Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 575 5 swords combined into 1

After leaving the Immortality Sect, Gao Xian urged the Great Universe to move the talisman and return to the Wanfeng Sect.

He is usually reluctant to use teleportation talismans, but this time is different. The Immortality Sect is too unsafe. Lu Xuanji was almost beaten to death, he was a Nascent Soul, so he should stop pretending.

Furthermore, he was too dizzy to turn around, and he was not suitable for traveling.

Back at Qingyun Xiaozhu, Qiniang was practicing, and Qingqing followed to join in the fun, mainly to protect the law.

He gave the Hunyuan Yiqi Pearl to Qiniang. For Qiniang, who was revising the Hunyuan Divine Power Sutra, having this magical object in hand would make her practice more effective with half the effort.

I had taken the fourth-level Nine-turn Dragon Elephant Pill given by him before, and with the pure Yang Baoguang protecting my soul, I was not afraid of going crazy. Qiniang's cultivation resources are sufficient, which also allows her to enter the ninth level of the golden elixir in two hundred years.

To say that this speed is already better than 99% of the golden elixir. But compared to Qingqing and Yueshenxiu, of course they are much inferior.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Qiniang's qualifications are only above average, so her current progress is already amazing.

Gao Xian swept away many sects and had many body-refining spiritual objects, but the body-refining spiritual objects must also be used in conjunction with the secret cultivation methods. There is absolutely no reason to use it indiscriminately.

Fortunately, the Hunyuan Sect still has some elixirs and spiritual objects, which are enough to push Qiniang to the realm of Yuanying. It just takes time to digest these resources and complete the physical training.

After watching Qiniang cultivating Gao Xian and Qing Qing for a while, he turned around and went to his quiet room.

After activating the magic circle, Gao Xian first took out the Innate Five Qi Returning Order. Lu Xuanji drew a big pie for him, but it was too far. This fourth-level artifact is what he can grasp now.

His current spiritual consciousness is as powerful as the transformation of a god. It is not difficult to use his spiritual consciousness to refine the central restraint of this artifact. It took two days to restrain and refine it.

At this point, Gao Xian has been able to control the Innate Five Qi Returning Order. However, there were complex restrictions hidden deep in this artifact, and he didn't know where to start. I can only put it aside for now.

Gao Xian urged the Great Five Elements Kung Fu. The Five Elements Mana was very consistent with the Innate Five Qi Guiyuan Order. Five palm-sized petals suddenly stretched out, which looked a bit like an open umbrella rib and a bit like a helicopter propeller. Just not that big.

The five spreading petals are as sharp and slender as a sword, and slightly wider than a sword.

Under the influence of his magic power, the five-color petals turned sharply like sword blades, turning into a five-color rotating blade wheel in front of him. If thrown out, it shouldn't be difficult to crush a Nascent Soul.

After all, it is a fourth-level artifact. Although it is not used in this way, it is also very useful as an offensive weapon.

As Gao Xian's consciousness moved, the rapidly rotating five-color divine light suddenly stopped, and the five blade-like petals emitted a long and trembling sound. The pure five-element mana flowing out of it spread out strips of five-color light in the air.

Gao Xian tried it out and already knew that this artifact was the basis of the "Great Five Elements Sword Sutra", but the name was different.

The Xiantian Wuqi Guiyuan Order was probably named by Lu Xuanji. It sounds fancy and cool. In fact, it should be called the Five Elements Guiyuan Sword Order.

The five petals on it are actually used to install the five divine swords.

Gao Xian first went to Taishi Hall to test hundreds of times and determined the usage of the Five Elements Guiyuan Sword Order.

Only then did he return to reality, and he took out the five swords including the Baidi Qiankun Transformed Sword, transformed them into the shape of four-foot sword blades, and placed them one by one on the unfolded petals.

The shapes of the five divine swords themselves can be changed, and they can be easily set into a unified shape on the petals. The five divine swords are in place, and the mana and petals on the divine swords naturally resonate.

There was a clear buzzing sound, the petals of five colors closed together, and the five divine swords also closed together. It's just that the five elements of sword energy above collide with each other, making it difficult to truly integrate.

Gao Xian has been practicing the "Great Five Elements God-killing Sword Sutra" for some time. He knows that it is impossible for such artifacts to fuse on their own. He must activate the secret method to channelize the changes in the sword's energy and refine the entire sword.

He activated his consciousness to run the Great Five Elements God-killing Sword Scripture, and slowly sorted out the five divine swords with the Guiyuan Sword Order as the center.

The five swords including the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword are all divine swords, and each sword has unique sword Qi restrictions. This restriction is ever-changing and extremely mysterious.

This is different from puzzle blocks. They don't just fit together. Only when the five swords form the five elements of positive and negative forces into one can the five swords be truly integrated into one.

