Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 559 Heavenly List

Yue Wanfeng looked at Gao Xian quietly. As a Taoist Master who has lived for 6,900 years, he has experienced many, many things in his life. Gao Xian, who was a little out of touch in front of him, was not surprised enough.

Of course, the meaning in Gao Xian's words still made him a little curious.

Gao Xian always gets some surprises. For example, Gao Xian counterattacked and killed Hongyang, and Gao Xian killed Yan Ming alone with his sword.

In his nearly seven thousand years of life, Yue Wanfeng has seen many, many geniuses.

After all, humans actually raise their offspring very quickly. Twenty years is one generation. Within Jiuzhou, there are hundreds of millions of ordinary human countries, and the number of human races is too large to be counted. Not to mention that a large cultivator will give birth to a large number of offspring.

Among such a huge number, many, many geniuses will inevitably be born. It's just that most geniuses don't have the opportunity to practice and get ahead.

Even so, with a twenty-year cycle, there will still be an endless stream of geniuses.

From his point of view, Gao Xian is not the top genius. In terms of spiritual talent, Gao Xian is even one level behind Yue Shenxiu.

However, Gao Xian is more powerful than Yue Shenxiu. When it came to fighting, the three Yueshenxiu could not defeat Gao Xian.

Yue Wanfeng knew that Gao Xian had a secret, maybe he was hiding some peerless artifact, maybe he was possessed by a strong man from ten thousand years ago, maybe he had awakened Su Hui from his previous life, maybe he had eaten some divine item from heaven and earth, anyway, he didn't notice Gao Xian. the true source of power.

This didn't surprise him. Gao Xian wouldn't have been able to achieve such an achievement if he had seen through him easily.

Since Gao Xian dares to show it openly, it proves that others cannot take away his power. This is the most basic truth.

If Gao Xian's power could be taken away by external forces, Gao Xian's character would definitely hide it and would never dare to reveal it. How could he be so arrogant!

Yue Wanfeng also thought about catching Gao Xian, searching for his soul, and digging out all his secrets. However, this does not make much sense.

When one reaches his level of cultivation, the upward path is already fixed, unless one has to start over from scratch. A serious injury in his early years almost cut off his possibility of advancement.

Gao Xian obviously practiced the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and he also had some inheritance from the Tianhua Sect. It's useless to give him these powers. Furthermore, the chance of success in soul searching is not very high.

With Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness, it would be easy for him to kill Gao Xian, but it would be very, very difficult to capture the memory of Gao Xian's soul. It would actually not be easy for other Nascent Souls to succeed.

Once a cultivator becomes a Yin Shen, it is an integration of the divine soul. From then on it condensed into shape. It is not difficult to destroy the Yin God. If you want to break the Yin God and search for memories, you must specialize in the relevant secret techniques and cooperate with powerful magic weapons. The process is very complicated.

The most important thing is that Yue Huafeng did this with disdain. The world is vast, and if he can get what he wants, he can just take it for himself, and he can't afford to play tricks on a junior.

To him, Gao Xian was an interesting and very capable junior, but he was too slippery and not one of his own. Therefore, he asked Gao Xian to do things and gave him enough benefits.

It was a fair transaction between the two parties. He would not suffer any loss, and Gao Xian would not be able to take advantage.

Yue Wanfeng said calmly: "I'm a little curious and want to hear how big your favor is."

Gao Xian knew Yue Wanfeng's temperament, so he said directly, "Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi want to kill you."


Yue Wanfeng was really surprised this time. He pondered for a moment and asked, "How did you know?"

Of course Gao Xian couldn't say that he had a clone, but he still needed an explanation for this matter, and he had actually been thinking about it for a long time.

"Grandmaster, to tell you the truth, I am born with a keen sense of perception."

Gao Xian said: "When Wanshou came, I felt something was wrong with him. I let Qingqing test it out, and I felt his hidden malice at that time.

"For such a strong man, it is naturally impossible for his malice to be directed at me."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yue Huafeng looked at Gao Xian with a hint of scrutiny and suspicion in his eyes.

"I'm not sure either. You can't just talk nonsense."

