Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 561 Conquering Demons

Wang Yuan, the master of Yemo Palace, is also one of the most powerful people in the late Yuan Ying stage in Yuan Mo Sect.

Although this smiling person looks good-tempered, he is actually cruel and tough. He has killed countless cultivators in order to train the Nine Sons Yin Demon.

The two Nascent Soul Lords who were traveling with him all knew Wang Yuan's strengths and weaknesses, especially Wang Yuan's Nine Sons of Yin Demon, which could be replaced with Yin God, which was extremely subtle. But they were destroyed in one blow by that man's sword. This frightened the two Nascent Souls so much that they turned around and ran away without hesitation.

It wasn't that Wang Yuan was incompetent, Gao Xian also used all his strength to kill him as quickly as possible. The Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Magic Sword is a fifth-level divine weapon, so it can defeat the Nine Yin Demons with one sword.

Gao Xian's true body activated the Infinity Sword and the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Heavenly Clothes, even the six-tailed celestial fox couldn't bear it, let alone Wang Yuan.

There are thirteen Yuan Ying True Lords in Yuan Mo Sect, each of whom has cultivated his or her abilities. Gao Xian didn't know when Yuan Wuxian's side would end, and he didn't dare to delay.

Besides, this group of Yuan Ying from the Yuan Demon Sect gathered together in a large group, and they were very powerful. If he wants frontal hard steel, he will definitely have to run away a lot.

It's still the pleasure of being attacked from behind. To be able to become the True Lord of the Demon Sect's Nascent Soul, you have to do this kind of thing. Being killed by him is also karma.

Now that Gao Xian has taken action, how can he allow these two people to escape? His blood god flag flickered and the blood light swept in all directions like a tide. Although the two Nascent Soul Lords escaped from the light quickly, they could not reach him faster than he could activate the blood god flag.

The bloody tide rolled across the sky, immediately involving the two Nascent Soul Lords.

The Blood God Banner in his hand is an artifact left by Yan Ming. After decades of refining, its power has been greatly improved. The Blood God Flag alone is enough to suppress two Nascent Soul Lords.

However, killing these two requires the main body to take action.

Gao Xian's body activated the strongest Infinite Sword Intent, turning into an almost invisible sword light that went straight into the sea of ​​blood.

A Nascent Soul Lord sensed something was wrong and hurriedly activated the Yin Magic Wand. Only then did a huge Yin Demon transformed by black energy emerge, and the invisible and formless sword light had already fallen.

The huge Yin Demon broke silently, and the invisible and formless sword light also revealed a stream of light due to the violent sword energy.

The Nascent Soul Master hurriedly activated the soul-capturing bell in his hand, and a large translucent bell emerged, trapping him in it. The soul-catching bell was still buzzing and ringing, emitting a majestic sound that shocked the soul.

The blood tide sweeping around was shattered by the huge bell, and a space was opened in the turbulent sea of ​​blood.

The Soul-Calling Bell was made with an unknown amount of the essence and blood of wronged souls, and various special materials were added to it. It is extremely thick and can be said to be the ultimate protective spiritual weapon. Especially avoid swords, knives, flying needles and other magic weapons that use sharpness to defeat the enemy.

Although the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword in Gao Xian's hand is sharp, he cannot break the Soul-Calling Bell with one strike. If it were just this one Nascent Soul of the Demon Sect, Gao Xian wouldn't even have to attack him, he would just spend a while with him.

The more powerful the magic weapon is, the more mana and consciousness it consumes. The Soul-Calling Bell is so thick that the Nascent Soul cannot hold it even after handling it for a while.

Now I don't have time to spend with each other.

With a move of his left hand, Gao Xian took out the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip. The lightning in his eyes flashed and at the same time he used the supreme power of the Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra to lash out against the opponent's Soul-Calling Bell.

Zixiao Tianshu's Demon Subduing Golden Whip weighs three hundred and sixty pounds, and the power it explodes when activated by Gao Xian's divine power is so fierce and fierce. The key is that this part of the power is completely condensed on the golden whip, and the power of Zixiao Thunder is layered together.

There was a dull explosion and the thick soul-stirring bell shattered. Although the Nascent Soul Master was fine physically after receiving this blow, his Yin Shen was almost exploded by the shock. He was completely stunned and his eyes were distracted.

Taixuan Shenxiang has already come over and rolled up the Blood God Banner to include the Nascent Soul Lord into the Blood God Banner. Only then did the man wake up, but it was already too late.

The Blood God Son in the Blood God Banner pounced forward and swallowed the Nascent Soul in the blink of an eye. There is a person struggling in the stomach of the Blood God Son, but the strength of the struggle is getting weaker and weaker.

Taixuan Shenxiang didn't care either. No matter how strong this person was ten times stronger, it would be difficult for him to break away from the Blood God Banner. After all, it was a powerful magic weapon that could specifically restrain the Yin God.

