The Five Qi Wheel has reached the state of master perfection, and Gao Xian is more comfortable in controlling the Great Five Elements Divine Light, and can even fire the Great Five Elements Divine Light twice in a row.

The divine light of the Great Five Elements is extremely domineering, its divine light penetrates directly into the form and spirit and annihilates all living things. Although the Qingmu Yaohe had nearly ten thousand years of cultivation, he was hit by two great five elements divine light, and his body and soul were instantly destroyed.

Fortunately, Qingmu Yaohe still left behind a high-grade wood spiritual crystal. According to Gao Xian, it was enough to reach the fifth-grade divine level.

Two consecutive shots of the Five Elements Divine Light also consumed a lot of Gao Xian's mana. He adjusted for a long time before urging him to send out the black and yellow divine light to find several other monsters.

There are a total of five powerful monsters, all born from the pure power of the Five Elements of the Five Qi Cave Heaven.

Gao Xian couldn't fight a few monsters before, but now that he is powerful, he will naturally not be polite. Be it monsters or monsters, in Gao Xian's opinion, they are aliens and have different intentions, and there is no need to think twice about killing them.

To be honest, he doesn't have much compassion for his own race, so how can he have the heart to pity these powerful and dangerous aliens.

The three powerful monsters, the Red Flame Monkey, the Thick Earth Serpent, and the White Water Black Turtle, were all killed by Gao Xian with the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light, which can be fired continuously, can really break through all fifth-level defenses. No matter how deep these monster beasts are in cultivation, they are completely restrained by the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

It wasn't until the Iron Horned Elephant King that Gao Xian encountered setbacks for the first time.

The Iron Horned Elephant King is seven feet tall, with the body of an elephant and the head of an elephant. His whole body is bulging with muscles. He is covered with a layer of thick black iron armor scales. He has a pair of black ivory scimitars several feet long in his hands. He is extremely tall and powerful.

Gao Xian has seen many powerful body-refining cultivators, and all of them are very powerful. Compared with the Iron Horned Elephant King, it is far behind.

Although the Iron Horned Elephant King is a monster with extremely strong muscles, standing there has a powerful and powerful beauty that can lift mountains and lift the sky.

This is also the first time Gao Xian has seen such a touching beauty in a monster. This monster interprets what strength and fierceness are just by its body shape!

Gao Xian even felt a little pity for Cai Cai. Being able to subdue such a powerful guy would definitely be a big help. Even if he is just standing beside him as a guard, he is still very impressive.

But he just thought about it. The monsters who have reached the fifth level have condensed their souls, and their wisdom is no worse than him. The only problem is that the monster beasts do not have a complete system of inheritance, they cannot refine magic weapons, and their combat is also very rough.

In fact, as long as you practice for a period of time, these problems can be solved.

Just like the overseas demon clan, it is said that they all have a complete inheritance system. They can even refine their own magic weapons, so every overseas demon clan is very powerful.

Even if a being as powerful as the Iron Horned Elephant King temporarily surrenders in order to survive, it is impossible to truly surrender. It's too dangerous to have a powerful fifth-level monster with alien intentions by your side.

Gao Xian doesn't have the means to restrain the fifth-level monster, and I'm afraid Xuanyang Master doesn't have the ability either.

The reason is very simple. None of the nine Chunyang Taoist Masters have any guardians of the god-level monsters around them. If they have this ability, they must have one at their side, which is both easy to use and impressive.

Gao Xian admired the Iron-Horned Elephant King very much, so he activated two large five-element divine lights from a few miles away, and struck the Iron-Horned Elephant King crosswise.

The five-color divine light condenses into a long rainbow and falls through the sky, causing the five elements of spiritual energy to naturally converge into billions of brilliant lights. The Great Five Elements Divine Light may seem majestic, but in reality it is the positive and negative five elements of magic condensed into an unusually fine light, so it can easily penetrate all kinds of magic protection.

Just by using this move, Gao Xian had killed four powerful fifth-level top monsters in a row. What surprised Gao Xian greatly was that the Iron Horned Elephant King had two knives intertwined in his hands and forcefully took two hits from the Five Elements Divine Light. The scales all over its body were shattered, and its muscles were riddled with holes due to the Great Five Elements Divine Light. All the internal organs were penetrated by divine light.

As a result, the iron horn on the head of the Iron Horned Elephant King shone with white light, and his body riddled with holes quickly recovered as before.

