Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 586 Well deserved

The runes on the golden "Taiyi God Transformation Talisman" shined with aura, and the two red characters "Gao Xian" written on it with essence and blood burned loudly in the aura, and the jade fifth-grade talisman also exploded into pieces. Countless pieces of white jade.

An abnormal blush appeared on Tai Ning's delicate little round face. The backlash of the luck connection after casting the magic talisman caused her Yin Shen to shake, her energy and blood to surge, and she was no longer able to control her own state.

Next to him, Taiyuan was holding a sword to protect the law. Seeing Taining's condition, he didn't care about him and asked: "What?"

Tai Ning spun the Heavenly Secret Rosary in her left hand in a circle, using the Heavenly Secret Rosary to transform the mysterious changes in Qi, quickly resolving the backlash she had endured.

Facing Taiyuan's concerned gaze, Taining smiled: "It's okay, Gao Xian's luck is very strong, and the spell connected the Qi, and I was bitten back."

Taiyuan couldn't help but shook his head: "Actually, there is no need for this. The Taiyuan Sword in my hand has become one with my destiny. With the power of this divine sword, it is not difficult to defeat Gao Xian."

"Gao Xian is a monster. If I want to take first place, this person is the biggest obstacle."

Tai Ning suppressed the boiling energy and blood, and the look on his face returned to normal. Her face is small and round, her skin is as white as jade, and her appearance is extremely delicate and soft. The lake blue Taoist robe on her body is blessed by the Yin and Yang divine urn of one yuan and two phases, which is mysterious and gorgeous.

Her voice was soft and sweet, and even when she talked about battles and conquests, she spoke softly, sounding as graceful and moving as music.

Taiyuan looked at Taining foolishly, not knowing where he was for a moment.

He had liked Taining since he was a boy, and he had liked her for hundreds of years. When he realized the Nascent Soul, all the beauties in the world were asking for her, but he fell in love with Taining even more.

It was precisely because of Tai Ning that he was willing to persist in practicing swordsmanship. Hundreds of years are like one day. Taiyuan also knew in his heart that his obsession with practicing swordsmanship was due to Taining. As a result, Taining became the heart of his sword.

Gaining Tai Ning will bring unpredictable fortune and misfortune to him. There is no peace, but it can inspire you to keep moving forward. Of course, there is also a huge drawback here, that is, he cannot refuse Tai Ning's request.

Just like this time when Tai Ning asked him for help in the Dao exam, he was willing to give up his own future to help Tai Ning.

That's it. As long as Taiyuan sees Taining and listens to her voice, he feels very satisfied and happy. It's all worth it.

Tai Ning has long been used to Tai Yuan's infatuated look, and she also understands that this is more of Tai Yuan's self-obsession, not simple love.

As long as Taiyuan is willing to help her, it doesn't matter what his relationship status is.

This Taoist test is very important to her. Only by getting first place can she get the fifth-level artifact, the Tianyinjian of the True King of Ten Directions.

This item is crucial to her cultivation. If she can get it in advance, it will save her at least hundreds of years of hard work. At this time of great change in the world, hundreds of years are too long, and we don’t know what kind of great changes will happen.

She had a vague hunch that Mingzhou would undergo drastic changes before it could last that long. Before that, she had to at least attain Taoism and become a god, so that she could be qualified to protect herself.

Before everyone gathered in front of the Wanxiang Palace, Tai Ning looked at the many Nascent Soul Lords and felt that Gao Xian was the biggest obstacle to her winning the championship, followed by Shui Qinghong, then Wan Qingxia and Qing Le.

Although the rest of the people have their own personalities, they are nothing to worry about. After all the calculations, only Gao Xian and the others pose the greatest threat. Among them, Gao Xian was the most domineering, his body and spirit were perfect, and she couldn't see any flaws.

Tai Ning actually doesn't like to fight with others, and rarely uses spells to fight enemies. Although the spell is mysterious and can kill powerful enemies quietly, it also comes with a price.

It's just that Gao Xian's goal is clearly the Great Five Elements Divine Light, and he must get first place. The conflict between the two is irreconcilable. She had no choice but to strike first.

The Taiyi Divine Transformation Talisman is a fifth-level spiritual talisman. It has no direct lethality in itself. It will only inflict divine calamity on the recipient and cause various disasters.

This sounds mysterious, but its essence is to destroy the body and spirit of the cultivator and make him lose his mind. On the other hand, the evil and yin energy of the sky will attract evil spirits, demons and other filthy things.

Gao Xian killed the phantom demon in the Yuanjing Sea. If this talisman is applied to him, he will definitely attract many powerful phantom demons.

Not to mention killing Gao Xian, at least make him tired and force him to withdraw from Yuan Jinghai. As long as he doesn't hunt enough phantoms, he won't be able to enter the top eight. This will easily eliminate Gao Xian.

Tai Ning prepared three Taiyi Divine Transformation Talisman this time. He originally planned to cast the spells on Gao Xian, Shui Qinghong, and Wan Qingxia one by one, excluding them from the eight.

She was able to cast spells because she actually saw the jade slips left by Gao Xian and others in the main hall of the Vientiane Palace, and obtained some of their spiritual consciousness from them.