Gao Xian took this opportunity to use his sword to catch up with another Nascent Soul, who pulled out a long black sword. Gao Xian smiled instead. If the other person took the sword, he was looking for death!

He turned into a formless and invisible sword light and moved upwards. The Nascent Soul Lord's horizontal sword activated a ball of Yin Fire Sword Qi, and instantly the black flame Sword Qi shot up to a height of more than a hundred feet.

This man's cultivation is very pure, and his swordsmanship is also very good. It's a pity that the level of swordsmanship is far different from that of Gao Xian. As soon as he activated his powerful sword, Gao Xian sensed the flaw in this man's sword.

The formless sword light fell, soundlessly penetrating the void of the opponent's sword. By the time this person realized something was wrong, it was already too late. A wisp of water-like sword light had already penetrated his body and killed his Yin Shen...

Within a few breaths, Wang Yuan and the two Nascent Soul Lords were killed by Gao Xian.

The three Nascent Soul Sovereigns were all included in the Blood God Banner by the Taixuan God. Well, one of them is not completely dead, but fortunately it does not affect the overall situation.

Wang Yuan and the True Monarch Nascent Soul were killed, and they both left behind a red aura like a snake, which was the prohibition of the God-Destroying Order of Ten Thousand Tribulations on their souls.

Both Yin gods were destroyed, but the prohibition of the God-Destroying Order of Ten Thousand Tribulations was not broken. This also surprised Gao Xian. This artifact was much more powerful than he expected.

The two restraints of the Ten Thousand Tribulation God-Destroying Order are comparable to two fourth-level top-grade divine talismans, and are even higher in level.

Gao Xian felt that this thing was useful, but he didn't know how to use it for a while. Anyway, it’s better to put it away first.

Yuan Wuxian wants to kill Lu Xuanji and Yue Wanfeng, who are powerful gods. No matter how careful the arrangement is, they will still have to kill them for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, first destroy all the thirteen Yuan Yings of the Yuan Demon Sect. Gao Xian was not worried about Yue Wanfeng. He had already told him in advance that if Yue Wanfeng was still beaten to death, he would be too stupid and he would deserve to die.

Wang Yuan and others were killed. The surging mana and the blood god flags sweeping across all directions also attracted the attention of the other ten Nascent Souls.

According to Wang Yuan's order, the fourteen Nascent Souls were divided into three groups, about thirty miles away from each other. Enemies found within this distance can be quickly supported.

According to Yuan Wuxian, the two opposing sects have a total of eleven Nascent Soul Lords, and their mana and consciousness will be suppressed by the Taiming Spiritual Realm.

With fourteen Nascent Souls together, it is not a sure win. No one could have imagined that Gao Xian was causing trouble. As soon as he took action, he eliminated the strongest group of Nascent Soul Lords.

The remaining two groups of Nascent Soul Lords were so far apart that they could only sense huge mana fluctuations, but they didn't know what had happened.

Wang Yuan and the others died too quickly, and there was no time to send a message to the outside world. The main reason was that they were all in a hurry to escape for their lives and had no intention of sending a message or report. Two groups of Nascent Souls approached Gao Xian at the same time.

Ten Nascent Souls together would be too many. Although Gao Xian was confident that he could win, there was no need to take risks.

He released Qingqing and asked Qingqing to use his sword to stop a group of Nascent Soul Lords. Taixuan Shenxiang controlled the Blood God Banner but stopped another group of Nascent Souls.

Qingqing still doesn't know what happened, but she has now been promoted to Sword Master and holds the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword. The suppression of demonic energy in the Taiming Spiritual Realm has not had a great impact on her.

Qingqing controlled the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword and turned it into a bright and clear sword light, and rushed towards a group of Nascent Soul cultivators.

In the blink of an eye, the bright and pure sword light appeared in front of the five Nascent Soul monks. Several Nascent Soul Lords from the Demon Sect were very cautious. They didn't know what was going on and didn't dare to move.

Look at the bright green sword again, and the demonic energy naturally retreats on both sides where the sword light passes.

It was obvious that the Nascent Soul Sword Lord on the other side was still holding a divine sword.

Several Nascent Soul Lords activated their spiritual weapons each. One of them used the Five Ghost Soul-Calming Hammer. He was the first to control the Five Ghosts and rush towards Qingqing.

The five evil spirits turned into black giant hammers and attacked Qingqing from five directions. The combination of Qingqing's body and sword was so agile. In an instant, the sword light broke through the blockade of five evil spirits.

At this time, the other four Nascent Soul Lords also used their secret magic weapons. For a moment, the wind roared and ghosts filled the sky.

Qingqing knew how powerful these Nascent Soul Sovereigns were, and she did not dare to fight them head-on. She just relied on the magical power of combining her body and sword to move around the five Nascent Soul Sovereigns.

The fifth-level Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword showed great power at this time. The most important thing is not to be trapped by the various secret techniques and spiritual weapons of the five Demonic Souls.

