Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 604 "Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu"

Chapter 604 "Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu"

The Blood God Yuanying condensed by the Taixuan Divine Phase is extremely powerful, especially the seven natal magical powers transformed by the first-grade golden elixir. As long as there is one immortal blood, it can be reborn.

Although the Blood River Scripture can easily smelt various divine objects and artifacts, it cannot easily smelt the Taixuan Divine Aspect.

Gao Xian was not desperate. After many trials, he also roughly figured out the changes in the "Blood River Sutra".

The reason why this Blood River Scripture cannot be stable is because it lacks the spiritual guidance of the soul. As long as Taixuan Shenxiang can withstand all the fiery changes in the smelting of the Blood River Scripture, he can take over this peerless secret method.

The danger is danger, but the chance of success is also very high.

At the critical moment, Taixuan Shenxiang's profound cultivation of the ninth level of Nascent Soul was fully brought into play. No matter how the Blood River Mantra turned into divine light and corroded and smelted, Taixuan Shenxiang was able to withstand it for the time being.

In addition, Sister Lan mobilized mana in the game, and Gao Xian was responsible for finding the central ban on the Blood River Scripture.

The current Blood River Scripture is like a raging and burning river. He needs to go upstream as soon as possible to find the central restriction and refine it, so that he can master this secret method and avoid the Taixuan Divine Aspect from being refined. tragic end.

The combined spiritual consciousness of Gao Xian and Sister Lan is enough to match the two powerful gods. Such powerful spiritual consciousness also allows him to grasp the changing context of the ever-changing Blood River Sutra.

If the interpretation is wrong, the huge and unparalleled magic power cannot be maintained stably, and the Taixuan Shenxiang will inevitably be shattered.

It wasn't until this moment that Gao Xian truly learned this secret technique and initially mastered this special artifact.

"Innate is born with one yuan, and one yuan transforms into blood to give birth to all things..."

Although there are many blood nerve cultivators under Yuan Wuxian, they don't have the ability to open the "Book of Transformation of Blood River Tianzun". This gives him an advantage!

After a cruel test, the red gold rune and Yin Shen were completely integrated, and became the natal artifact of Taixuan Shenxiang.

Gao Xian didn't care about the outside world. He used his spiritual consciousness to sort out the resonance just now, and arranged the billions of mysterious runes in an orderly manner according to his understanding.

Gao Xian also became nervous at this moment. He knew that this was the most important step. If he could truly interpret the "Blood River Sutra", he would be able to transform the huge and unparalleled mana into a stable structure in an orderly manner.

The blood shadow formed by Taixuan Divine Appearance expanded a hundred times under the mighty blood river, and red gold runes like tadpoles continued to shine and flow in this huge body.

Under the control of his powerful spiritual consciousness, billions of shining red gold runes were quickly arranged into a magical scripture.

The out-of-control huge mana also broke through the barrier of the magic circle, and thick blood shot straight into the sky.

The terrifying power emitted by the condensation of the red gold runes almost melted Taixuan Shen Xiangyin Shen into ashes. Fortunately, the Taixuan Divine Appearance is presided over by Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness, and the pure Yang Baoguang transformed by the Jade Clear Flower has initially possessed the power of pure Yang.

The various sacred meanings of the Blood River Scripture resonated with the Taixuan Divine Phase, and the burning bloody river suddenly merged into the Taixuan Divine Phase.

Taixuan Divine Appearance has consumed nearly 70% of his mana and consciousness. Gao Xian was not in a hurry. He first used his consciousness to read the red gold runes and established a resonance with the trace of consciousness left in them.

Fortunately, Yuan Wuwu was unable to unlock this secret method. The main reason is that the cultivation methods are too different, and it is impossible for Yuan Wuxian's Yuan Demon Path to match this book.

The last red gold rune returned to its place, and all the red gold runes shone together and converged inward, merging with Taixuan God Xiang Yin Shen in the blink of an eye.

Absorb the origins of heaven and earth, all things, and all living beings, rebel against innate nature, and transform into one element. This way, one can live as long as heaven and earth and remain immortal for all eternity.

The solid foundation accumulated through more than three hundred years of cultivation was fully revealed at this critical moment.

The so-called Huayuan means that Blood River Tianzun believes that heaven and earth, all things, and all living beings are born from the same origin and are transformed from the innate one-yuan energy.

The real name of this method is "Xuehe Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu", which means the true scripture written by Xuehe Tianzun himself. The material of this book is extremely special. According to the records in this book, the sinews, bones, skin, flesh and soul of a red dragon were refined into a book. Blood River Tianzun used it to write this scripture.

