Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 581 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

What a businessman is most interested in is definitely making money.

Without this talent, you are not a good businessman.

Fan Qingyuan has been in charge of Wanbao Tower for hundreds of years, and her thinking has gradually changed from a cultivator to a businessman. This is a very natural process.

Gao Xian was a little ignorant when it came to the Great Five Elements Exterminating Magic Sword. However, Gao Xian took the initiative to come to discuss a big deal, so the slight discomfort ahead was nothing.

This is the thinking of a businessman, who only cares about profits and does not strive for leisure.

Gao Xian admires Fan Qingyuan a little. This woman is really a businessman. Her eyes light up when she hears about profitable business.

"Zhenjun, I want to write a masterpiece. I would like to ask Zhenjun to help me sell it to all parts of Mingzhou..."

Fan Qingyuan looked deeply at Gao Xian. The big business this guy was talking about was selling his romance painting books? She was a little unbelievable but she believed that Gao Xian was not that stupid to tease her about such a thing.

Therefore, she was willing to listen patiently to Gao Xian's words.

Gao Xian is not in a hurry to tell the story. Fan Qingyuan has lived for more than a thousand years, so he has much more experience and knowledge. However, Fan Qingyuan is a novice in the field of business.

There is no way, it's not that Fan Qingyuan has a bad mind, but that the business model passed down from Mingzhou for thousands of years is very fixed. Wanbaolou is another dominant company with no competitors. It is also impossible to take the initiative to make changes in the business model.

The traditional selling method corresponds to the semi-closed small-scale peasant economic model in the world of cultivators. It has been tested and polished for tens of thousands of years and has become very mature and perfect.

Gao Xian didn't think he was better at doing business than Fan Qingyuan, but he had experience in his previous life.

The world of cultivators is entirely controlled by strong men. These strong men can live for tens of thousands of years... Under their control, the framework of the world order will not change. This also determines that this world has not progressed or changed for tens of thousands of years.

He had too many tricks in his previous life. Since the Industrial Revolution, human society has entered into rapid development. In the Internet age, there is an explosion of information.

Although Gao Xian is a very ordinary salesperson, he has also learned a lot of messy things. There is a model that is a dimension reduction attack under the small farmer economic model: direct sales.

Gao Xian had no interest in doing this before because it didn't make much sense to implement this model on a small scale and would instead cause all kinds of trouble.

The scope was too big, and he didn't have the organizational skills.

Wanbao Tower has broad channels, strong enough backing, and golden signs accumulated over thousands of years. It would be easy if Wanbaolou does direct sales and sells his books layer by layer.

The key is that he can use the principal to promote direct sales in the early stage. This is fundamentally different from the deceptive and deceptive direct sales in China in the previous generation. As for what this model will look like in the future, it's hard to say.

Gao Xian couldn't think so much at the moment. Jiuzhou was going to be destroyed. He wanted to collect the aura of humanity as soon as possible. As for other things, in fact, as long as you are not too greedy and don't like speculation, you will not be hurt even if you suffer losses in the direct selling model.

"Zhenjun, the advantage of Wanbao Tower is that it has branches all over the place. This is a huge network covering Mingzhou. However, your business method is too simple and rough.

"I have a little suggestion. I can help Zhenjun empower this giant network and turn it into a magic circle covering Mingzhou to form a huge closed loop to stimulate consumption and increase profits..."

Gao Xian took out the slang words from the PPT of his previous life and spat them out to Fan Qingyuan.

Fan Qingyuan could understand every word, but when combined, it was a bit cloudy, as if he understood but not fully understood. However, Fan Qingyuan is, after all, the Nascent Soul Master who has practiced for more than a thousand years, not Zhou Ye, an old Qi practitioner who only knows how to draw talismans.

She said directly: "Xingjun, if you have anything to say, please speak directly."

Gao Xian laughed dryly. It's hard to fool an old lady who has lived for more than a thousand years.

He said: "To put it simply, I have a complete method that can make Wanbaolou earn more money. However, Zhenjun has to help me sell books first."

"Help you sell books..."

Fan Qingyuan pondered. To be honest, she was really interested in the method Gao Xian said. At least it sounded like something.

In fact, selling books and so on are trivial matters. Precisely because this matter is insignificant, Fan Qingyuan doesn't quite understand Gao Xian's thoughts, so he can't help but feel a little hesitant about it.

Fan Qingyuan thought for a moment and asked: "Gao Xingjun, you are famous and have a bright future. Why are you so serious in the Fengyue painting book?"

Gao Xian understood the meaning of Fan Qingyuan's words and wanted to ask him what he wanted.

"True Lord, don't underestimate the power of books to spread. I may turn into ashes a thousand years later, but my reputation will circulate in the world with these books and will be immortal forever..."

Gao Xian said seriously: "The passing geese leave their voices, and the passing people leave their names. Only reputation in this world can transcend life and death..."

Fan Qingyuan feels that this reason is a bit far-fetched, but it can be justified. At Gao Xian's level, it's normal to pursue something different.

She said: "You know how big Mingzhou is. If I say something in the main building, the farthest branch will not hear my words until half a year later. The Fengyue paintings are not valuable at all. They are transported from Xuanming City to various places in Mingzhou. But it costs a lot of money. No matter how many books you sell, you won’t be able to make money back.”

