Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 583 Pure Yang Divine Spear

The secret technique of Pure Yang Spear was also upgraded from the lowest level True Yang Spear.

These secret techniques that can be upgraded and mutated are essentially blessed by Fengyue Baojian, so these secret techniques are very powerful.

Gao Xian killed a powerful evil spirit in the Seventy-two Cave of Shuize, and used the evil spirit's spiritual core to upgrade the Zhengyang Spear into a Pure Yang Spear.

This secret technique is rarely used in his hands, mainly because the level is too low, and it poses little threat to opponents of the same level.

Nascent Soul Lord's Yin Shen has physical protection and magic weapon protection, so it is difficult for the soul-type attack secrets to threaten the opponent. The Pure Yang Spear spell is actually more suitable for dealing with ghosts without bodies, or evil spirits that are restrained by pure Yang energy.

When the Pure Yang Spear reaches the level of master perfection, the situation becomes completely different.

Gao Xian has mastered all the changes and essence of this secret method, and can fully display the power of the Pure Yang Spear. It is a great threat to practitioners of the same level.

However, this is actually of little use to him. To deal with cultivators of the same level, he can directly use Five Elements Spells, Thunder Spells or Tianji Eight-Character Mantra, which will have excellent results.

If that doesn't work, use a sword. Few people at the same level can catch his Wuji Tianxiang Sword.

Against a powerful fifth-level god-transformer, the Pure Yang Spear is completely useless.

He chose to bless this secret method mainly because the Pure Yang Spear occupied a quota. If he didn't add points, he would have to keep it there. If you add points, you will have the opportunity to level up and make it truly useful.

What Gao Xian didn't expect was that after the Pure Yang Spear was added to the Grandmaster's perfection state, it actually resonated with the Divine Soul Pure Yang Baoguang.

The Pure Yang Baoguang deep in his soul comes from the Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower, which is also the highest level divine spiritual object he has ever obtained.

Ever since his soul gave birth to pure Yang Baoguang, he has almost never encountered evil spirits. In the seventy-two caves of Shuizhe, many monsters and evil spirits were completely suppressed by him, largely due to the pure Yang Baoguang.

Gao Xian also studied the pure Yang Baoguang in the soul, but his foundation was too shallow and he did not have the guidance of a master. To say that the one who really gave guidance was Xuanhua, and the rest was mostly practiced by himself.

Regarding Pure Yang Baoguang, he knew it was a good thing, but he couldn't explain why. He had also discussed it many times with Yue Shenxiu. This genius who was personally passed down by the Taoist Transformation Master could not explain clearly to Chunyang Baoguang.

The main reason is that Chunyang is at the sixth level. Let alone Yue Shenxiu, even Yue Wanfeng cannot explain clearly.

If you really want to understand the secret of Chunyang, you have to be Taoist Chunyang.

Gao Xian watched the battle between several transformed gods in the Taiming Spiritual Realm, and he became a little more in awe of the transformed gods. At his current level, there is indeed a long way to go before becoming a god.

The only secret techniques he has practiced are Taishi Idol and Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Shenyi, which have reached the fifth level. The Grandmaster-level Wuji Tianxiang Sword Scripture is the peak of the fourth level and is still a little short of the fifth level.

Not counting the artifacts in his hand, only the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword is at the fifth level. However, he can only use three or four points of power with this knife. There is no threat to the powerful person who transforms into a god.

Since then, Gao Xian has really felt a sense of crisis.

This time when Gao Xian came to Xuanming City to take the Taoist exam, he also realized that this place was completely different from the Wanfeng Sect. There are dozens of Taoist Transformation Lords here, and there is even a Chunyang Taoist sitting above.

He is a little Nascent Soul, nothing here.

Fan Qingyuan regarded him as a big fat sheep and wanted to cut him twice. From this point, we can see the Xuanming Sect's attitude towards him, an outsider. Definitely not friendly.

Of course, this is also very normal.

