Chapter 609 A big favor

Gao Xian was silent for a long time. His carefully prepared plan was ruined by Bai Yujing's words. This feeling was very bad.

It was like he had an affair with Tai Ning and thought no one else knew about it. As a result, everyone knew that they were still peeping outside the window while they were having an affair...

Gao Xian also worked hard for a long time to adjust his emotions. He bowed deeply to Bai Yujing and saluted: "Please forgive me for being stupid, and please give me some advice from senior."

Bai Yujing Shen Shen said half of the words, which was also a style of speaking that Gao Xian disliked. It is better not to speak half-heartedly, to make things mysterious, or to titillate people.

If you really can't say it, then don't say it.

Facing the mysterious Bai Yujing, Gao Xian still had to show respect and ask for advice, hoping that the other party would explain things clearly.

"You don't want to give up."

Bai Yujing was a little funny. Gao Xian insisted on asking clearly because he didn't trust her judgment. But young people are like this. They don’t know the heights of the world, and they always feel that they can do anything.

If it doesn't work, then the world is wrong.

The result made her quite satisfied that he was capable of great things.

Bai Yujing now became patient with Gao Xian. She took the initiative to explain to Gao Xian: "Evil ghosts, asuras, demons, demons, evils, and the six realms of heaven and man were all connected to this world. Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a peerless powerful man. Only by cutting off the connection between this world and the heaven, six realms and other external worlds can the realm be able to prosper.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

However, she didn't see Taixuan's divine appearance!

Gao Xian calmed down quickly after being shocked. This woman couldn't really see everything. She should be able to see the subtle operation of his magic power, and then she could detect the existence of Taiyuan Shenxiang.

Of course, it’s best if others don’t know this kind of secret. Given Bai Yujing's status and ability, he would not spread his secrets everywhere.

"They are just heretic evil spirits, not worth mentioning."

Only under extremely special circumstances would he bring the power of the three Nascent Souls together. If Taixuan Shenxiang was not in his sea of ​​consciousness, this woman would not be able to see it.

Furthermore, the two of them are fellow cultivators of the Yin-Yang Creation Cauldron of the Universe and are extremely familiar with each other's auras. Yue Shenxiu is so smart, it is not easy to hide it from her.

Under normal circumstances, he will carry the Taiyuan Divine Aspect to maintain extremely high combat effectiveness. Because Taixuan Shenxiang practices magic, the Taixuan Shenxiang will be placed outside as insurance.

This would at most shock a bunch of ignorant people, and a powerful person like Yue Wanfeng wouldn't care much about it. One Nascent Soul and two Nascent Souls do not make much difference to a powerful person who transforms into a god.

Bai Yujing decided to be more tolerant to this young cultivator. After all, he could learn the Great Five Elements Divine Light within a year. Looking at the peerless geniuses of the past tens of thousands of years, they were much inferior to this one.

Gao Xian's face remained motionless, but his scalp was numb. This woman must be poisonous. Why can she see his Taiyuan look?

Bai Yujing's cultivation is obviously far beyond that of a god. He should be a sixth-level weapon spirit? Moreover, this person should have magical powers in this area and be able to easily see into other people's cultivation status?

Gao Xian was shocked only by Bai Yujing's keen eyes, and was not very concerned about the leak of Taiyuan's divine phase clone. He can be Pojun Xingjun. Isn't it normal to have two Nascent Souls?

Gao Xian paused and asked respectfully: "Senior, I encountered a huge evil ghost with six arms and multiple eyes in the Heavenly Ghost Prison. I wonder what it is?"

Bai Yujing looked at Gao Xian with great interest. She found that Gao Xian calmed down quickly, and she couldn't help but nod in her heart. This guy is indeed a genius. Although he is usually a bit cunning, he can be stable and responsible at critical moments. He is indeed a capable person. A great talent.

Along the way, Gao Xian met many powerful people who transformed themselves into gods, but no one could see through his fundamentals. Yue Shenxiu vaguely guessed that he also had a Nascent Soul. That was because the two were so familiar, and he did not avoid Yue Shenxiu in some matters.

"The Five Qi Cave Heaven is a cave heaven formed by the natural gathering of the five elements in this world. It is vast and endless. To say that it is related to the Great Five Elements Sect, it is also said that Luo Shouyang hid the secret method of inherited artifacts in it."

There is no right or wrong in this idea itself. Only when young people are not afraid of making mistakes can they break the rules and continue to innovate. They just need to bear the price of making mistakes.

If I remember correctly, Luo Shouyang was already a god at the time, and it took him decades to get started with the Five Elements Divine Light. That's it, Luo Shouyang was able to dominate Jiuzhou when he reached the Pure Yang realm.

She revealed Gao Xian's secret, firstly to remind Gao Xian that two Nascent Souls were nothing, and secondly, she wanted to see Gao Xian's reaction.

Bai Yujing said slowly: "There are five qi in the cave, and the gods can't get in or out. Even if you have the five elements of divine light, you can't last for a moment. Oh, you also have an incarnation of the sword baby and the five elements of swords, so you can do more Hold on for a moment.”

"The so-called Demon Clan now, including evil spirits, are all remnants of the Six Paths!

"The world has changed, and the passage that was cut off has regained some contact with this world, so some outsiders will break into this world..."

Gao Xian just tried to ask, but he didn't expect Bai Yujing to actually answer. He also greatly increased his knowledge. It turns out that there is heaven and six realms outside this world.

