Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 569 Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes

"Small Formless Demon Sutra" is a very mysterious and profound secret method. In terms of level, it is still above the "Blood Nerve" he studied.

Huang Sanli also showed him the subtlety of the "Small Formless Heavenly Demon Sutra", which can freely imitate various secret techniques, ever-changing and extremely pure.

Gao Xian was very impressed by this. If he didn't have three great Nascent Souls, his cultivation level would absolutely crush Huang Sanli's, and he had the divine sword in his hand, he could easily kill Huang Sanli.

Among the many Nascent Soul Lords he met, Huang Sanli was undoubtedly the best. What he relies on is nothing more than the "Small Formless Demon Sutra".

This top-notch magic sect secret technique can exert great power with the blessing of this demon relic fragment.

The most wonderful use of the Demonic Relic fragments is that they can convert mana attributes at will, so that they can imitate various secret techniques.

If he revised the "Small Formless Heavenly Demon Sutra", it would also be compatible with the "Blood Nerve". The Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword and the Blood Divine Banner can be controlled by any of the divine weapons.

On the other hand, with the "Small Formless Heavenly Demon Sutra", he can use the Golden Demon Heavenly Gang Bone. This is a fifth-level divine object.

If it can be integrated into Taixuan Shenxiang, Taixuan Shenxiang can immediately have a powerful physical body. By simulating the immortal body of the Golden Demon Tiangang, the power of the Golden Demon Tiangang Bone can be brought into play.

The Golden Demon Tiangang Bone not only makes the bones indestructible, but also contains thirty-six kinds of Tiangang changes, which is equivalent to solidifying thirty-six kinds of Tiangang secret techniques on the bones.

Of course, these Tiangang secret techniques are all secrets of the Golden Demon Sect. Combined with the immortal body of the Golden Demon Tiangang, it has powerful power. You can even compete with the powerful ones who transform themselves into gods.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel a little moved when he thought of this.

However, we can’t just look at the benefits. The fragments of the demon's relic are the things left by the demon. No one can tell what else is hidden inside.

Demons are the best at playing with souls.

He has three divine clones that can withstand physical damage. There is only one soul. If the soul is contaminated by the devil, even with Sister Lan's protection, he dare not say that he will be safe and sound.

The same goes for the Golden Demon Tiangang Bone. These magical artifacts are half born and half refined. Otherwise, where would the Tiangang secret method come from.

The one who can refine the Golden Demon Tiangang Bone can reach the lowest level of fifth-level god transformation, or even the sixth-level pure yang. It is very normal and even very reasonable for such a strong person to leave backdoor restrictions on his own refining of divine objects.

After careful consideration, Gao Xian gave up the plan.

Other cultivators wouldn't have much choice, so naturally they couldn't miss it if they had such a magical object. With Fengyue Baojian in hand, he has laid a deep foundation and formed the three great Nascent Souls, which will give him a great chance to attain enlightenment and become a god.

It would be stupid to put your own safety at risk just for the sake of gain.

Gao Xian decided to use the second method, which was to use this demon relic as a spiritual object to break through the Tai Chi Xuanguang Formless Heavenly Clothes.

When he got this fragment of the demon's relic, he naturally knew that this object matched the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Heavenly Clothes. It can break through this secret method that has reached the perfect state of a master to a higher level.

During the Qi training stage, Gao Xian especially liked the Shadowless Vestment, which combined multiple functions such as detection, combat, and concealment, allowing him to deal with various problems in Pegasus with ease.

The shadowless robes were upgraded along the way, helping him solve many problems. The Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Heavenly Clothes even helped him break through many magic formations, allowing him to sweep away many sect treasure houses.

Without this method, he would not be able to crack those sect formations at all.

The magic circle is the most complex and difficult one in the cultivator system. Refining alchemy, refining weapons, and drawing talismans are all difficult at the entry level. After getting started, as long as you work hard and work hard, you will always achieve something.

This is not the case with the magic circle. It is difficult to get started, and it becomes increasingly difficult after that. If you don't have talent, you really can't understand anything.

A sect may not know how to refine weapons, make elixirs, or draw talismans, but it cannot know how to arrange magic circles. The protection of the magic circle can improve the safety of the sect tenfold and a hundredfold.

