Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 544 Well-deserved reputation

Chapter 544 Well-deserved reputation

Tianshu Hall is one of the seven main halls in Wanfeng County. It is mainly black and gold. The style of the hall is grand, gorgeous and solemn. It is generally used to meet important guests and hold important meetings.

Gao Xian has been in Wanfeng Sect for two hundred years, and this is the first time he has come to the main hall of Tianshu Hall.

At this moment, Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji were sitting side by side, but as the owner, he was sitting in a more central position, and Lu Xuanji was slightly forward.

A group of people from the Changsheng Cult stood in a row on the left side of Lu Xuanji. Among them, Lu Changan was the closest to Lu Xuanji. Yuan Bin, an old acquaintance, stood at the bottom.

Obviously, among this group of people, Lu Changan has the highest status and the highest cultivation level.

Opposite were the Master of Tianshu Hall, True Lord Jin Yang and other Wanfeng Sect Yuanying True Lords. In addition, there were Yue Tianqi, Liang Tiancang and several other sect golden elixir geniuses. Yue Shenxiu has a special status, standing behind Yue Wanfeng.

After hearing Gao Xian's promise of a decisive battle, the master of Tianshu Palace, Jin Yang Zhenjun and others all looked calm. They knew Gao Xian quite well and all believed that Gao Xian would definitely accept the challenge. Yueshenxiu's eyes flashed, as if he wanted to say something but didn't.

She was actually a little worried about Gao Xian.

Lu Xuanji is a majestic Shinto Lord, so if she dares to let Lu Changan go into battle, she must have a plan. Gao Xian's response was really a bit hasty. It's just that it's too late to say anything. I just hope Gao Xian is ready to win this battle.

The group of people from the Immortality Sect had different expressions. Some people were surprised, some were disdainful, but Yuan Bin had a look of sarcasm and contempt on his face, seeming to believe that Gao Xian was seeking his own death.

Lu Changan, who went out to fight, had a gloomy look on his face, and there was no joy or anger in his old eyes.

Gao Xian's eyes fell on Lu Changan. Two hundred years ago, he had a fight with this late Nascent Soul outside Tianhong City. At that time, he was still a golden elixir and suffered some losses at the hands of Lu Changan.

But he also took the opportunity to turn around and killed a golden elixir genius from the Immortality Sect, and got a pair of vertical golden lotus boots.

Two hundred years later, Lu Changan's appearance has not changed at all, but his inner look has obviously aged a lot. Of course, the mana and consciousness are obviously more powerful and condensed.

In front of the Huashen Dao Lord, Gao Xian unabashedly activated the Flower Appreciating Mirror. There are thousands of kinds of peeping skills, and even the Taoist Transformation God cannot tell the origin of the Flower Appreciating Mirror at a glance.

Although Gao Xian was confident that he would win, he did not want to reveal too many trump cards in front of Lu Xuanji. This woman is entangled with him. When he refines the Great Five Elements Divine Light or combines the five swords into one, he will find an opportunity to kill her!

Damn, I really thought he was easy to bully!

Gao Xian hates people like Lu Xuanji the most. There is no grudge between the two parties, but the other party insists on stepping on him. If you don't succeed, you won't let go.

It's just that the gap between him and Lu Xuanji is still a bit big now. Even if he takes out all his trump cards, it's probably difficult to get on Lu Xuanji's side.

Through the flower appreciating mirror, Gao Xian saw two strange auras in Lu Changan's left sleeve, and their changes were obscure and mysterious. He felt intense discomfort just by looking at it.

"Two powerful spiritual talismans, they may also be divine talismans. They have the power to kill the form god with one blow..."

Gao Xian immediately understood that this was Lu Changan's killer move. He once suffered a loss when killing Yan Ming, who almost killed half of his life with the Eight Evil Death Curse.

Fortunately, Sister Lan blocked him, otherwise he would have died with the Tai Chi God.

There are too many people watching the battle this time, so it is best not to use the Tai Chi Shenxiang. After determining Lu Changan's ultimate move, he also had some countermeasures.

As for Lu Changan's various magical powers, of course that has to be considered separately.

Lu Changan saluted the leader Lu Xuanji and then walked up to Gao Xian. He said coldly: "Let's go out and decide the outcome."

Although Tianshu Hall is grand and open, there is no relevant magic circle. If the two of them start a fight here, the hall will be smashed to pieces immediately.

Just as Gao Xian was about to speak, Yue Wanfeng, who was sitting in the chair, said, "No need to go to such trouble."

As he spoke, he flicked his finger, and a blue seven-pointed star flew out and landed between Gao Xian and Lu Changan.

The seven-pointed star expanded rapidly outwards, turning into a huge dark blue seven-pointed room in the blink of an eye. The seven walls, dome, and ground are all composed of blue starlight. It looks light and transparent, and you can faintly see the people outside, but it is extremely stable and strong, and even Gao Xian's consciousness cannot penetrate it.

Yue Wanfeng's move was very beautiful. He activated the spell out of thin air and turned it into a stable closed space as a battlefield. The key is that this space is wide enough, with a distance of thousands of feet. This far exceeds the area of ​​Tianshu Hall.