In addition, the distance between the two parties is very close, so casting this spell will definitely lock Gao Xian.

The result was not good. She had just established a magic altar to cast spells, but the magic talisman backfired on her. Although it didn't hurt her at all, it still had a great impact on her.

Tai Ning uses the Tianji Pearl to predict the future, but it is a situation where good or bad fortune is unpredictable. This is actually a very bad omen.

She didn't know what secret method Gao Xian used to resist the Taiyi Divine Transformation Talisman. She could only confirm that this talisman did not have much effect.

After weighing it, Tai Ning gave up and continued casting spells. If this continues, Gao Xian may be in trouble, but she won't feel better either. Otherwise, both sides will suffer losses.

There are also many powerful Nascent Soul Lords, and she can't just focus on Gao Xian.

Tai Ning said: "Let's focus on killing the phantom demon first. We'll talk about it after entering the top eight."

In the depths of the Yuanjing Sea, Gao Xian failed to find the person who cast the spell. Fortunately, the other party left traces of the spell.

When they gathered at Tianwutai, he would naturally know who did it.

Gao Xian was not big-minded, so the other party secretly shot him an arrow in the back, and the feud was finally settled.

In the next few days, Gao Xian found that he had a strange attraction to the phantom demon. Often, before killing this phantom demon, two more phantom demons would come over to him.

If he hadn't refined the Pure Yang Divine Spear, Gao Xian wouldn't have dared to fight so many fifth-level phantoms. The phantom is brainless, but its ability to condense soul is not fake either.

It's different now. With a single shot from the Pure Yang Divine Spear, he can always accurately observe the opponent's soul center and easily inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

In addition, the Taiyin Xuanjing Chakra matches the Yin Qi here, making it easier to deal with phantom demons.

Gao Xian also unexpectedly discovered that the Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel can absorb the spiritual core left by the phantom demon, and the spiritual core can promote the central restriction of this spiritual weapon to increase its power.

This kind of spiritual weapon can originally increase the level. It's just that different spiritual weapons have very different methods of improving their levels. The conventional method is to increase the number of restrictions, which will naturally increase the power of the spiritual weapon.

The Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel absorbs the pure yin energy of the phantom spirit core through the central restriction, increases the number of restrictions, and changes the material of the spiritual weapon from the inside out.

Gao Xian also accidentally used the move Huiyue Hidden Sky. The radiant Taiyin Xuanjing Chakra suddenly shrank to a point, condensing the space mana to the extreme and crushing the phantom demon to pieces on the spot.

Even the spiritual core of the phantom demon was crushed to pieces by the Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel. The essence of the spiritual core is naturally absorbed by the Taiyin Xuanjing Chakra.

Five levels of spiritual core, this is not common. Even though he can kill phantoms as easily as he kills chickens, that is mainly due to the power of the Pure Yang Divine Spear. If it were replaced by the fourth-level Zixiao Tianshu Demon-Subduing Golden Whip, it would be difficult to easily severely damage the fifth-level phantom demon.

This actually contains a profound way of life and defeat. If Han Yue were here, even with the Taiyin Xuanjing Chakra in hand, he would have to risk his life to kill the fifth-level phantom demon.

Gao Xian was a little surprised when he made this discovery. In more than ten days, he had killed dozens of fifth-level phantom demons and accumulated a pile of spiritual cores.

If you can use it yourself, that would be great.

In the remaining few days, with the blessing of the unknown enemy's spell, although Sister Lan was sick and lacked energy, she also attracted a large number of fifth-level phantoms.

The fifth-level phantoms all have their own territory, so it's not that easy to find one. There was no need for Gao Xian to look for him now, they all rushed towards him like moths to a flame.

Gao Xian was very happy. He took this opportunity to get more phantom spirit cores, and maybe he could also improve the level of the Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel.

This fifth-level low-grade spiritual weapon fit well with the Moon Phase Sword, so he could control it reasonably well. In the process of modifying the grade of Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel, his consciousness will follow and penetrate into the spiritual weapon restriction center, allowing him to refine the spiritual weapon faster.

This is a great good thing.

When the fifteen-day deadline was up, Gao Xian took Qingqing back to the Vientiane Palace.

Arriving at the central hall, Gao Xian saw the examiner Zhenye standing on the high platform of the hall. Below the high platform, dozens of Nascent Soul Lords have gathered.

Most of these people couldn't hide their fatigue, and all of them seemed very lack of energy.

The phantoms in Yuan Jinghai are not easy to deal with. Everyone worked hard to get good grades. Everyone was a little surprised to see the energetic Gao Xian.

After fighting hard for fifteen days, it is very abnormal to still be so energetic!

In comparison, Qingqing was much worse. She looked haggard and the light in her eyes was dim. It can be seen that after a long and hard battle, his spiritual consciousness and mana are almost exhausted.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that this old boy was exploiting beautiful women to work. He was the boss, so he could be so calm and relaxed.

Qingqing's identity is not a secret. In fact, everyone knows that Qingqing is Gao Xian's pet beast, a young and beautiful Nascent Soul Sword Lord!

