Chapter 607 Affection (Added update for leader hnjfs)

Fifth-level heavenly ghosts have very powerful spiritual consciousness, or can be called powerful souls, which means that their spiritual consciousness is solid enough to resist thunder.

Gao Xian has killed so many fifth-level heavenly ghosts and has a deep understanding of these heavenly ghosts.

Ordinary fifth-level heavenly ghosts can also condense powerful spiritual consciousness into shape, but they lack a secret method framework and rely solely on instinct to form a soul that is very fragile in some aspects.

Even demons with low intelligence will become wiser once they become Yin Gods, and they will have the purpose to learn how to control power.

Heavenly ghosts just don't have wisdom. Even if they have souls, it's the right time and place and various external forces that make them possible. Therefore, the heavenly ghosts are very powerful, but they have obvious shortcomings.

When you reach the fifth level, there are always various ways to make up for your shortcomings. There is no way it would leave such obvious flaws.

Gao Xian found the loophole of the Heavenly Ghost, and relied on the power of the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu to kill hundreds of fifth-level Heavenly Ghosts by chopping melons and vegetables along the way.

This kind of fifth-level creature sealed in a special cave is very different from a true fifth-level cultivator.

Therefore, Gao Xian felt a little curious when he sensed the special atmosphere deep in the Heavenly Ghost Prison, but he did not feel that there would be any danger.

Sixth-level Pure Yang requires going through thunder tribulation. Even if these filthy creatures like the Heavenly Ghost were ten thousand times stronger, they would never be able to survive the thunder tribulation.

With Gao Xian as the center, the red light wheel spread instantly, shining red in a radius of thousands of miles.

The filthy consciousness that fell from the sky was also burned and melted by the overbearing blood-yang divine light.

However, the star of Pojun on the center of Gao Xian's brow shone first, faintly establishing a connection with the main star of Pojun above the nine heavens.

From the depths of Gao Xian's knowledge sea, Sister Lan emerged.

On the contrary, there are some powerful monsters with rough skin and thick flesh. Relying on their strong innate foundation, it is said that they can withstand thunder disasters. It is said that such powerful monsters can be found all over the world, and the Jiuzhou Legal Domain contains no less than such powerful monsters.

Countless red gold runes shone on Blood River Tianzun's Huanyuan Book, and were transformed into a red blazing sun under the influence of Taixuan Divine Appearance. In an instant, divine light as bright as blood and as sharp as a sword burst out.

Gao Xian also took advantage of the situation to untie all the physical and spiritual constraints, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was the Po Jun Shenlu that blocked most of the opponent's power, otherwise he would have suffered a loss this time.

Although the Pojun Divine Barrier did not block this divine consciousness, it neutralized 80% of its power.

The bright and beautiful Sister Lan's face also became extremely gloomy, as if she had aged dozens of years all of a sudden.

Powerful and filthy consciousnesses were like invisible ropes, tying him up in circles.

Sister Lan urged a red dragon to meet the filthy consciousness. As it flew, the red dragon was dyed black and red by the filthy consciousness, and immediately turned into ashes silently.

The two sides' spiritual consciousnesses were in such fierce confrontation that Gao Xian also saw each other's appearance through the interaction of their spiritual consciousnesses.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gao Xian immediately activated the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu. The Great Five Elements Nascent Soul and the Taiyuan Shenxiang all converged into the Taixuan Shenxiang, and used all his strength to activate the Blood Sun Divine Light.

The most frightening thing is that the other party's filthy consciousness has directly blasted into his sea of ​​​​consciousness, pointing directly at his soul. The opponent's spiritual consciousness is at least ten times more powerful than his, and even though the method of controlling his spiritual consciousness is rough, it is enough to crush him head-on.

The red and intense blood light enveloped the area, and all the filth was burned away in the blazing divine light. The spirituality of the heavenly ghosts in this area was also ignited by the blood sun divine light, and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

No matter how strong the Heavenly Ghost is, it is impossible to reach the sixth level.

What I didn't expect was that I encountered an evil creature with such powerful spiritual consciousness, and the other party had the skills to operate it.

The blood sun divine light contains extremely domineering and blazing magic power, which can burn the essence and blood of all living creatures. Gao Xian will explode with all his strength, coupled with the blessing of the fifth-level top-notch artifact Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu, it can be said that the power of the Blood Sun Divine Light has been pushed to the extreme.

