Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 638: Great Advancement in Supernatural Powers

Chapter 638: Great Advancement in Supernatural Powers

Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra: The most victorious and supreme, the most high and powerful, the most strong and strong, the wisdom is immeasurable, the original mind is subdued, the heretics are destroyed, and the supernatural power is endless. (Grandmaster is perfect)

The annotation on Fengyue Baojian has not changed, it just marks that this secret method has reached the state of master perfection.

Looking at the life span, it has changed from 3,300 years to 3,600 years.

This change surprised Gao Xian. Life span is always the foundation that carries all power. Without lifespan, powerful spells are meaningless.

After forming three high-grade Nascent Souls and taking numerous elixirs, his lifespan was still unable to exceed 3,300 years.

Gao Xian felt that this should be the upper limit of the lifespan of True Lord Yuanying. As long as he was at the Yuanying level, he could not break through this limit.

Dragon Elephant King Vajra has reached the state of master perfection. Not only did it not reduce his life span, it actually allowed him to break through the upper limit of his life span and increase his life span by another three hundred years.

Three hundred years of life is not much, but it represents great significance.

The Dragon Elephant King Vajra, which is supposed to be the master's perfect level, has reached the fifth level. This powerful secret technique completely changed the state of his physical body and even changed the state of his soul.

The powerful physical body allows him to carry more mana, carry faster speed, have sharper perception, and the error tolerance rate has been greatly improved.

A black snake can hold up three dragon-elephant kings of vajra. As for Ye Zangjian, his swordsmanship is so powerful that it is difficult for him to encounter such overbearing secret skills as Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

Gao Xian's Dragon Elephant King Vajra, at this stage should have been the fusion of physical body and soul, reaching the state of perfect unity.

The pros and cons of this are hard to say clearly.

The perfect integration of the physical body and the Yuan Shen can greatly enhance the power of the Yuan Shen. However, with the drag of the physical body, the Yuan Shen loses the ever-changing ability to gather and disperse at will.

The Six-Tailed Sky Fox is indeed the weakest. With the Dragon Elephant King Vajra, he can kill the Six-Tailed Sky Fox's spirit.

It's just that his Yuanying has not really been tempered by heavenly fire, and there is still a gap between him and a truly powerful person who has become a god in some aspects. But the gap is already very small.

However, the original physical body is actually very, very important. Only with the physical body can the soul be born. This innate harmony of form and spirit is the foundation for practitioners to continue to make progress.

If necessary, the soul can re-condensate the flesh and blood body, or directly occupy other bodies.

After the integration of Dragon Elephant King Vajra, six senses, magic power, spiritual consciousness, including the tyrannical body, Gao Xian has reached the level of a powerful person who can transform into gods.

Gao Xian took out the Five Elements Sword, and these fifth-level souls were vulnerable to a blow. The main reason is that he is physically strong, and his sword control is faster and faster.

The reason why the Yuanshen is powerful is that the spirit and soul unite with the Yuanying, sublimating the cultivator to a higher level of life. For those who are powerful in transforming themselves into spirits, the physical body truly becomes a carrier.

The destruction of Lu Xuanji's physical body seemed to have no impact on her, but in fact it cut off the possibility of her going further. That's why Lu Xuanji hates Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi so much.

Gao Xian consciously entered the Taishi Temple and tried his hand at several fifth-level souls such as the Six-tailed Sky Fox, Ye Zangjian, and Black Snake.

There are also some powerful soul-transformers who take the path of integrating the soul and the body, like the Dragon Elephant Vajra Mingwang Pestle in the Dragon Elephant Palace.

Gao Xian has not formed a Yuan Shen, but he already has various magical powers of the Yuan Shen with the six senses of his body.

However, he directly upgraded by borrowing the human aura and adding points, and raised his physical body to the fifth level alone. On the other hand, his spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a strong person in the middle stage of divine transformation.

Coupled with the Grandmaster's Perfection Realm Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra, the power instantly bursts out and is extremely powerful, which also poses a huge threat to the powerful gods.

Coupled with the Army-Breaking Divine Ruins, it is not easy to sweep the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly!

Dragon Elephant King Vajra has been trained to the state of master perfection, which has qualitatively improved his combat power. This will greatly increase Gao Xian's confidence.

