Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 595 Divine Grant

Above the nine heavens, the divine light of the blazing sun shines everywhere.

A huge nine-pointed dark blue star cut through the void and descended into the sky. The nine-pointed dark blue star shone down, and its light was as deep as an abyss. This deep darkness seems to absorb all the surrounding light, dividing a huge dark area in the sky.

The blazing sun and the nine-pointed stars flickered and dimmed, and the sky seemed to be torn in half at this moment.

Within Jiuzhou, you can see the vision of stars breaking through the sky and competing with the sun.

In Mingzhou, Lu Xuanji, Yue Wanfeng and other powerful gods were looking up at the stars in the sky. With their eyes, they could all recognize that this star was the Seventh Star of the Big Dipper, also known as Po Jun.

There is a saying that the first star of Beidou is actually Pojun.

The North Star symbolizes the North Pole in the mid-heaven, and the Big Dipper guards the North Pole. They are the seven most important stars in the sky. Among them, breaking the army symbolizes killing and conquering.

The Pojun Star appeared in the daytime, competing with the sun for its brilliance, and its deep and endless murderous aura fell down from the nine heavens. The stronger your cultivation level, the more you can sense the terrifying power within it.

Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji both looked in the direction of Xuanming Sect. They both knew that a Taoist examination was taking place there. According to the rules of the Taoist examination, the participants must be awarded sacred urns.

Is it just to trigger the appearance of the main star of Pojun in the Nine Heavens just to grant the divine trinket? This is too exaggerated!

It would be very difficult for Chunyang Taoist Master to activate the main star of Pojun. Are you going to such great lengths just to consecrate someone?

Both of the two Taoist Transformation Lords thought of Gao Xian. If it was for the purpose of conferring burial rituals, it could only be Gao Xian. Only this person has such mysterious and unspeakable luck, and can carry the huge star power of the main star of Pojun.

Invoking the main star of Pojun to condense the relevant divine regalia, several large sects in Jiuzhou that have been passed down for thousands of years can do this. This is like the Nine Heavens Jade Emperor, whom countless sects believe in. You can more or less borrow part of the power of this supreme god.

The same is true for all the star masters in Zhoutian. There are hundreds of millions of believers, and their star power cultivation methods are also spread throughout the nine continents. It is not difficult to activate the Pojun star power to condense talismans and cast magic weapons.

However, when the blazing sun is in the sky, it causes the main star of Pojun to appear, and the unparalleled star power directly competes with the blazing sun. This is very exaggerated.

This seems to be the first time in ten thousand years.

The Pojun Star only appeared for a few breaths, and then turned into a dark blue starlight that shot downwards.

In the Tianwu Hall, Zhenye, who presided over the ceremony of conferring the urn, was also a little confused. The dome of the main hall covers the sky. Everyone present is the Nascent Soul Lord, and they can see the visions in the sky through various secret techniques.

Seeing the main star of Pojun falling like a meteor, the direction of the huge and unparalleled star power was pointing towards their Tianwu Palace. The star power condensed on the main star of Pojun is as vast as the sea. With such a blow, not only the Tianwu Palace will be destroyed, but also millions of miles around will be reduced to ashes.

Such terrifying power made many Nascent Souls feel frightened. In the face of life and death, who can not be afraid? The only difference is that some people can control it, at least not on their faces. Some people couldn't control their expressions.

Not to mention all the Nascent Soul Lords, even the two Divine Taoist Lords Zhenyi and Zhenye felt strongly uneasy. If the Pojun Star were to be bombarded like this, even the sect's protective formation might not be able to block it.

Intimidated by the huge and unparalleled star power, the souls of the two Taoist Lords were strongly suppressed. This huge threat also made them instinctively resist.

However, the two god-transforming Dao Lords instantly understood that such a vision was the resonance between heaven and man, triggering mysterious spiritual changes. This was a divine gift from heaven!

Realizing this, the two Shen Dao Lords were even more shocked.

The purpose of opening an altar to offer sacrifices is to communicate with the gods in the hope of receiving divine gifts. How could Gao Xian, an outsider, cause the main star of the Po Army above the nine heavens to appear during the day, and even turn into huge star power and come directly!

Only Dao Zun can do this. Could it be that Dao Zun Xuanyang secretly helped Gao Xian to induce Pojun Lord Star to give the divine urn?

Only this explanation can make sense!

But why does Tao Zun value Gao Xian so much? ! There are so many geniuses in the sect, but the Tao Master has put so much effort into cultivating a talented outsider. Even the two Tao Masters who transform into gods can't figure it out.

In the Xuanming Hall, the young Taoist Xuanyang's face was a little surprised, but also a little happy. He said to himself: "This kid is good. He is really in tune with the main star of Pojun, and he can actually induce the main star to send down divine gifts... …”

Xuanyang Taoist Master didn't care much about the gods in the sky. He felt that these gods were just manifestations of a certain kind of power. The connection between heaven and earth had long been severed. The cultivators did not need the gods' consent to borrow their power.

Just to trigger the appearance of the Pojun Main Star, it really requires an exceptionally suitable person to serve as an anchor and establish a stable connection with the Pojun Main Star in order to produce such a phenomenon.

In this process, he just helped Gao Xian build a bridge through the star power of the Arctic Emperor, so that Gao Xian could connect with the Pojun Lord Star.

Without his help, Gao Xian is not proficient in the method of worshiping the main star. No matter how he fits the Pojun main star, he cannot connect to the Pojun main star out of thin air.

Such a big momentum was far beyond Taoist Xuanyang's expectations. It seems that all the powerful people in Jiuzhou have noticed this vision. For Gao Xian, it was also a moment of limelight.