Endless star power penetrated the void and fell directly through the Heavenly Ghost Prison and the Heavenly Restriction. Instead, the dark blue starlight on the Pojun Divine Barrier continued to converge inward, and in an instant it seemed to turn into a deep and endless abyss.

The tyrannical consciousness fell from the sky and fell into the depths of the nine-pointed star. After all, its powerful and unparalleled consciousness penetrated the protection of the Pojun Divine Barrier, blasting the nine-pointed star and exploding millions of stray starlights on the spot.

This is a six-armed, three-headed giant with a height of one hundred feet. His body is as black as iron and as thick as a mountain. There are dozens of gray eyes on the three huge heads, which can be opened or closed. The eyes full of death are extremely strange and terrifying.

He actually has no nose or mouth, which makes him look even scarier.

Gao Xian didn't know what this was, but he could only confirm that it was an extremely powerful fifth-level evil object. In terms of spiritual consciousness alone, this evil thing was much more powerful than all the powerful gods he encountered.

Looking at the opponent's powerful and huge body, it would be difficult for him to kill the opponent even if he stood there motionless.

He was able to kill the Heavenly Ghost because the Heavenly Ghost was too stupid and had a natural flaw. He didn't want to go to such an evil thing and die. Even if there is a clone to die for, there is no need to be tortured.

Gao Xian immediately urged the black and yellow divine light to fly towards the distance at high speed. The five elements of divine light were introduced. The black and yellow divine light had actually been replaced by the earth element divine light. If taken alone, it was still the change of the black and yellow divine light.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light has a huge bonus to the Five Elements spells. Xuanhuang Divine Light also benefited from this, and its speed increased by at least 30%.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the fourth-level flying swords are rarely able to catch up with him.

The evil thing was unwilling to let Gao Xian go. It tried to lock Gao Xian with its spiritual consciousness, but Gao Xian was too fast. When encountering obstacles in spiritual consciousness, he directly activates the blood-yang divine light to rush forward.

The evil spirit has powerful spiritual consciousness but rough skills, and even in a hurry, Gao Xian cannot be stopped.

After breaking the lock on the evil object's spiritual consciousness, Gao Xian took advantage of the black and yellow divine light and ran all the way out of the Heavenly Ghost Prison.

Tai Ning, who was thousands of miles away, had been observing the entrance to the Heavenly Ghost Prison, and she was immediately happy when she saw a white shadow flying out from inside.

However, she soon realized something was wrong. Gao Xian's face was ashen, his eyes were dim, and his mana aura was boiling, as if he had just fought for his life.

Tai Ning hurriedly collected the tent and other items and took the initiative to meet Gao Xian. The two met halfway. Tai Ning hurriedly asked: "Brother, are you injured?" "Almost died."

Gao Xian was a little afraid that the guy would chase him out. He said to Tai Ning, "This is too dangerous. Let's go back immediately."

Tai Ning did not dare to delay, and hurriedly activated the Great Universe Shifting Talisman. The aura shone into the sky, and the next moment the two of them were already in Tianyuan Hall.

There is a huge teleportation circle inside Tianyuan Hall, which is said to connect heaven and earth. Even if you are far away from home, you can return instantly through the magic circle.

The teleportation array in Tianyuan Hall is only open to the true disciples of the Xuanming Sect. Gao Xian, a cultivator who joined halfway, is not qualified to use this teleportation circle.

In the main hall, there was Yuanying Zhenjun Shouyuan who was specially responsible for guarding the magic circle. When he saw Tai Ning and Gao Xian coming out of the teleportation magic circle, there was a look of surprise on their faces.

There are many rumors in the church that Tai Ning and Gao Xian have an ambiguous relationship. This also made many young Taining disciples who admired him hate Gao Xian extremely.

For this reason, the voices of scolding Gao Xian within the church became louder and louder.

Zhenjun Shouyuan didn't care about this. The proud daughter of Tai Ningtian had a bright future. Even if she had some friendship with Gao Xian, she would not get too close to him.

Forming a Taoist companionship with an outsider would have a great impact on Tai Ning's future.

The Xuanming Sect is not an ordinary sect. The distinction between internal and external is very important within the sect. A cultivator who has never been ordained is not considered a member of the Xuanming Sect at all.

