Gao Xian looked at the Taishi idol on the Fengyue Treasure Book, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

He only had 100 million points of humane aura to get started. If he practiced on his own for a day, he would only gain one or two hundred proficiency points. It was scary to think about it.

If you want to fill up the Taishi Idol, you need 12.7 billion human auras. This is a very exaggerated number.

As he has become famous in Wanfeng County in recent years, he can earn a stable income of 50 million a year. There has been an upward trend in the past two years.

Maybe it's because the current situation is bad and everyone is nervous, but they need entertainment more. However, high-end entertainment is expensive. At this time, money should be spent wisely, so reading has become the cheapest consumption.

Calculated based on this situation, it will take more than two hundred years to elevate Taishi to the level of master. This is still the current state of Wanfeng County.

The question is, can Wanfeng County last two hundred years? Gao Xian felt very confused, Yue Wanfeng obviously did not have such a firm will to resist.

At this point, Yue Wanfeng and other sect leaders actually had similar attitudes, just muddle along. No one thought about blocking the invasion of Donghuang.

The main reason is that Yue Wanfeng and the others are too smart, and they all know that this is a catastrophe, and Donghuang will die if they don't invade. In the final analysis, the demon clan and the demon cultivators all want to survive.

Human cultivators can survive even if they take a step back, but in comparison they don't have that strong fighting spirit. This is especially true for high-level cultivators. Although there are all kinds of inconveniences without the sect, they can still move around in the world, but their lives are just a little more tiring.

Therefore, no matter whether the clouds are in the sky or over ten thousand peaks, including Zhenjun Tiehe and others, they are actually considering their escape route, and no one wants to fight to the death with Donghuang.

Gao Xian actually understood this very well, because he had the same idea. Moreover, he has no obsession with the sect's inheritance. If Qingyun Sect was still there, it might still be worth fighting for.

When he arrived at Wanfeng Sect, he never considered this issue at all. Use the resources of Wanfeng Sect to strengthen yourself as much as possible. If you really can't survive, you can run faster.

The world is vast and there is no place for it. The worst case scenario is to go overseas and join Yun Qingxuan. But without Jiuzhou, will anyone still read books?

Gao Xian knew that there were people overseas, and the number of humans might be much greater than that of Jiuzhou. The problem is that the four seas are too big and the population cannot be as dense as Jiuzhou.

Jiuzhou is the most suitable market.

Gao Xian sighed inwardly, but it was a pity that he couldn't do this. With Jiuzhou's situation, I don't know how long it can last.

There is no need to deepen the market in Wanfeng County. He should become a god as soon as possible and travel around nine continents to promote and spread cultural undertakings.

When Taisu Puppet God is upgraded to Taishi Puppet God, the most direct change is that the range of his spiritual consciousness is increased to a thousand miles, truly reaching the entry-level level of becoming a god.

The stacking of three Yuan Ying can increase the sensing range of divine consciousness to 1,500 miles. It is comparable to the early stage of becoming a god. At least comparable to the Six-Tailed Sky Fox.

The foundation for the movement of spiritual energy and mana in this world is divine consciousness, even for body-refining practitioners. With a strong spiritual consciousness, all aspects will rise with the tide.

Other cultivators practice through secret methods, constantly tempering and sharpening their spiritual consciousness, and gradually increasing the power of their spiritual consciousness. This is true for all powerful people who transform themselves into gods.

Only he can quickly increase the power of his consciousness by adding points. And it feels really good to improve so much all at once.

Gao Xian felt that the most important change of Taishi's puppet god was that it could transform and simulate all things. For example, a six-tailed celestial fox was created in the Taishi Palace, just like a living creature.

In this way, he can fight against the six-tailed sky fox every day, practice his fighting skills, and become familiar with the changes in his soul. This special magical power is very, very important.

Cultivators only have one life. When they reach the Golden Core level, cultivators will become very cautious against opponents of the same level. Even if it is a monster of the same level, the Golden Cores will be very careful.

There is only one life, that is, how to be confident. Normal cultivators will not take risks easily. Not to mention the cultivators at the Nascent Soul level, who have high power and are pampered, and they don't like to work hard.

The same is true for Gao Xian. Even though he has three clones, he won't do anything easily.

The Taishi Idol can simulate powerful opponents and can continue to fight in the Taishi Palace. Even if we fight one game a day, that’s more than 300 games a year. Ordinary Nascent Souls may not be able to fight hundreds of times in their lifetime.

