Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 635: Stormy Sword Courage

Chapter 635: Stormy Sword Courage

A dark blue nine-pointed star cut through the dark void with a sharp roar, and penetrated directly into the body of a huge black crocodile.

The surface of this fifth-level demonic beast's body is covered with hard scales, and its body is as strong as a diamond. However, the dark blue nine-pointed star light easily penetrated the giant crocodile's heavy protection and was stabbing into the demonic beast's soul center.

Thousands of dark blue starlights emitted from the powerful spirit of the monster. The strong star power was so fierce that it could destroy all living things. The spirit of the monster was instantly crystallized by the star power, and then exploded into thousands of starlights flying in all directions. .

After the soul was destroyed, the giant black crocodile left behind a body with strong vitality and vitality, which also contained a very high-grade monster spirit core.

Gao Xian checked that there was nothing wrong, and then put away the giant crocodile's body.

The giant black crocodile lives tens of thousands of miles underground. Its official name should be the Iron Lin Earth Dragon. It is a very rare and powerful earth monster.

He also accidentally saw the trace of this monster beast and tracked it for more than a month before catching this guy.

The Tielin Earth Dragon can swim freely in the depths of the soil, just like a fish swimming in water. If Gao Xian hadn't had the divine light of Earth Element, he would never have been able to go tens of thousands of miles underground with his Nascent Soul cultivation, let alone fight the Iron Lin Earth Dragon deep underground.

This fifth-level monster has been running rampant underground for too long, and there is no vigilance. After a little testing, Gao Xian used the Pojun Shenlu to kill the opponent's soul.

It took ten years for him to completely refine the fifth-level ultimate army-breaking magic weapon. The nine-pointed star light activated by the Pojun Divine Ruin embodies the powerful power of the Pojun Lord Star to destroy everything.

Gao Xian was quite satisfied with this battle. It turned out that his Army-Breaking Star Sword was very powerful. Killing the fifth-level monsters was just a snap of his fingers.

Gao Xian put away the star crystals and walked around in a large circle, but did not find any evil monsters before returning to the Star Gathering Hall.

There was a fifth-level divine star crystal in Tie Lin Tu Long's nest. Gao Xian checked it and found that it should be a spiritual crystal condensed from the Tianquan Star Power. The Star Power contained a rich wood-based aura.

The Pojun Star Sword destroys all power and destroys the Tielin Earth Dragon Yuan Shen with one blow.

Anyone who majors in wood-based secret arts can use it. If you are a practitioner who specializes in the secret method of wood star power, this star crystal is a peerless divine object.

Of course it's nice to dominate the local area, but it's far away from the center. He has no interest in dominating Qixing Mountain, and this place is very boring.

The strong star power environment of Qixing Mountain also caused Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen to suffer some hardships in their cultivation. Their cultivation has been slow to progress in recent years.

After many tests in the Taishi Temple, Gao Xian finally chose the astrological sword power to activate the Army-Breaking Divine Ribbon, and he also maximized the power of this Divine Ribbon.

However, the two of them dealt with the food, clothing, housing and transportation of hundreds of thousands of people in Qixing Mountain all day long, learned to deal with all kinds of people, and experienced the evils of people's hearts, which greatly tempered their character.

For this secret technique, he temporarily called it the Army-Breaking Star Sword.

Gao Xian also felt that it was almost done. If they continued to practice, both of them would be assimilated by Qixing Mountain. At this point, it has not only increased my experience and sharpened my nature, but it has not completely destroyed my nature. It can be said to be just right.

The Jiuzhou Dharma Conference was about to start, and he had to go back to refresh his presence.

Shui Mingxia has been in Qixing Mountain for more than ten years, and it turns out that she has no special talent in star power. The same goes for Yongzhen.

On the other hand, it is also for safety reasons.

The fifth-level Tielin Earth Dragon relied on his physical body to be tyrannical and habitually ignored all kinds of attacks. Little did he know that the Pojun Star Sword was blessed by the Pojun Divine Rui and controlled by the divine astrological sword intention.

