Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 567 Blood River Scripture

Chapter 567 Blood River Scripture

Yuan Mo Sect is not inferior to Wanfeng Sect, a large sect. Demon Dao Sect is good at looting and has nearly ten thousand years of accumulation. You can imagine how rich the treasures in the treasure house are.

Spiritual stones, elixirs, spiritual objects, magic weapons, and secret techniques are all sorted in an orderly manner and neatly placed on solid wooden shelves.

Most items have numbered bronze medals with names, properties, and more.

Although Gao Xian had expected it beforehand, he still couldn't restrain his excitement when he saw a large number of treasures placed in front of him.

It is no exaggeration to say that any item taken out here is enough for Jin Dan to break his head and fight for it.

He wiped out several sects, and the richest one was undoubtedly the Blood God Sect. The Blood God Sect's inventory is less than one percent of what is here.

The best thing to check is the spiritual stones. There are a total of 230,000 top-grade spiritual stones, and there are no other-grade spiritual stones. Just these spiritual stones made him rich instantly.

Even if Yue Wanfeng and other powerful gods have so many spirit stones, they have to maintain the operation of such a large sect and cannot use them at will.

So many spiritual stones for him to use alone, that is a completely different concept.

However, how to spend so many spiritual stones is also a problem. He could still make sense after taking out several thousand top-quality spiritual stones. There is no way to explain it after taking out 10,000 or 20,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

Yue Wanfeng would not do anything to him, but no one was stupid. Yuanmo Sect's treasure house was raided, but he suddenly became rich. It is difficult not to connect the two.

Gao Xian was not afraid of offending Yuan Wuwu, but he did not want to expose his vest.

Guren is Guren and Gao Xian is Gao Xian. These two cannot be mixed together.

Apart from spiritual stones, other things are difficult to identify. Even if there were names and numbers, Gao Xian didn't recognize most of them.

The Yuan Mo Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and various secret techniques are passed down in an orderly manner. To put it simply, he has his own unique understanding of spiritual practice.

Differences in the practice system, the magic sect's spiritual objects, elixirs, and magical weapons are all of their own, which is very different from normal sects.

The spiritual objects, elixirs, and magic weapons here are all the best needed by demon cultivators. For Gao Xian, only the part that matches the blood nerves can be used.

Most other things, although valuable, were of no use to him. I can only look at finding a suitable place to dispose of it later.

All those that are unknown or useless are included in the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

There is a universe in this divine sword. If the Great Freedom Peak can take it away, he can put it into the White Emperor's Transformation Sword and take it away.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to move such a big mountain into the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword. Even if he achieves enlightenment and becomes a god, he can't do it. Maybe it won't be difficult to move a mountain when he achieves Chunyang.

Gao Xian took them all away regardless of whether he knew them or not.

When he walked to the last wooden frame, he found that the wooden frame actually had a separate spell restriction.

There were only three items on the wooden shelf. The middle one was a blood-red robe, or more precisely, a neatly folded piece of blood-red cloth. The texture looked like red nephrite, and it was so smooth that the texture of the fabric could not be seen.

This piece of cloth was densely covered with countless ant-sized words. Gao Xian observed the words attentively, only to find that the words were like living creatures, constantly changing.

The fabric did not have any markings on the bronze medal. Gao Xian had never seen this thing before, or even heard of similar treasures.

However, he could tell at a glance that this treasure was related to blood nerves. It is likely to be a higher-level blood nerve inheritance.

Gao Xian couldn't help but look happy. The blood nerve in his hand could be cultivated to the level of god transformation, but in his opinion, the intention of this blood nerve was not too high, and the transformation into god would be the end.

Furthermore, blood nerves are not the same version. Just like the blood nerves practiced by Yan Ming, there must be some slight differences from his blood nerves.

These subtle differences are actually the result of countless practitioners improving and optimizing the secret method.

If his goal was just to transform into a god, the blood nerves in his hands would be enough.

The problem is that after going through so much, his goal is no longer to become a god. Pure Yang, Mahayana, Earth Immortal, and even Ascension Immortal Realm.

Looking up, the world is so vast. Transformation into a god is actually nothing.

Magical methods are so strange that they can alienate people's minds. However, at Chunyang's level, these problems should have been solved long ago, right?

Gao Xian wasn't sure about this, but it was always good to have a way to Chunyang, at least one more option.

On the left side of the red cloth recording the secret technique, there is a black-gold egg. Well, it looks like a goose egg. As for what it was specifically, he couldn't tell.

On the right side is a closed jade box, but you can’t tell what it is.

There is no doubt that these three items are the most valuable in this treasure house. Therefore, special restrictions are used to close it.

Gao Xian thought about it for a while. The restriction seemed very powerful. If it was touched, the three treasures would probably be sent elsewhere. Or send a message to the outside world?

Gao Xian was not proficient in magic circles and was not sure what the use of this thing was. However, this thing can't stop him. He activated his four-foot-long sword, and the Wuji sword cut through all the restrictions, and the light of the sword swept away the three treasures at the same time.

The broken restriction turned into a little light and instantly broke through the void and disappeared without a trace.