Gao Xian refined it for a while, and finally managed to get the five swords to merge with the Guiyuan Sword Order. With a thought in his mind, the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword turned into white clothes and fell on him.

Before the five swords are truly integrated, he can use the Guiyuan Sword Order to activate the five swords at will, and the power of the sword can be increased by one to two percent.

If you want to truly unite the five swords into one, you need time to slowly refine them. He estimated that it would take at least one or two hundred years. With the help of Taishi Palace, you can continue to try and make mistakes, which should save a lot of time.

One or two hundred years seems like a long time, but it is actually nothing to Zhenjun Nascent Soul. Even for an ordinary fourth-level artifact, it would take one or two hundred years to completely refine it.

When you open Fengyue Baojian, you can see that the Great Five Elements Killing God Sword Sutra has reached the proficiency level, and it requires 50,000 proficiency levels to reach the next level.

Gao Xian estimated that he would have to practice this sword art at least to the master level before he could have a chance to fully integrate the five swords. Through the proficiency of this sword scripture, you can know the progress of refining the sword. The two are closely related.

This kind of thing should be allowed to take its course and never be done with too much force.

Gao Xian took out the jade box presented by Lu Xuanji and used his spiritual consciousness to unlock the seal and restrictions on the jade box, revealing ten golden pills inside.

It is round and flawless, the golden light is restrained, and it looks like it is cast from pure gold. There is no trace of medicinal fragrance.

This is also normal. For the fifth-level nine-turn elixir, the elixir must be as strong as gold and iron, so as to seal the power of the medicine. If the scent of medicine spreads, the medicinal power will have dissipated long ago after hundreds of years.

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, Gao Xian was able to conclude that this was a top-level fifth-level elixir. Lu Xuanji wanted to invest in him, so it was impossible to tamper with the elixir.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Gao Xian first tried the Tianyuan Five Energy Pill in Taishi Palace.

Taishi Hall simulates the changes of all living things, and actually has many, many uses. The simplest is to test the efficacy of magic weapons, spiritual objects, and elixirs.

In fact, the most important thing is to assist in cultivation. You can try various cultivation methods in Taishi Hall without worrying about going crazy or hurting yourself.

Gao Xian's rapid advancement in swordsmanship is also due to Sister Lan's super simulation changes. However, Taishi Palace also has great restrictions. In the Taiming Spiritual Realm, he watched the battle between several powerful gods. Although Taishi Palace could simulate it, it was only superficial, and there was no way to analyze the subtleties of the magic of the powerful gods.

There are also things that cannot be simulated like the Taishi Palace of Heavenly Tribulation.

However, the artifacts, elixirs, and spiritual objects in his hands can be completely reproduced by Taishi Palace. With this magical power, he can basically study and understand everything in his hands.

I took a piece of Tianyuan Wuqi Pill in Taishi Palace, and the effect was beyond imagination. To this end, Gao Xian conducted many kinds of tests.

Anyway, there is almost no consumption in the random simulation in Taishi Hall. For example, simulating eating ten elixirs together, simulating how to digest the medicine faster, etc.

There are only ten pills, so it would be impossible for anyone else to mess around with them. Gao Xian relied on Taishi Palace and struggled for more than two months. After thousands of tests, he found the best way to take the elixir.

Even in the most efficient mode, it would take half a year to digest one of these fifth-level nine-turn elixirs.

Through the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, combined with the blessing of the Innate Five Qi Returning Order and the five divine swords, and the use of the Small Five Elements Divine Light that he has comprehended, he can maximize the spiritual effect of the Tianyuan Five Qi Pills.

This elixir is really in line with the Great Five Elements Gong. To be precise, it is for the purpose of refining the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

Lu Xuanji has been busy for thousands of years, hunting down the remnants of the Tianhua Sect every day. Although this was her excuse to eradicate dissidents, she actually killed many Tianhua Sect inheritors and obtained many Tianhua Sect treasures.

Therefore, this woman knows the whereabouts of the Great Five Elements Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

Yue Wanfeng also had a treasure from the Five Elements Sect in his hand, and Gao Xian guessed that he might have interacted with a strong man from the Tianhua Sect before. Furthermore, originally most of the Tianhua Sect was located in Wanfeng County.

As the strongest person in Wanfeng County, the top treasures in the territory will eventually flow to Yue Wanfeng.

Gao Xian guessed that this man might have something good in his hands, but unfortunately, he only got two golden blood dragon scales, and he couldn't bring anything to trade with Yue Wanfeng for a while.

He was able to leave the Taiming Spiritual Realm because he completed his mission early. In five years, he, Yue Shenxiu and Qingqing killed seventeen dragon-shaped monsters. Now he still has ten dragon scales in his hand.

This thing is very valuable, but he has money in hand and there is no need to sell it. It might still come in handy if you keep it.