In more than ten years, he harvested a total of four fifth-level divine grade spiritual crystals. One of the spiritual crystals suitable for breaking the army's star power was used by himself, and the remaining three fifth-level divine grade spiritual crystals were useless.

Chunyang Taoist Master has thousands of disciples and grandchildren, why should he be given the opportunity? Just because of the divine gift? This is far from enough.

Thinking of how exciting the fight with the Six-Tailed Sky Fox was before, it felt like a lifetime ago. In fact, that was only a few decades ago.

For the two women, these ten years have laid a deep foundation for them.

After refining the Army-Breaking God Rui, he would go deep underground to hunt evil spirits and monsters. On the one hand, evil monsters are also extremely valuable, and there are often high-level star crystals in their lairs.

It’s time to go back to the Xuanming Sect after being out for more than ten years.

Gao Xian is not just greedy for the various generous rewards for defeating the True Lord, he wants the title.

If you really want to get the Du Sheng Zhenjun, everyone in all nine continents will know about his character. Taking advantage of the trend, he sells another batch of "Ode to the Great Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth". Over time, the amount of humane aura he harvests will be multiplied by nine!

This matter is very important to him. He can't place his hopes on others, he must take the initiative to fight for it!

Gao Xian called the source over to explain a few words, and then took Yongzhen and Shui Mingxia back to Tianhong Garden through the teleportation circle.

Qingqing was very happy to see Gao Xian back. She and her father had not seen each other for more than ten years. There is actually a teleportation circle in Qixing Mountain, but Gao Xian doesn't want Qingqing to run around.

He has many enemies, and maybe someone is keeping an eye on Qingqing. Qingqing was different from him. She was good at swordsmanship but a bit dull. She didn't have the ability to adapt and was safe at home.

Gao Xian and Qing Qing chatted for most of the day, and finally contacted Tai Ning in the evening.

Tai Ning quietly entered Gao Xian's bedroom. A man and a woman had not seen each other for more than ten years, and they were both full of passion. Before he said anything, Gao Xian tasted the pure woman's body.

After the rain dissipated, Tai Ning lay in Gao Xian's arms affectionately. Yun Yu was more about dual cultivation and happiness. Only the relationship between the two after Yun Yu could reflect the true relationship between the two.

Tai Ning liked Gao Xian's arms around her very much, the intimacy and happiness made her feel particularly at ease. Sometimes, she actually wanted to stay like this with Gao Xian for the rest of her life.

But she also understands that no matter how deep love is, it cannot last for thousands of years. Not to mention Gao Xian and many women. It is unrealistic to think of growing old together with Gao Xian.

Cultivators still have to contend with heaven, earth, and humans. The road to immortality is what practitioners really want to pursue.

Tai Ning couldn't help but sigh quietly when he thought of this.

Gao Xian was a little puzzled. Not everyone was enjoying themselves just now. Why did Tai Ning look so unsatisfied and resentful?

"I thought that the road is long, but life is so short, and I can't stay with my senior brother forever..." Tai Ning explained softly.

"You are such a genius and you have an unlimited future, so why be depressed."

Gao Xian felt that there was no problem for Tai Ning to become a god, but as for taking the next step, it was hard to say.

The transformed god must be able to survive three fire tribulations and live to be nine thousand years old. This life span of nearly ten thousand years is long enough for cultivators.

They are only over 300 years old now and are in no hurry to consider this.

"The most urgent thing is to prepare for the transformation into a god."

Gao Xian changed the subject and asked: "The Jiuzhou Dharma Conference will be held in a few decades. Does Taoist Master have anything to say?"

Decades, for Chunyang Taoist Master, are probably equivalent to a few months.

For such a major event as the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, Xuanyang Taoist Master should also make arrangements and allow relevant personnel to make preparations.