Gao Xian said with a sincere face: "I have been feeling uneasy these past few days, as if a disaster is imminent. Only then did I make up my mind to tell you this."

He then added: "There must be something wrong with Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi, and it's hard to say for Lu Xuanji. It's very possible that they have other helpers. For example, Yuan Wuxian."

The Yuan Mo Sect and the Wan Feng Sect were confronting each other, and it was only natural that Gao Xian mentioned Yuan Wuxian's name.

Yue Wanfeng was silent. If Wanshou was a different kind of enlightened person, it would not be too unusual for him to hook up with a demon cultivator. It was just unusual for him to collude with the demon cultivator to kill him.

There is also Yuan Tianyi, the dignified leader of the Tianpuppet Sect and his old friend for thousands of years. Although they haven't reached the stage of life and death, they still have a deep friendship. The two sects are not next to each other, and there is no conflict that warrants Yuan Tian's killing.

However, this kind of thing is difficult to say. It's always good to be careful.

The Taiming Spiritual Realm is very special, and his various powers and magical powers will be greatly suppressed here. Including some life-saving means, they may fail.

Yue Wanfeng glanced at Gao Xian and found that the boy was looking at him eagerly, as if he was waiting to receive the reward, and he couldn't help laughing.

This guy never hides his needs, which is actually pretty good. Everyone is so straightforward, which saves a lot of trouble.

He thought for a moment and took out a golden jade slip and handed it to Gao Xian, "Whether this is true or not, it is always your heart. This set of the Great Five Elements God-killing Sword Sutra is for you."

Gao Xian was overjoyed. Yue Wanfeng was so generous and gave him what he wanted most. He took the golden jade slip with both hands and said politely: "How can this be so embarrassing? It's just a gift from the elders, I don't dare to say goodbye, I don't dare to say goodbye... Thank you, Patriarch..."

In front of Yue Wanfeng, Gao Xian was too thick-skinned to learn the "Great Five Elements Killing God Sword Sutra" on the spot.

You have to find a suitable time and a suitable place to study and study these secret techniques. Anyway, it's already in his hands, so Yue Wanfeng won't want to go back. Yue Wanfeng waved his hand and said: "You don't have to be polite. If your news is not true, you still have to get a golden blood dragon scale."

"It's natural."

Gao Xianzhuan said very confidently: "My premonition is very good. The founder is worried that these two old men will definitely harm you!"

Yue Wanfeng really laughed now: "Okay, I'll wait and see."

He originally wanted to send Gao Xian away, but after thinking for a moment he said: "You are so interested in things from the Tianhua Sect, in fact you should go to the Xuanming Sect. They are full of artifacts and secrets left by the Great Five Elements Sect and the Tianhua Sect. .”


Gao Xian waved his hand hurriedly: "I just practice the Five Elements Kung Fu and that's why I like these. I have nothing to do with these two sects. Patriarch Mingjian!"

"As far as I know, the Xuanming Sect contains the Great Five Elements Sect's highest secret method, the Great Five Elements Divine Light."

Yue Wanfeng looked at Gao Xian deeply as he spoke, "You may not know that if you want to achieve Taoism and become a god through the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, you must have the Great Five Elements Divine Light to protect you."

Gao Xian said nothing, but his face was full of undisguised suspicion. He has a complete set of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and there are detailed records on how to achieve divine transformation, but there is no such thing as the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

In addition, Teacher Xuanhua never said anything about this.

"What you have received is just scattered inheritance. It is normal not to know this. The Great Five Elements Kung Fu gathers the power of the five elements. When the soul is condensed, it will definitely trigger the five elements of heavenly fire."

Yue Wanfeng said: "Even if you have the Zhiyang treasure, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand the power of the five elements of heavenly fire."

Without waiting for Gao Xian to speak, Yue Wanfengzhuan added: "The Xuanming Taoist Taoist Examination is held every three hundred years. The thirty-six sects can recommend two to three people to participate. If they can pass the Taoist examination, they can be awarded the title by the Taoist Court." He is the true king. This vase is blessed by the Heavenly Lord and recorded on the Heavenly List, which is extremely important.

"If you can get the top spot on the Heavenly Ranking, you can enter Bai Yujing and choose secret techniques at will. At that time, the Great Five Elements Divine Light will naturally be easily available."