Gao Xian, who fired two Great Five Elements Divine Lights in a row, was unable to make any more moves for a moment. On the other hand, he was also a little shocked. The recovery ability of the Iron Horned Elephant King was not that big of a deal. The key was that it could withstand the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

Such a tyrannical body should have reached the fifth level. The Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison and the Mighty Heavenly Dragon of the Dragon Elephant Palace should not be as powerful as this monster beast.

Gao Xian originally thought that after practicing the Five Qi Chakra to the level of Grandmaster, this body training should be regarded as the best among the fifth levels. Compared with the Iron-Horned Elephant King in front of him, it was quite inferior.

The Iron Horned Elephant King's body barely recovered. It gave a sharp shout and slashed at Gao Xian with both swords.

This was the first time in his life that the Iron Horned Elephant King had suffered such a big loss, which made him extremely angry and without hesitation urged his soul to release all its power.

A sharp shout contained endless golden magic power, and the trees in the mountains and forests within a radius of thousands of miles suddenly collapsed at the same time. Gao Xian, who bore the brunt of the roar, had his ears ringing and his eyesight turning black.

The Pojun Divine Sacrifice on his eyebrows disappeared in a flash, and the aura of the soul deep in his eyebrows was shaken by the huge roar and dissipated.

At this time, Sister Lan appeared in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and helped him bear the power of this roar. Sister Lan's aura was rippling around her body, and seemed to be shattered and scattered with the roar...

Gao Xian was shocked, what kind of magical power was so terrifying? He no longer dared to make any negligence, and immediately activated the Five Elements Wuji Sword, and at the same time activated the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes, plus the Taixuanhuang Meng Taoist Clothes that changed mistyly like a dream, and the whole thing floated like bubbles.

The Iron Horned Elephant King was slashed down with two swords and Gao Xian instantly lost all his aura, and even his powerful spirit could not sense the opponent's aura.

The Iron-Horned Elephant King had never encountered such a situation before, and it couldn't help but falter with its two swords. But it immediately discovered that something was wrong, something had changed behind it.

The Iron Horned Elephant King slashed back with his two swords, staggering and striking a white shadow. The sharp and sharp ivory scimitar cut a cross crack into the void.

The white-clothed figure in the center of this crack was split into four pieces under the sword. The violent sword energy was then released, blasting the opponent's broken body into blood and flying outwards.

The Iron Horn Elephant King succeeded in one move but felt something was wrong, it was too easy!
On the weak side of the Iron-Horned Elephant King, a clear and clear water-like sword light lightly passed over the Iron-Horned Elephant King's head in a low voice. However, the Iron-Horned Elephant King's head was too hard, and the light sword light became extremely stagnant after it submerged into its head. Se, the sword blade could not penetrate more than a foot before it was clamped hard by the head of the Iron-Horned Elephant King.

Gao Xian, who was wielding the sword, was also a little helpless. This guy was too strong. In other words, its body itself is an extremely powerful fifth-level magic weapon. Even the Five Elements Wuji Sword cannot easily kill the Iron Horned Elephant King.

Fortunately, this sword was not intended to decapitate, but to strike at the root of the iron horn of the Iron Horn Elephant King. Although the sword failed to cut off the iron horn, it temporarily cut off the connection between the iron horn and the Elephant King. Gao Xian saw clearly just now that the source of Iron Horn Elephant King's magic power is on the iron horn. This sword struck directly at the vital point. Although it failed to kill the Iron-Horned Elephant King, its body fell into a temporary stasis.

The huge white eyes of the Iron Horned Elephant King showed a bit of anger, but also a bit of unconcealable panic. The opponent's methods were so subtle and subtle that it felt the fear of death for the first time.

Before the Iron Horned Elephant King could react, Gao Xian's left hand had already activated the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip, and the four-foot-long whip was thrust into the Iron Horned Elephant King's eyes.

The powerful and endless five elements of mana were all transformed into the thunder of the sky, and penetrated directly into the head of the Iron-Horned Elephant King through this golden whip. This guy's form and spirit are one, and his soul is hidden deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

If the thunder from the sky were to be released outside, no matter how powerful it was, it would be difficult to kill the Iron Horned Elephant King. At this moment, the thunder passed through the golden whip and penetrated the sea of ​​consciousness of the Iron-Horned Elephant King, directly striking its soul.