In such simulated battles, he can accumulate extremely rich combat experience. You can even ponder the weaknesses and flaws of the soul.

Gao Xian suddenly had an idea when he thought of this. Since he can simulate the six-tailed sky fox, can he simulate Yue Wanfeng?

Sister Lan and Gao Xian have the same mind, and she understands what Gao Xian means without Gao Xian having to say anything. Sister Lan stretched out her hand and Yue Wanfeng appeared out of thin air.

She has thin eyebrows and deep eyes, a gloomy look between her brows, and a dark yellow robe. This transformed person is exactly the same as Yue Wanfeng, with the same temperament and charm.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. He immediately drew his sword and struck quickly. The snow-colored sword light swept past like lightning. Yue Wanfeng did not move, letting the sword light sweep past him.

A deep sword mark was left on Yue Wanfeng's body. The sword mark rippled like water waves and then returned to its original state. Yue Wanfeng still stood there with a gloomy expression, seemingly not caring about the sword.

Gao Xian immediately understood that Sister Lan was able to simulate the full power of the six-tailed sky fox because he had fought with the six-tailed sky fox and had seen the opponent's abilities.

Although he had seen Yue Wanfeng, he had never seen Yue Wanfeng take action. I don’t even know what this person is good at or what divine weapon he has to protect his body.

Therefore, the Yue Wanfeng simulated by Sister Lan cannot fight, but it is also difficult to destroy.

Gao Xian was a little disappointed. It would be great if Sister Lan could simulate a complete body crossing of Wanfeng. It's a pity.

On second thought, he realized that this was normal.

Being able to completely simulate all the magical powers of Huashen Daojun after just one meeting proves that Sister Lan can completely see through Huashen Daojun. This is obviously unrealistic.

If Sister Lan has this ability, it will not be difficult for him to kill the transformed god.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said to Sister Lan: "Change into Lu Xuanji and see."

In the blink of an eye, Lu Xuanji in Xinghuang Taoist robe appeared in front of Gao Xian.

Lu Xuanji has long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, his eyes are lively and clear, his figure is slim and well-proportioned, and he holds the white jade eight treasures Ruyi in his hand. He stands with a smile in his eyes, and his whole body is filled with strong charm.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel something in his heart as he looked at it. Such Lu Xuanji couldn't be used for fighting. It should be fine for other purposes. To be honest, when facing Lu Xuanji, he didn't dare to look too much. The opponent was a powerful person who transformed into gods. Even if he had a secret skill like the Flower Appreciating Mirror, he couldn't use it on Lu Xuanji.

Now Lu Xuanji was right in front of him, and Gao Xian could look at her without any scruples. He couldn't help but reach out and pinch Lu Xuanji's chin and lift her up, just like the boss in the TV series in his previous life.

It feels soft, elastic, delicate and smooth, very comfortable.

"Ladies, aren't you crazy? Why aren't you crazy anymore!" Gao Xian pinched Lu Xuanji's chin. The more he spoke, the more proud he became, and he couldn't help laughing.

Lu Xuanji's face showed a look of embarrassment, but he did not resist. On the contrary, it made her more attractive.

Gao Xian glanced at the looming curves under the opponent's apricot robe. He couldn't help but have an idea, but he felt that it was a bit perverted and meaningless.

The deer Xuanji in front of her was just a simulation made by Sister Lan with her spiritual consciousness. Even though it had real flesh and blood, it was just an illusion.

How could he, the majestic Nascent Soul Lord, do such a shameless thing! Although it's a bit exciting...hey...

Gao Xian has never been a gentleman, but he understands that the essence of this kind of thing is no different from making fun of celebrities' photos. He's not that low.

It's actually quite fun, though.

Gao Xian asked Sister Lan to transform Yuan Wuxian again, and put the two Taoist Transformers together. Yuan Wuxian also had long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, but her facial features were colder and tougher. She was completely different from Lu Xuanji. There was a big difference. .

Yuan Wuxian is also taller, and her figure is about the same as him, and similar to Qiniang. The figure looks better too. The black robe with golden dragon pattern couldn't cover her long legs.

Two Taoist Transformation Lords were placed in front of them. Gao Xian hugged one with one arm and smiled wildly. He didn't want to do anything, mainly because he thought it was too fun.

Yun Qingxuan, Qiniang, Yuling, Shenxiu, Feiyin, Hongye, etc., the beauties he knew all appeared in a row, making the empty hall more popular.