Although these five Nascent Souls have strong magic power, they cannot catch Qingqing. No matter what secret magical weapon is thrown at it, it can be cracked with a single sweep of the clear sword light.

In addition, the five Nascent Souls were also wary. They didn't know what masters were hiding around them, and they were unwilling to take risks. They thought very well that they still had many Nascent Soul Lords.

They only had to delay for a while until they all gathered together. No matter what abilities this sword master had, he would definitely die.

The leader, Nascent Soul True Monarch Yin Zimei, held the Ten Thousand Flowers Soul-Seizing Umbrella in her hand, but did not attack. Instead, first use the Yuan Demon Order to contact other Yuanying True Lords and ask them to come and gather.

Yin Zimei contacted Wang Yuan first, but there was no breath, which made her feel very bad. She hurriedly contacted Chang Tiejun from another group. This man was good at the magic of Hunyuan Hercules and was the most powerful. He was an extremely rare fourth-level body-cultivating Nascent Soul.

The spiritual light on the Yuan Demon Order shines, and it has established a resonance with Chang Tiejun's Yuan Demon Order.

Before Yin Zimei could transmit her spiritual consciousness, Chang Tiejun's angry howl came from the Yuan Demon Order: "Honglian is a traitor, what the hell is this guy?"

Before the voice conveyed by the divine consciousness could finish speaking, the aura on the Yuan Demon Token suddenly dimmed.

Yin Zimei felt something bad, and she activated her Yuanling Demonic Eyes to look into the distance. The restriction of the Ten Thousand Tribulations God-Destroying Order could help her circulate the demonic energy, but it could not solve the strong interference of the demonic energy with the secret arts.

Even from a distance of dozens of miles, she could only see a sea of ​​blood surging in the distance. Nothing else is visible at all.

Yin Zimei didn't know whether to go up to support or turn around and leave. Just as she was weighing the pros and cons, she saw the bloody light sweeping towards them in the distance.

She couldn't help but be shocked, Chang Tiejun and the others were dead now? Wang Yuan and the others are also dead?

Yin Zimei couldn't care about that much at the moment. As soon as she turned the Ten Thousand Flowers Soul-Seizing Umbrella in her hand, her spiritual light shone and she was about to run away.

However, a bright sword light fell through the air and struck the rapidly turning Ten Thousand Flowers Soul Seizing Umbrella. The sword light failed to cut open the soul-stealing umbrella, but only inspired thousands of bright red flowers to change in mana.

This sword was so clever that it destroyed Yin Zimei's escape.

The sweeping blood light rolled in like a long river, and in an instant it dyed the surrounding void red.

Taixuan Shenxiang held the Blood God Banner in his hand and looked down coldly at Yin Zimei and other Nascent Soul Lords, with a deep and cold look in his eyes.

Yin Zimei shouted loudly: "Honglian, are you crazy?!"

"The evil heretic is not going to die!"

Gao Xian's body was full of blood and fire, and the demonic aura was overwhelming, but his words were righteous and righteous, as if he was a righteous man who conquered demons.

Yin Zimei and several other demon sect Nascent Soul Real Lords all looked strange. With this look, the other party dared to say that they were evil heretics. Fortunately, he could say it out loud!

Gao Xian waved the Blood God Banner in his hand, and the Blood God Son turned into a blood shadow and hit Yin Zi Mei. The cultivator of the Demon Sect is selfish. As long as he shows his strength, a group of Nascent Souls will collapse without a fight.

Killing Yin Zimei first is undoubtedly the best strategy.

Yin Zimei hurriedly turned the Ten Thousand Flower Soul-Seizing Umbrella, and countless mana turned into red peach blossoms and flew down from the sky.

These spells look very gorgeous, but Peach Blossom is tempered with countless essences and blood, and has various changes that can seize souls and enchant gods. This is also one of the magic methods of demon ecstasy. It is the top secret method of the demon sect and is extremely superb.

The fallen blood shadow suddenly pulled out the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword and slashed it at the Ten Thousand Flowers Soul-Seizing Umbrella. The delicate paper umbrella immediately shattered and opened a deep crack, and the flying peach blossoms dimmed and decayed at the same time.

Yin Zimei was horrified, this guy still had such a vicious artifact in his hand! She had the intention of retreating and was about to use the secret method to escape at all costs, when an invisible and formless sword light penetrated from the back of her head.

The extremely sharp sword also killed the Yin purple-browed Yin Shen. The true form of Gao Xian, who is wearing white clothes and holding a sword, is also revealed.

The other four Nascent Soul Lords had no fighting spirit at all, so they dispersed in a hurry upon seeing this.

Gao Xian sneered, how could he still want to leave after arriving here?

Regardless of whether Yuan Wuxian succeeds or not, he will kill him first. A group of demon sect Nascent Souls, no matter how cultivated they are, each one has powerful essence and blood. This time, the Blood God Banner is greatly fattened... (End of Chapter)

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