Tai Ning shook his head: "Tao Zun never said anything. In the past few years, the young Nascent Souls of the sect have been very active, and everyone wants to participate in the Dharma Conference..."

The Jiuzhou Dharma Conference has very high standards and can be said to be the most important event in Jiuzhou. Having the opportunity to attend a Dharma conference and meet the heroes of the Nine Continents is an opportunity that only comes once in a thousand years. According to past customs, Nascent Soul Lord who is over a thousand years old is not eligible to participate in the fight. Generally speaking, those who participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly are young Yuanying True Lords, plus a few Shenhua Dao Lords who lead the team.

For most young Nascent Soul Lords, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Gao Xian also wanted to sigh. There were too many competitors, and it would be really difficult for him as an outsider to get in.

"Tao Zun may appear at Tian Zun's birthday ceremony this year. See if you have a chance to talk to Dao Zun..." Tai Ning feels that Tian Zun's birthday is an opportunity. Gao Xian is eloquent and good-looking. If you have the opportunity to say a few words to Tao Zun, you should have a good chance of being appreciated by Tao Zun.

"You can try..."

That's what Gao Xian said, but it doesn't feel very reliable. What's the difference between going up to talk to Tao Zun and going up to chat with a beautiful woman when you see her on the street? !

He also didn't know the character of this Taoist priest, and it was actually very risky to do such a thing rashly.

But he has no foundation in the Xuanming Sect, and only Tai Ning is reliable. Tai Ning himself has very little qualifications. Even if he is a direct descendant of the sect, he cannot reach the level of a Taoist.

Only at the level of becoming a god can one speak to Taoist Master in a legitimate manner. Although Taojun Chang Ning was nice to him, he was just nice. The relationship between the two parties was a normal superior-subordinate relationship.

It was impossible to expect Chang Ning to help him with this kind of thing.

Gao Xian and Tai Ning chatted about the situation of the Xuanming Sect. It has been calm in recent years, at least within the Xuanming Sect.

The Xuanming Sect has thirty-six counties under its jurisdiction. Most of them are not in good condition, but they can still hold on for a while. It's just that a few small sects couldn't hold on and moved to the Xuanming Sect one after another.

Xuanming Sect generally maintains a welcoming attitude towards these small sects. The cultivators who can escape must be elites, and they can still maintain a complete sect structure, have a complete inheritance, and have a lot of cultivation resources.

It is beneficial and harmless to Xuanming Sect to keep such small sects within the territory. Of course, these small sects will definitely squeeze the living space of a large number of casual cultivators.

Just like Tongtian Sword Sect, Wanling Sect, etc., this is almost the case.

Gao Xian received a message from Xiao Hongye a few years ago, saying that she had successfully advanced to Nascent Soul and had become one body and sword. It was just that it was inconvenient to leave Qixing Mountain at that time. Maybe I can go see Xiao Hongye while I have nothing to do...

After practicing cultivation with Tai Ning for a few days, he gave Tai Ning two fourth-level divine star crystals. I haven’t seen each other for more than ten years, so I always have to give you some gifts. Tai Ning was obviously not the little fairy from her previous life, and was extremely surprised by Gao Xian's gift.

The fourth-level divine star crystal was of course very precious, but she felt that Gao Xian's kindness was even more touching. This at least proves that her status in Gao Xian's heart is quite important!

Tai Ning, who was about to leave, pestered Gao Xian Shuangxiu for a few more days before leaving with satisfaction.

Gao Xian thought about it for another two days, but still felt that Tai Ning's idea was not very reliable. His most senior connection now was Bai Yujing.

He had to find a way to enter Bai Yujing to see the senior Bai Yujing, and maybe he could get some useful pointers. You can also ask for advice on condensing the soul.

Bai Yujing is a treasure trove of treasures for the sect, and even the Taoist Transformation Lord cannot enter and exit at will. He wanted to go in but had to find a suitable reason.

Gao Xian thought for a long time and finally came up with an idea. He first visited Daojun Chang Ning. After all, he was his immediate boss, so he had to try his best to maintain a good relationship no matter what. What he wants to do requires Chang Ning's help even more.

