Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 593 Hidden dangers

Tai Ning spoke sincerely and acted like I don't want anything but just want to be good with you, which made Gao Xian not know how to deal with it.

For someone as talented and powerful as Tai Ning, who is also a direct descendant of the Xuan Ming Sect, there is no need to be so groveling to him.

Of course Gao Xian knew that Tai Ning was good at calculation, so it would be impossible for a woman to suddenly lose her head for him. Tai Ning has her purpose in everything she says and does.

However, the benefits offered by Tai Ning were so great that he didn't want to refuse.

The "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing" was not very important to him, but he still wanted to read it. It would be of great benefit to him to have this set of secret techniques in his hands to verify what he had learned.

Secondly, he really couldn't bear to refuse such a beautiful woman like Tai Ning.

Although the world is big, beauties like this are extremely rare. Even if it is a beautiful snake, he still wants to taste it. Xu Xian is not afraid of a mortal, he is afraid of nothing.

Gao Xian is not afraid of Tai Ning's calculations. This woman is different from Yuan Wuxian and Lu Xuanji. Her vision and experience are much different. She can only calculate a few things. In fact, he doesn't care at all.

Even if the other party wants to benefit from him, it depends on Tai Ning's methods.

Gao Xian's heart was moved, but he would not reach any deal with Tai Ning at this time. He said calmly: "We can wait until the Taoist exam is over to discuss anything."

Tai Ning understood what she said and no longer struggled with Gao Xian. She cupped her fists and saluted: "Please."


Gao Xian activated the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes, and then activated the Five Elements Lotus Crown and the Five Elements Golden Lotus Treasure Light to fall down like a curtain, completely protecting the whole body.

No matter how good he said before, Gao Xian would not be careless when it came to actually taking action.

Gao Xian held the seal, and hundreds of red sun bullets poured towards Taining like a meteor shower. Under the blessing of the red sun divine light, the power of the red sun bullet has reached the top level of the fourth level.

In other words, this originally extremely low-level spell has become a great threat to the Nascent Soul Lord.

Taining knew the power of Gao Xian's Five Elements spell, but she was still shocked when she faced Gao Xian's Chiyang Bullet.

Flames poured down like torrential rain, and the extremely blazing fire power seemed to burn through the heaven and earth. The one-yuan two-phase robe activated the yin and yang protective shield, but it could not completely isolate the fierce flames. The flesh and flesh all over her body burned and the blood seemed to have been roasted dry.

Faced with such a powerful spell, Tai Ning rotated the Heavenly Secret Pearl in his left hand, triggering the protective Tai Chi diagram.

Behind her, a Tai Chi yin and yang diagram of intertwined black and white fishes emerged. The giant Tai Chi diagram transformed the power of yin and yang and slowly rotated. The fierce flame mana entered the scope of the Tai Chi diagram and transformed from the ultimate yang to the ultimate yin.

The fierce fire that almost burned through the void dimmed instantly.

Gao Xian was not surprised by this. After all, Tai Ning was a top-level Nascent Soul and a true successor of the Xuan Ming Sect. It would be funny if he killed him with a Red Sun Bullet.

After all, these spells are not of a high level. No matter how powerful they are, because their mana structure is simple and changes in a single way, it can be easily transformed and restrained.

Tai Ning's Tai Chi Yin and Yang Diagram is actually the embodied change of one element and two phases. It is a unique secret method of Xuan Ming Sect and is very subtle.

This trick was also used during the last battle between Taining Shui Qinghong. She has no spare power to hide such peerless spells when facing powerful enemies.

After all, there is still a difference between watching the battle outside and fighting in person.

Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness can easily analyze Taining's various changes. He knows the sea and Sister Lan is in charge, so he doesn't need to worry at all.

But this point has surpassed all the Nascent Soul Lords. Not to mention that Sister Lan's spiritual consciousness grew at the same time as him. Now, Sister Lan's spiritual consciousness was comparable to that of a transformed spirit, but not comparable to that of ordinary Nascent Souls.

Taining's spiritual consciousness is also very strong, about 30% as strong as his. This is already very, very powerful, far exceeding the upper limit of ordinary Nascent Soul. This shows how powerful the Xuanming Sect is.

The secret method of One Yuan and Two Phases is similar to his Tai Chi Divine Phase, but the changes are different. For a moment, Gao Xian could only not see through all the changes in Tai Ning.

Gao Xian didn't care about this either. One Yuan and Two Phases was the secret method of Xuan Ming Cult. It couldn't be so easy to see through. He doesn't need to really understand Tai Ning. This divine consciousness is too far behind him. All changes in magic weapons are driven by divine consciousness.

