Chapter 547 Choice

"Pure as blood, as surging as a river, such pure cultivation..."

Yuan Wuxian looked at the bloody light thousands of miles away, with a hint of curiosity on her face. Huaying's attainments in blood and nerves are good at regenerating pure essence. In terms of cultivation, he is far inferior to Yan Ming, but his level of realm is not inferior to Yan Ming.

The Blood God Sect actually has such talents, but I haven't heard from Yan Ming.

To say that Yan Ming is a narrow-minded person, how can he tolerate such an outstanding person. If he really was one of his men, he would have killed him long ago.

Therefore, this person should not be a cultivator of the Blood God Sect.

Yuan Wuxian asked Xu Zijun next to him: "Your Scarlet Blood City has a talent, do you know?"

Xu Zijun has a beautiful face, with a phoenix hairpin slanted in her bun, and a very gorgeous purple robe. Under her skirt are a pair of bare jade feet. She is sitting upright with a coquettish and charming aura.

She is the Yuan Ying Zhenjun of the Yuan Demon Sect, and was sent by Yuan Wuxian to manage the Blood God Sect. After more than ten years of hard work, I finally managed to set up the Yuanmo Sect Lower House.

For Scarlet Blood City, she actually rarely manages anything specific. She basically maintains order, opens up trading, and reduces the cost of entering the city. As a result, Scarlet Blood City naturally gathered the surrounding cultivators, and it has become increasingly lively in recent years.

There are a million or two million cultivators in Scarlet Blood City. The demon cultivators and monster clans gather together. Although they can maintain order on the surface, various fights are unavoidable in private.

Xu Zijun was impatient to deal with these trivial matters, so he left the management to his two golden elixirs. The reason why two people are appointed to manage is because they are bound to fight, and she can check and balance them to prevent a dominant family from bullying the superiors and hiding the subordinates. She is not very familiar with the actual situation in Scarlet Blood City, and it is even less likely that she knows what masters there are in Scarlet Blood City.

She said respectfully: "Sect Master, I am not familiar with Scarlet Blood City. I don't know the origin of this cultivator who transforms into an infant."

Xu Zijun didn't dare to lie in front of Yuan Wuxian. This god-turned-demon king has extraordinary magical powers and the ability to see into people's hearts. Lying in front of her is tantamount to courting death.

Yuan Wuxian thought for a moment and said, "Go and bring this person over."

A wild Nascent Soul Lord has appeared in my own territory. I must see this one. The opponent's cultivation is very pure, and the aura of the Yin God is also strong and strong.

Even if he succeeds in transforming into an infant, Yin Shen is stronger than Xu Zijun. Of course, such a talented person must be under his command. If the other party is ignorant, she doesn't mind solving a hidden danger.

Xu Zijun took the order to control the escaping light and attack the Scarlet Blood City. When she entered the Scarlet Blood City, the bloody rainbow in the sky was slowly dissipating. It was obvious that the opponent had successfully transformed into an infant.

At this time, two golden elixirs were guarding outside the other party's door. The two Jindans looked uneasy. A Blood God Sect Nascent Soul suddenly appeared in the city, which put them under great pressure.

Scarlet Blood City belongs to the Blood God Sect, and most of the Demon Sect monks are not very reasonable. If the other party suddenly turns against them and takes action, they will definitely die.

It's just that the two of them are responsible for managing Scarlet Blood City. If such a big thing happens, they can't just ignore it.

Seeing Xu Zijun riding the escaping light and falling, the two Demon Sect Golden Pills were also relieved, with joy on their faces. With Xu Zijun here, no matter what happens, they don't need to be responsible.

Xu Zijun looked at the courtyard. It didn't look big. The array was set up in four levels. This will be destroyed by the changes in the world from within, and the magic circle is already incomplete.

Through the cracks in the magic circle, she had already seen the Nascent Soul Lord who had just transformed into an infant.

This man had long eyebrows and narrow eyes, and his complexion was as cold as snow. He looked like he was in his early thirties, with handsome features, but his temperament was cold and forbidding. Wearing a long black robe, a blood god flag stood beside him.

