Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 654 Laying the Foundation

Chapter 654 Laying the Foundation

Tribulation arises from the heart!

Gao Xian survived the first two wind tribulations with ease, and it was impossible for the winds of heaven and earth to shake his soul with pure Yang Baoguang.

The catastrophe of human wind is the interaction between heaven, earth and man, causing people's seven emotions and six desires to roll like the wind, making the cultivator completely lose his mind.

After hundreds of years of tempering, Gao Xian has a stoic character. He is also protected by the pure Yang Baoguang, and has magical powers such as the Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra, the Pure Yang Divine Spear, the Qinghua Divine Light, etc., all of which have the ability to resist external demons.

He originally didn't care about the third wind tribulation, but this time the wind tribulation came by chance, it was the time when he was condensing the Heart Fire Chakra.

The energy of fire energy gathers in the heart, and internal and external interactions are when the energy of fire is at its peak. At this time, the calamity of human wind caused the seven emotions and six desires to sweep like a violent wind, making the inner fire suddenly become strong.

At the critical moment, Gao Xian hesitated. At this time, the Dragon-Xiang Mingwang Vajra is in motion, and the body and soul are united to activate the power of the Vajra, which can extinguish any inner fire.

But in this way, the Dragon Elephant King Vajra will be more closely integrated with his body and spirit.

The main reason why the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel failed is because the Dragon Elephant King Vajra is too strong and blocks the Five Zang Transformation Wheel. For him, the attack of the human wind made his heart angry, but it was a good opportunity to break through the Dragon Elephant Vajra Mingwang Pestle.

However, if you have too much inner fire, you may burn yourself to ashes. This consequence is also extremely dangerous.

Gao Xian weighed it up and decided to give it a try. He has two gods, Taixuan and Taiyuan, sitting in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he won't really let the fire in his heart burn him to ashes.

The worst result is that the body suffers some damage and is no longer able to refine the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel.

This doesn't have much impact. He can form the Five Qi Dynasty Yuanshen, which is also the top Yuanshen in the world. It won't have a great impact on his cultivation.

Gao Xian made a prompt decision. Instead of suppressing his violent inner fire, he continued to absorb the energy of the fire element and concentrate it towards his heart.

Such a strong inner fire turned his heart into a blazing flame, and his body, which was as strong as a diamond, gradually turned red. His strong inner fire was directed at Gao Xian's soul, causing his soul to begin to burn.

The most vicious thing about the anger in Gao Xian's heart is that it triggers Gao Xian's seven emotions and six desires. The past, old friends, enemies and lovers all come to mind.

"Brother Xian, why don't you come..." The old woman with gray hair and wrinkled face was lying on the bed. Her eyes were cloudy and she was still muttering unwillingly in a low voice.

Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes and saliva dripped from the corners of her mouth, looking so embarrassed and miserable.

Gao Xian could recognize that this old woman looked like Yu Ling.

Along the way, he was always kind to others. There are only a few people who really owe it. Among them is Yuling.

Seeing this scene, knowing that it was an illusion, he couldn't help but feel sad. Life, separation and death, the impermanence of life, are all in this.

Gao Xianzhuan suppressed these distracting thoughts again. Whether it was an illusion or a projection of telepathy, he lamented that nothing could be solved.

He had told Yuling at the beginning that he was destined to become a powerful man who transformed into a Taoist master.

Light and shadow flowed, and Yun Qingxuan appeared in front of Gao Xian.

Next to Yun Qingxuan, there was a huge sea snake spewing poisonous gas, and the black poisonous gas covered the sky and the sun. Yun Qingxuan holds the Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler and is fighting with a huge sea snake.

Suddenly, an arrow-like black light shot at Yun Qingxuan, breaking through her protective light and piercing her entire body.

The giant sea snake opened its mouth and swallowed Yun Qingxuan in one gulp. Before Yun Qingxuan was swallowed, he looked deeply at Gao Xian, his cold eyes showing a bit of reluctance and a bit of sadness...

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel angry when he saw this, and his anger became strong again.

The fire in his heart that wanted to melt him made Gao Xian really calm down, "You are all heretics with inner demons, and you still want to lead me into a demon. You are not worthy!"

Gao Xian shouted lowly, and Sister Lan emerged from the depths of his brows. The two people's minds intertwined, causing the extremely blazing inner fire to circulate in sequence.

The burning fire in the heart is turned into a round fire wheel by the magic power of the five elements. At the same time, the four condensed Qi wheels of the liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs rotate simultaneously.

The Dragon-Elephant King Vajra, which was hidden deep in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly and silently shattered in the shining golden light. The dragon-elephant king's vajra was condensed into the divine form and became one, and it was also broken through.

The rich essence of the Five Elements is extracted through the Five Energy Wheel, continuously flowing into Gaoxian's five internal organs, and then circulates outward based on the five internal organs, ultimately completing a complete, exquisite and orderly mana structure.