Every slight change in the other party's consciousness will be discerned by him. Fighting like this, he would win with his eyes closed. The only difference is how to win.

After all, this is the Xuanming Sect, and Gao Xian feels that he is already high-profile enough and does not need to bluster any more. Faintly, he also felt that someone seemed to be observing him.

To say that there are tens of thousands of people watching the battle, there is Zhenye outside, so many people are watching the battle through the magic circle, and their energy is intertwined with each other. There may be other powerful gods paying attention, so he shouldn't feel anything special.

However, Gao Xian vaguely felt that something was wrong. To be precise, it was Sister Lan who felt something was wrong. So Sister Lan was very inactive.

Gao Xian and Sister Lan have met many powerful gods, but Sister Lan has never been too special. Therefore, he guessed that Chunyang Taoist Master should be watching the battle.

In the final battle of the Taoist examination, it makes sense for Taoist Xuanyang to watch the battle. After all, this is also a major event for the Xuanming Sect.

Under the eyes of Taoist Xuanyang, you have to be more honest.

Gao Xian thought of this and transformed the spell, and all the flaming bullets turned into Ruoyouruowu Xuanming Ice Sword. This time he activated the Xuanming Ice Sword more than ten times in a row, and the water light condensed into an ice sword that shot out all over the sky.

The sound of a single Xuanming Ice Sword piercing the air was extremely sharp, and thousands of Xuanming Ice Swords pierced the air together with a sharp roar. The cascading roar was like a tsunami, with great power that swept across the world and destroyed the mountains.

Tai Ning's eyes narrowed. The spell Gao Xian used was very ordinary, but the power released by the spell was incredibly powerful.

Ice swords shot out from the sky, covering several miles in a radius, leaving no room for her to retreat. Tai Ning comes from a top-notch family and is best at breaking laws with law.

Even when facing a fifth-level monster, she can quickly calculate the opponent's flaws through the Tianji Pearl, and can use one point of strength to give the opponent ten points of mana.

The power of Gao Xian's magic was far beyond her calculations. Such spells were blasted down like a violent storm, and the key spells were so powerful that even with the Tianji Pearl, it was difficult to criticize him.

Tai Ning turned the jade ruler to measure the sky and formed a circle out of thin air. She shouted in her mouth: "Take it." The jade ruler to measure the sky divided the void and cut out a circular space, which contained all the Xuanming Ice Swords that were shooting all over the sky. This spell seems simple, but it is a top-notch secret technique that holds the world within its sleeves.

Tai Ning didn't have the ability to transform into a universe to contain all things with his long sleeves. He could only use the mysterious power of the Jade Ruler to temporarily divide a part of the void.

There are actually many kinds of spells to control the void. After all, when the magic power reaches this level, it will involve changes in the void.

Qing Le's reversal of yin and yang is also one of them. It's just that the changes in the universe in the sleeve are more subtle and the upper limit is higher. From a level, it is better than reversing yin and yang.

Tai Ning held the universe in his sleeves, and the thousands of ice swords wrapped in the void turned into red sun bullets and exploded. Infinite flames expand and erupt in the divided void.

This void is actually made up of countless fine runes woven together, like a huge transparent bag. Under the bombardment of the violent red sun's magic power, this transparent bag made of runes revealed its true form.

The extremely violent mana quickly exceeded the carrying limit of this void, and a huge transparent bag composed of millions of fine runes shattered.

The gushing red flames turned into a huge dark yellow palm in the air, pressing down on Taining like a mountain.

The dark yellow hand contains the power of endless earth, which is powerful, thick and extremely huge, covering all directions. The huge Tianwu Platform was covered by this giant palm for most of the space.

From fire to the power of thick earth, this change is simple but natural. The key is that the power of the thick soil accumulates to form a giant palm, which is too overbearing.

Tai Ning hesitated but did not retreat. She guessed that Dao Zun was probably watching the battle. The stronger Gao Xian acted, the more calm she had to deal with it.

Losing is inevitable, but how to lose is very particular.

Tai Ning made a stroke with the jade ruler in his hand, and cast the spell of Qiankun in his sleeves on himself. This divided independent void can avoid outside spell attacks.

The magic power of Houtu's palm is too strong and too big to fit into the universe in her sleeves, but she can fit herself into the universe in her sleeves. This way you can avoid the thick earth giant palm.

This exquisite response also attracted praise from many cultivators watching the battle outside. The same spell but different usage shows Tai Ning's profound understanding and subtle control of spells.