The Blood God Banner is a standard accessory for cultivators of the Blood God Sect. Seeing that the Blood God Banner in this person's hand was of a high grade, she couldn't see through it at a glance.

Xu Zijun's heart trembled. This guy who just turned into a baby made her feel very dangerous.

She looked at the two Jindan beside her, "Do you know him?"

The two Golden Cores shook their heads hastily. They had never known that there was such a strong man hiding in Scarlet Blood City. With this level of cultivation, it should be easy to kill them.

Xu Zijun was silent. She was wary of this person and did not dare to interrupt him abruptly. Fortunately, the other party has already finished his work and will be done soon.

Gao Xian, who was in the underground quiet room, had already seen Xu Zijun. He had stayed in Scarlet Blood City for more than ten years, and he had actually met the Yuan Ying Zhenjun of the Yuan Demon Sect, and knew that his style was quite dissolute.

It was easy for this Nascent Soul who was good at dual cultivation to get into her bed, but it was difficult to get out alive.

Although Gao Xian had the means to conquer demons, he did not want to waste time with this woman. Besides, killing her would be pointless and would cause trouble.

The spiritual energy in Scarlet Blood City is quite sufficient, enough for him to practice safely. Taking advantage of his inspiration when he was transforming into an infant, he completely refined the Blood God Banner that he snatched from Yan Ming's hand.

This fourth-level mid-grade artifact is the foundation of blood nerves. After he re-tempered it, the aura of Yan Ming's soul was completely erased.

Coupled with the other blood god flags and spiritual objects that have been swallowed over the years, the power of this blood god flag has also increased a lot. Even if Yan Ming is reborn, he will never dare to misidentify him.

After Taixuan Shenxiang used the earth spirit liquid to cleanse Yin Shen, Yin Shen completely solidified and stabilized.

Having had two experiences of transforming into an infant, Gao Xian gained a deeper understanding during this transformation. The upper-level Nascent Soul is the God of Breaking Pills. However, the seven magical powers of the First-grade Golden Pill are not destroyed. Instead, they are upgraded to a higher level and solidified on the Yin God.

The powerful magical power of Yin Shen also makes Taixuan Shenxiang and Tiansha Blood Transformation Sword more compatible. Even if it is not deliberately refined, it is easier to control this sword.

Gao Xian estimated that he could now display at least five points of the power of the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword.

Even so, the power of this sword is actually not as powerful as the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword. The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is the natal sword of Taiyuan Shenxiang. Even if it is not of the same level, the power it exerts is not comparable to that of this sword.

However, one particularly powerful thing about this sword is that the blood transformation of Tiansha is particularly sinister, and it is designed to destroy the soul. Against some special enemies, this knife can exert great power. For example, the fifth-level six-tailed sky fox has a powerful spirit, but it is most afraid of the sinister magic weapon of the Demon Sect, such as the Blood Transformation Sword.

Gao Xian had already thought about it, and when the Taixuan Shenxiang condensed the Yin Shen, he would try to find the six-tailed celestial fox.

In more than thirty years, they will go to the Taimingling Realm, where the dragon-shaped monsters are more powerful than the six-tailed celestial fox. If he couldn't deal with the six-tailed sky fox, then he would have to think carefully about how to protect himself in the Taiming Spirit Realm.

When Xu Zijun arrived, Gao Xian didn't want to test Sanyin Shen's changes, so he dismissed him first.

Taixuan Shenxiang received the Blood God Banner and flew into the air from the underground quiet room. The Taiyuan Shenxiang is cold and proud, while the Taixuan Shenxiang is cold and gloomy. The two changes in his divine appearance are the projections of different aspects of his body.

It looks different from the real body, but it actually just presents different states and different levels, that's all.

Xu Zijun pursed her lips and smiled at Taixuan Shenxiang. She took the initiative to salute: "Xu Zijun of Yuan Mo Sect has met Taoist friend. Don't you know your surname?"

"San Xiu Honglian, I have met the true king." Taixuan Shenxiang returned the greeting with his hands in hand.

He has always used the name Honglian when traveling in the Eastern Wasteland, from the Five Elements Sect two hundred years ago to the Scarlet Blood City today. Such a name also allowed him to leave some marks in Donghuang.