Gao Xian had studied the magic circle, but he knew that he had no talent in this area, so he could only rely on trickery to break the magic circle. In his view, the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Phaseless Heavenly Clothes undoubtedly played an extremely important role.

Use the fragments of demon relics to upgrade this secret technique, and you won't suffer at all.

Holding the fragments of the demon's relic in his hand, Gao Xian silently operated the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Heavenly Clothes, using secret techniques to establish resonance with the fragments of the demon's relic in his hand.

The two were in perfect harmony, and they quickly reached resonance under the guidance of his spiritual consciousness. During this process, Gao Xian sensed that the fragments of the demon's relic contained the magic of phaseless transformation.

In the phaseless state, all existence is broken down into the tiniest particles. Spiritual energy, matter, living beings, consciousness, etc., everything is composed of the tiniest particles.

Just with different composition modes, they present different states, forming a rich and complex world.

The formless state is transformed into any form through combination at the most subtle level.

This is the formless state that Gao Xian understands. In fact, there should be no living being that can achieve this step. Controlling the most basic particles to rearrange them at will is equivalent to omniscience and omnipotence...

When Gao Xian opened his eyes, the fragments of the demon relic in his hand had completely dissipated.

Looking at Fengyue Baojian again, Grandmaster Perfect's Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Tianyi has been upgraded.

Tai Chi mysterious light formless divine clothing: Tai Chi generates mysterious light and formless divine clothing. Controlling the five elements of yin and yang, breaking all laws and calamities, and possessing immeasurable magical powers. (501447/10 billion entry)

The Wuxiang Heavenly Clothes was upgraded to the Wuxiang Divine Clothes. A single change meant that the level of this secret method had been substantially improved.

There have also been some changes to the explanation of the secret method, which more directly indicates the level improvement of this method.

Gao Xian was happy but also a little helpless. It was very good to upgrade the secret method. The problem was that the human aura required to upgrade the secret method was very exaggerated.

Just the entry level requires one billion! To upgrade this secret technique to the full level, more than 10 billion humane auras are needed.

Judging from his current situation, it will take at least two hundred years. The key is that no matter what changes have occurred in the past two hundred years, he may not be able to steadily harvest so many humane auras. Other secret techniques, including the Thunder and Lightning Sutra, need to be upgraded, and after upgrading they require more humane aura.

Gao Xian sighed softly: "Cultural undertakings have a long way to go, and we still have to forge ahead and work hard..."

He was originally very satisfied with his Sanyuan Ying, but after seeing the power of the Taoist Transformation God, he found that he was still too weak.

Now he is not qualified to lie flat, so he still needs to curl up a little. At least write more novels and picture books and actively promote them.

To be honest, he is much lazier than he was two hundred years ago. It has been a long time since I thought about how to obtain more humane aura.

Novel and picture books are indeed useful, but they are still low-end entertainment products. In the world of cultivators, most people are busy practicing, acquiring resources, and dealing with various chores all day long, and most of them have no time to read novels.

He still needs to think carefully about how to better promote his works and gain more humane aura...

According to his understanding, the so-called aura of humanity is actually transformed by human desires. Fengyue Baojian, it must be related to Fengyue.

Traffic in this area is inconvenient and information is closed. For him, it's actually a good thing. For example, a picture book written two hundred years ago can be sold as a new book wherever you go.

There is also a very important reason for this, which is that the world order of cultivators is stable and the values ​​​​have not changed for thousands of years. As long as the story is fresh, readers will not be dissatisfied with the book.

After thinking about it at home for two days, Gao Xian came up with a way. He needed to go to a bigger stage to make a name for himself, so that he could quickly promote his book.

He has been to Tianhong City and done a lot of promotion. Now it seems that the intensity is still not enough. Too bad.

Tianhong City is just one of the Nine Cities of Xuanming.

The real center of Xuanming Nine Cities is Xuanming City! If he can become famous in Xuanming City and cooperate with Wanbaolou, the book may be promoted in Mingzhou.

Gao Xian didn't just have a sudden idea, but Yue Wanfeng told him about the Taoist test.

If you get the first place in the Taoist exam and enter Bai Yujing, you will get the Great Five Elements Divine Light!

