Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 616 Overcoming the Tribulation

Chapter 616 Overcoming the Tribulation

"Mingxia, are you willing to practice with me?" Gao Xian asked seriously.

Ten years later, he still hasn't figured out Shui Mingxia's past life. Or, this matter has nothing to do with Yun Qiushui at all, and is just a joke of Bai Yujing.

No matter what, after watching the little girl grow into a vigorous young girl in ten years, Gao Xian has developed feelings for this apprentice.

What he has learned should be passed down, and Shui Mingxia and Qingfeng Sword Sutra fit well together. This is especially rare if you have an extraordinary mind.

Root bones can be solved through auxiliary means such as spiritual objects and elixirs. Only half of the mind is born and the other half is tempered. From his point of view, for top cultivators, character comes first.

No matter what, Gao Xian is willing to take Shui Mingxia back to Xuanming Sect. As for the Shui family, they can all be handed over to Yongqing.

Yongqing is specifically responsible for this matter and has rich experience. There are hundreds of people in the Shui family, and they can be accommodated in any place. Although the heaven and earth are changing, the nine continents will be in chaos. That will happen hundreds of thousands of years later and will have nothing to do with the Shui family.

Shui Mingxia was naturally very willing. She had always wanted to practice with her teacher, but the teacher never said it, so she could only hold it in her heart.

"If you accept the teacher and never give up, the disciple is willing to follow the teacher forever."

Shui Mingxia burst into tears with excitement. As she spoke, she knelt down and kowtowed to Gao Xian three times.

Gao Xian smiled and helped Shui Mingxia up. He said to Yongzhen: "You take Mingxia and her family back first. I'll stay here to deal with the aftermath..."

No matter what Bai Yujing thinks, he has made great gains in his ten years in the mortal world.

Ten years of training in the human world have allowed him to wear away a lot of his impetuousness, and a lot of tiny burrs and scum. In the filthy mortal world, he becomes more pure and clear.

On the other hand, killing the emperor will inevitably lead to evil tribulation. Returning to the Xuanming Sect will not avoid the evil calamity, but will cause even greater trouble because of the strong spiritual energy.

To be able to realize the Dao Yuanying at the age of five or six hundred years old is already a very, very powerful cultivator. Gao Xian's cultivation progress is too fast, and he does not have as deep a foundation as Yue Shenxiu and Tai Ning, and almost all his cultivation is borrowed from outside forces. Compared with Tai Ning, Yue Shenxiu and the others, they are two points less solid after all.

Gao Xian, who has been wandering around the mortal world for ten years, also wants to try what a powerful demon is like. For him, this is actually a form of spiritual practice.

In fact, with a mature state system like Wei State, even if no one comes forward, a new emperor will be elected soon. Having Yongqing can reduce all kinds of troubles and confusions.

Killing an emperor is a big deal. We can't just smash Wei State's stall and leave it alone.

"Good boy."

There is a lack of spiritual energy in the mortal world, and no matter how powerful the demonic calamity is, there is a limit.

The less spiritual energy there is, the higher the efficiency required for the operation of the secret method. Just like a poor person will inevitably spend money carefully. This is not a talent, but an ability that must be mastered when forced by the environment.

Gao Xian felt that this might be Bai Yujing's real intention in letting him come to the mortal world. He could tell that Bai Yujing had high expectations of him, so he was willing to help him so generously.

In the past ten years, his cultivation level has not improved, but the positive and negative Hunyuan Jing of the Five Elements has made considerable progress.

Except for Pegasus Ji, the places where Gao Xian lived were full of spiritual energy. In addition, his cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the late Nascent Soul stage in three hundred years.

A mediocre emperor could maintain the stability of the country for decades. There are advantages and disadvantages to this, but no one can tell clearly.

As for who becomes the emperor, Gao Xian actually doesn't care much. A wise and powerful emperor may become dim in his later years, such as Li Longji.

Gao Xian used the magic talisman to separate the void and dragged Yongqing directly from thousands of miles away. This person can be regarded as a national advisor in name only, and he still has some weight in the Wei court.

Gao Xian left everything to Yongqing, and he lived in the emperor's study, which was generally called the Imperial Study, but its official name was actually the Jade Dew Hall.

The emperor and Huang Yuan died here, and the resentment left by these two people dissipated instantly. However, the two men were closely related to the fate of the country, and their deaths were unusual.