There are still forty years left before the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, and at least tens of billions of humane spiritual light can be accumulated. When the time comes, if we increase the targeting of a few secret arts, it may be too good to kill the Transformation God, but against a group of Nascent Souls, it is not just a random killing! Gao Xian has made great progress in cultivation and is no longer interested in going to Qixing Mountain to deal with those guys. Furthermore, after ten years of searching, there was nothing good left under Qixing Mountain.

He went to see Chang Ning again and said directly that he wanted to practice in seclusion and had no intention of managing Qixing Mountain.

Chang Ning was a little surprised. Qixing Mountain was managed in an orderly manner by Gao Xian, and the number of star crystals handed over increased year by year. Everyone from top to bottom was praising Gao Xian for his great talent.

Besides, Gao Xian has managed Qixing Mountain so well, why is he willing to let it go?

Out of good intentions, Chang Ning asked: "Fellow Taoist, have you thought about it?"

"Master Dao, I promised Master Dao that I would win the first place in the martial arts competition at the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. It is only forty years before the Dharma Conference. I must seize the time to practice in seclusion..." Gao Xian explained.


Daojun Chang Ning was surprised that Gao Xian actually convinced Dao Zun and even boasted Haikou in front of Dao Zun. She didn't even know what to say.

Ordinarily, someone as smart as Gao Xian shouldn't have dug such a big hole for himself!

"The Dharma festival is a big deal. You just go to retreat, and I will arrange for someone else to take over Qixing Mountain..." Chang Ning accepted the gift from Gao Xian, and this matter was of great importance, so of course she had to cooperate.

Gao Xian returned to Tianhong Garden and began to enjoy his leisurely retreat life.

I have reached the end of my swordsmanship skills and can't make any progress. Apart from daily homework, there is nothing to practice. Gao Xian simply lay down and waited to accumulate humane aura points to upgrade.

A few days later, Xuanyang Taoist Master announced the list of participants for the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, and Taining and Qingle were among them. These two are the top geniuses of the sect, and it makes sense for them to follow Dao Zun to participate in their performances.

The key was that Gao Xian's name was also on the list, which shocked the entire sect.

Even many of the gods and Taoists could not imagine that Gao Xian could participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. This also triggered various discussions.

Tai Ning couldn't help but sneak over and ask Gao Xian how he got the favor of Tao Zun.

Naturally, Gao Xian would not tell the truth. He only said that his wise eyes recognized that he was a peerless genius, which made the shrewd Tai Ning confused. It was not until he was suppressed by Gao Xian that he realized that something was wrong...

On the other hand, Lord Shouxin heard the news and hurriedly went to find Lord Zhenyue.

"Ancestor, why does Gao Xian participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly?"

True Monarch Shouxin suffered a big loss from Gao Xian last time. He held a special grudge against Gao Xian, but could never find a chance to retaliate. He had been holding this in for more than ten years, and it became more and more uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, Gao Xian suddenly had to attend the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, which she couldn't accept at all. I can only come to Daojun Zhenyue and ask for clarification.

Lord Zhenyue Daojun is very beautiful, his skin all over his body is faintly glowing, and he has an extraordinary grace. There is a deep cold air between the brows, just like the cold moon in the sky, and the high miao is cold and proud.

Taojun Zhenyue said calmly: "Gao Xian's participation in the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly proves that Taoist respects him. Don't cause trouble to Gao Xian in the short term."

True Monarch Shouxin remained silent, and the Patriarch didn't care. She couldn't defeat Gao Xian at all. However, I really can’t swallow this breath...

As soon as Zhenyue read the letter, she knew she was unconvinced. She thought this junior was a bit stupid, but he was loyal enough to her that she couldn't ignore it completely.

She reminded: "When Gao Xian attends the Dharma conference, many people will be unconvinced. You can talk to them..."

Shouxin's eyes lit up, yes, Gao Xian occupied the quota to participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly, blocking the way of many people. These people dare not say anything to Tao Zun, but they must have the courage to discuss skills with Gao Xian.

If I really want to win against Gao Xian, let’s see how brave Gao Xian still is to participate in the Dharma conference...

(End of this chapter)

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