't persuade him anymore. She went to Xuanling Mountain once and then told her experience in Xuanling Mountain in detail.

The more you know about Xuanling Mountain, the less dangerous it will be.

The next day, Gao Xian found Lord Tiehe to discuss the matter, and Lord Tiehe was greatly surprised. He happily gave Gao Xian a portion of the Jade God Ointment and the Earthly Spirit Liquid.

This matter is too dangerous, regardless of success or failure, he should give a generous gift.

Gao Xian was not polite either. True Lord Tiehe was shrewd and sophisticated, so he did not get this infant-transforming spiritual object in vain. To be honest, if it weren't for Yan Feiyin and Qingqing, he wouldn't take this risk.

True Lord Tiehe didn't want anything to happen to Gao Xian, so he introduced Xuanling Mountain to Gao Xian in detail.

The old man has been in and out of Xuanling Mountain many times and knows the place very well. This is not what Yan Feiyin can compare with. True Lord Tiehe also took out several books, which recorded many experiences and insights of Wanling Sect seniors entering Xuanling Mountain.

Gao Xian carefully looked at it for a few days before choosing a good and auspicious day. Well, Lord Tiehe chose it for him. On the night of the first day of April, the new moon rises. At this time, most monsters will lurk and sleep peacefully, and few monsters will come out and be active.

Standing in the center of the huge teleportation circle, Gao Xian held the Ten Thousand Spirits Token in his hand, waiting for him to activate the Ten Thousand Spirits Token and resonate with the teleportation circle under his feet.

The next moment, the magic light gathered into a pillar of light that reached the sky, and Gao Xian disappeared instantly.

True Lord Tiehe outside the teleportation circle looked calm, but Yan Feiyin and Qing Qing both looked worried.

Qingqing was originally going to follow Gao Xian, but Gao Xian felt that Xuanling Mountain was magical and Qingqing was not safe even if she stayed in the Yunling Ring.

Besides, there was nothing Qingqing could do to help him. If something really happened, he could just run away, but it would be difficult for Qingqing to run away.

But the more Qingqing thought about it, the more worried she became. She couldn't help but glare at Yan Feiyin.

Even if other women can't help their father, they can always make him happy. This charming woman tricked her father into taking risks on her behalf!

Yan Feiyin is so shrewd, she can naturally see Qingqing's little thoughts. She could only smile bitterly. She really couldn't control what Gao Xian wanted to do. It's just that there's no point in explaining it.

She said softly to Qingqing: "Xuanling Mountain is very big. It will take three to five days before there is any news about Senior Brother. Please follow me back to rest first..."

Qingqing shook her head: "I'll stay here to guard you."

She said seriously: "What if someone destroys the teleportation circle?!"

Yan Feiyin was helpless, she felt that Qingqing thought too much. This is the center of the sect. It will be banned internally and externally, and even the true inheritance of the sect's golden elixir is not eligible to enter.

Even if someone wants to cause destruction, they still have this ability. After all, True Lord Tiehe is still watching from the side.

Looking at Qingqing's stubborn and determined look, she couldn't be persuaded. Yan Feiyin stopped trying to persuade him. Qingqing was already at the ninth level of the Golden Core, so his cultivation level was higher than hers.

It won't matter if I stand here for thirty or fifty days. Since Qingqing likes to stay here, she can accompany him.

Yan Feiyin looked at the empty teleportation circle, and her heart was actually empty. At this moment, she just hoped that Gao Xian could come back soon...

Gao Xian was currently standing in the center of an ancient teleportation circle. It was said to be ancient because the teleportation circle was carved on a flat blue-gold boulder.

This stone contains rich spiritual energy, like a particularly large spiritual stone. The runes carved on the surface of the stone are shaped like flying dragons, which are the oldest rune dragon seals.

There are some signs of weathering on the surface of the stone. Fortunately, this boulder is extremely hard and the runes engraved on it remain intact, allowing the magic circle to maintain normal operation.

Gao Xian raised his eyes and looked around. He was surrounded by lush trees and vines, with no end in sight. The spiritual consciousness roamed, but was quickly blocked by the surrounding trees and vines, and the sensing range was less than 3,000 steps.

True Lord Tiehe also specifically said that Xuanling Mountain is very special, and the sense of consciousness will be reduced to an extremely low level. This situation is particularly unfavorable to cultivators, because spiritual consciousness is suppressed by the environment, and the power of various spells and magical powers will decrease accordingly.

Fortunately, he has the Grandmaster level Dragon Elephant King Vajra, who is physically powerful. There are also secret techniques such as the Flower Appreciating Mirror. Even if the spiritual consciousness is suppressed, one can still observe the surrounding situation with the Flower Appreciating Mirror.

The woods are full of life and lush vegetation. The spiritual energy is thick and gentle, making people feel calm naturally.

Gao Xian took a while to adapt, and then he activated the black and yellow divine light to fly into the sky.

Divine consciousness is restricted, and the power of various spells and supernatural powers will be affected to some extent. Fortunately, he has Sister Lan helping to circulate mana and spiritual energy in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, which can offset the suppression of spiritual consciousness in this world to the greatest extent.

According to his estimation, he still retains at least 70% of his combat power.

A crescent moon was hanging sideways. Gao Xian quickly locked the position based on the positions of the crescent moon and several stars. He adjusted his direction and activated the black and yellow divine light to gallop forward.

With the Flower Appreciating Mirror, Gao Xian can see changes in aura hundreds of miles away. During the flight, we avoided several places where the aura changed abnormally.

After flying like this for two hours, just when the crescent moon was about to disappear, Gao Xian finally saw the phantom moon tree.

The tree looked like a crescent moon, illuminating the valley.

He looked carefully with the flower appreciating mirror and could see that the crescent moon itself was a tree over a hundred feet tall. Part of the leaves of the big tree emit a faint moonlight, echoing the crescent moon in the sky. It is both real and illusory, and it is very mysterious.

There is a small tree hole at the bottom of the big tree, and it is dark inside.

Gao Xian looked at it with a flower-appraising mirror and saw a silver-haired fox lying in the middle of the tree hole. The fox looked to be about ten feet long, with six long tails spread out randomly behind it, like a large silver blanket... …

The six-tailed sky fox's spiritual energy was condensed into a ball, and he couldn't see through the opponent's cultivation.

Gao Xian's eyes suddenly brightened up. The six-tailed sky fox opened a pair of silver eyes at some point and looked at him deeply from a distance of a hundred miles.

A mass of mana is condensing and forming deep inside the six-tailed sky fox's body, emitting strong mana light like a blazing sun.

Gao Xian, who was peering through the flower appreciating mirror, felt a strong sting deep in his left eye. For a moment, the eye seemed to be blinded...

His heart trembled: "It's really fifth level, the situation is not good!"

The next moment, the silver spirit of the six-tailed sky fox had emerged in the air. Its spirit was more than a hundred feet tall and looked as majestic and huge as a silver mountain.

The six-tailed sky fox spit out a ball of silver light at Gao Xian. Cutting through the void and blasting towards Gao Xian.

The lasing silver light cut through the void and hit Gao Xian directly. In an instant, the dark world was illuminated by the silver light. The terrifying and incomparable magical pressure fell, and Gao Xian's tiny body was directly engulfed by the silver light...

(End of this chapter)

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