Yue Wanfeng smiled: "If you work hard and get the Golden Blood Dragon Scale, I will recommend you to take the Taoist exam."

Only then did Gao Xian understand that what Yue Wanfeng said was actually asking him to work hard. There are rewards for good work!

He was dubious, but before he could speak, Yue Wanfeng had already waved his hand to tell him to get out.

There was no other way, so Gao Xian could only return to the ninth level of the Taiming Spiritual Realm and find Yue Shenxiu and others.

Seeing Gao Xian back, Jin Yang, Kai Yang, and Dai Yuheng were all visibly relieved. Since the Patriarch didn't do anything to Gao Xian, he obviously recognized what Gao Xian said.

Gao Xian said to Jin Yang and the others: "Let's hide here for a few days. Take this opportunity to rest and adjust..."

Jin Yang nodded. Indeed, normally they should rest. This place is secretive and protected by a magic circle, so you can rest safely here.

The three Nascent Soul Lords went to rest deep in the cave and used talismans to isolate themselves from Gao Xian and the others. Everyone's consciousness is too strong, and only by using magic talismans can they guarantee their privacy.

Yue Shenxiu also cast a spiritual talisman to seal the surrounding space. Then she looked at Gao Xian: "What did the Patriarch say?"

"The Patriarch praised me greatly. He even gave me the Great Five Elements Sword Sutra of Killing Gods as an award."

Gao Xian was in a very good mood, hugging Yue Shenxiu and bragging for a while, which made Yue Shenxiu and Qingqing dizzy.

Yue Shenxiu originally had a lot of problems, and when he saw this, he understood that Gao Xian didn't want to say more. The relationship between the two is so close, and since Gao Xian doesn't say anything, he really can't. She wisely did not ask further questions...

Staying in the cave with nothing to do, Gao Xian originally wanted to take out the "Great Five Elements God-killing Sword Sutra" and study it, but then he thought about it but couldn't do it. He also had to take care of Taixuan's divine appearance, so he couldn't be distracted at this moment.

At this moment, Yuan Wuxian has disappeared. Only Wang Yuan took a group of Nascent Souls and sneaked into the Taiming Spiritual Realm. Gao Xian followed Wang Yuan. He felt like a group of kittens were scratching and scratching in his heart, making him feel itchy and uncomfortable.

It's just that the Taimingling Realm is too big. Not to mention that Yuan Wuxian is a god-incarnated demon king, even if a Yuan Ying is thrown into it, it will be difficult for him to find him.

At this point, I just hope that a few Avatars can make some noise. It would be nice for him to go watch the game and maybe take advantage of it.

At the same time, Yuan Tianyizheng and Yue Wanfeng arrived at the top of a deep valley.

Yuan Tianyi pointed downward and said: "The auras of Fellow Daoist Wanshou and Fellow Deer are inside, so this should be it..."

To Yuan Tianyi's surprise, Yue Wanfeng stopped suddenly. He was a little puzzled: "Wanfeng, what?"

Yue Wanfeng looked at the valley below. There was indeed the aura of Wanshou and Lu Xuanji in it, and there was also a faint, strange spiritual energy that was as vague as smoke, if not there.

The atmosphere inside and outside this valley is divided into different levels, and there must be something weird inside.

If Gao Xian hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have cared about it. The Taiming Spirit Realm is inherently dangerous. The Nine-sectioned Yellow Dragon is a top-notch divine object, so it is normal for there to be strange things in its hiding place.

Now, he doesn't want to go in.

Yue Wanfeng said to Yuan Tianyi: "I always feel something is wrong. Brother Taoist, we'd better be more careful..."

Yuan Tianyi felt a little uneasy, and he was just one step away from entering the Great Tribulation God-Destroying Formation, but when he reached the Ten Thousand Peaks, he didn't move. This is a bit troublesome.

The God-Destroying Order of Ten Thousand Tribulations is a fifth-level top-notch artifact given by that person, which can block all inspirations and reactions from heaven and earth. At this point, Chunyang Taoist Master would find it difficult to see the problem. How could Yue Wanfeng realize something was wrong? (End of chapter)

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