Gao Xian smiled confidently: "As long as the true king makes an oath and signs a contract with me, I can solve these problems."

He also promised: "If this business cannot make True Lord make money, I can compensate True Lord with trillions of spiritual stones." Ten thousand top-grade spiritual stones, converted into low-grade spiritual stones, will undoubtedly be more shocking.

Fan Qingyuan nodded: "Okay, I can swear to Tianzun..."

Of course, just swearing was not enough. Gao Xian and Fan Qingyuan signed a very formal contract and signed and stamped it.

After completing these processes, Gao Xiancai explained the direct sales model to Fan Qingyuan in detail.

Fan Qingyuan frowned slightly. This method is indeed very interesting and allows buyers to participate. However, this approach is not suitable for Wanbao Tower.

Wanbaolou cannot compete with the local sects for business such as elixirs, as all they sell are high-end magic weapons and talismans. Hierarchical direct sales require that the products are plentiful and cheap enough so that the lower-level Qi practitioners can afford them and continue to spread to the outside world.

In this way, selling books is indeed very suitable. It's cheap enough but won't damage the local sect's market.

Gao Xian said: "I will first take out five thousand top-quality spiritual stones for promotion. Each book will subsidize one spiritual stone. As for how to distribute the proportion downward, it is up to Zhenjun to decide.

"However, I will investigate the sales situation. To prevent people from claiming subsidies in large quantities... If there is a big gap between the actual sales volume, Zhenjun will compensate me..."

Fan Qingyuan shook his head: "Selling books doesn't make any money, and you have to work from top to bottom. It's normal to make some mistakes."

"Zhenjun, this is wrong. By selling books, you can make Wanbao Towers around the world run. Through direct sales, Wanbao Towers' influence can reach even lower levels. There are so many benefits."

Gao Xian argued hard and finally got Fan Qingyuan to agree to his conditions. He actually didn't care about the compensation, he just didn't want to be fooled by Wanbaolou.

After all, Mingzhou is so big, and Wanbaolou gets the books but doesn't sell them. He can get the spirit stone subsidy by reporting the numbers. He can't handle it at all. Only when the compensation terms are set, Fan Qingyuan will supervise carefully.

In fact, for Wanbao Tower, the real benefit of this matter is to expand its influence, enable Wanbao Tower to operate efficiently, and have a deeper understanding of the situation in various places.

This is naturally of great benefit to the big shopkeeper Fan Qingyuan.

The two parties reached a cooperation, and Fan Qingyuan also gave Gao Xian some pointers.

This Taoist test is divided into four levels. The first level is the written test, which tests various teachings passed down by Xuan Tianzun. Its root is the Xuan Ming Sutra.

This Taoist scripture contains millions of words, describing in detail the purpose, moral principles, and various sacrificial rituals of Xuanming Religion.

Disciples of the Xuanming Sect must learn the "Xuanming Sutra" from an early age and must memorize it by heart. If you cannot memorize the Xuan Ming Sutra, you are not qualified to practice.

Gao Xian is now a successful person, and everything he sees and hears will be deeply remembered and never forgotten. It's just that reciting the "Xuanming Sutra" is not difficult for him.

Of course, if Fan Qingyuan didn't say anything, it would be difficult to talk about it.

Every Taoist exam is different, and Qingle doesn’t know what will be tested this time.

The second level is to enter the Wanxiang Palace to achieve enlightenment. The Vientiane Palace is actually a huge maze where everything changes and is extremely mysterious.

This level is scored according to the order in which they are played.

The third level is to go to the Abyss Jinghai to kill monsters, and the final score will be based on the ranking of the monsters hunted.

The three levels are scored separately, and the final ranking is determined based on the total score. The top eight competed against each other to determine the top three.

Without Fan Qingyuan's guidance, Gao Xian might not have been able to reach the final level.

Gao Xian returned to Lanfangzhai and read the Xuanming Sutra first. He also worked with Qing Yue to study how to crack the Wan Xiang Palace. Unfortunately, Qing Yue didn't know much about the Wan Xiang Palace.

The two of them studied for two days but couldn't figure it out. We can only see what happens when the time comes.

There was still some time before the Taoist examination, so Gao Xian carefully wrote a picture book called "The Great Joy of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth".

The name is chosen because it sounds a bit bluffing. This article is said to be written by Bai Juyi's younger brother. It writes about some details of male and female intercourse. It can be regarded as a popular science work.

The book written by Gao Xian is completely different. He writes about a man who failed to practice qi, but obtained the dual cultivation secret method of yin and yang and the great joy of heaven and earth. He practiced dual cultivation with a woman, and finally practiced qi to build a foundation elixir.

The full text has more than 100,000 words, of which 10,000 words and pictures are dedicated to the "Ode to the Joy of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang". This dual practice secret method is actually an excerpt of the essence of the Five Elements Gong and the Five Elements Combined Qi method.

Gao Xian is indeed a master in dual cultivation. He has simplified this cultivation method to the extreme. As long as you can understand it, you can practice it. And this method works very quickly.

Even if ordinary cultivators can't achieve anything through training, they can at least strengthen their bodies and extend their time...

Fan Qingyuan is very capable of action. After getting the book, she quickly distributed it to everyone. She mainly wanted to see how effective the direct selling method proposed by Gao Xian was.

Wanbao Tower, a huge organization, started operating in a very efficient way for the first time... (End of this chapter)

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