"The heaven and earth are changing, and the main star of Pojun is restless... Gao Xian is a lucky man! It's just right, it's the right time for our religion to prosper, haha..."

Dao Master Xuanyang squeezed the seal with his hand, and guided the nine-pointed Army-breaking Star to fall from the sky through the flow of mana on the North Pole Emperor's Altar. In fact, this was just a ray of pure star power separated from the Army-Breaking Star.

If the main star of Pojun really fell from the sky, if nothing else, at least Jiuzhou would be completely shattered and disintegrated, and few people in the world would be able to survive. This ray of pure star power will not be transformed into a divine vessel on its own, it will still need to be guided by his spells. The nine-pointed dark blue starlight falling from the sky continues to shrink, and countless ancient runes shine and condense, instantly transforming this ray of star power into a powerful and stable divine organ.

The whole process is extremely complex and mysterious. Even if Taoist Xuanyang has such peerless power, he must use the sect's altar to worship the Ten Thousand Years Altar in order to take advantage of the situation and transform the star power into a divine urn.

The huge star power instantly transformed into a nine-pointed starlight that was about ten feet long. This nine-pointed starlight silently penetrated the dome of Tianwu Hall and sank directly into Gao Xian's head.

In an instant, Gao Xian seemed to be pierced by a ten-foot-long nine-pointed star.

Many Nascent Souls around could not help but change their expressions again. With such strong and overpowering star power, who was this powerful man casting a spell from a distance to take Gao Xian's life?

Tai Ning and Qing Le, who were standing not far behind Gao Xian, couldn't help but change their expressions slightly. Qing Le even tried to use a spell to stop him, but unfortunately, she couldn't cast a spell in time despite her abilities.

Qingqing reacted faster and was always ready to take action. Seeing that the situation was not right, he wanted to use his sword. At this moment, Shinichi activated his soul, and his tyrannical power instantly suppressed the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword.

This fifth-level divine sword was completely suppressed by Zhenyi Peerless Yuanshen, and not a trace of sword power could move. Qing Qing, who was united with body and sword, was also completely suppressed. Qingqing still wanted to struggle, but she heard Shinichi shout in her ears: "Gao Xian is fine, don't act recklessly."

In fact, most of Shinichi's attention was focused on Gao Xian. It was not difficult for him to suppress a Nascent Soul Sword Lord who had only practiced for two or three hundred years.

He was very surprised by Gao Xian's calmness. The huge starlight fell from the sky, even if it had condensed into a sacred vessel, no one could tell whether it was harmful or not because of the changes in its powerful star power.

If it were him, he would have to resolve the changes in star power first.

Gao Xian, however, remained unmoved and allowed the stars to penetrate him. This could no longer be said to be calm, but a complete lack of fear of life and death.

Shinichi feels that Gao Xian is not the kind of person who is not afraid of death. Gao Xian is so smart and so greedy for money and lust, how could he not be afraid of death!

Being able to be so calm can only mean that Gao Xian is sure to protect himself, or that he has seen through the harmless changes in star power. Either way, it is an extremely powerful skill.

The huge nine-pointed star shrank rapidly with Gao Xian as the center, and finally turned into a dark blue nine-pointed star at the center of Gao Xian's eyebrows.

The nine-pointed star is not nine equidistant angles, but presents a slender proportion, imprinted on Gao Xian's eyebrows. It has a mysterious and indescribable beauty, and a profound mystery that cannot be looked directly at.

Gao Xian's eyes turned, and deep blue nine-pointed stars shone faintly in the depths of his eyes, making his eyes brighter and deeper.

He didn't mean to show off, but the star power divine vessel that fell from the sky was actually too powerful, and he couldn't fully control it for a while, and the condensed star power would inevitably dissipate outwards.

Everyone present was attracted by the nine-pointed star mark on Gao Xian's eyebrows, but after taking one look, they instinctively looked away and did not dare to look further.

Even the two Shen Dao Lords quickly withdrew their gazes. The star power condensation god is a self-contained entity. Neither of them is proficient in it, nor do they know what this dark blue nine-pointed star represents.

Judging from the aura emanating from the nine-pointed star, the aura of this divine jar is deep, powerful and mysterious, and it should be a war-killing divine jar.

According to the level of the divine urn, the octagonal hanging awn is the first grade, and this is the first time they have seen the nine-cornered awning divine urn. Judging from the aura displayed by the main star of Pojun, this should be a super-grade divine artifact.

Zhenye is a bit embarrassed. According to tradition, he actually has to explain the origin of the divine urn to the giver and help the giver understand and control the divine urn as soon as possible.

He has never seen Gao Xian obtain this sacred artifact, so how can he explain it?

Shinichi didn't know anything about it, and he didn't know how to explain it.

At this time, Xuanyang Taoist Master's voice sounded above the hall. "The name of the divine urn is Pojun, and it is responsible for killing and breaking tribulations. Every time you win a battle and kill, the power of the divine urn will be increased."

Although this voice has a somewhat youthful clarity, it has a mysterious rhythm and a pure Yang energy. Just listening to that voice, everyone felt warm and warm, and their whole body was full of energy and blood, making them feel indescribably comfortable.

Many Nascent Souls in the Tianwu Hall had never seen Taoist Xuanyang before, but they knew the voice of Taoist Xuanyang, and they all had stern and respectful expressions.

The two gods and Taoists also bowed their heads and saluted.

Xuanyang Taoist Master said: "The Pojun Star appeared and gave Gao Xian the divine trinket. This is Gao Xian's luck, and it is also our teaching's luck. From today on, Gao Xian will enter the North Pole Hall and be given the title 'Lord Pojun Star'." '..."

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