Gao Xian gave it a try, and Yun Qingxuan and Qiniang were able to start fighting and truly demonstrate their fighting power. He also understood that the better he knew a person, the more real Sister Lan would become.

Of course, it just looks real. In fact, it is still similar to a puppet. He just has the ability to fight.

Gao Xian really wanted to make Sister Lan become a magician, but he still didn't do it. This is a bit disrespectful to friends, not to mention it makes no sense.

After some testing, Gao Xian felt that the greatest use of Taishi Hall was for sparring. It's a pity that there is only one six-tailed sky fox that can be used as an opponent, which is not of great significance.

At least it wasn't of much use to him. Unless there is someone who can observe the battle of a powerful person who transforms into a god, he can project the opponent's power into the Taishi Palace.

It would be of some use if Qingqing could be brought in.

Gao Xian thought this idea was okay, so he asked Sister Lan, and he couldn't help but feel happy when she nodded affirmatively.

He was worried if others brought him in. Qingqing was his pet beast and was bound to him in life and death. Even if he became a god, he would not be able to leave him.

It's so convenient to help Qingqing practice swordsmanship. He had always felt that Qingqing's swordsmanship was still immature, but it was useless to give him any advice on this kind of thing, and he had to go through cruel actual combat to experience it.

Gao Xian called Qingqing over and did several tests. He found that as long as Qingqing sat meditating beside him, he could bring Qingqing's consciousness into the Taishi Palace through the Qinghua Yuling Seal.

Qingqing had never seen this before, and was shocked by it. But she is also very adaptable. Mainly because Gao Xian is here with her, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After a short period of adaptation, Gao Xian began to give Qingqing a swordsmanship lesson. With the same cultivation level, Qingqing used the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword, but was killed by him within three moves.

Qingqing's consciousness projection collapsed, and her body was so frightened that she woke up. She knew that it was just an illusory consciousness projection, and that was it. The fear of death brought by that sword still made her tremble physically and mentally.

After a long time, Qingqing finally recovered. She looked at Gao Xian, her mouth pursed and she felt so wronged that she almost cried. After following Gao Xian for two hundred years, she had never been frightened like this.

Gao Xian sighed inwardly. Qingqing has been with him for a long time and he has always raised her as his daughter, so she is inevitably a bit squeamish. There's nothing we can do about it.

You must know that Qingqing has been with him for two hundred years in the Changsheng Sword Cave. Yu Ling, Qiniang and all of them combined could not stay together as long as Qing Qing. He naturally has deeper feelings for Qingqing.

After some coaxing with kind words, Qingqing finally became happy. Let’s wait until tomorrow to talk about sword training.

Qingqing is also extremely smart, and she knows this is a good thing. Although I was scared, I still followed Gao Xian's arrangement.

Gao Xian also began to arrange suitable opponents for her, such as Xiao Hongye, Yun Qingxuan and other powerful golden elixirs. The effect of such training is so powerful. In just a few years, all the greenness and immaturity in Qingqing's swordsmanship have been polished away, and the sharpness of her swordsmanship has truly emerged.

In the spring of the fourth year, there was a sound of spring thunder in the sky and a continuous spring rain fell.

Qingqing realized something in the thunder and began to transform into a baby...

By noon, Qingqing had completed her transformation into an infant. She resonated with her natal sword, the Divine Sky Tianfeng Sword, and sent out a sword rainbow straight into the sky.

The heavy dark clouds were blown away by the sword energy, revealing the blazing sun in the sky.

Such a vision naturally attracted the attention of countless experts.

Yue Wanfeng, who was sitting quietly in the Tianquan Hall, opened his eyes and looked at Jiaocheng. He could naturally see that the origin of the soaring sword rainbow was Qingqing, and he had a complicated look on his face.

In the Tianshu Hall, Zhenyang Zhenjun looked at the water mirror in front of him with wide eyes. He murmured to himself: "Gao Xian's pet beasts have all become sword masters. This sword energy is so powerful, it is also a divine sword! This... "

At this moment, many Nascent Soul Lords of Wanfeng Sect realized that it was Qingqing Zhengdao Sword Master, and the shuriken weapon was a divine sword. This also shocked many Yuanying True Lords...

(hnjfs rewarded the leader, I am touched~ I owe the leader a chapter to update~ Also thank you to all the friends who subscribed and supported~ Bow, bow~) (End of this chapter)

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