Naturally, many Nascent Souls are very envious of this. It is very difficult to cultivate a fourth-level pet beast. Cultivating a Nascent Soul Sword Lord can no longer be measured simply by pet beasts.

What's more, she is young, heroic and beautiful. Xuanhe's true form makes her figure elegant, and practicing the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" gives her the air of a flying immortal.

In terms of beauty and appearance, Qingqing is also the best among the female Nascent Souls.

When everyone thought about Qingqing being used like a coolie by Gao Xian, some people couldn't help but sympathize with Qingqing. They were really with the wrong person!

Gao Xian probably guessed what everyone was thinking. He was a little funny, but there was no need to explain. Qingqing followed him and started to fight.

So this look is really too shallow. Well, so are the many Nascent Souls present.

Gao Xian understands this very well. After all, he has the Three Yuan Ying, and his spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a transformed spirit. Just two advantages have already crushed all ordinary Nascent Souls.

Gao Xian came forward with the storage bag to deliver the goods to Zhenye. A middle-aged Taoist priest next to him came over to collect the storage bag, counted them one by one, made records, and asked Gao Xian and Qingqing to sign.

The two of them killed more than two hundred fifth-level phantom demons in the Yuanjing Sea. Especially in the last five days, the number of phantom demons killed was several times that of the previous ten days.

He guessed that all the fifth-level phantom demons in Yuan Jinghai had been killed by him.

According to his calculations, a Nascent Soul Lord could kill a fifth-level phantom demon in one day. Killing the phantom demon is extremely risky and expensive. Even if these Nascent Souls have magical powers and secret techniques, it is difficult for them to continue fighting.

He took out thirty spiritual cores and gave Qingqing twenty-nine spiritual cores. This number of fifth-level spiritual cores is enough for two people to easily enter the top eight.

Sure enough, the middle-aged Taoist in charge of the inspection had a slightly subtle expression. Obviously, this number of spiritual cores greatly exceeded his expectations.

Zhenye was a little surprised. This Gao Xian was really good at fighting and killed so many fifth-level phantoms. This alone is enough to get an excellent rating.

Coupled with the average or above-average evaluation of Wanxiang Palace's problem solving, both Gao Xian and Gao Qinghe can firmly enter the top eight.

The other Nascent Soul True Lords were all watching curiously below. With the Transformation God Dao Lord sitting above, they did not dare to pry with their spiritual senses. Just looking at Gao Xian's appearance, he must have acquired a lot of spiritual cores.

Gao Xian took Qingqing down the high platform, and happened to see Tai Ning and Tai Yuan coming in side by side. He glanced at Tai Ning's sweet and delicate face, showing a polite and cheerful smile, and nodded slightly.

The two parties had not spoken, but he knew that the woman's name was Tai Ning, a direct descendant of the Xuanming Sect, and her seniority was Uncle Qingle. The most important thing is that this person is the direct descendant of Zhenying, the master of Tianfu Hall.

Fan Qingyuan of Wanbao Tower is from the Zhenying line. He cooperates with Wanbaolou, and his relationship with Taining should be okay. Unexpectedly, it was this woman who was using spells against him behind his back.

Gao Xian recognized the spell aura on Tai Ning's body, which could not be concealed no matter what. Unless Tai Ning abolishes Yin Shen and rebuilds it.

Tai Ning also knew that he could not hide Gao Xian's knowledge, so he cast a spell and suffered backlash, and the two sides established a subtle connection. She also smiled and nodded to Gao Xian.

The hatred is forged, but there is no need to show it on the face. She heard that Lord Po Junxing was greedy for money and lustful, so this grudge was not unsolvable. Besides, she is the direct descendant of Xuan Ming, so there is no need to be afraid of Gao Xian.

Zhenye noticed the subtle interaction between Taining and Gao Xian above, but he didn't pay attention. He would not care about the fights between juniors as long as they were not made public.

Besides, he is not Gao Xian's nanny. Being able to get an average or above average rating for his problem solving is already worthy of Lu Xuanji.

At four quarters of noon, a jade chime sounded, indicating the end of the assessment.

Ninety-seven Nascent Soul coefficients were present, and everyone stood under the high platform waiting for Zhenye to announce the results.

Zhenye slowly took out the book and read: "Gaoxian, Taining, Shui Qinghong, Qingle, Wan Qingxia, Gao Qinghe, Taicheng, Taiyuan are the top eight..."

Everyone looked at Gao Xian. It was really unexpected that this person could get the first place in the first two levels. Especially in the level of Wanxiang Palace, the cooperative problem solving was prepared for Xuanmingjiao's own family.

This Pojunxing Lord is truly well-deserved!

Gao Xian smiled and held up his hands in front of everyone's gaze: "I'm lucky, I'm ashamed..."

The expressions of all the Nascent Soul True Monarchs were a little complicated. This guy looked triumphant, but he didn't mean to be ashamed at all!

Tai Ning, Shui Qinghong and other Nascent Soul Lords all looked at Gao Xian silently, feeling very fearful of the famous Pojun Star Lord...

(Please vote for me~) (End of this chapter)

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