Still in that quiet room, Gao Xian met Daojun Chang Ning.

Chang Ning Daojun was a little surprised to see Gao Xian. This Pojunxing Lord did a good job in Qixing Mountain and won praise from many people. Why did you suddenly run back to see her? There is something wrong.

"Master Dao, I was slaying evil spirits deep underground in Qixing Mountain, and I accidentally obtained a fifth-level divine star crystal. I specially sent it to Master Dao for your appreciation..."

Of course, Gao Xian cannot go empty-handed when asking for help. This fifth-level divine star crystal is in line with Tianxuan star power and corresponds to the secret method practiced by Taoist Chang Ning.

Daojun Chang Ning picked up the dark blue star crystal placed on the table. The rich and pure Tianxuan star power in it perfectly matched her secret technique, and he felt comfortable all over as soon as he took it.

She smiled, Gao Xian was a gift giver. It's just that he is so generous, what big thing does he want to do?

A fifth-level divine star crystal is worth about two thousand top-quality spiritual stones. The most important thing is that this star crystal fits her secret method, which also doubles the value of this star crystal.

Gao Xian didn't wait for Chang Ning to ask questions, he said directly: "Master Dao, I want to change to a Fengyun sword gallbladder."

Fengyun Sword Gallbladder is a fifth-level low-grade artifact, which is formed by the inheritance of the divine will of several sword gods. Its material itself is extremely special and can be directly integrated with other swords.

This thing is so special that it is called Fengyun Jiandan.

If you want to enter Bai Yujing, you need a reason. After much deliberation, Gao Xian could only decide to redeem the Fengyun Sword.

It was useless to him, but it was extremely important to Shui Mingxia. Of course, this fifth-level artifact is too high for her, and it won't be too late to wait until she condenses the Nascent Soul before using it.

Other fifth-level artifacts were too expensive and he couldn't afford to exchange them. It can only be exchanged for Fengyun Sword Guts, but fortunately it is not a waste.

Chang Ning pondered for a moment and said: "Exchanging this item requires a lot of good deeds. Are you ready, fellow Taoist?"

"It's still a little short of that. I hope Dao Lord can give me a talisman..." Gao Xian bowed his head and saluted with a respectful gesture.

With the recommendation of Daojun Chang Ning, the good deeds required for redemption can be reduced by 50%. This is no small number. Chang Ning Daojun's recommendation will also be recorded in the book, which is equivalent to an endorsement for him.

If something goes wrong with him in the future, Chang Ning will definitely bear part of the responsibility.

"A great gift from a Taoist friend cannot be accepted in vain..."

Chang Ning showed a gentle smile, flicked a North Pole Palace Master's Talisman with her long sleeves, and landed in front of Gao Xian.

"Thank you, Mr. Dao."

Gao Xian was also very happy. He liked Chang Ning who was quick and efficient in doing things. Some people always like to deliberately manipulate it when they have some power. I really want to beat him to death with a stick!

With Chang Ning's talisman in hand, Gao Xian ran to Tianbao Hall to find Zhen Daojun and exchanged it for Fengyun Sword Gut.

Master Zhendao didn't care. Since Gao Xian was proficient in swordsmanship, it was reasonable for him to want Fengyun Sword Courage.

Entering Bai Yujing again, Gao Xian was still a little excited. It’s not easy to meet this Sister Bai!

In the magnificent hall, Gao Xian met Bai Yujing again. This man with white clothes, white hair and white eyes has not changed at all.

"I've met senior." Gao Xian saluted respectfully.

"You really went to great lengths to see me."

Bai Yujing's lips curled up slightly and he said with a bit of ridicule: "You are here for the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, right?"

"Senior has a clear view of thousands of miles away and knows everything."

Gao Xian praised him, then he turned around and said with sincerity, "Senior, please give me some advice..."

(Please give me a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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