Gao Xian had seen this exquisite space magic that contained Sumeru in mustard seeds once, in the Yan Ming Blood God Palace.

The Blood God Palace is much more beautiful than the enclosed space transformed by the stars, but it is far less stable and solid than this space. Furthermore, Yue Wanfeng just acted casually, but Yan Ming used his secret technique with all his strength, and the two were at odds.

The leader of the Immortality Cult, Lu Xuanji, also nodded in praise: "My fellow Taoist, this Tianxuan urn in your hand can divide the void and turn the void into reality. It is truly wonderful."

Lu Xuanji had seen Yue Wanfeng twice, but this was the first time he saw Yue Wanfeng take action. It has to be said that this Taoist master in the middle stage of divine transformation is indeed capable.

With Zhongtian Ziwei's divine urn as the foundation, the power of the divine urn can be compared to that of a divine weapon when used casually. Just relying on this superb talisman technique, Yue Wanfeng can rank among the top ten among the powerful gods in Mingzhou.

It's a pity that this person is a bit rigid and lacks flexibility in doing things. Too old too. No matter how brilliant the talisman method is, there is no chance to continue to improve.

Because of this, Yue Wanfeng's character is trustworthy and worthy of cooperation.

"Thank you." Yue Wanfeng said politely.

While the two Shinto Lords were being polite, Gao Xian and Lu Changan had already taken action.

Lu Changan was very experienced and activated the longevity talisman first. This is the spiritual talisman drawn by Lu Xuanji, the Taoist Transformation Master himself, up to the fifth level.

Normally, Lu Changan needs to perform complex rituals such as three bows and nine knocks, and communicate with Xuanming Lord to pray for blessings, in order to activate such high-level spiritual talismans.

However, Lu Xuanji was at the side, and through the blessing of his divine consciousness, he could directly avoid various ritual processes and directly activate this talisman.

The talisman of longevity, evading calamity and eliminating evil turned into thousands of fine silver runes, draped over Lu Changan's body like a sheet of silver light.

With just this talisman, one can be unafraid of all kinds of spells, swords, etc., including all kinds of vicious god-killing and soul-killing spells.

Although Lu Changan was very confident, he did not dare to be careless when fighting Gao Xian. After all, he was a strong man who had killed Yan Ming. What's more, Gao Xian has just succeeded in transforming into an infant, so his momentum is booming.

A Talisman of Immortality to Avoid Disasters and Dispel Disasters should be enough to offset most of Gao Xian's magical powers.

Gao Xian also saw the power of this spiritual talisman. If it were not in full view of the public, he would have initiated the fusion of body and sword first, never giving the other party a chance to calmly activate the talisman. There is nothing we can do now. Is it possible to use the body-sword combination or not?

A five-level spiritual talisman is indeed difficult to break quickly. However, as long as it continues to be consumed, it will inevitably break.

In fact, Lu Changan's method of blessing spells and then triggering spells to bombard each other is the most common fighting method used by monks.

It looks slow, but it is stable and safe. You can fully utilize your own advantages.

Gao Xian's thoughts also triggered the golden lotus light of the five-element lotus crown, covering all directions like the golden light of falling petals, completely protecting his body and soul.

With the Five Elements Lotus Crown as an artifact, it can easily resist various spells and curses. Including the Eight Evil Death Curses that Yan Ming had cast, if he had the Five Elements Lotus Crown at that time, the Eight Evil Death Curses would have posed almost no threat to him.

Calmly preparing for protection, Gao Xian pressed the seal with his hand to activate his favorite Xuan Ming Arrow.

Dozens of wisps of watery light condensed into swords and shot down towards Lu Changan like a violent storm.

Lu Changan stretched out his finger to activate the ice soul cold light, and a translucent crystal cold light blocked the front like an ice wall. The Xuanming Ice Sword fell on the ice wall and smashed into pieces, but it also left thousands of vertical and horizontal cracks on the ice wall.

Lu Changan specializes in Ice Soul Cold Light, and can see the changes in the Xuanming Arrow with similar magical properties at a glance. He knew that Gao Xian was good at Five Elements spells, but he was a little surprised to see that the other party was able to activate such powerful spells at will, but he seemed to be able to do so with ease.

After all, Gao Xian has just become Nascent Soul, how did he get such superb magical attainments.

Gao Xian was just trying out Lu Changan's current level, and then he fired the Fierce Sun Bullet. Dozens of red-gold blazing sun bullets poured down like a torrential rain, and the blazing and violent red sun's magic power shattered the ice wall formed by the cold light of the ice soul into pieces.

Threads of vertical and horizontal red flames spread towards Lu Changan like a fire net.

Lu Changan was not in a hurry, he squeezed the seal in his hand and the cold light of the ice soul rippled like a ring. Wherever the ice ring passed, the light of the red flame immediately dimmed and was completely extinguished in the blink of an eye.

Inside the seven-cornered hall, white cold air filled the air.

Gao Xian sneered in his heart. He condensed into Yin Shen and turned the five elements of divine light into his natal magical power. The five elements spells activated are blessed by the power of the five elements divine light, and are a hundred times more powerful than ordinary spells.