Yue Wanfeng said that if he wanted to become a god, he must use the five elements of divine light. He is not convinced about this, but he does need the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

This peerless secret method was the foundation for the Great Five Elements Taoist to dominate the world. At least that's how he remembered it. That man harnessed the Great Five Elements Divine Light to fight one against three, and he did not fall behind!

With a handful of zero-yuan purchases from Yuan Mo Sect, he not only became rich, but also gained many valuable resources. The Wanfeng Sect's effect on him was also minimized. Going to a broader stage at this time is indeed a better choice.

The most important thing now is to get the golden blood dragon scale and win the favor of Lao Yue, so that he can get the qualification for the Taoist examination. As for whether Yue Shenxiu wants to go together, that depends on her.

Gao Xian feels that Yue Shenxiu will not go. She has won the trust of Yue Wanfeng and can get maximum support from Wanfeng Sect. After going to the Xuanming Sect, the situation is hard to say.

Of course, he still had to discuss this matter with Yue Shenxiu. Qiniang is not suitable to follow him either.

The Xuanming Sect doesn't know what's going on yet. Qiniang is only a golden elixir practitioner, so she can easily be treated as a soft persimmon by others.

Gao Xian has thought about his future plans and is in a very excited mood. The Xuanming Sect is the center of Mingzhou, and everyone has the opportunity to meet Taoist Chunyang.

Sixth-level Pure Yang is the most powerful person in Mingzhou! If Xuanyang Dao Zun has a keen eye and takes a fancy to his genius, then it is not impossible for him to join the Xuanming Sect. I don't think Yun Zaitian would object...

Gao Xian stayed at Qingyun Xiaozhu for three months. In addition to writing novels every day, he mainly studied Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothing.

This secret technique is undoubtedly the strongest secret technique he currently has. Its protective ability is comparable to the Five Elements Lotus Crown, and it can also be combined with various Five Elements spells to increase the power of the spells.

The most powerful one is of course the invisible change. At least in Wanfeng Sect, it can easily pass through the sect's protective formation.

Of course, there are two states: there are people controlling the formation and it is operating naturally. Taking Huang Sanli's formation of Ten Thousand Demons and Ten Ultimate Formations as a reference, it can no longer block the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes.

The most powerful thing is to cooperate with the Wuji Sword to push the invisible and phaseless changes to the extreme. Gao Xian and the six-tailed sky fox tested it, and the six-tailed sky fox's soul was not aware of it until he drew his sword. The Six-Tailed Sky Fox Yuanshen will not react until the sword light falls.

This huge change allowed him to kill the Six-tailed Sky Fox Yuanshen with ease. The improvement of a secret technique directly increased his combat effectiveness.

In autumn, Yue Wanfeng sent an order for Gao Xian, Yue Shenxiu and others to gather in the Taiming Spiritual Realm.

After several months of struggling, he finally invited the magic circle master Zhenye to clean up the Taiming Spiritual Realm and dismantle the magic circle arranged by Yuan Wuwu.

It's just that Yuan Tianyi's rebellion made things a little troublesome. For the time being, the two sects of the Immortality Sect and the Wanfeng Sect can only work together to clean up the monsters.

As for the matter of Yuan Tianyi, the senior officials of Xuanming Sect are also studying how to deal with it. After all, he is a powerful person who transforms into gods, but belongs to the Xuanming Sect in name only. Even if Yuan Tianyi and Yuan Wuxian join forces, they cannot convict him on this. This is no small matter.

There is no sufficient reason. As long as the Xuanming Sect convicts Yuan Tianyi, the other powerful gods in the thirty-six counties of Mingzhou will be in danger.

Yuan Tianyi and Yuan Wuxian joining forces is obviously not enough reason. After all, Yuan Tianyi didn't say anything about public betrayal, and his desire to kill Lu Xuanji could be regarded as a personal grudge.

The Xuanming Sect has never had a tradition of dealing with Shinto Lords.

Gao Xian is not interested in these big things. He just wants to get the golden blood dragon scale as soon as possible. Before, he was not sure that he would be able to kill the powerful fifth-level monster.

With the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Phaseless Divine Clothes, this is no longer a problem. The question is where is the monster with golden blood dragon scales?

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