Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 557 A God-given Opportunity

The Divine Order of All-Calamity Destruction is about a foot long and looks like a small red snake. The scales on it are clear and lifelike, and the red eyes are shining with a strange aura.

Gao Xian just glanced at it and felt that the little red snake seemed to have followed his gaze into the sea of ​​​​consciousness and was perched on his yin.

He immediately looked away, but he could still feel the little red snake wrapped around his yin and unable to get rid of it.

Such a strange and powerful artifact made Gao Xian feel uneasy.

The essence and blood of a cultivator is the unique mark of a cultivator. The life lamps of most sects are lit with the essence and blood of true disciples. Through secret techniques, the life and death of the disciples can be determined.

The consequences of leaving a mark of essence and blood on a powerful artifact must be very serious.

Gao Xian felt a little regretful now. If he had known that Yuan Mo Sect was so dangerous, he should have taken the opportunity to slip away. It's not too late to leave now.

The red snake hovering over the Taixuan Divine Appearance is just a projection of the Order of Destruction of the God of All Tribulations, and has not yet established a true connection with his Yin God.

By activating the Daluo Transformation God Clone Technique, the Taixuan Divine Form can immediately return to the original body. But that way, he wouldn't have a clone to stay outside.

In a dangerous place like the Taiming Spiritual Realm, there is no backup clone outside, which is difficult for Gao Xian to accept.

On the other hand, Gao Xian is very, very curious about Yuan Wuxian's major events.

For no other reason, the timing of Yuan Wuxian's troubles was too coincidental. He strongly suspected that Yuan Wuxian was heading to the Taiming Spiritual Realm.

The problem is, how can she, Yuan Wuxian, have the confidence to deal with three, no, four powerful gods?

At the level of a powerful deity transformer, there is no need to fight in person. If there's anything to do, just let your subordinates take action. It doesn't hurt the fundamentals whether you win or lose.

It's like playing chess. As long as you don't play, winning or losing is just a game. If you end up, winning or losing is a matter of life and death.

Looking at Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji, Gao Xian seemed to have never considered taking action personally. They gathered in the Taiming Spiritual Realm. One was to lead the team, and the other was that they wanted to obtain the Nine-section Yellow Dragon.

This is completely different from the next fight.

Today's Yuan Wuxian seemed to be leading the team to fight to the death, which made Gao Xian have to think more. He can run now, but he has lost the opportunity to know Yuan Wuxian's plan.

Opportunities like this don't come around often.

Yuan Wuxian even took out the God-Destroying Order of Ten Thousand Tribulations, obviously because he was afraid that someone would leak the secret. They can be locked through a special oath, at least for a short period of time, and no news can be sent out.

Gao Xian felt this itch in his heart. He wanted to know what Yuan Wuxian wanted to do. If Yuan Wuxian really went after Yue Wanfeng and the others, there must be something evil going on here.

Although Yuan Wuxian is awesome, he may not be able to suppress Yue Wanfeng, let alone the other three Shen Dao Lords. Could it be that all the Shinto Lords from the Demon Sect are joining forces to do something big?

Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji were all wary of each other and were very cautious when cooperating in collecting herbs, let alone working together.

How could the Demon Sect monks unite and cooperate, let alone work together to find Yue Wanfeng and the others to fight for their lives! This is outrageous.

Unless it's a big tailwind, the powerful ones from the Demon Sect don't mind taking advantage of the situation.

Gao Xian just couldn't figure out the connection, and became more and more curious about this matter. On the other hand, this matter is also related to his life and death.

If Yuan Wuxian really came to Taimingling Realm with a group of people, he would definitely not mind killing a few Nascent Souls who were in the way.

The most critical issue in this matter is whether he can block the Order of Destruction of Gods. If he can hold on, everything will be easy. If you can't hold it back and leave a disaster in Taixuan's appearance, you will be in trouble.

Gao Xian felt that the God-Destroying Order of Ten Thousand Tribulations was at best a fifth-level artifact, and there was no way it could be compared with Fengyue Treasure Mirror.

He has Sister Lan as insurance, and he has a Taixuan god to support him.

Gao Xian's mind suddenly changed, he weighed the pros and cons, and decided to take the risk and give it a try.

Shang Yuan Wuxian glanced at everyone coldly. She didn't notice anyone's mood fluctuating abnormally, and she was very satisfied.

At least these Nascent Souls of the sect are quite obedient.

Yuan Wuxian also looked at Gao Xian specifically. The origin of this casual cultivator was not clear, but the blood nerves he cultivated could not be more pure. He could never be a Mingzhou cultivator.

Of course, this does not mean that Guren is reliable. I would like to take this opportunity to give this person a try. She did not enjoy the spiritual stones and spiritual objects of Yuan Mo Sect in vain!

Wang Yuan, the master of the Yama Palace, was the first to stand up and said: "Everything is based on the instructions of the sect master, and we will never say anything else."

Many Nascent Souls expressed their opinions one after another, "We are willing to swear an oath to please the sect master."

"It's all driven by the sect master, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation..."

Gao Xian sighed in his heart, the Demonic Sect was just unreasonable. If you want to talk about the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, you should always give him some respect. In front of Yuan Wuxian, these Nascent Souls are really embarrassed. He won't speak so loudly, but his posture will be more determined.