Taining doesn't have to choose a Taoist partner, and no one will say anything. If you choose this religion, no one will say anything. However, the situation of choosing an outsider as a Taoist companion is completely different.

What Shouyuan didn't expect was that Tai Ning actually had a close relationship with Gao Xian. The two even went out together and used the teleportation circle to return to the sect.

It is conceivable that the two of them must have gone to a very far place. Looking at Gao Xian's appearance, his physical condition is very bad, he must have been seriously injured.

Even if they travel together, they also go on adventures and fights together. This friendship is really extraordinary. Looking at the two people, although they did not behave intimately, they looked relaxed and natural, and it was obvious that they had a close relationship.

When this news spread, I don’t know how many male cultivators would be heartbroken. Especially that Taiyuan, it is said that he and Taining have been childhood sweethearts for hundreds of years. He is obsessed with Taining. He never expected that it would turn out like this...

Zhenjun Shouyuan doesn't care much about love between men and women. Thinking of this, he can't help but feel sorry for Taiyuan. Such deep love is really wrong!

Tai Ning didn't know what Zhenjun Shouyuan was thinking, so she nodded politely to Zhenjun Shouyuan: "I'm sorry to trouble you, uncle."

Zhenjun Shouyuan is one generation higher than her. Normally, the Xuanming Sect is so big and divided into thousands of branches. Only those who inherit the same lineage will seriously calculate the seniority.

She and Zhenjun Shouyuan have different backgrounds, so just call her Taoist friend. However, she was still willing to be polite.

Calling "Uncle Master" won't hurt her, because the other party is senior to her, and he is a direct descendant of the teaching.

Gao Xian also politely handed over.

Zhenjun Shouyuan nodded slightly, and he wrote down a note in the book: On May 27, Xuanming 7501, Tai Ning and Gao Xian returned to the sect using the teleportation circle...

A copy of the same record should also be kept in the jade slips for easy preservation.

After the records are made, Gao Xian and Taining must sign and seal them. Using the teleportation array in Tianyuan Hall does not require spiritual stones, but it does leave a record.

After all, the operation of such a large teleportation circle consumes a lot of money. On the other hand, it is also necessary to record the people entering and exiting the teleportation circle to avoid being sneaked in by outsiders or causing other troubles.

Gao Xian and Tai Ning returned to Tianhong Garden. Yong Zhen and Yong He saw that Gao Xian was not in the right state, and they were both a little uneasy.

"It's none of your business. I'm going to rest for a few days. If I don't summon you, you don't have to come over..."

Gao Xian sent the two little Zhuji away, and then he sighed.

Although that powerful evil thing was powerful, it was not too dangerous to him. After all, there were several ways to escape.

He just lamented the fragility of cultivators. At his level, accidents may occur if he is not careful.

After cracking the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book and obtaining the supreme secret method and powerful artifact, coupled with the divine trinket given by Heaven some time ago, it has been smooth sailing for him during this period, and he naturally feels a little proud in his heart.

How can a normal person be dissatisfied after achieving something? What normal person would reflect every day after achieving success on where he went wrong and where he didn't do enough?

It's not normal to do this.

Gao Xian is a normal person. Three hundred years of practice have made him very calm, but it will not turn him into stone or wood.

Emotions such as pride, joy, sadness, anger, etc. are the most essential emotions of human beings. It is actually not difficult to get rid of these emotions, but it will turn into another kind of life and can no longer be called a human being.

For practitioners, maintaining the original nature of the mind is the first foundation. If you lose your true nature, you will lose yourself even if you become stronger, and you will eventually become something unknown!

It has to be said that the powerful evil thing suddenly appeared, which made Gao Xian feel so proud but was destroyed again.

This world is too dangerous, so with this ability, it is better for him to keep a low profile and be honest. First try your best to achieve a small goal of enlightenment and spiritual transformation, and forget about anything else...

Gao Xian was reflecting on himself here, and Tai Ning thought Gao Xian was frustrated by the failure.

She took the initiative to hold Gao Xian's hand and said softly: "Senior brother, it's okay if you fail. As long as you are fine."

Gao Xian looked at Tai Ning in confusion. What is this woman talking about?

Tai Ning looked into Gao Xian's eyes and said seriously: "Senior brother, Tianyinjian, the True King of Ten Directions, is very important to me, but you are also very important to me!"


(Please give me a monthly ticket for the third update~)

(End of this chapter)

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