The power of violent thunder suddenly exploded, smashing the Iron Horned Elephant King's Yuanshen to pieces. Such a series of thunderous explosions from the sky, the blazing thunder light even turned the Iron-Horned Elephant King's head into countless black coals, leaving only a seven-foot-long straight black iron horn.

The Iron Horn Elephant King failed to condense the spiritual crystal. The Iron Horn is the crystallization of its vitality and mana. A huge corpse was also left behind.

At this level, its corpse is no longer flesh and blood, but a special kind of gold and iron crystal.

Gao Xian was quite interested in this thing. He packed up the body of the Iron Horned Elephant King and then let out a long sigh of relief.

Killing this thing looked effortless, but it was already exhausting. He even sacrificed a Tai Chi clone. Otherwise, it would not be possible to tempt the Iron-Horned Elephant King to reveal his flaws.

Swordsmanship, the Great Five Elements Divine Light, and the Thunder from the Sky, these are his most powerful magical powers.

Gao Xian adjusted for two days before he regained his composure. This battle made him realize that his cultivation level was not yet high enough to conquer the fifth level, and he might not be able to defeat even a powerful fifth level monster!

This also made him calm down. He really couldn't mess around with the matter of merging souls. His Five Qi Chakras have reached Grandmaster perfection, but there are still many shortcomings.

After pondering for a long time, Gao Xian left Wuqi Cave Heaven and returned to Xuanming Sect. This time he took out the talisman given by Taoist Master Xuanyang.

The aura shone and turned into a light door. On the opposite side of the light door, one could faintly see thirteen layers of majestic and gorgeous palaces.

Gao Xian stepped into the light door, and the next moment he arrived at Bai Yujing. No, according to Xuanyang Taoist Master, this place is actually called the Thirteenth Heaven. Bai Yujing is actually the master of the Thirteenth Heaven.

"You came……"

Bai Yujing, who was wearing white clothes and white hair, appeared silently. Her pure white eyes looked up and down at Gao Xian, with a hint of surprise evident in her eyes.

"It only took more than a hundred years to refine the Five Qi Wheel to such perfection!"

Bai Yujing nodded and praised: "He is indeed a peerless talent!"

Gao Xian bowed his hands and saluted: "Senior, you are so complimentary. This junior is just practicing diligently, that's all."

Bai Yujing chuckled. If you practice hard, you can achieve this. Even a three-year-old child can't deceive him. She relies on her status, but she won't care about Gao Xian.

Gao Xian said respectfully: "This junior's practice is shallow and has many shortcomings. I would like to ask my seniors for some pointers."

"You mean the combined soul..."

Bai Yujing said directly: "You are strong in spirit and strong in form. You have practiced both the positive and negative Hunyuan Sutra of Five Elements and the Five Qi Wheel very well. However, spirit and form are eighty thousand miles apart. Now you want form and spirit." Unity is nothing more than an idiot’s dream.”


Gao Xian knew that his cultivation was still insufficient, but what Bai Yujing said was too exaggerated. What was wrong was that he was only eighty thousand miles away.
"Look at you, you come to me for advice and you still look unconvinced."

Bai Yujing said disdainfully: "If you don't believe it, get out of here. I don't have time to entertain children."

"Senior, don't be angry. I don't think I've practiced well, but I'm a little proud."

Gao Xian hurriedly apologized and said, "Senior, I was wrong. If you have any questions, senior, just ask, and I will be taught."

"It's useless to say too much."

Bai Yujing said: "Don't you have Tianchan Nine Death Pill? Just take it. I will show you the way."

Gao Xian did not hesitate this time, nor did he ask why. This man had a bad temper, so he had to rub his hair. He immediately took out the Tianchan Nine Death Pill and ate it.

After taking this magical elixir, Gao Xian felt that his soul seemed to be wrapped in a layer of spiritual light, but he couldn't tell what had changed.


Bai Yujing calmly raised his bare hand and pointed a finger. Gao Xian felt that the opponent's fingers were indescribably sharp, as if they were going to pierce his soul.

At the critical moment, Gao Xian instinctively used his palm to resist. He has mastered the Five Qi Chakras and has reached the ultimate level of control over the physical body. This palm came last and was already in front of Bai Yujing's fingers.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Bai Yujing's mouth, and she gently tapped Gao Xian's palm with her fingers.

Gao Xian was shocked when he took out his palm, and there was already a deep mark between his eyebrows. His star-like eyes were instantly covered by the aura of death, and became dim... (End of this chapter)

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