Yuan Wuxian stretched out his hand and pointed at the Order of Destruction of Gods of All Tribulations, "You just need to swear according to the incantation above and leave the blood essence."

Wang Yuan was the first to step forward and swear an oath, leaving a drop of blood in the snake's mouth.

After receiving the Blood Essence of the God-Destroying Order of All Tribulations, his eyes shone with red light, and the scales all over his body shone with layers of strange spiritual light, as if he came alive.

A small snake about a foot long made all the Nascent Soul Lords feel numb. But Yuan Wuxian was watching from above, and they could only leave their blood essence and swear in accordance with the incantation.

Gao Xian then swore an oath and left his essence and blood. The red snake entrenched on the Taixuan God and the Yin God also changed accordingly. It turned into a red collar and put it around the Taixuan Yin God's neck.

Taixuan Shenxiang felt that the Yinshen tightened, and it was difficult to use the magic power due to the red collar.

After a while, Gao Xian slowly got used to this feeling. But he is very awkward. The restriction on Taixuan Divine Appearance looks very dangerous. Once the restriction breaks out, it can destroy Taixuan Divine Appearance.

It's just that we've come this far, and it's too late to regret. I just hope that Yuan Wuxian's secret is worthy of his adventure.

After everyone had sworn the oath, Yuan Wuxian reached out and picked up the Token of Destruction of the Gods of All Tribulations, "This object's oath is closely related to your Yinshen. If you violate the oath within half a year, you will be destroyed physically and mentally."

Many Nascent Souls lowered their heads with respectful expressions on their faces, and no one dared to express dissatisfaction.

Yuan Wuxian warned everyone, and then she added: "This matter is related to the survival of the sect, and I have to be careful. I hope everyone can understand my painstaking efforts. The Order of Destruction of Gods can ban the calculation of heaven's secrets, and also ban Your Yin Shen aura is both a restraint and a protection for you."

Wang Yuan said carefully: "Sect Master, I wonder what kind of important matter requires such care?"

Yuan Wuxian said calmly: "Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji are in the Taimingling realm with the sect's Yuanying. The demonic energy in Taimingling is strong, and their souls can only exert 50% of their power at most. This time it is exactly A good opportunity to kill them..."

Many Nascent Souls were shocked. Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji were transformed into divine Taoists. Even with only 50% cultivation level, it would be easy to kill them. No matter how strong Yuan Wuxian is, he can't fight one against two!

Everyone was confused, but no one dared to ask.

Of course Yuan Wuxian understood everyone's concerns, and she said proudly: "Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji don't have to worry about you. You are responsible for killing the Nascent Souls of the two sects."

Wang Yuan asked with some worry: "Sect Master, when the two sects gather together, there should be a lot of Nascent Souls, right?"

"What are you afraid of? The Ten Thousand Tribulation God-Destroying Restriction blessed by your Yin God can absorb the Taiming Demonic Qi and transform it into your own mana and consciousness. When fighting in the Taiming Spiritual Realm, your cultivation and mana can be doubled, and the opponent's Nascent Soul cultivation level can be doubled. However, the magic power will be suppressed by the demonic energy. One will wax and wane, and the victory will be certain.

"Not to mention that you have calculated in your mind and killed the few with more people. It doesn't matter how many Nascent Souls they have!"

Wang Yuan said hurriedly: "The sect master has a clever plan and this battle will be won."

Many Nascent Soul Lords also praised: "With the leadership of the sect master, we will be able to completely annihilate the opponent's Nascent Soul..."

Gao Xian didn't follow the flattery. Taixuan's appearance was aloof and cold. He was showing his loyalty just now, so he had to say a few words. There is no need to follow suit now.

"You go to the side hall to rest first and wait for orders..."

Yuan Wuxian flicked his sleeves, and Wang Yuan very wisely led all the Yuan Ying out of the hall.

Gao Xian was given a separate room. Although the furnishings were simple, it was safe enough because of the magic circle that sealed the inside and outside.

Sitting on the couch, Gao Xian fell into deep thought.

From the beginning to the end, Yuan Wuwu never mentioned Tianpuppet Sect, nor did he mention Taoist Wanshou. This was very abnormal. Since Yuan Wuxian wants to do big things, it is impossible for him to not even understand this basic situation.

Therefore, Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun have a problem! Yuan Wuxian had these two moles, so he had the confidence to calculate Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji.

As for how the three Shen Dao Lords got together, and why they calculated Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji, there must be very complicated reasons. He couldn't analyze anything based on a few words.

The Ten Thousand Tribulation God-Destroying Order cuts off the possibility of Yin Shen sending any information to the outside world. However, Taixuan Yin Shen is part of his soul, and there is no need to communicate with him through other means. His body already knows all the situations.

Yuan Wuxian hasn't taken action yet, so he doesn't need to run in a hurry. Even if there is some space teleportation array, Yuan Wuxian cannot teleport directly to the Taiming Spiritual Realm. It is necessary to transfer somewhere else to ensure the confidentiality of the operation.

When Yuan Wuxian takes action, he will have time to run away.

Besides, Gao Xian doesn't want to run away, he thinks this is an opportunity... (End of Chapter)

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