An old man wants to use magic to slowly grind him to death. It's really a dream. His consciousness is at least twice as powerful as the other's, and Sister Lan helps him channel his magic power. It is enough for him to be responsible for the output. The old man has nothing to do with him.

That's fine. The high-intensity and low-intensity battle just gives him a chance to adapt to the power of the Nascent Soul.

As Gao Xian's thoughts turned, hundreds of Red Sun bombs roared and fired, and they continued to bombard Lu Changan. The fierce and violent red sun's mana continues to explode.

Lu Changan believed that he had the magic talisman of immortality to avoid disasters and eliminate evil, and he was not afraid to compete with Gao Xian's spells.

The two sides just used spells to attack each other from a distance, which lasted for almost a stick of incense. During this period, Gao Xian was completely in control, and the Fierce Sun bullets continued to rain down like a violent storm, giving Lu Changan no chance to breathe.

Lu Changan could still hold on, but the many Nascent Souls watching the battle outside were horrified. Gao Xian's firing of the Red Sun Bullet was too powerful, but he fired it quickly, violently, and endlessly.

If they had faced Gao Xian, they would have been blown to pieces by endless red sun bullets. It's really terrifying to practice magic to this level!

Another wave of red sun bullets fell, and Lu Changan was a little helpless at this moment. It wasn't that he didn't want to fight back, but Gao Xian's spell was too powerful. If it weren't for the spiritual talisman to protect him, he wouldn't be able to bear it now.

The spiritual talisman has been continuously consumed, and now the spiritual light has begun to dim. We can't last much longer if we continue like this. The key is that Gao Xian saw that his mana was full and his consciousness was strong, and he didn't have the slightest hint of weakness.

Lu Changan was hesitating whether to activate the Talisman of Heavenly Blessings, Earth, Longevity, and Longevity in his hand. This fourth-level top-grade Talisman was incredible and could bestow great luck and longevity on people.

However, this good fortune and longevity do not come out of thin air, but are inspired from the person who receives the talisman. If the person receiving the talisman does not have such great luck and longevity, then the source of his soul will be consumed.

The most terrifying thing about this talisman is that it can directly point to the opponent's soul, and the secret techniques and spiritual weapons are useless.

If a Nascent Soul like Gao Xian receives this talisman, he will definitely die. If it is a powerful person who transforms into gods, this talisman cannot absorb the opponent's luck and longevity and will naturally fail. The main reason is that this talisman needs to lock Gao Xian. Now that Gao Xian's divine consciousness is powerful and completely suppressing him, he is not sure that he can lock the opponent.

At this moment, another large piece of red sun bullet shot down. Lu Changan summoned the cold light of ice soul to meet him, but he did not expect that the large red sun bombs did not bombard and explode, but spread around him to form a complex cloud pattern, which was exactly a sky character.

"It's broken!" Lu Changan realized that something was wrong.

It's just that Gao Xian has been preparing for a long time, and he will use the red sun bullet to display the word "天" in the Tianji eight-character mantra. The power of the blazing red sun formed an invisible space, trapping Lu Changan within a seven-foot radius.

The red flame surged and surged, turning into the word "no" again. Wordless mantras can be used to decipher magic arrays and magic weapons, and can transform existence into nothingness, and reality into emptiness.

Following the red flames, it condensed into the word "kill".

A ball of blazing flames penetrated Lu Changan's cold light and robe protection, and hit Lu Changan directly. The silver light of his protective talisman suddenly flourished, and he spontaneously resisted the blazing flames.

However, Gao Xian used almost all his strength in this attack. The red sun divine light triggered the attack, which looked like a red sun bullet, but it condensed the blazing power of the Sun Phase Sword.

Use the law to cast spells, and use the law as a sword. A variety of changes come together, and its power reaches the extreme.

The layer of protective talisman aura in the red flame also quickly dimmed.

Lu Changan sensed that something was wrong and hurriedly used his secret technique to burn the Yin Shen. Hundreds of feet away, Gao Xian's eyes flashed with white gold lightning, triggering the lightning in the Zhongtian pivot of the Thunder and Lightning Sutra.

This flash of lightning was not enough to kill Lu Changan, and its special change made his whole body stagnate. Following this, Zixiao's thunder exploded around Lu Changan.

The force of thunder made his whole body numb, and also exploded the protective talisman. A ray of cold light as sharp as the waning moon flew past with a gentle roar, cutting Lu Changan and his Yinshen into two pieces...

Gao Xian raised his hand to Lu Xuanji, the leader of the Immortality Cult outside, and said, "I'm ashamed. I didn't cultivate enough and accidentally killed this fellow Taoist. Please forgive me, the leader."

Many immortality cultivators watching the battle in the main hall were horrified and their expressions changed.

Lu Xuanji, who was sitting in the upper position, raised her eyebrows and said calmly: "Lord Pojun Xing, he is well-deserved!"

(Today we will continue the third update to repay the debt to the leader~ Continue to ask for monthly votes~ Please support me~)

(End of this chapter)

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