Yuan Wuxian, who was billions of miles away, suddenly felt something. With her calmness, her heart sank: "It's broken!"

The sect's treasure house was forcibly broken into, and the other party also took away three fifth-level sacred objects: "Blood River Scripture", "Golden Demon Tiangang Bone", and "Karma Fire Red Lotus".

For something so precious, she should keep it close to her. It’s just that these three magical objects are very special and cannot be carried by ordinary storage space.

But she didn't need it, so she could only store it in the treasure house. In order to prevent accidents, she also specially set up secret magic restrictions. As long as someone touches the forbidden area, she will be able to sense it.

Unexpectedly, something happened to the sect at this critical moment.

If only the treasure house was stolen, although the loss would be great, it would not be unacceptable. The problem is that if the opponent can break through the formation and break into the treasure house, he must have peerless power.

If such a person went on a killing spree in the sect, the foundation of the sect would be destroyed.

She set up a formation here to wait for Zhenhong, but the old guy didn't dare to come down at all. He just relied on the order of Pu Hua Lei Zun to kill demons and ward off evil spirits to deal with her.

The other party was so afraid of death that her plan had no chance of succeeding. Just killing a Lu Xuanji doesn't mean much.

Yuan Wuxian glanced at Lu Xuanji, who was still struggling to hold on. It was not difficult to kill Lu Xuanji with the God-Destroying Order of Ten Thousand Tribulations. However, it was a bit dangerous for Lu Xuanji's last soul to self-destruct.

The key is that Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi will not take risks. If the situation is really bad, they will flee immediately. If you want to kill Lu Xuanji quickly, you must use the peerless magical power of the Ten Thousand Tribulations God-Destroying Order.

It would be too wasteful to use such magical power on Lu Xuanji. The sect didn't know what happened and had no time to deal with the other party.

Yuan Wuxian's mind turned and he made a decision instantly. Since the plan failed, there was no need to waste time on Lu Xuanji. Even if this woman doesn't kill her, she can put some pressure on Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou. The two provincial wall grasses are swinging back and forth...

She said to Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou: "If there is an emergency, I will take the first step."

Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou didn't hide their surprise. Yuan Wuwu was actually leaving at such a critical moment? What's going on?

They were bad guys for nothing, but they gained nothing!

Yuan Wuxian didn't care what the two of them thought. She used her spiritual consciousness to urge the Yuan Demon Order to contact Wang Yuan and others, but found that there was no response from a group of people.

Only then did she become alarmed. Are Wang Yuan and the others dead? !

Yuan Wuxian's heart was full of murderous intent, and with a finger of the Ten Thousand Tribulations God-Destroying Order in her hand, a red dragon shadow penetrated Xuan Tian Zun's Dharma Appearance and landed on Lu Xuanji.

Lu Xuanji's face changed drastically. The precious light around her body shone but still could not block the red dragon shadow. Her body suddenly shattered into a mist of blood...

Lu Xuanji, whose flesh body was shattered, also manifested his natal soul.

If Yuan Wuxian took action again, he would be 50 or 60% sure of destroying Lu Xuanji, but she activated the magic talisman to establish contact with a secret teleportation circle deep in the Great Freedom Palace. The next moment, she turned into light and soared into the sky.

Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou who were left behind hesitated for a moment, and then each activated their talismans to break through the air and escape.

Lu Xuanji Yuanshen stopped where she was, with a look of confusion on her bright face. She wondered why these three transformed gods had run away.

In the Yuan Demon Palace, Gao Xian was thinking about how to break the Ten Thousand Demons and Ten Ultimate Magic Formation.

He guessed that Yuan Wuxian might know that the treasure house had been robbed, but he didn't care much.

The teleportation formation in Xuyun Palace was destroyed by him, and even the formation master couldn't fix it for a while. Without the guidance of the coordinates of the magic circle, Yuan Wuxian could not return even if he had the space to move his magical power.

Of course, since Yuan Mo Sect is so big, there may be several space magic circles hidden there. The problem is that Yuan Wuxian is fighting, how can she come back!

To put it ten thousand steps back, if Yuan Wuxian just teleports back, he can also teleport away.

After taking everything, it was logically time to leave. However, Gao Xian refused to leave. He had not forgotten the Qingyun Sect's great hatred to destroy the entire family.

This time, let alone destroy the Yuan Mo Sect, at least kill them happily.

There is no one in charge of the Ten Thousand Demons and Ten Jue Formation. As long as Yuan Wuwu does not come back, relying on Yuan Mo Sect and these Yuanying True Lords, if they can escape under his hands, it will be considered powerful. Who can stop him!

Gao Xian was scratching his head a little now. He relied on trickery to crack the magic circle. If he couldn't do it, he was a little confused. Not to mention that he has not studied the magic circle, even if the master of the fourth-level magic circle is here, he may not be able to break the restrictions of the Ten Thousand Demons and Ten Ultimate Formation...

"How about withdrawing first? They say it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge..."

Gao Xian was retreating when he suddenly felt something in his heart.

He looked up and saw the light shining on the door that was blocked by the magic circle and was about to be opened.

"It's not good..." Gao Xian immediately realized that it was Yuan Wuxian who was back!

(End of this chapter)

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