It is said that the national destiny is somewhat illusory, but in fact it can be seen as the gathering of the will of hundreds of millions of people from generation to generation. Any Wei emperor, no matter who he is, inherits the imperial power, becomes the supreme king of Wei, and receives the blessings of hundreds of millions of people. If he kills the emperor with one move, these wishes will turn into chaos, filth and resentment and fall on him. Unless he becomes the emperor and uses the thousand years of imperial power to condense into huge power, he can easily resolve these.

Kill the emperor first, and attract evil spirits and external demons later. One is the cause and the other is the effect. The cause-and-effect relationship is clear and there is nothing unexplainable about it.

Yongqing was very capable and quickly gathered several important ministers to select a suitable candidate among the princes. That is to say, several forces reached an agreement and sent the prince to the throne.

When a new emperor ascends the throne, he will naturally have to do a lot of things.

In an empire that has been passed down for thousands of years, all kinds of etiquette and rules are extremely complicated. The etiquette of aristocrats is actually a class indicator, which clearly distinguishes them from ordinary people.

Those who understand aristocratic etiquette are members of one's own family, otherwise they are those at the bottom who are outsiders. Secondly, aristocratic etiquette is also to show status. Just like the cumbersome etiquette of the emperor's enthronement, it is also to give the imperial power sacredness and solemnity.

Gao Xian watched with cold eyes, which was considered to have gained a lot of knowledge.

The new emperor's ascension to the throne actually had nothing to do with him. However, the new emperor's ascension brought order to the chaotic court and resolved a large part of the filthy resentment left by the previous emperor.

However, at least 60% of the evil spirit and resentment fell on him, clinging to him like a gangrene attached to his bones or a shadow attached to his body.

Gao Xian looked at it with the flower appreciating mirror and could faintly see that his body was contaminated by a cloud of black energy.

No matter how sophisticated he is in the Hunyuan Sutra of positive and negative Five Elements, how the Qinghua Divine Light can drive away evil and avoid pollution, and how the Pure Yang Divine Spear has the magical power to cleanse away evil and filthy air, he can't get rid of this black air on his body.

As he breathed in and out, this foul smell continued to blend with his body and soul.

Gao Xian was not surprised by this. The higher the cultivation level, the less willing to enter the mortal world. This is the reason. Without such restrictions, the mortal world would have become unknown.

You must know that one strike of the transformed god can turn the land thousands of miles into dust. Of course the normalized Shinto Lord will not mess around, but what about the demon cultivators? What to do about powerful monsters?

The filthy energy transformed by ghosts in the human heart is a barrier to the mortal world, and the sea of ​​suffering in the world of mortals is also a good place for mortal beings.

Gao Xian waited until the emperor ascended the throne and order was restored in the capital, then he said hello to Yongqing and left the capital happily.

I don't know what will happen if the evil spirit turns into an external demon. Gao Xian doesn't want to accidentally hurt innocent people, so he needs to find a quiet place to survive the disaster.

After ten years of traveling with Shui Mingxia, Gao Xian visited many places. He remembered that there was a White Rock Island deep in Pingyang Lake. There was a strong miasma here and there were many monsters in the water, so the White Rock Island was deserted.

This island is full of white stones of different shapes and colors. This kind of stone is actually highly toxic, so there is no grass or any life here.

Gao Xian was deeply impressed by this place at the time, but now that he thought about it, this place was just the right place to escape the tribulation. With a flash of his mind, he locked the location of the island, and the next moment, the person had appeared on the island.

There is a lack of spiritual energy in the mortal world, and the magic power of high sages is also non-existent. With the assistance of powerful magic weapons, it is not difficult to perform simple void transfers.

The ground is covered with white rocks like snow, the lake in the distance is blue, and under the bright sunshine in May, the island has a pleasant scenery.

Gao Xian got interested and built a large stone chair with white stones. He sat lazily on the stone chair every day, waiting for the evil tribulation to come.

As the weather got hotter and hotter, the stench that clung to Gao Xian disappeared. Gao Xian knew that these foul odors had completely invaded the body and soul, and he didn't know when the external demon would completely break out.

On this day, Gao Xian was silently working on his secret method. Suddenly, the clear sky was covered with dark clouds, and streaks of lightning flashed and swam in the dark clouds like electric snakes.

The huge power of thunder gathered between heaven and earth made even Gao Xian feel uneasy.

Gao Xian raised his head and looked at the sky. His expression was quite solemn. It turned out to be a thunder tribulation. This was the first stage for a powerful person to transform into a god and achieve pure Yang.

Just killing an emperor, does it have to be such a big deal? !

(End of this chapter)

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