If someone really checks him out, they can always find something. Proving that he didn't just appear out of thin air.

Gao Xian had no intention of entering Yuan Mo Sect. The battle between Donghuang and Mingzhou is not about one time or place, nor is it about a certain sect. Conspiracies and tricks are of little use. There's no point in being undercover or anything like that.

However, he didn't mind dealing with Yuan Mo Sect. It’s always good to know more about the other person’s situation.

These details are not enough to change the overall situation, but they are of great use to him personally.

"Congratulations to my fellow Taoist for successfully transforming into a baby."

Xu Zijun said softly: "My sect master Yuan Daojun saw his Taoist friend turning into a baby, and he felt pity for the talented person. Taoist friend, please come with me to see Mr. Dao."

Gao Xian was a little surprised, Yuan Wuxian was actually here? ! He had heard of this famous name for a long time, but had never seen him before. This time he had the opportunity to meet, and he was really curious.

The two of them rode the escaping light to Yiyuan Peak, and Gao Xian saw Yuan Wuxian, the leader of the Yuan Demon Sect, from a distance. This woman's facial features are extremely beautiful. She wears a golden phoenix crown and a large black robe, which is covered with dark gold dragon-shaped patterns.

She just sat there, as if she were a queen who ruled over the nine heavens and took charge of everything.

Of the three Shen Tao Lords that Gao Xian had seen, Yue Wanfeng was gloomy and indifferent, Lu Xuanji was bright and elegant, but Yuan Wuxian was the most powerful, making people feel awe at just one glance.

Although he lacks understanding of fifth-level power, based on intuition, Yuan Wuxian is the strongest among the three transformed gods.

The phoenix crown on Yuan Wuxian's head and the dark gold dragon robe on his body must be a fifth-level artifact, or even higher.

Gao Xian didn't dare to look any further. He stopped twenty feet away, raised his hands and saluted: "Sanren Honglian pays his respects to Lord Dao."

Yuan Wuxian looked Gao Xian up and down, and she could see the aura of a divine weapon on him. This individual who appeared out of nowhere actually has a magical weapon in his hand! This is awesome.

The opponent's blood nerve cultivation level is extremely pure, even far better than those of the direct descendants of the Blood God Sect's golden elixir. Judging from the cultivation level, it can be determined that the opponent must be a demon cultivator.

Of course, there will be some righteous cultivators who will modify the magic sect's secret method, but this kind of modification will inevitably lead to impure aura. This Honglian's magic power is too pure, and he is definitely not a cultivator who changed his cultivation halfway.

In this world, the method of cultivation determines your origin. There is no such thing as a righteous cultivator disguised as a demonic cultivator. Even if this person was born in a righteous way and cultivated his blood nerves to this level, he would never be able to turn back.

Practicing the righteous way does not necessarily mean you are a good person. Practicing the magic sect, you can only become a bad person. Because any kind-hearted guy will not survive long in the Eastern Wasteland, let alone achieve Nascent Soul.

Yuan Wuxian thought Honglian was good. He could remain calm and calm in front of her, and his demeanor was calm. He was much better than Xu Zijun. He was a good person.

She asked casually: "Where are you from?"

"The Blood Evil Sect. I was destroyed by people in the Eastern Wasteland in my early years. After that, I became a Sanren and stayed in the Blood God Sect for a while..."

Gao Xian briefly talked about the past. He didn't lie, he just said it more skillfully. His initial inheritance of magic sect secrets was obtained from the Blood Evil Sect, so it was not wrong.

Yuan Wuwu didn't know about the Blood Evil Sect. The blood nerve inheritance was extremely extensive and there were so many small sects. It's normal that she doesn't know.

Her powerful supernatural powers did not detect the other party's lies, and she was quite satisfied with this.

She said: "You are a casual cultivator who can also transform into infants. You are very talented and a talented person. Are you willing to join my Yuan Mo Sect?"

Gao Xian's heart trembled. The other person asked lightly, but he felt a crisis. This is the so-called Qijue Demon Lord, and one can imagine how vicious his methods are.

If he dares to refuse, Yuan Wuxian will definitely take action!

(There will be another update later, please vote~)

(End of this chapter)

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