It turns out that the Demon Sect and the Monster Clan have different inheritances, which are very different from those of the human cultivators. Including those evil spirits, they all have their origins!

"Thank you, senior."

Seeing Bai Yujing's good attitude, Gao Xian felt that the opportunity was rare. He hurriedly took the opportunity to ask again: "Senior, my Five Elements sword cannot be fused, and I don't know where the difference is?"

He felt that there was something wrong with the Innate Five Qi Returning Order, but this was just his opinion.

Bai Yujing doesn't know everything, let's see what she says. Regardless, multiple options are always good. "This is easy. I have a small thing in my hand. It can be called the Guiyuan Spiritual Crystal. It can be matched with your magic weapon to complete the positive and negative five elements cycle. This can refine the five elements sword weapon."

Bai Yujing said calmly: "Just refining the Five Elements Swordsmanship is not enough. Your swordsmanship method does not fit well with the Five Elements Swordsmanship. If you want to use the Five Elements Swordsmanship to prove the Tao, you must make a breakthrough in your swordsmanship... "

Gao Xian was surprised and a little uneasy. There is no free benefit in the world. Especially with such a big benefit, it solved his biggest problem now.

He hurriedly bowed his head deeply and saluted: "Thank you, senior, thank you very much, senior."

Bai Yujing flicked his finger, and a colorful gem fell into Gao Xian's hand.

This gem is shaped like a chicken egg, as transparent as crystal, and has five colors inside. However, the five colors of light are distinct and have clear boundaries between them.

Gemstones should be formed by the essence of the five elements, and contain the energy of the five elements that is extremely pure and condensed. Moreover, it is a very strange reverse change of the Five Elements.

Gao Xian used his spiritual sense to check it, and he could roughly confirm that this object should be a fifth-level high-grade divine object with extremely high quality.

Judging from Bai Yujing's careless look, it was like handing a candy to a child. This thing should be nothing to her.

Gao Xian said sternly: "Senior's generous gift has solved the problem for this junior. If senior has anything to do, I will do my best."

"It's okay, just remember this favor." Bai Yujing said casually.

"I'm so sorry. I can't help with big things. I can always do something with small things."

Gao Xian said sincerely: "Senior, you're welcome."

"Okay, you sincerely want to help."

Bai Yujing seemed to have thought of something, and she said casually: "The Xuanming Sect has a Baihe Lower Courtyard. Within the jurisdiction of the Lower Court, there is a group of mortals living in Wei State. Among them, there is a family named Shui in Pingyang City. His family has an eight-year-old boy. The little girl is very talented, if you go there and teach her swordsmanship for ten years, the favor will be settled."

Gao Xian was actually just being polite. After all, after getting such a big benefit, he couldn't just turn around and leave. Besides, this is not a one-and-done deal.

This Bai Yujing is at least a sixth-level powerhouse. Even if he becomes a god, there will still be times when he will be needed in the future. Only when there are comings and goings can the relationship be maintained well.

Sometimes it's like this. No matter how strong Bai Yujing is, he still wants to do his best to help. It doesn't matter how much you can help.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yujing was not polite and immediately sent him to the mortal realm, where he would stay for another ten years.

Gao Xian often traveled long distances and passed through many mortal countries. These places where mortals live together are the most filthy. From a distance, they look like heavy industrial areas from a previous life. Thick black air accumulates in the sky, blocking out the sun.

Of course, this is only for practitioners. Ordinary mortals cannot sense this strong odor.

When he was at the Pegasus Collection, Zhou Ye told him that mortals' minds are messy and they are most likely to harbor evil spirits. These evil spirits usually only affect the minds of mortals and make them do all kinds of crazy things.

To practitioners, these evil spirits are like a plague. If you accidentally kill a large number of mortals, you will immediately attract evil spirits and other heretics, and even cause thunder disasters and so on.

Given Gao Xian's current tyrannical cultivation, he is unwilling to go to the mortal world. Bai Yujing asked him to stay in the mortal world for ten years. This was really a severe test.

Gao Xian muttered in his heart but there was no hesitation on his face: "Senior, don't worry, junior will rush over to teach you swordsmanship."

He then asked: "Senior, what should we do with this woman in ten years?"

Bai Yujing said with a half-smile: "I will talk to you then. Go ahead..."

Gao Xian felt that Bai Yujing's smile was a little weird, and he didn't know what it meant. It's just that after receiving such great benefits, Bai Yujing would just accept it if he found an unrelated child to tease him.

After taking the Heavenly Sound Mirror of the True King of the Ten Directions, Gao Xian bowed respectfully to Bai Yujing and left the hall.

Returning to Tianbao Hall, Gao Xian registered his signature with Zhenyi again, and promised never to spread this fifth-level artifact to anyone else.

The so-called external transmission means that it cannot be spread outside the Xuanming Sect. This is also a very normal requirement. After all, Xuanmingjiao artifacts must have some relevant restrictions.

After completing the rather complicated procedures, it was already evening when Gao Xian returned to Tianhong Garden.

Although Tai Ning was very scheming, he couldn't contain his excitement at this moment and kept waiting eagerly for Gao Xian. Seeing Gao Xian take out the Tianyin Jian of the True King of the Ten Directions, he was immediately overjoyed and his smiling face almost blossomed.

Gao Xian felt a little sorry for Tai Ning when he saw this. This child had never seen anything good...

(It’s the last day of this month, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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