It was time to take the Taoist exam in ten years. Yue Wanfeng sold him a favor and put Qingqing on the Taoist exam list. This is of course a good thing for Qingqing.

The Xuanming Sect is the master of Mingzhou, and Chunyang Taoist Master is also in charge. One can imagine how many magical weapons and treasures Xuanming Church has. If you pass the Taoist exam, you can enter the Golden Palace to receive an artifact.

The top three can enter Bai Yujing to receive the artifact secret method. Of course, only the first place is eligible to choose the highest level of the Five Elements Divine Light.

Yue Wanfeng knew that Gao Xian was going to take the Taoist exam and it would be almost impossible to come back after he went there. He also stopped assigning tasks to Gao Xian.

Gao Xian practices at Qingyun Xiaozhu every day. He has the Tianyuan Five Qi Pills and the Xiantian Five Qi Guiyuan Order. He has made rapid progress in cultivation.

In the second year he reached the fifth level of Nascent Soul. After another three years, he reached the sixth level of Nascent Soul. In the tenth year, Gao Xian's cultivation reached the seventh level of Yuanying, and he officially became a powerful person in the late Yuanying stage.

This speed of cultivation is not only shocking in the past, but also very few people in the world can compare with it.

The ten Tianyuan Five Qi Pills were originally used at the level of deity transformation, but when used by other Nascent Souls, it is difficult to control the powerful medicinal power, so they must be practiced with caution.

However, Gao Xian has transformed into a god-level consciousness and can completely digest the power of the medicine to promote the rapid advancement of the Five Elements Gong.

Several years of practice, mastering the Five Qi Guiyuan Sword Order and five divine swords every day, also allowed him to reach the state of master perfection in the Great Five Elements Kung Fu. In other words, at the Nascent Soul level, his Five Elements Skills are extremely pure and there is no way to make any progress. It just takes time to accumulate mana.

However, there is no difficulty in cultivation for him. As long as you accumulate enough mana, you can naturally improve your cultivation level.

Judging from this speed, it won't take a hundred years to prepare to attain enlightenment and become a god.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's cultivation has progressed much more slowly, with almost no changes in the past ten years. The main reason is that the natal sword, the Baidi Qiankun Transformed Sword, is fused with other swords. This semi-fusion state interferes with Taiyuan's divine appearance.

Only when the five swords are completely integrated into the Great Five Elements God-killing Sword will Taiyuan Shenxiang's cultivation level be greatly improved.

However, among the three Nascent Souls, the one who has advanced the fastest is Taixuan Shenxiang. There are seventeen blood god relics in the Yuan Mo Sect's treasure house, and one of them was left by a powerful god-transformer.

The blood nerve is to plunder the essence, blood and soul, and you can quickly improve your cultivation level. It is also this heretical method that, as long as there are enough resources, the speed of cultivation is extremely amazing.

Taixuan Shenxiang practices in Liudao City of Yuanzhou. Because the demon relics provide huge energy power, he does not have high requirements for spiritual energy. In twenty years, Taixuan Shenxiang has reached the ninth level of Nascent Soul, and is only one step away from the tenth level.

This speed is much faster than the main body. However, this is using all the resources accumulated by Yuan Mo Sect for thousands of years on him. If it were another Blood God Sect demon cultivator with endless resource support, his progress would not be much slower than his.

At this point, Gao Xian didn't dare to go too fast. It is not that easy to survive the fire tribulation and become a soul. Especially since he is a demon cultivator, he has taken shortcuts and relied entirely on external forces to cultivate, so his foundation is far from solid.

Gao Xian is also considering asking Taixuan Shenxiang to practice the "Blood River Scripture", but this secret method is sealed and it is not that easy to open it.

He has tried thousands of times in Taishi Palace, but has not yet found a way to open the "Blood River Scripture".

He was about to take the Taoist exam, and he didn't have the energy to do it. Take the road test first, and then think about these things.

Taoist Master Chunyang is likely to pay attention to Xuanming's Taoist examination. At this time, he must not use the power of Taixuan Divine Appearance. If Taoist Chunyang really sees the problem, he won't be able to explain it.

If he possesses the secrets of the magic sect, he is a spy! Even if Chunyang Dao Zun has a broad heart, he will not let go of the little spy who comes to his door. It is very likely that we will capture him and search for his soul, and even take out his brain and examine it...

In short, Xuanming taught him to be more honest. The Taiyuan Shenxiang can be used, but the Taixuan Shenxiang must not be exposed.

After making various preparations, he entrusted Qiniang to the care of Yue Shenxiu, held a farewell banquet with a group of fair-weather friends, and finally went to bid farewell to Yue Wanfeng.

Choosing an auspicious day, Gao Xian and Qing Qing used the Great Universe Movement Talisman to rise into the sky. The next moment, the two of them had arrived at the center of the teleportation formation in Xuanming City... (End of this chapter)

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