The Xuanming Sect itself is divided into many factions. He is a foreign Nascent Soul, who will care about him. It would be strange if he was very close and friendly to him.

Gao Xian felt the pressure and naturally became much more active in cultivation. "Ode to the Harmony of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang" is his active attempt.

In the past, he would not have been so proactive.

At this time, the Pure Yang Spear resonated with the Pure Yang Baoguang. Gao Xian was also greatly surprised. He operated the Pure Yang Spear through various changes to maintain the subtle resonance with the Pure Yang Baoguang.

During this process, Gao Xian sensed the inspiration flowing between heaven and earth, and the red gold pure Yang gun turned into a divine light and fell on the Yin God, making the Yin God radiant and clear inside and outside.

The dragon-elephant Ming King Vajra, which unites form and spirit, also emerged under the stimulation of the Pure Yang Spear. The two forces are intertwined with each other, but cannot truly merge.

The divine light of the Pure Yang Spear gradually dissipated, and so did the Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Baojian and saw that the Pure Yang Spear was upgraded to the Pure Yang Divine Spear. At the entry level, one billion humanistic auras are needed to advance.

According to his experience, this means that the Pure Yang Divine Spear has reached the fifth level.

The most powerful thing about the fifth-level Pure Yang Divine Spear is that it can condense the Yin God into a Pure Yang Divine Spear, instantly increasing the power of the Yin God.

However, there is an obvious conflict between the Pure Yang Divine Spear and the Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

The dragon-elephant King Vajra is the unity of form and spirit, perfect both inside and outside. The pure yang divine spear's integration and condensation of the yin gods also destroyed this integration of the dragon-elephant King Vajra.

The two secret arts actually conflicted, which also made Gao Xian a little embarrassed. In terms of power, the Dragon Elephant King Vajra is undoubtedly more important. It's just that there is no divine elixir from Dragon Elephant Palace, so he needs to use Shou Yuan to fill this gap.

According to his estimation, it would take at least three thousand years to live. If you forcibly practice the Dragon Elephant King Vajra, you will probably die suddenly.

Although this secret method is good, it is not worth taking such a big risk to practice it.

Gao Xian also considered buying some life-extending magic medicine, but at this level of cultivation, a life span of 3,300 years is already the maximum.

No magic elixir can increase his longevity. Only when he transforms Yin Shen into Yuan Shen and improves his life level can he increase his lifespan accordingly.

However, once he reaches the fifth level, the dragon-elephant Vajra Mingwang Pestle will no longer be of much interest.

Speaking of which, the Tian Chan Nine Death Pill that failed to sell was suitable for him. This elixir can help people resolve the calamity of death, and activate the power of the divine elixir to enhance the cultivator's vitality at the time of destruction, allowing the cultivator to gain a huge improvement in the calamity of death.

However, this improvement takes several months. During this period, the cultivator's seriously injured body and soul needed to recover little by little. If someone really kills someone in battle, even if he has nine lives, he will be killed ten times in a row...

Tian Chan's Nine Death Pill is actually a magic pill specially used to practice dangerous secret techniques. For example, if someone is not talented enough, he can seek a breakthrough by practicing dangerous secret techniques.

If you fail to achieve breakthrough, you can rely on Tianchan Nine Death Pill to survive and improve your cultivation level. Even if your qualifications are mediocre, if you rely on divine pills to improve your cultivation nine times, you should have achieved something.

Besides, if his qualifications were really poor, how could he be qualified to enjoy Tianchan's Nine Death Pill? Moreover, Tianchan's Nine Death Pill is a sixth-level divine pill.

According to common sense, it should only be effective for cultivators below the fifth level. Gao Xian thought about it and felt that something was wrong. If it was really useful for transforming gods, some strong transforming gods would have to buy it back even if they lost all their money. With this Heavenly Cicada Nine Death Pill, it can at least increase the chance of attaining Pure Yang.

Thinking that there must be something else in it, Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh. No matter what, it wouldn't be his turn to enjoy this elixir.