In the Xuanming Hall, Taoist Master Xuanyang nodded when he saw this, "This idea is quite delicate."

Taoist Master Xuanyang looks as handsome as a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy. He has bright eyes and a medium build. His azure blue robes have faint rippling water, and his depth is as deep and endless as the deep sea.

On the side, Zhen Daojun stood respectfully with his hands tied, and did not dare to look at Xuanyang Taoist. The appearance and age of this Taoist Lord changes in a cycle of three hundred and sixty years, from young to old, and then from old to young.

Although Zhenyi is in the state of becoming a god, he still doesn't understand what kind of magical power Tao Zun's cyclic changes are and what the significance is.

Judging from his experience, changes in appearance still have an impact on Tao Zun. The young-looking Dao Zun talks more, is more active in doing things, and has a bit of the vitality of a young man.

The appearance of middle-aged and old people obviously changes accordingly.

Although changes in appearance and age will not affect Dao Zun's wisdom and judgment, it will affect his emotional state. Shinichi still prefers to deal with middle-aged or old-looking Tao Zun.

Only the young Taoist Master is interested in commenting on the Tao Kao.

Before Xuanyang Taoist Master finished speaking, Gao Xian on the Tianwu Platform flicked his long sleeves to send out a scimitar-like waning moon. The cold and sharp waning moon flashed past and was slashing at the universe in his sleeves.

The Qiankun spell in his sleeves turned into something almost nothing, but was actually cut through with one blow, and Tai Ning appeared again.

Tai Ning obviously didn't expect that Gao Xian could easily destroy the universe in his sleeves from the outside. She could only activate the secret method of one yuan and two phases again, rotating the Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagram to divide dozens of facets.

These facets mirrored each other like crystals, and the void seemed to be cut into millions of pieces, and Taining's figure was also divided into millions.

One Yuan Wuji Mirror, this is the most sublime magic that Tai Ning has mastered. Using one element and two phases to divide the void and reflect each other, you can obtain various blessings when casting spells, giving infinite changes.

Although Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is strong, he is still dazzled by so many mirror images. This spell doesn't have much use, it just looks really cool!

He could actually lock Tai Ning forcibly, but that would be a bit too rogue, and would be noticed by the strong onlookers. The Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel appeared behind him.

Tai Ning's changes are exquisite, but it's a pity that he doesn't have enough mana. Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel's Hueyue Zangkong has a simple transformation, but it is superior to his pure sword intention and powerful magic power.

The Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel rotates silently, and the moonlight is reflected across the sky by thousands of prisms on the opposite side. The next moment, the Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel suddenly dimmed and disappeared, and countless prisms in the void in front also collapsed and shattered.

Tai Ning, who was hiding in it, dispersed the annihilation power of the void with the subtlety of her magic changes, and she controlled the Jade Ruler to transfer it out.

Gao Xian was already waiting with the Zixiao Tianshu Demon-Conquering Golden Whip in his hand. When he saw Taining's figure appearing, his eyes sparkled with lightning. Even though Taining Yin Shen was strong, he would inevitably be disturbed by Tianshu's lightning, and his consciousness Fluctuations are inevitable.

In an instant, Zixiao Tianshu's demon-subduing golden whip suddenly fell, smashing Tai Ning's protective Tai Chi diagram to pieces. As the divine light shone, Tai Ning was sent out of Tianwu Terrace...

Although many Xuanming Cultivators who were watching the battle had expected this, they still felt uncomfortable seeing Gao Xian easily crushing Tai Ning and winning.

For a moment, tens of thousands of cultivators around the Tianwu Platform fell silent.

In the Xuanming Hall, Taoist Master Xuanyang said with some humor: "This boy's thunder skills are not very good, but his strength is not small."

Shinichi lowered his head slightly and asked respectfully: "Taoist Master, this person is profound in the Five Elements Kung Fu, and it seems that he has obtained the true inheritance. Will there be any trouble after accepting this person..."


Xuanyang Taoist Master looked at Zhenyi with his bright and clear eyes. Even though Zhenyi was the Taoist Master of Transformation, he was still a little nervous at this moment. Tao Zun seemed a little unhappy!

Shinichi solemnly said: "I think this person's talent is enough to achieve enlightenment and become a god. If he causes chaos, it will be very harmful to our religion!"

He had no problem with Gao Xian, but his background was unknown, which was a big problem. He also wanted to speak clearly in front of Tao Zun.

Xuanyang Taoist Master ignored Shinichi. He seemed to suddenly remember something and looked into the distance thoughtfully... (End of Chapter)

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