Only then could the red gold runes be smelted for the last time. Gao Xian also secretly called it a fluke. This secret method was passed down to a very high level. I am afraid that not only the transformed gods could withstand such smelting.

In short, this "Blood River Tianzun Transformation Book" is not only a peerless secret method of the Demon Sect, but also an artifact that Tianzun refined at will.

After suffering like this for an unknown amount of time, Gao Xian controlled the Taixuan Divine Appearance and finally found the forbidden center of the Blood River Sutra, the little aura transformed from the red gold runes.

Gao Xian didn't know who the Blood River Tianzun was, but if he could call himself Tianzun, he must be the most powerful person in this world.

The sixth-level Pure Yang is named Dao Zun, the seventh-level Mahayana is named Tianjun, and the eighth-level Earth Immortal is named Tianzun.

The Xuanming Sect enshrines Xuanming Zun, who is actually an earthly immortal and the founder of the Xuanming Sect. Given this person's rank, it is reasonable for him to accept offerings and kneel before him.

I just don’t know whether this Xuan Mingzun is alive or dead?

The nine-headed demon dragon suppressed by the Jiuzhou Legal Domain is the eighth-level Earth Immortal. It can also be called Tianzun.

Since Blood River Tianzun is called Tianzun, he must be a peerless powerhouse alongside Xuanming Tianzun and the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon. The "Blood River Tianzun Transformation Book" that he personally refined must be very, very powerful.

Although Gao Xian has some knowledge, he cannot judge the level of this peerless artifact. Judging from his own feelings, it is at least the fifth level of the best, and may even be stronger.

It's just that his magic power is too low now. Even if he masters this artifact, he can only exert one point of its power, or even less than one point.

From his point of view, the level of this artifact is not too exaggerated. If it were really seventh or eighth level, it wouldn't be his turn to refine it. The top grid is also the sixth level, right?

After the "Blood River Tian Zun Hua Yuan Shu" and Tai Xuan Shen Xiang Yin Shen were completely integrated, the blood-like flowing light spread outwards and soon turned into a red robe.

The fourth-level mid-grade spiritual weapon robe originally worn by Taixuan Shenxiang was melted by the blood light, and all the artifacts and spiritual weapons on his body were also smelted by this book. Taixuan Shenxiang happened to turn this artifact into a robe.

"Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book" is at least the fifth level of the best artifact level. In its normal state, this book is like a piece of red silk satin, and it can be put to its best use when turned into a robe.

Moreover, the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu is in harmony with Taixuan God, and can be transformed at will along with Taixuan God's form, without being restricted by the form.

But with this artifact, all the investment was not wasted, and it was even returned tenfold and a hundredfold.

The secret magic power recorded in the "Book of Hua Yuan of the Blood River Tianzun" is even more superb, and it is in the same vein as the blood nerve. The Taixuan Shenxiang can naturally and smoothly practice this method.

In this way, Taixuan Shenxiang has a good chance of being the first to prove the Tao Yuanshen. Gao Xian was thinking about his future plan when he suddenly felt a violent vibration in the void above him. He knew that someone was going to penetrate the void and come here forcefully. Judging from the other person's aura, he was at least a powerful person who transformed himself into a god.

Even with the "Book of Transformation of the Blood River Tianzun", he is still not strong enough to fight against the Transformation God. Besides, it's not necessary.

Gao Xian activated the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Formless Divine Clothes, and his body disappeared into the deep strata.

The geomagnetic energy in the strata is so strong that as long as he dives for tens of miles, it is almost impossible for even the Taoist Transformation Master to find traces of him.

Taixuan Shenxiang is good at concealing his whereabouts, and he is covered by the Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes. Even if there is no ground obstruction, the distance of dozens of miles is enough to ensure his safety.

Gao Xian transformed into a ray of transparent water that easily penetrated the thick soil. In this state, he can easily penetrate the magic circle, let alone ordinary soil and rocks.

This is different from the Five Elements Escape Technique. It is completely a blood shadow change of the blood nerves.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Xian had dived for dozens of miles and found a place with strong earth evil energy to stop.

He activated the flower appreciating mirror and looked outside. The advantage of this secret method is passive observation and does not involve direct interaction of spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian has tried many times, and it is still okay to use this method to take a look at the transformed god from a distance. Of course, he cannot stare at it all the time. The perception of the powerful transformed god is too sharp.

A ball of magical golden light exploded in the sky, and it was like a golden light door had been opened in the void.