At this point, the five internal organs transformed into five rounds are connected into one through spiritual consciousness, and the five elements are integrated into one, regardless of each other, and the state of Hunyuan has been initially reached.

When the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel was completed, infinite power circulated inside and outside Gao Xian's body, and all the light and shadow illusions in front of him immediately dissipated.

Gao Xian also let out a long sigh. Even without looking at Fengyue Baojian, he knew that the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel had really started. It can be said that this wind disaster came at just the right time!

Without the wind calamity, he didn't know how long it would take to polish it before he could break through the limitations of the Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

Opening the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, Gao Xian was surprised to find that the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel appeared on the back of the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, replacing the Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra.

Five Qi Wheel: The five internal organs condense the five Qi into a wheel, tempering the body and spirit and rebelling against the innate nature. (54474/40 billion proficient)

What makes Gao Xian a little puzzled is that the Five-Qi Hunyuan Wheel has become the Five-Qi Hunyuan Wheel, without the word Hunyuan.

The divine knowledge inheritance given by Xuanyang Taoist Master clearly states at the beginning that this method is called the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel, and there are also various changes in the secret method that combine the five Qi Hunyuan Wheel into one.

Why did it turn into a five-energy wheel when it arrived at Fengyue Baojian? Did he practice incorrectly, or is there something wrong?

Gao Xian's ability to reach this point relies entirely on the power of Fengyue Baojian. Naturally, he would not doubt the wonder of Fengyue Baojian. If there is a mistake, it must be Taoist Xuanyang's fault.

The absence of the word Hunyuan has no big impact. At least it is a top-level body refining technique. The most important thing is that it fits his positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra. From now on, one inside and one outside complement each other. His body and his secret magic powers are all integrated into a whole.

All Five Elements secret techniques and magical powers can be greatly enhanced.

At this point, Gao Xian felt that his body cultivation had truly entered the right track.

It is a pity that Dragon Elephant Vajra Ming Wangchu has disappeared. He invested a lot of energy and resources in this body refining technique. Fortunately, the Dragon Elephant King Vajra left him with a powerful body that would not disappear.

On the other hand, the five energy chakras can directly reach the state of mastery, which also benefits from the deep foundation laid by the Dragon Elephant King Vajra. It's not a bad thing to say.

Looking at Shou Yuan again, he has reached four thousand years old. It can be seen that this body refining technique has truly reached the fifth level, which has greatly increased his lifespan again.

Gao Xian stood up and gently pushed his palm forward, causing the five internal organs and five energy chakras in his body to rotate naturally, and his mana and body were integrated to exert force outwards with his palm.

The void in the direction of the palm exploded, causing ripples visible to the naked eye.

The Qingmu Yuntian Flag was oppressed by the force of the palm. The runes on the flag were shining in an attempt to maintain the stability of the magic circle. However, the power of this palm was extremely powerful and majestic. It suppressed all the runes on the flag and blasted a huge ball on the magic circle. The empty sky and the Aoki Cloud Sky Flag suddenly flew up...

Within the reach of the palm, all the five-color lotuses within a radius of tens of feet shattered into millions of fragments. These fragments spurted forward thousands of feet with the force of the palm before scattering in all directions.

"This is the true fifth-level power."

Gao Xian felt the mysterious feeling of the five energy chakras operating, and felt the endless power in his body. For the first time, he felt that he was qualified to fight against the powerful person who transformed into a god.

Just with the Five Qi Wheel, any Nascent Soul can be smashed to pieces with one palm. What Daluo Sect, why should we fight with him!

Gao Xian's magical skills are on track to become a unified soul, and he is very proud and excited.

At this moment, a pleasant female voice came from the side: "You just took my flowers and broke them into pieces. You are such a bad guy!"

"When did someone come around?!" Gao Xian was shocked. With his powerful consciousness and sharp six senses, he could sense even a few extra particles of dust, not to mention multiple people around him.

Following the sound, Gao Xian saw a pretty girl standing on a huge lotus not far away. She was wearing a five-color dress and a lotus crown on her head. Her bright black eyes were staring with a hint of anger. he.

Is there anyone else in Wu Qi Cave Heaven?

Gao Xian felt that the girl's arrival was unexpected, but he held his hands and said calmly: "My dear, Gao Xian, I didn't know that the lotus here has an owner. I'm really sorry."

He smiled again and asked, "I wonder what you call me?"

The girl seemed to notice that Gao Xian spoke very politely, and the anger on her pretty face faded slightly. She snorted and said, "My name is Lian'er!"

She paused and said loudly: "The five-color lotus belongs to our family. No one here knows it. You are obviously pretending to be stupid!"

The girl said and stretched out her little hand: "If you break my flower, you must pay for it."

"Oh, what kind of compensation?" Gao Xian asked.

The girl's bright eyes turned and she thought for a moment and said, "Aren't you very strong? Just help me beat the bad guy."

She pointed in one direction and said: "There is a very vicious big turtle there that always bullies me and eats my flowers. Go and beat it for me, and this matter will be wiped out..."

(Please give me a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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