In fact, a divine Dragon Elephant Ming Wang Dan only costs 10,000 to 20,000 top grade spiritual stones. However, the control of Dragon Elephant Palace is extremely strict. Not to mention him, an outsider, even his cheap disciple Tie Yuan is not qualified to purchase it.

Fortunately, Taixuan Shenxiang heard someone chatting some time ago about a small Leiyin Temple in Yuanzhou. This temple is said to have been passed down for thousands of years. In Xiaoleiyin Temple, there is the secret method of Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

Gao Xian didn't know whether it was true or not, so he decided to ask Taixuan Shenxiang to go to Xiaoleiyin Temple to check the situation after the Taoist examination was over. It would be great if you could buy Dragon Elephant Ming Wang Dan.

The Pure Yang Spear accidentally broke through to the Pure Yang Divine Spear. Gao Xian practiced for several days in Taishi Hall, mainly trying out the moves on some opponents he killed.

Such as Han Yue Zhenjun, Wu Po Kong, Hong Yang, Yan Ming, including the six-tailed sky fox. These opponents fought with all their strength, so Taishi Palace could completely imitate their power.

The Pure Yang Divine Spear has an excellent effect on Hanyue Zhenjun, Wu Pokong and his ilk. Every shot will stun them, and even the Yin God will poke a hole. The power is very cruel.

The effect on Yan Ming is not so good. This evil demon cultivator is actually being restrained by the Pure Yang Divine Spear, but his forward blood nerves are really pure and his cultivation is deep. Although he will be frightened by the Pure Yang Divine Spear, the impact will not be great.

The six-tailed sky fox can resist with its soul. Although it will be injured, the impact is very small.

Calculated in this way, the Pure Yang Divine Spear poses a huge threat to most Nascent Souls. For top Nascent Soul experts, the effect is not so good.

The Pure Yang Divine Spear, as a divine soul-like secret technique, is actually very suitable for polishing the Yin God. But this is a waste of time and won't work for a while. There is also some conflict with the Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

Gao Xian doesn't want to invest too much in this aspect for the time being.

In October, the Taoist examination officially begins.

More than a hundred Nascent Soul Lords who participated in the Taoist examination gathered outside the Vientiane Palace.

Vientiane Palace is a large-scale palace complex. Most of the buildings are built with black boulders, with an ancient and heavy style. Most of the buildings were obscured by clouds.

Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate these clouds. This ancient and huge Vientiane Palace seems extremely mysterious and even dangerous.

Many other Nascent Souls are also looking at the Vientiane Palace. Most of them are seeing the Vientiane Palace for the first time, so naturally they are a little curious.

There were also some Nascent Soul Lords sizing up Gao Xian. Pojun Xingjun's name has long been spread throughout the world. Many people say that Gao Xian will definitely take the first place in the Taoist exam this time.

Many Nascent Soul Lords were certainly unhappy with this rumor. The eyes that looked at Gao Xian were mostly full of vigilance and caution.

I have to say that Gao Xian's appearance is really good. White clothes are better than snow, and they are as elegant as clouds. He is extremely handsome and tall. There are more than a hundred Ying Zhenjun gathered together, each with his or her own style and demeanor, but Gao Xian will naturally become the center of everyone's attention.

Gao Xian didn't care about everyone's vague hostility. Everyone was in a competitive relationship and no one was here to make friends. If you want to be number one, you have to step on everyone else.

A group of people are all Nascent Soul True Monarchs, and they have gone through many trials and hardships to get to this point. No one can be that naive.

Qing Le stood with his classmates, a little far away from Gao Xian. There is no need to express closeness to Gao Xian in front of many fellow disciples. This is not a good thing for Gao Xian, nor is it a good thing for her.

When no one was paying attention, Qing Le used his spiritual consciousness to send a message to Gao Xian: "There are changes in the Tao test, so be careful..."

Gao Xian looked calm, but he was muttering in his heart, this old woman Fan Qingyuan wouldn't play tricks on him! (End of chapter)

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