The next moment, an old monk in black walked out of the golden light door. The old monk is tall but has dry skin and skin. The skin has a texture like gold and copper tightly wrapped around the bones, and the shape of the bones can be clearly shown.

It looked like a seriously ill patient in the late stages, like a living skeleton, full of lifeless energy.

The old monk in black had a deep look in his eyes with a hint of death, but Gao Xian saw that this man's skin, flesh, muscles and bones were extremely powerful.

Gao Xian has seen many powerful people who transformed themselves into gods, and this one must be the first when it comes to being physically powerful.

His mind moved. If he guessed correctly, this person should be the Master of the Dragon Seal of Xiaoleiyin Temple. It is said that he was a traitor to the Dragon Elephant Palace, so he went to Yuanzhou to establish a sect.

This powerful man who transformed into gods had a bad reputation. However, this person probably has the Dragon Elephant Ming Wang Pill!

Gao Xian has been thinking about going to Xiaoleiyin Temple to check the situation. Even though he is extremely busy, he has no time to mess with Taixuan Shenxiang.

Seeing the dragon seal here aroused Gao Xian's interest. No matter what the character of Dragon Seal is, his body-refining skills are at the pinnacle, and he has the obvious characteristics of Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

Dragon Seal may also have practiced other secret techniques, so his physical condition is so strange.

Gao Xian didn't dare to look any further. He immediately retracted his gaze and continued to dive deeper.

Above the sky, the old monk Long Seal, a powerful god-transformer, stared at the place where Gao Xian had just disappeared for a long time. The strong traces of mana there indicated that someone was here just now, possibly refining a powerful artifact, and the blood was soaring into the sky.

Long Yin saw such a strange phenomenon from a million miles away, and he hurriedly drove the escape light to come over. Without the space teleportation array, even though Dragon Seal is strong, it can only teleport thousands of miles at a time.

When he accurately locked the position and arrived here, he found that the person was gone and the artifact had also disappeared.

The old monk was naturally a little unwilling. The aura of the artifact was at least the fifth level, or even higher. A divine weapon of this level, even if it does not match his cultivation path, is extremely precious.

The other party refining the artifact in his territory is probably a lucky junior. If you are a strong person who transforms into gods, you will never go to the wilderness to refine important artifacts.

Long Yin had just faintly sensed that someone was spying on him. When his consciousness searched the area of ​​thousands of miles around, he found nothing.

I don’t know whether the other party ran away or concealed his whereabouts.

Longyin searched several more times, but found nothing in the end, so he could only return to Xiaoleiyin Temple.

Gao Xian has now returned to Liudao City. Taixuan Shenxiang has an open identity here and sells some elixirs and spiritual objects. As Jindan Zhenren, he is still quite respected here, and no one dares to mess around.

When Gao Xian returned home, he saw the surrounding neighbors running out, pointing to the sky and discussing the vision.

Obviously, the bloody light released into the sky at the end of "Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu" alarmed the Six Paths City. Gao Xian didn't care either. Dragon Seal, a powerful man who transformed into gods, came from thousands of miles away. It was normal for Liudao City to find strange phenomena.

Gao Xian didn't want to go out and have a pretentious discussion. Taixuan Shenxiang had always been aloof, so there was no need to do such a thing. It is impossible for anyone to connect the vision with Taixuan God.

After closing the magic circle, Gao Xian also let out a long breath. Things are really very dangerous today.

"Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu" was more difficult to work on than he expected, and he almost lost all his efforts. Fortunately, I gave it a try. He was also lucky to complete the refining before the dragon seal arrived.

If you encounter the Dragon Seal a little later, it will be a bit troublesome.

Gao Xian rested for a while and relaxed completely. Then he consciously entered Taishi Temple and studied the "Book of Transformation of Blood River Tianzun" seriously.

This method has been deeply ingrained in his consciousness, and he has even understood some of its simple contents. However, he can only be considered a beginner.

Opening the Feng Yue Baojian, I saw the explanation of this secret method on the front.

Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu: An artifact carrying the secret method of Blood River Tianzun, which is infinitely wonderful. First level (the fifth level is the best).

"Book of Transformation of the Blood River Tianzun": The peerless secret method created by the Blood River Tianzun includes the nine methods of the Blood River. (87555/100000 entry)

Infinite Blood River, Blood River Golden Cart, Blood River Mantra, Yuanshi Yiyi, Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, Blood Sun Divine Light, Red Blood Yin Thunder, Blood Shadow Clone, Blue Blood Divine Sword...

(It’s the last few days of the month, please vote~)

(End of this chapter)

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